"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - we are being prepared for quantum shifts in consciousness at all levels - 09.02.2024

I know that a lot of you are struggling right now, and that is all good. Meaning that when we are being pushed out of our comfort zones and into the state of not-knowing, we are being prepared for quantum shifts in consciousness at all levels.

However, feeling sorry for oneself, never solves anything, it just makes it worse.
I remember cleary how, when my life was collapsing in 2004 and was feeling very sorry for myself, my best friend at the time came to visit me and she said something to me that day, which I will never forget.

She said: "You can sit there in the dust and mud and feel sorry for yourself for the rest of yoru life, or you can get up, