"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

The GoldFish Report No. 100, 'Uniting The Light' with COBRA and Kauilapele Video and transcript

Cobra's blog: http://2012portal.blogspot.co.at/
Kauilapele's blog: https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/
The Goldfish reports: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkEumUlzJWfaz46dBc0H9FQ

Thank you, who made this transcript!

Louisa: Hi everyone, welcome to the Goldfish report, I am your host Louisa and we have a very special Goldfish report- I know I say that with every Goldfish Report, but this really is, this is our One Hundredth Goldfish Report and to do this report, with me I have my co-host Steve in the U.K, Steve, good to see you again!

Steve: Hi everybody! Nice to see you!

Louisa: ...and our special guests today are Cobra and Kauilapele. Cobra, thank you so much for joining us today, for this very special Goldfish Report. 

Cobra: You are welcome, it’s a very nice opportunity, one hundred is a powerful number and I hope today we can create our synergy. 

Louisa: Very good, and KP, or Kauilapele, how do you want me to refer to you in our interview today? 

KP: Probably KP is the simplest… 

Louisa: Ok, KP, … welcome to the Goldfish report, this is your first time! Welcome! 

KP: My first time! Yeah….thank you, it’s an honour and a pleasure to be here…I know you’ll have… I’ll show your presents from Hawaii, for this show…Oh, thank you! a hibiscus and a little purple five petal flower, so we have some sacred symbols here for you.

Louisa: oh, that’s beautiful… 

Steve :Thank you! 

Louisa: Hibiscus is actually one of my favorite flowers since its one of the few which I can actually grow at my home by the ocean, because it’s too salty for most of the plants, but… Thank you for that KP, that was very nice! 
This is a very special Goldfish Report because as it’s 100, this is two years we have been doing Goldfish Report, trying to get information, trying to get the truth out which is not always easy to do. But I did want to say something, I have a personal note right of the top of this interview, because if it wasn’t for the tree gentlemen who are joining me today, I probably won’t be doing what I am doing. I really started doing my research for The Goldfish Report, and really looking at Cobra’s blog and KP’s blog …without really knowing that I would be doing this and being involved in this myself. I really didn’t know that but really with Cobra and your incredible blog and your information and your ‘steadfast message’ and KP, you are indispensable … you know, the way you have created your blog and the kind of information that you provide in a very ‘down to earth’ way, the way you describe your energies and how it didn’t look intimidating, in other words, both of you carry simple message, …and it wasn’t intimidating, it really gave me the courage to come and do The Goldfish Report, and with Steve, and Steve, without you … I would never…Steve always has my back…!

Steve: I am in the background! Put it like that…I’ve got your back! 

Louisa: So, I wanted first off, to thank both of you, or all three of you, for the parts that you are playing and the influence you’ve had, because you all hold the light for me in one way or another, to give me the courage to do this and I want to thank you very much with all my heart! I want to start out with, I guess what is a good place to start is what sort of ties all of us together? And that is the information war that we are kind of in…and I do see that as an information war… and as we were talking just before we started recording today, it’s kind of in a frenzy right now and KP talks about this on his blog, and Cobra, you know, Cobra has been the recipient of many attacks, and Cobra, I just want to ask you: why are we in an information war? What’s happening within the lightworker community with all this…I don’t know, I don’t want to call them attacks, but just let’s call them attacks. 

Cobra: Ok, we are now actually in the final phase of the Galactic Proxy war between the Light forces and the Dark forces, and of course the Dark forces are not happy because the awakening process is our strongest point in that liberation process…and that’s why they are trying to spread as much dis-info as possible and to weaken (us) in various ways and I think the perception of most people in this community is not exactly aligned with the reality, I will just explain…most people think that only physical agents infiltrated in the movement, that’s far from the truth… what is much more effective is the non-physical influence upon people who are actually working for the Light but their weaknesses are pressured by the non-physical in-fluence and by scalar technology and they react. Their weaknesses are being exploited and situations are being engineered, and we are right now experiencing more major drama in this area. I think, I hope everybody is aware of that, and the key here is to be aware that we are being played, all of us. The weaknesses of everybody are being exploited in a way that is not beneficial for the community…so if you are aware of that and we refrain from reacting, from being triggered publicly, at least, by the situation, the whole community can benefit and learn from the mistakes that have been done in the past.

Steve: Cobra, when you say that our weaknesses are being exploited, could you be a little more specific, is it emotional weaknesses, (is it physical?) human weaknesses, 

Cobra: Everything! 

Steve: Everything? 

Cobra: Everything that is not healed in a certain personality it is an entering point for the archon interference. especially at this particular, sensitive time. Especially people that are in key positions are being targeted extremely right now, because the dark forces have a certain interest to engineer their reaction in a way that will serve their agenda. 

Steve: mmm, interesting…

Louisa: ok and that maybe what that some tack in your foot was all about KP? You’ve said you had to…

KP: well, yes! I am pretty sure that was, and is something…there was a tool that I had for a while, and that…it was almost like it had served its purpose. It was used in Mouno-keia, Mouna-loa, Hualla-lie, which is a kind of three, is a triangle of three volcano peaks that I …the region in there is called Aina Mouna And I didn’t realise until after I was finished, but I felt that it was opening up a stargate, ok so that was…and I also wanted to Kila Waya to be charged with, if you want to call it the Pele energy but anyway, once that was used it was done, and I needed to let go of it and … I honestly felt after I kept it probably longer that I needed too, that it was being used by some outer entity to kind of get into my place…and… so…I got a strong message when I stepped on the tack, when I stepped on the tack…. get rid of it! Just time to let go! 

Steve: right!

KP: I don’t know where it is but it has a new home. 

Steve: Cobra, so how would you, …if we’ve being attacked on every level, you know, we get messages, KP has just mentioned an example how…is just releasing attachments or… how can we deal with this…what is the best way to deal with it? 

Cobra: there are two levels here, there is the personal level, when you are personally attacked and of course there are many techniques of protection, there are many approaches, one of them is to spend some time in nature. Second one is to do something that helps you to raise your vibration, there are various techniques, there are technologies, anti-scalar devices…but what I am speaking right now today is that attacks which are engendered with the purpose of triggering the certain specific reactions within you to trigger another person and they will engineer their reaction so they create a conflict and division.

Steve: so it’s like a trigger, they are triggering us…that’s what they’re doing!

Cobra: Yes!

Louisa: I’ve hear you say Cobra that one of the best ways to discern, and is very difficult to discern the truth, is to go within, I mean, could you elaborate or explain, is there anything more you want to add to that? Because it is very difficult… 

Cobra: it’s not that difficult! Actually, going within; it can happen on various levels. The first one that is most important is your connection with your own Higher Self, your Soul, that is crucial in the times we are living in…because the connection with your Higher self will basically save you, it can give you protection, it can give you guidance, it can give you the next step for what you need to do in any particular situation and discernment emerges from connecting with your higher self, combining with your intuition and a trained mind. A trained mind means a mind that is educated, that is thinking, that is comparing, analysing, knowing, thinking with your own head, combined with your own intuition and with your own higher self-connection, that’s quite close to discernment. 

Steve: Right, so KP, this is right up your alley, because this is all about feeling energies…do you have anything to add to that? 

KP: Well, I guess so! a part of it…you know, each one has their own way of, can have their own way of dealing with it but, anyway, Cobra is talking about and this is why I resonate so often with his messages, …you know… is looking at it on more than one level. You know, we are all living in a multidimensional frame, as far as I am looking at it and some folks are strictly attached to that 3D…that 3D frame like, well, that’s it, that’s all… it’s like that level, ok. 

Steve: it’s much more…

KP: …that’s where I have to operate…but no! it’s rising out of that, and rising out of that, is rising out of that in awareness that there are other frames and perhaps, you know I’m not just a member, a part of that 3D frame. 

Steve: it is for you a mind set or do you use techniques to achieve that? 

KP: well, sometimes I write occasionally, because I feel a lot of times, and maybe Cobra can comment on this, I sense that I am … part of the reason that I am here, now, is to kind of assist a collective…maybe it’s the collective consciousness…to transmute some of this energies, and…I mean, I just went to something last night, is like, just about…I put a blog post out there…is just about going, looking to all these things that are happening, and so and so is doing this and so and so is doing that, and then off course, Trump does this and so and so is following the HRC rat line… and all of this kind of stuff… and is like, that is like looking into…when you… for me it was an wakeup. But we are following all that kind of stuff and trying to follow it for me it was just…I had to release it!, to let go and for me, I know maybe it’s not my way, I just put it out…if you want to call it ‘public’, but is what I am going through and then a lot of other people who are aware that they are going to the same, similar kind of thing. 

Steve: because your personal message has a great effect on a lot of other people because they can resonate with, that’s the point, exactly! Thank you! 

KP: No…

Steve: No really, thank you! Definitely! Definitely! 

Louisa: I used to message KP and say, you know, it was interesting because like Cobra talks about this and here we have KP really embodies this in a way that we can follow, so, Cobra is holding the Light, KP is holding the Light, and we are in different parts of the planet, we’re uniting the Light right here, right now, and we are trying to do this for all the viewers, but is very true because, I mean, you know, KP you refer in your messages to your innards, it’s like your innards 

KP: thanks to grandma … 

Louisa: this is what Cobra is talking about…and so… Cobra, I know you have… I think you do this in your, I’ve heard of, I’ve never attended any of your workshops, or conferences, but I think you helped, you teach people also, … KP is very far long, and is really able to access that inner knowing, that inner consciousness, that Higher Self, some people have a hard time in doing it, and I know that you also have meditation videos on your website, which I actually tried to buy and I couldn’t do it for some reason, and I’d like to talk to you about that later, but, what do you recommend for people who are really trying to , and then we will move on to another topic) …but what do you recommend to people, Cobra, who are really trying to do what KP is doing. KP is showing us to do, but they can’t seem to get there. 

Cobra: Ok, it’s an individual journey for every person so, each person has his or her own individual approach to this… and what is most important is just listen to that inner feeling that you have, explore it as a path that you need to walk and then realisations, understanding will come across. You will be met with opportunities, you’ll be met with situations that will expand your understanding one way or the other, don’t worry that this will not happen. It’s always happens …and the Dark Forces cannot stop that process, they can interfere with that process, they can slow it down but they cannot stop it and ultimately you are the once who is in the driver’s seat. 

Louisa: you have to be able to recognise… 

KP: exactly

Louisa: right, though, KP do you want to comment on what Cobra just said? 

KP: well, you know, yeah, I just want to say 100%, 100% baby, you know, but it’s a kind of thing we are to view it…, I mean it is an exploration, it’s an adventure, that’s what is the great thing about, …for me, you know, being able to go in different places has been one thing, yes, but is an inside adventure, an inner adventure, you know I feel pulled one way, I feel pulled to go somewhere and so I’ll go! And I … the other part of it, that I feel is very important, at least in my case, is not to trying figure it out, ok, why am I feeling pulled to the volcano, or why am I being pulled to Hawaii...no, I don’t ever ask those questions! Why was I polled to the ‘Contact in the Desert’? I feel as a pull… but you know, is really following the inner guidance, the inner intuition, and not judging it, not judging what that intuition is and exploring it, I mean, maybe… you know, there are all these different pieces to it but, I think the key thing is getting off the rear end, wherever that is, and exploring, exploring it, and yes!, you’ll make some mistakes, maybe…and, what’s a mistake anyway? Is just a miss- take, so than later on you can do a re-take 

Steve: …a real take! 

Louisa: Cobra, what KP is talking about is that this is not a 3D conversation. This is really a conversation about our higher dimensional self, not our 3D self. Is that a fair characterisation? Would you agree with that?

Cobra: Actually we don’t have a 3D self, we are not existing in the 3D world, our physical bodies yes but we, as beings are… 

Steve: multidimensional

Cobra: far beyond that, we are multidimensional, exactly, after you are awakened, you cannot have a 3D conversation anymore, because you’ll always see things from a different perspective. 

Louisa: right! I understand that, and so …because what I am trying to get to here is that…it’s a very good point what you’ve just said Cobra and this explains a lot… I recently had an ‘out of body experience’ and it was quite a weight dropping this body, let me tell you, my soul never felt so free in my life, and it was a very different experience, where I went was wonderful, and it was really lovely, and it really made me expand my conscious awareness. Well, let’s talk about the physical 3D body, Ok? Steve, you’ve read the book by … I think it was…

Steve: David Icke 

Louisa: David Icke, that had talked about princess Diana speaking about the frequency of life and the frequency that creates and generates the 3D body, well, let’s just say in the terms Princess Diana used to refer to the royal family, as the lizards, that’s just her term, and, she said that the reason they needed the flesh of the babies was to reconstruct their own bodies when they’re falling apart, when they were aging, and that there was the frequency of life, these micro currents, and I have never heard this talked about, anywhere before. So, let’s just start with Cobra, can you comment on this, how come we haven’t heard about this Cobra, and what can you tell us about it? 

Cobra: It is basically that each particular individual has his or her way of describing the situation, and those micro currents are actually micro vortexes that are…it’s a hologram. The same vortex structure is on a DNA level, on the cellular level, on the atomic level, on the planetary level, on the galactic level, it’s mirroring each other so the toroidal shape of the vortex is, I would say, basic secret geometrical structure of consciousness on all levels, on all scales, from the point, through humans, through Galactic’s. 

Louisa: ok, what is the frequency of life? 

Cobra: The life force is consciousness, basically and it can reflect in various ways, it can incarnate or project in various dimensions, it can project into a mineral, into an animal, a human being, an angel, a solar system, that’s all life, exploring itself. 

Louisa: ok! The DNA right now, KP you have noticed, I think in your last report, you’ve talked about how heavy this energy is right now, and is this… what is doing to our bodies? I know that you’ve made comments and I am so grateful that you post what you are going through because that helps me, this I know, sometimes I know is just a full moon, but sometimes… and that doesn’t help sometimes… but KP, you really nailed it! You always nail it, you can put a description of this energies that come in like nobody else, and I know I am not going crazy, or, you know, something crazy is not happening to me, whatever, because KP said so… so I know I am ok because KP said it. So, what’s going on lately, what do we feeling in, how does it affect our DNA or our body, do you… 

KP: well, I am honoured that you said that I nail, I’ve got a little box with nails here that I keep a box, just in case I need a nail, I can nail it, so my computer has a lot of nail holes in it so…(joking) 

Louisa: because you nail in it all the time… 

KP: well, you know, this …I don’t know if I would call this things necessarily heavy, but they are very pointed, I mean, I put it on… when I was driving back from Haupuna, it was like this, you know…this message was coming that there is, there are a lot of things that are happening, and it is, you know…helpful, you know, how you’re throwing out things, it was thrown out and back it comes…and it’s a kind of like, there are a lot of people, I think, that are going through this, that are…that are… they don’t know how to deal with the energies right now and they don’t know how to deal with the rising energies, and they are trying to …to…to look at it in the same way and to deal with in the same way they have done through the past years or decades, or centuries, or millennia, however old they are…but for the things that I was going through, you know, what I felt personally was ..there are a lot of things that need to be released and what I went through yesterday, even just last night when I put this latest blog post up, was that…it was just a sort of a pressure to keep up, it was like… ok, I got to keep up with, oh, I got to … and it was like, being aware of, for me being aware is one thing, you know, I am aware that so and so, like George Web?, is out there doing all explorations and finding out, ‘this is for, this like that is for that’… for me it was like I had to release having to know all the details of everything that is going on, and just allow the consciousness. Ok, there is people out there, who are doing it, and I think I’ve said, ‘I am done with it! I am done with it!’ and…but realising that is not my thing to know all the details, that to me was releasing a weight, you know, releasing that weight. I don’t have to report on all the details, I don’t have to know all the details, for me this is a journey of consciousness, of consciousness, a rising and a rising…are we going to rise with it? Are we going to rise with it the incoming vibrations? Or are we going to get stuck? So, doesn’t matter how far you go, you know, you can always get stuck, ‘Oh, I like it, I am living in Hawaii, oh yeah, I get stuck there, but that’s not the point, I am not here to get stuck, I am here to …I can rest, but then, let… 

Steve: you have to move on 

KP: keep moving, yeah! 

Louise: Cobra, would you say that once the event happens that are we going to be stuck where we are and with all this unresolved issues or traumas or, what’s going to happen, basically, when the event happens? 

Cobra: on the contrary, we will not get stuck, the energies will be so strong that everything that will try to be hided before the event, will come out. So, we will have to deal with it one way or the other, luckily there will be much support, there will be light forces on the surface of the planet that will help the masses to go through the process, because people will go through the process. 

Steve: but its better to clear up the mess before hand isn’t it? Is it better to clear up our problems before hand? 

Cobra: it’s up to you… it’s our individual choice, it’s your individual journey so it’s your choice, actually 

KP: Cobra, can I ask you a question here? I’ve just been curious…you know, when you talk about the event, is that equivalent to what David Wilcock and many other researchers are showing, that there is going to be a solar flash of some type, would that be the same thing?

Cobra: ok, the solar flash is one aspect, actually the solar flash is one sub-aspect of the activated, and when the Galactic Central Sun gets activated it activates our physical Sun and both combined activate the planet Earth, they activate…it’s a very strong wave of energies, not just physical, not just energetic. So, all planes of creation, so there is a certain shockwave that will reach the planet and that will be the end of the darkness, that will trigger the mass arrests, that will trigger the financial reset, that will trigger disclosure, so is part of the same process.

Louisa: Cobra, are all the suns including ours… are they all connected to the Galactic Central Sun? 

Cobra: Yes, our Galaxy is actually a network, it’s a living network and each sun is a living being, an Angel and they are all interconnected in consciousness, so, when the Galactic Sun gets active, it’s like a heartbeat it’s like pulse that goes through the whole galactic organism. 

Louisa: ok, and so, are they transit systems as well? 

Cobra: each star is a portal, each star is a gateway to other places. 

Steve: does it mean that the whole Galaxy is going to ascend?! 

Cobra: I would not say so, ascension is the technical term for a certain transformation of consciousness that happens when you go beyond personality, when you’ll become a true being of light! So, I would not say that the whole galaxy will ascend but I will say that a certain amount of people currently living on the surface of the planet and also certain being behind the surface of the planet are going to go through the ascension process quite soon. By quite soon I don’t mean next week.! 

Steve: I am impatient too!

Louisa: you know, just on that, I have to read one question from a viewer who is a Pleiadean star seed and…because, you know, it is, there are a lot of people who are waiting, they are waiting for this to happen and some are getting very impatient and I have one question from Commander John, who is a Pleiadean star seed, and he is…well, while I am looking for this, Steve, why don’t you ask your next question, actually Cobra or KP have any questions for each other… 

Steve: yeah, for each other… 

Louisa: let me give you the chance and ask that, just to clarify everything that we’ve already talked about or anything you haven’t talked about yet, while I am looking for this, because it was a very important email. 

Steve: Cobra you mentioned the scalar weapons or the scalar technology earlier, I mean, can we deflect scalar weapons against us through our mind consciousness, through meditation, can we do that? Or do we need special technology to counteract this? 

Cobra: to a certain degree, yes! But scalar is actually…that’s physical technology and if you have very strong mind over matter consciousness, yes, you can deflect them, otherwise there are other things you can do, I have mentioned going in the nature and going nearby sources of water because that will…that tends to dissipate scalar waves. 

Steve: Right! Can they use it to affect things in our body like high blood pressure, things like that? 

Cobra: they can trigger physiological responses like blood pressure, heart rate, yes, they can do that! 

Steve: wow! Ok 

Louisa: Ok Steve, maybe that helps…ok, I found that question…- I think we all have been targeted in one way or the other with this… with these frequencies, so here is the question: Cobra, I think is time for Pleiadean to Pleiadean comment and question, I am a direct one time incarnate warrior, just like you, this fight of ours was crazy long, far more pain than we ever imagined, we’ve saved the most difficult planet for last?, I don’t know about you but I am done after this one, very done. The question is: who is representing the thoughts and needs of the surface star seeds in council meetings… there are a couple of questions so I will stop there to ask this one first. 

Cobra: ok, so what is the question? 

Louisa: the question is who is representing the thoughts and needs of the surface star seeds in council meetings? 

Cobra: Actually what is happening is that the surface population, the awakened part of the surface population, one small percentage of them is sending their ideas, thoughts, emotions, protection, to the Galactic Forces of Light and they are listening. We have a major problem here, the major problem is the topplet bombs, and this is the reason why the Pleiadeans and other beings of Light cannot interfere more directly at the moment and is very painful for them to be aware of the amount of suffering happening right now and not being able to interfere directly, at this moment, they would like to but that would be probably the end of this Planet and the end of life on this Planet, because the Chimera group would destroy the surface of the planet. Is that simple. And this is why they appear not to be responding, they are responding but they need to respond in a way that will not trigger the craziness of the controlling forces. This is the issue here. 

Louisa: what is like a cancer, nobody saw it until it was spread too fast, too far, full metastasised to the extent that it has? 

Cobra: in a way, yes! In a way, all the…actually all the living beings in the Galaxy have their own denial mechanisms to a certain degree, also the light forces were making mistakes in the past, humanity made mistakes in the past and nobody was able to deal with this directly, nobody way facing this one hundred percent in the past. Ok, one problem with the Pleiadeans was that they are very peaceful beings and they were not prepared to intervene directly in war like situations. So, this was a little bit of an issue before, it’s not an issue anymore, but still, we are in a very complex situation and the complete understanding of what’s going on is emerging (in) the last few years. It was not known before, nobody has imagined the strength of the chimera group, and now, that we are dealing with them, quite successfully, we can see the full effect of what’s going on…and this is one of the reasons why is taking so long and, again, the other reason being the lack of team spirit among the, I would say, more awaken part of the human population. I think any other segment of the human society has demonstrated more team work, team spirit than the awaken community. So, this is one reason, from our perspective, which is the human surface population perspective, this is something that could be changed and could speed up the process.

Steve: that is a very good message because we are all the same team and let’s all work together, no infighting! we don’t need to squabble amongst ourselves, that’s a very good message. Could you tell us a bit more about this council, Cobra, can you tell us anything about that? 

Cobra: there are many Galactic councils and they are actually dealing with the situations daily, they are discussing, they are giving guidance, they are planning, executing the plans and based on their decisions, things begin to happen… I will give you one small detail. As a result of yesterday’s council meeting, there was a certain Pleiadean activity in Russia Today. I will not say more about this… ok! I will put it this way: I will say more about this if I need too, and I hope I will not need too…. 

Louisa: Ok!... are you done Steve, did you finish that?

Steve: Yes…I mean, he can’t talk about it so, it’s ok!

Lousia: Ok, what about, KP, you were out at The Contact in the Dessert and I am sure they are talking about disclosure out there. What can you tell us about it, because I didn’t go, so, maybe you can tell us what the latest information is and then we can see, you know, we can maybe what Cobra’s opinion is about that afterwards. 

KP: well, you know, the interesting thing about this is that, and I’ve seen it, I guess, again in short of several dimensional levels and originally, ok, there is this one- dimensional level…I am looking at…ok… there is the Galactic/s, ok, and I know that they can…they are not necessarily visible to the naked eye or in a 3D way, but a lot of the coverage over there was …I’ll say…primarily I went and I listened to David Wilcock’s presentations and Corey Goode’s and a lot of that is almost more…the disclosure of the secret of the very…of all the aspects of the secret space program. To me, you know, that’s all fine and wonderful…and, there is a lot of waking up going on with that, but you know, why is Antarctica so important? and some of the Earth changes have been caused by this Galactic…these Ships, not to say Secret Space Program Ships but this old ancient, you know, ships crashing into the planet and causing this, you know, some turmoil here…but that’s a part of it and I love learning about it, I think a lot of it is one of the aspects of the whole deal, what’s really going on? You know, this whole…I think, one of the things that came out, just to say one more thing about that, was it that they crashed, and one of the ships chased and then they have said, well what we are going to do now? So, well, we’ve got everything we need here, inside of our ship so we can live, we can generate our own food, we can do this, we can do that…then what do we’re going to do? And it was a kind of like- let’s take, …we have got our little ships, we’ve got the big mother ships and then we’ve got the little ships and some of this thing are starting to be coming out. The little ships, that people were sighting were… that was what they were seeing, those were some of the original UFO. That’s what I remember, ok?! There is a lot more details to that. The whole thing about this…I love the SSP, you know, exposure of that, but is kind of like: how many of this Captain America movies and Iron Man things and all this… 

Steve: soft releasing of technology, yeah! 

KP: I mean, that’s great, it’s great to know about technology, that’s fine but some of it is like…to me…that’s a whole thing about disclosure, I had an inner disclosure first, I did see, occasionally, like 2007, 2008 I started seeing lights moving in the air, moving in the sky. That was fine! But for me the disclosure was an inner connection with who I really was, that I’m a cosmic being, that I am connected to all cosmic beings. I didn’t necessarily need to know all the details, I suppose, but now, once the details are coming out, that’s great on that level, but the think about the SSP is kind of like …this is for me, I am looking at it as a very low type of disclosure. It’s not about…from what I view is not necessarily about raising your consciousness… it is about raising your awareness, of ‘what the hell is being going on out there?’ and where do those multitrillion dollar hidden, black budget, who the hell know where it went 

Steve: where they went yeah! 

KP: so, that’s all one aspect of it! And why are using all this technology and not giving it to us? Well, you know, because…and that’s another part of it. But, anyway… so, that’s kind of my non-report about all the disclosure. I didn’t necessarily go to every single thing, but that was for me, that was a kind of a major awakening about more aspects of the secret, … not necessarily the SSP but a lot of ancient crafts that came here and crashed, and then let out all the little thinly, you know, little micro-UFO things to explore the planet, and that’s what we’ve been seeing.

Louisa: that’s interesting, that’s very interesting, Steve?

Steve: I have a question for Cobra…I think, you and I Louisa spoke to somebody that has been involved off line in the SSP and he maintained that the military did a study that if they were to give full disclosure that most of the population, I think it was like 80% would absolutely freak out, the fundamentalists, for instance. What do you say to that Cobra, how…what do you say to that?

Cobra: ok, I know that particular individual and I would say that the studies of the military are not correct, they are done from the physical perspective, they are not done from the perspective of…what will happen when disclosure happens, it will be the Higher Consciousness coming, it will be the wave of the event supporting the soul presence of the human beings. The human being can deal with much more than a simple disclosure, look what’s happen in Syria, if people can survive that. how they can’t survive disclosure? One part of the military is afraid to disturb the Status Quo and those studies reflect a collective fear of change, those studies are not objective from the cosmic perspective.

Steve: Yes, I agree!

Cobra: …(human) capability to adapt to any new information, given time and a little bit of support, so I think that if people can survive divorce, if they can survive the death of their parents, it’s much easier for them to survive disclosure. So, I will not put that much attention in that fear scenario, off course, there will be people disturbed, there will be people that will commit suicide, but at the same time, when the Event happens 200,000 lives per day will be saved, because people will stop dying of hunger. That is just one aspect of it. And off course, there are many more(aspects). I would say disclosure is human basic right, it is also…without disclosure there can’t be proper spiritual growth on this planet, we have hit a wall and we have to smash that wall.

Louisa: I agree! You know, Cobra, I hear reports also…you know Cobra, we did another…we did a round table on the psychology of disclosure, we’ve talked about this, if you recall…about the psychology of disclosure, what people’s people reactions were and is pretty much the same message you have said. But they were talking about, and I think I am not sure who Steve was talking about, could be the same person, may not be?... but I remember when Randy Cramer joined us, Cobra,
you might remember that, and Randy… 

Cobra: Yes! 

Louisa: right, and Randy was talking about is going to be done like in drips and drabs and is kind of the way it has been happening, wouldn’t you agree?

Cobra: ok! The reason for that is because the Cabal is still controlling the narrative. The Light Forces can do just a certain amount of disclosure without triggering the retaliation mechanism but when the Cabal is gone, when we have control over the media, … you know, every major news agency has files of computers that will be released, they are being prepared, just, you know, there is actually a certain specific computer virus in main frame computers of all news agencies to be released and suddenly you have the internet, the mass media will be flooded with disclosure and nobody will be able to stop that.

Louisa: wow!

Steve: that’s good!

KP: that’s the kind of virus I like!

Steve: yeah, it’s right, bring it on, bring it on! …

Louisa: that’s the one you want to share..

Steve: Just off on a tangent, just for my piece of mind, is Rockefeller really dead?

Cobra: Rockefeller is not only dead, he does not exist anymore, he went to the Central Sun and has been disintegrated. The same with Brzezinski.

Louisa: Brzezinski, ok! Cobra there is other intel sources coming out and making claims about things that are kind of, you know, well, I guess ‘in this day and age’ we can’t discount anything, really, because of the kind of technology that the elites have access too, …what is the story with Donald Trump and Melania Trump, are they transgender? Do you know?

Cobra: No, I would not say so. I would not say so.

Louisa: rumor is going out there we can squash that then, because I didn’t really see that… because it didn’t resonate with me as a possibility…

KP: no, I just think that Donald Trump could be called trans follicular …with his follicles…he had a transplant, anyway …that’s …sorry about… you know…anyway

Steve: anyway I loved that…I am curious about Antarctica, it’s anybody…Cobra, do you have any intel about Antarctica? What will that bring to us? How will that help us to rerelease the information from there?

Cobra: from my perspective, the whole thing about Antarctica is overhyped, is not as important as some people think. It is a continent …it is true that because of the remoteness many things have been preserved under the ice and they will be disclosed, but so have been preserved things on the floor of the oceans and they will be disclosed also. So, I would not put so much attention on the Antarctica story, from my perspective is not that important

Louisa: Cobra, I saw in your post that the Pleiadeans actually had built, because I think you are saying that The Long Island, which is right next to me, is where the major anomalies are residing on this planet, from your last post, if I am not mistaken, …that the Pleiadeans had built underwater pyramids not far off of here as well, off the coast. Is that to counteract the negativity, that negative energy?

Cobra: basically, those pyramids were built long time ago, when that area was above the water level and now the Light Forces are using that particular area to counteract to a certain degree the negativity coming from the Long Island facilities like the Collider, the Cloning facility and other things that are happening there.

Louisa: ok, just, you know, from the principle of conservation of matter, where did the water came from, that is now covering all of the pyramids that are underwater?

Cobra: Oh Its very simple its from the ice age, the ice in the ice caps melted and went into the ocean.

Louisa: so, there were huge ice caps, we’re talking (about) huge …

Cobra: the ice-age actually, when all the masses of ice has melted the water level increased of maybe, I would say about 60 yards to 100 yards.

KP: Cobra, can I ask you a question? about this, well you mentioned in your latest post, which is the June 12’th post, that…I had a question about ‘positioning Cintamani stones in the Flower of Life pattern inside this vortex, and I presume we’re talking about there is a vortex around

Cobra: Yes!

KP: and that will serve as a vectoring grid for the energies of Sirius and will accelerate the transmutation of this anomaly. It’s also beneficial to flood that vortex with the Violet Flame. When you say, positioning the Chintamani stones, I mean, who is doing that? You have some people who are doing that in that particular pattern?

Cobra: Yes, I would say this is an ongoing operation and is taking place right now already!

KP: Ok! because I had a similar question about! The Cintamani stone, I’m going to say in Hawaii, I know there may or may not be, I presume I know, there may be a Chintamani stone coming over here…

Cobra: yes, there is …

KP: and thank you very much for that, for sending that, I just … is there any significance about having the Cintamani’s in Hawaii and do know if there are other Cintamani stones in Hawaii, in the Islands of Hawaii, particularly the Big Island where the volcano is?

Cobra: yes, off course, there are already certain Cintamani stones in Hawaii already and usually number one is to have your own personal stone because when the Event happens that stone will help you to shield the energies that will be quite strong, and then, off course, when you can have your personal stone, you can think about assisting in positioning the stones wherever you feel guided …and usually is good for people that have their own guidance where to position this stones, but they can off course be part of the group effort, part of the coordinated project but is also important for people to use their own guidance, to put the stones where they feel guided to put them.

Louisa: what about inside your clothes? Is that ok, to have it like near your heart or, you know, on you, personally, around your neck, like close to your heart

Cobra: it’s up to you, you can have your stone around your heart, around your neck, in your pocket, in your hand, wherever you feel is the best place to have it.

Louisa: and planting it outside the house is the best place, or near it should it be on your property, or?

Steve: underground

Cobra: guided to because you receive guidance which is part of a greater plan.

Louisa: You know, I actually, I have to tell you, both, Cobra and KP, you know, the comments that you have been making, they have been inspiring so many questions in my mind, they are loaded answers, with a lot of other things that I am trying to get to. Cobra, I just wanted to go back to the one thing you were talking about, about this team… this lack of team spirit… and I think is really one of the things why I try to do the round tables, why I try to do these reports where I have other light workers come on, because I am trying to unite the light, I think that is so important that we show an united front, not just to the dark but to the people, you know, who really look to us. …honestly, Cobra, your blog is like….. in some cases…that’s the last hope people have on this planet…is looking at your blog, and I realized that is a really huge responsibility and a huge statement to make, but I do think is the truth, I think people are looking at you like, in some regards, not as a savior by any means, but there is some hope in what you are saying, there is hope in your message and is really, really important when they see you interacting, and yes, there has to be protection for you, we understand that and you’re criticized for that…and I could care less if people want to criticize you for that because I don’t have a problem with it, but I think is so important to show a united front, and be there to hold the light, now, you’ve said in the past, we’re all hostages here and we are!, but we’re trying to come together and hold the light, and I am telling you, the four of us uniting the light together, and is not just only the four of us, it’s a lot of very strong lightworkers out there, but I think they are trying to, I mean maybe we all need jerseys, now, if you all want the Goldfish Report t-shirts, jerseys, we can wear them next time, we’ll show our team spirit and then…do you think that would help Cobra? What do you think would help?

Cobra: ok, what you are doing with this, with The Goldfish Report, is actually the right thing to do, it is uniting, it is showing the example of how the team spirit can look like…I don’t know, this is one example of what you can do…we just need to show them and I think some people will awaken to that!

Louisa: we don’t have to agree on everything and there may be different, you know…I’m kind of positioning myself as a researcher, I kind of collect information, so for me, I kind I drive myself a little crazy with it because I can’t validate any of it…I can’t disprove any of it ether so, I do see in this Light community, there is definitely infiltration of wanting to control the narrative of different peoples agendas and it does become difficult to follow and, you know, I keep my comments section open for people to comment and sometimes, it’s not often, but a couple of times there is some people to get out of line and we have to clean it up but, its for the people, I mean…so, even on the fakebook page the people comment all the time, we post about 4-5 hundred stories a week, so I try to keep it open for people and you just see a lot of frustration, a lot of people trying to understand and make sense of this information that is kind of where we started our interview today, was about this…but I am trying to show a team spirit and I am just wondering, KP, what else do you think we can do to kind of show a team spirit, because the lightworkers and the people who are awake… I feel that there is not so much mercy for us out there… we are really ridiculed, we’re looked at as nuts and… you know, I was actually court ordered to have a psychiatric evaluation because I’ve said I was a private American and because I published a paper in Exopolitics. So, you know, the cabal…they are not easy on us and you know, especially to the court system, they really know how to attack us. That’s why they are doing their damage with me, but KP, how do you see us unite more? and then maybe Steve might have some comments and maybe Cobra does too!

KP: well, I would say, you know, I certainly agree with Cobra, what you are doing I think is really a great service for all of us, you know, in the light worker community. Primarily, I feel it’s really important to learn to use your intuition, to recognize that you have a higher, a kind of this higher sense, and you connect with people that way. I mean, I think the first time I read Cobra, I just felt an instinct connection and I couldn’t necessarily explain it, I never talked with him before, I never really read him before, but just part of it is recognizing that … and the other thing is, rather than showing, I would say, rather than showing a strong front, you know, we are not here to show it, we are here to be it. We are here to be that front of light. And, like with your, you know, if you have anything to let go of, you just take out your light saber and you know, you kind whack it away

Steve: cut him away…cut him in half…

KP: but, …I think for me is important to BE who I am, to BE the expression that I am and to own that expression and also to follow that intuition, that’s how I connected with all this people that I never met before, at Contact in the Desert, that was one thing. But also, intuitively, we connect with our family, whether we are embodied with them at the same time or not.

Louisa: it’s an interesting point that you made because I think we are getting help. Cobra, what do you know about this, …our soul families…you had said at one point going back some time ago, comments about our soul families, about how soul families will be reuniting on the planet, either at the time of the Event, twin flames, things of that nature? What is the status with all of that?

Cobra: ok! Basically, the reunification of the soul families will happen after the event, but now we are in a phase where we can at least begin with the teamwork part of this equation. As you’ve said, we need to create a lifeform, a strong lifeform that will be the force that will smash the wall that is encircling us. we need to do this prison break, it is called.

Louisa: right, prison break…yeah, I can identify with that,

KP: and you know, a lot of the people who are, you know, at the contact…you know, you learn about this other event that people are organizing, you know, Corey and his group, organizing something like ‘Unity…’ during the eclipse, and they are doing it at Mount Shasta, I think folks …I’m hearing the word ‘Unity in the Community’, more and more and more, and…so, I feel…I do recall at one point, I don’t know if was Rob Potter who told me, you know…’Cobra told me’, I am not sure if he said this, Cobra, if you said this to him but he told me, I recall he said that ‘Cobra encouraged me’, you know, encourage Rob Potter, ‘ to start doing our own events’ and that’s …look how many years Rob Potter now, is been doing events to bring people together. Now, I don’t particularly feel called necessarily to have a big event over here in Hawaii and have a bunch of people and do all the organizing, that is not my flavor. But we all have our passions…

Steve: our calling…

KP: we all have our mission, our calling, is right! 

Louisa: what about you Steve? I think you’ve said you’ll do one… 

Steve: what will I do? What did I say I’d do?? 

Louisa: … Steve actually said that Goldfish report should organize, an event

Steve : a big ‘get together’, well, I think one day we will …I think we will 

Louisa: we will, one day, Steve

Steve: yeah, one day we will…, the problem is geographical, is just so many people in different parts of the world…and I can only agree with KP, that, you know, we all have our different ways of doing things and you know, in my small way, I am also raising vibration through my music and through every person I meet, each person can absorb a certain amount of information, or light, or vibration that you can give them and some people are resisting and that’s ok as well but we’re doing our thing, I by chance, may sit next to somebody on a train or on a plane and a conversation will spark up and that will influence them to do research or to find that and open their eyes, I think it all helps and I think, you know, The Goldfish Report may morph into something of a ‘larger event’ situation, then, I think that would be a good thing. And we just have to see where all that goes Louisa, after the number 100.

Louisa: well, what about …. we’ve been getting reports for this, I have seen reports that there are fleets that are many… many fleets of different kinds of off-worlders who are here trying to support the ascension. Can KP and Cobra, both, comment on this, maybe KP go first and then Cobra can comment? Do you have a sense that…about that? 

KP: I can’t say I have a full sense of all the fleets that are out here, I mean, in Hawaii we feel a lot of fleets out in the ocean that come from time to time, but the…I seem to be aware of presence from time to time of…of…I get this vibration of ships being around. Other than that, I can’t, you know, I can’t really comment on that, but I do feel there is a lot going on, a lot of Galactic presence is coming in, but I’ve been feeling it for some time. 

Louisa: ok! 

KP: I think Cobra would have to say more about that! 

Cobra: Basically, there are many races in the Galaxy and they began to send their representatives lately into the solar system, as the situation in the solar system improved and they are gathering off the planets and of course they are cloaked still …but there is a huge amount of ships around the planet right now and they will decloaked after the Event, gradually. 

Louisa: ok, can you explain, I’m going to screen-share something because this is a very important development. I know that you’ve said that what’s going on in Antarctica it’s a little bit over-hyped but this has been reported.. we’re showing here this pulses, this is a frequencies pulse, and look at this, this pulse is just enormous, this is really the size of the globe almost, this is a microwave, the disturbance was noted in the ionosphere and did actually changed the direction, it changed the pattern, …this is showing a disturbance in the ionosphere at a specific time, this is then showing what that looks like in terms of patterns, that you can see that the shifts in the frequency patterns changed completely, and there are some people that have opinions about this but I’d like to know if either Cobra or KP have any comments on this? 

KP: I don’t! 

Cobra: yes, I am here! There is something happen here. One part of that analysis is not correct because there are basically computer artefacts in some of those images and on the other hand, yes, there are all the time in the ionosphere, and problems do originate from Antarctica 

Steve: where do they come from Antarctica 

Cobra: Basically, what’s happening is that the Cabal wants to escape and some of them are escaping through…I would say, Schell underground base in Antarctica and there is some clearing taking place, so is a little bit of a conflict lately there, when some of those places have been cleared. The Chimera group is trying to protect the Cabal there as much as possible but they are not very successful. 

Steve: another one is CERN, they are trying to build another CERN, a larger one, do you know anything about that? 

Cobra: yes, they are trying to but this will take some time and I think the Event will over-take them, they will not be successful in that. 

Louisa: ok! This is huge there, I don’t know if you can see this one, but this is really a very massive wave, what is… what technology is generating that? Do you know? 

Cobra: there are many scalar/Harp technologies and actually is quite easy to generate a wave that can go, actually it can go around the planet, is not that difficult. 

Louisa. Ok! Is this heating the ionosphere in order to create a disturbance, to create…to alter the weather? Is that one possible use of it? 

Cobra: is not just affecting the weather, it’s part of the Veil technology, I have described this many times… to keep us in low frequency, to prevent the Light from coming in, all those things 

Steven: you know, all this technology- sorry, you’ve finished, Louisa, with the questions there? all these technologies, you know, scalar technologies, we’ve got ‘replicators’, we hear about the SSP, there are so many things we hear about, my mind, my fantasy is so…alive, when I think of all these things. Cobra, can you give us some example of technologies we can look forward towards the event, that will be every day things that will reflect our lives. 

Cobra: yes, off course, replicators, I would not call them replicators, but people know them in that name, those things will be present after the event and it will be very easy to materialise or manifest anything with that technology, so this will be basically the end of scarcity 

Steven: food production, yeah… 

Cobra: it will be the beginning of the abundance for humanity and this will ultimately make the financial system to became obsolete, gradually

Louisa: ok, that’s great because you know, our food is not even, … I mean some people are saying that the reason for genetically modifying the food is because of the number of hybrids who live on the surface of the planet and that is geared towards their physiology… is that something that you understand, Cobra? 

Cobra: I would not say so, basically, the real reason why the food is being modified is they are weaponizing the food to control the population, keep people ill, keep people dependent on pharmaceuticals, keep their vibrational frequency low, that is basically what is going on. 

Louisa: ok, …let me just go screen share another shot, now, actually I took this the other night and KP I know, I heard you mentioned this… the other day…

KP: I haven’t posted it yet!

Louisa is not a great shot but this is what I think they are calling a Strawberry Moon and clearly is round and clearly, when you look at all the astronomy books…everything is round, everything is round…Cobra, is our Earth flat? 

Steve: no, no… 

Cobra: the Earth is not flat…and I have seen it with my own eyes and is not flat, is actually a sphere… 
Louisa: ok! 

Cobra: a sphere, the polar diameter is a little bit lower than the equatorial diameter, so, it’s actually a flatted sphere, but this doesn’t mean that the earth is flat., is not a saucer type object, it’s a sphere…

Steve: let’s put that to rest, that’s correct!... 

KP: that was one point that, …I know David Wilcock made a couple of times there, this is one of the, apparently was the called the Cabal, CIA or disinformation program, psyop

Steve: up

KP: up, yeah, you know, well, anyway

Louisa: Absolutely

KP: thinking of ourself in a big coin, you know, a big coin going through the universe.

Steve: They’re having a good laugh at it yeah

Louisa: Right, but that Moon was a Strawbery Moon, and I definitely felt the energies were very intense from that, it really did seem that way…, Cobra could you tell us about that, was it a significant Moon? Why was it called the Strawbery Moon?

Cobra: It was, …there was an important operation of the Light Forces, ending during that weekend of the full Moon, and it was quite intense, it was quite dramatic, there were some successes and I could post my report a little bit earlier, because certain things have been accelerated, they are now happening faster, which is a good thing., I think!

Louisa: well it was really amazing that, … I think it was the Congo vortex, the meditation that you did…that was the most…that was so exciting…I mean, I can remember participating in that meditation and you had posted on your Blog, before the meeting time, that we were supposed to be meeting to start the meditation, you were posting that we are approaching the critical mass. You must have been so excited about that?

Cobra: yes, it was exciting, actually, I realised maybe one or two hours before that something new is happening, I received some unusual Intel, I usually don’t receive in such a way, for the first time. And then I recived the intel that we are reaching the critical mass and I was just excited because I knew that this will change a lot, and it did change a lot. 

Louisa: Absolutely! and we need to keep doing them… how much of that is going to matter…Cobra, how important, in other words, how important is it that we keep doing that …I don’t know, should we do this more often, or…what do we need to do, to expedite this? 

Cobra: Is not doing those meditations more often, is about doing them when they are released, because this is released by the resistance movement, they know the exact time and the exact conditions, and when they say let’s do it, is good for people to unite and do it and I know many people who could support this and are not supporting this and they are the ones who are actually, in a way, not supporting the progress , not supporting the planetary liberation the way they should because they understand the importance of this, and they for some personal reasons, they choose not to support it. It is not Cobra doing the meditation, it’s not Cobra’s meditation, it’s a global, planetary effort that is been guided from above, from the Light Forces that understand the situation more than you or me or anybody else on the planet.

Louisa: I felt it, I really felt it…I mean, it was like my head is buzzing, as soon as I tuned into this, I was like in this higher, I don’t know, was like the quantum highway…everybody was there, everybody already showed up, I knew we’re going to meet critical mass, I could just tell, like, you know, I could tell that this was special, there was something very special about this one…and it does help when is done on a weekend, don’t you think? 

Cobra: Yes, but this one was not on the weekend because was an urgent situation, we were actually avoiding WW3, so we had to do it as soon as possible…I think this one was on a Tuesday and is much easier to reach the critical mass on a weekend and Light Forces try to accommodate that whenever is possible. 

Louisa: it has to be when it’s needed 

Steve: Alignments, yeah! 

Louisa: Is not necessarily a matter of…being convenient for us, but is when it will have it’s the greatest impact 

Cobra: It can be a very inconvenient hour, 4 o’clock in the morning but it’s worth…taking the effort and waking at 3.15, getting ready and meditating, it is really worth it. 

Louisa: Right, and is that going to help to accelerate even further, the Event if we can continue to do this? 

Cobra: Yes, each time we reach the critical mass, we change the timeline, we accelerate the timeline, we make it easier… 

Louisa: That was so exciting, I don’t know what’s holding people back? I really don’t, because that was so exciting to be part of that, and to feel it, like you could feel the energy, I don’t know about KP, I don’t know if you were a part of that but I am telling you, you could feel the energy, it’s so exciting that I don’t know why people aren’t doing it? I really don’t …wasn’t it exciting Cobra, it was so excited… 

Cobra: For me it was exciting when I realised that we’ll gonna make it, I mean, I was a little sceptical about it, but then when I realised that we’re gonna do it it was like: ‘Oh my God!’ 

Louisa: Yeah was great! It was great, you see? So, that’s teamwork people! Folks… 

Steve: That’s what we can do, that’s what we can achieve 

Louisa: If we understand it, Cobra, you’ve said this in a previous interview that we were in…I’ll never forget you’ve said this, you said that the dark no matter how many factions and divisions they had, one thing they always knew was staying united, the day were stronger standing united…and their force, I don’t know, maybe you can reiterate how you said it . Do you remember saying that? 

Cobra: Why the Cabal is so powerful is because they know, they understand the power of teamwork even the Rothchild's, the Rockefeller’s and the Jesuits and all that…they do it together, even if they hate each other, they do it together, but not like at this scene of the so-called ‘Light’ side, all those factions are not in-fighting 

Louisa: Right! 

Cobra: That needs to stop, people need to think about what they are going to create with this 

Steve: Yes! 

Louisa: But Cobra, I think people need to stop trying to take someone else…someone had asked me a question about …this person said this and then someone else said something opposite and I said, look, you know what? This is the community…this is the way I look at it, I think there are people who are trying to do good, trying to get information out and I love how KP always says, you don’t have to believe me. KP you are awesome in how you put like these disclaimers out there, you tell people, you know, ‘I don’t really care if you like what I say, but this is mine 

Steve: This is me 

Louisa: Is my expression to it, right KP, is that correct? 

KP: Right! 

Louisa: If people can follow more of KP, is like my spiritual Guru, you know…if people could follow…because it really shows a great example that he is on his own journey, and if people can tap into their own sense of inner knowing a little bit more, and…and…there is gonna be some dis-info out there, and what you’ve said it was so brilliant KP, you know, you said, some people might not be just in-fighting, might not even be a disagreement, it might just be their own inner disagreement with not wanting to change. That was not your quote but was the idea …you might wanna, …do you want to explain that because it was just one of your most recent posts and it was brilliant. 

KP: Well, thank you for …yeah, it’s, you know…it’s connecting within, I would say, the strongest people I’ve met are those who are strong within and it doesn’t matter what they are doing so much on the outside, I mean, yes, that’s, everybody has their…a kind of their mission, their passion, but when I went to ‘Contact’ one thing that I realised, that people that I am connected with, are connected strongly with their inner, higher, inner self, and you know, the more you are connected that way, it’s very easy to team up and say, ‘well, this is great, well, let’s do this together, and you know, we’ve got Corey, we’ve got Jordan, we’ve got Theresa, we’ve got whoever Roger and the other who are teaming up to do certain things, and then we’ve got this wonderful really, young guys, William Tompkins, Dr Wood, whoever …they’re all teaming up, but they are strong within themselves and I feel, finding that…realising that straight is within, the light is within you…and you know, I can’t really say what I’ve said on the blog, but it was…it is really about finding that and being who you are and that to me is the greatest quote: ‘defence’! against being attacked- if you are who you are. 

Steve: You got no weakness, yeah! There is no weakness there… 

KP: Well, also I mean is also ok, we still have a human body, I still have a human body, that was one of the points, I guess, last night. It was… ok, I got a human body, I am going through this things, I am feeling this stuff, part of it might be physical but, I’m not even calling it attack, I’m just clearing something, oh great, something else is clearing out, and in my case, you know, it blasted out on the blog but it helps clear out, and if it helps somebody else clearing out, that’s great! 

Steve: Yeah, it’s right, that’s beautiful, may I add that also standing in your own power, I think a lot of people are doing that and I think its a wonderful thing and I’m learning every day to do that more and to clear out things…you know, all the baggage that we’ve collected over the lifetimes and even in this lifetime, but I think there is something we have to ask ourselves why is there this infighting going on? And my answer, when I think about it, something I call the Ego trap, we have to ask ourselves why we’re doing this work? Is it to please ourselves, is it to gain attention, or is it to help others? And I think some people are slightly misguided, and they are all maybe caught in the trap in that they want attention. There is no reason to fight with somebody else…or to believe that somebody else’s information is better than mine unless you are driven by the ego, so, I think some people may need to avoid thinking about themselves when they’re doing their work and trying to gather groups and things together and may be just think of the greater good, and then, there will be no…nobody is gonna step on your toes because it just won't be possible. 

Louisa: It’s a good point you bring up, Steve, because, I mean, KP has made me a little insane lately, because he introduced me to this reverse speech analysis, and I have to know it, and I must know everything about it… 

Steve: Oh, no, are you going to go there now 

Louisa: No, but one of the things that Tiffany, who, you know, KP introduced me to, she does this reverse speech analysis, she can see that a person, you know, may have a genuine, you know, intent to want to do good but whose ego may be unbalanced, and as a result of that, I think we are back to what Cobra was saying was, that maybe were the Chimer, …and Cobra time in on this, whenever you like because I am trying to understand it, is that really how then, if your ego is in imbalance, is that really, tis that making you susceptible to the Chimaera, or to (an)attack, is that how that works? 

Cobra: I would not say with ego in imbalance, I would say that each human being has weaknesses, without exception, and those weaknesses are being exploited. I would just give one more suggestion here when people are trying to,…with all this what is happening, it is…people are putting too much attention on the personality of somebody, somebody said that somebody did that. It’s not important, What is more, important is objective study of the Intel that is released. Compare it, analyse it, study it, feel it, expand it, this is what is needed in this community. 

Louisa: Right! 

Cobra: (this community) needs a group effort to come to the Truth, to the bottom of what’s going on on this planet. That is where the focus should be. 

Louisa: That’s a good point. Steve, you and I started a new, you know, like segment, called ‘Coffe Break’. I wanted to call it ‘The null hypothesis’ 

Steve: Coffee Break is a little bit friendlier 

Louisa: Ok, you’ve got the point…but the idea was that we started with, our first when we did…we went through, you know, what the Intel is out there and we went through what evidence we had, either ‘nay or yeay’, in support or to discount it, and at the end, we were looking…can we accept or reject all the hypothesises, and maybe that as all too much, but…I was enjoying it. But anyway, you know, Cobra, I think this is what you are saying that we have to look at it largely and we kind of became a fellow researcher, everybody should become a researcher in this sense, a kind of, you know, go with…there is a reason, you know. Reasons follow a certain path, I can’t explain what that is, but reasons follow a certain path also, so, you’re saying, your higher discernment is not gonna come from…is not intellectual, but some of us are trained in intellectual endeavours so we can’t completely separate it. So, I guess we’re trying to find a balance. Is that what we are trying to do Cobra? 

Cobra: Yes, to find the balance and I would say, what I’m missing here, in this community is people who are having blogs to start creating an objective analysis of Intel that is out there. To start comparing things, analysing, coming to the bottom of it, one way or the other…people have different methods to do that but this is what is needed. I am speaking about the perception of the whole community. 

Louisa: Wow! 

Steve: Discernment! 

Cobra: Not just discernment but the whole process of … is not just discernment, is the whole process of objective and subjective research of the reality! 

Louisa: Right! 

Steve: That has to be done on the individual level?! 

Cobra: Not only on the individual level but on a collective level also

Louisa: Right! Well, Steve, I think we’ve started doing that with this ‘Coffee Break’, we started looking at the evidence and looking at it objectively and not, you know, because I don’t … you know, certainly, I am for the Light, I want humanity to win and you know, I have said that in every single interview, that I am on the Humanity side, I am not… you know, there is no question about that … 

Steve: Well, that’s right, well the idea was, just as KP does, he does his blog and he talks about his personal experiences and I guess is a type of therapy, you know, we are writing our therapy. I think I have, we have personal questions and I think it helps people to hear our inner thoughts about things and maybe inspires them or maybe or answer some questions about themselves or starts them doing their own research, wherever … 

Louis: Right and I try to ask people who even listen to our other reports, this is our 100, so I mean is, we know, we spend plenty of time doing this and I was trying to be objective, except when I do have first-hand knowledge. …When I have first-hand knowledge of something that I can speak, you know, with a different conviction about it…when I don’t, I have to be objective, because there is no… I am going to be guessing if I am not objective…

Steve: What else can you do…yeah! 

Louisa: And the same with you, Steve and anybody else, so, you know…and again KP is always like on, there, saying, you know, this is my message if it doesn’t resonate with you… you know, and you always say, KP, if it doesn’t resonate with you, you know, take what resonates and leave the rest. This kind of thing…Even with Benjamin Fulford’s post, you always say that you are so consistent about that… and it would be nice to see now, Cobra as I said at the beginning of the interview if it wasn’t for Cobra and KP, shining the Light and being the Way and being the way-showers, you know, I might not have the courage to do this and I give you guys, the credit for that. …And it seems like there is more joining now, you know, there is, like you have to Jordan sather we have some younger generation people, who are also starting to kind of get it, and get that they need to put, you know, they need to put fresh face on this, they need to put a new face on this, more people need to, like Cobra has always said from the beginning, everybody needs to get open blogs, create blogs, start blogs and get this going, so, we’re going to be in just a minute, because our proceeding, sorry, following this interview, is our 100 celebration fishbowl, and so… is called Fishbowl …just a kind of meet and greet some of the former guest on The GoldFish Report… 

Steve: I need some fish food… 

Louisa: Just a minute, … In Goldfish defence, and Cobra can verify this. Cobra isn’t there a constellation called Goldfish? 

Cobra: It’s a constellation called Piscies which is a fish but is actually a goldfish, but the goldfish is, I would say, the more evolved version of this. 

Steve: It’s a technicality… 

Louisa: No wait for a second, it’s the constellation…or they call it the dolphin or…it’s the constellation that has the constellation Tarnatula in it 

Cobra: No, no, I wouldn’t say so 

Louisa: Well, the books lie I’m gonna say… 

Steve: Google it … 

Louisa: No, the books lies, I mean, I’m telling you, I looked up and it says Goldfish …yeah, we’re a constellation 

Steve: With a special edition 

Louisa: That’s why our new logo, folks, our new logo is a constellation, this is what is about, it’s about consciousness, expanding consciousness, that’s our new logo there, is not …

Steve is not a part of it 

Louisa is not a part of it, right 

Steve, it’s on the way 

Louisa yin-yang 

Cobra ok, I will have to go so I would like to thank everybody, this was a great opportunity and we’ve made a great, great energy here and I wish you all the best 

Louisa, all beautiful, Thank you Cobra …I hope you’ll join us again Cobra 

Cobra yes, yes 

Louisa ok, thank you so much and we’ll wait to hear from you next time and good luck with your mission 

Steve see you on 200 

Cobra ok, very good, thank you! Louisa Victory of the Light! Cobra Victory of the Light! Louisa thank you! All By! 

Louisa so, we are going to be wrapping this up now Kp, do you have any final thoughts, or, even if Cobra did I want to … 

KP I just say, be the flower that you are! And that’s it! Be the flower that you are! 

Louisa that’s wonderful 

Steve unfold 

Louisa unfold, right, blooming and …thank you 

Steve thank you! Thank’s for joining us KP 

Louisa Kp will jump in the fishbowl with us, in about 20 minutes, so, we’ll gonna open up that room in a few minutes and we gonna publish that too, so.KP do you have any more comments or thoughts you want to leave our viewers with, today?

KP when all this fails and you are challenged with the energies, go down to kona Coffee and tea and have a mocca, a large spicy mocca, is like a bright new light in your experience. By the way, that is the same thing, I really want to follow what Cobra said about, spending time in nature, enjoy the energy of nature wherever you are…you know, I often see all these people, this newer people, if you want to call them that, they’re coming in and you see among nature, they’re doing their shows, you know, Deny Hunt does a show and you see him in his farmyard, there, so all this kind of stuff… so, but that’s, you know, whatever…sometimes there are certain things that I know my vibration rises (with). When I’m drinking a mocca, my vibration, oh, just oh God 

Louisa Oh totally, yeah…I agree… 

KP so, I’m sure neither you can relate to that 

Steve, I haven’t tried that particular one yet but I am curious about, you’ve picked my interest, I must say. 

Louisa that’s the only thing that is missing right now KP, is your mocca, so …Steve, did you have any comments you wanted to 

Steve it was a blast to be here and, as Cobra said, the energies were lovely, it’s such a lovely group of friends here and I think we’ve covered a lot of important topics and also given, I think a message of hope, I think the message is for me, in any case, we can make this change as a collective…and its possible and it’s within our grasp and I think we just need to put all the differences on side, none of this she said, he said stuff, let’s move forward, let’s have a vision of future where we have self-determination, none of this rubbish that we’ve had in the past, see it, recognise it, leave it behind and move forward. 

Louisa ok! Well, I thank you, Steve, I thank you KP and off course, thank you Cobra for joining us and, you know, this was our 100th Goldfish Report and we have made it as far as in almost two years, in fact, is not quite two years, we’ve done this in 20 months and Goldfish report is on the way…too the stars, by the way, that’s the future I want it but I need a Ufo to go there and one day we’ll do that. One day with you guys, promise me, we’ll do a Goldfish report from somewhere in space… 

Steve that’s right 

Louisa KP would you join us for that? 

KP from where Louisa somewhere … Steve out of space KP oh…ok 

Louisa somehow in space, somehow just not on the planet Louisa Folks, I want to thank you so much, I want to remind you to go to Cobra’s blog and follow his blog and his messages at www.2012portal.blogspot.com and also to follow KP, you can go to https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/ we do encourage all of our viewers to support our guests and the messages that they have, you know, this is for you so, however, this resonates with you and however you go inside and find out what you can do to contribute, you’ll get that message, you’ll get that answer, right KP? 

KP absolutely, absolutely 

Louisa go within, go within Folks! 

KP go within, have a mocca, have a latte 

Louisa if it doesn’t work go, then go get that mocca that KP suggests. 

KP or just go have some really delicious water…you know, high vibrational water! 

Louisa So, I want to thank you all guys so much for joining us, to be here and make this happen and we’re gonna see you on the flipside of this, in a few moments. I want to thank our viewers for being with us, we hope you’ve enjoyed this very special Goldfish Report of Uniting the Light! And bringing this to you and we will have more to come, there is more after 100, is gonna be, who knows, the sky is the limit, as far as I see it, so, let’s all just keeping uniting the light, holding the Light and do these meditation and please try to participate when the Resistance Movement calls out for a meditation, even if its an inconvenient hour, it is something that does work and I can tell you it’s amazing, you’ll know it too, when people get together and they are all meditating for the same thing is just the most amazing feeling and for those who were participating, you all know what I am talking about. Having said that I want to thank all of our viewers and our guests for being with us and this concludes this edition of the Goldfish Report.

Original Transcript: http://nebula.wsimg.com/6cc7257b21d84bd54766d166ee77a83d?AccessKeyId=D024642E08D25FC38E4B&disposition=0&alloworigin=1

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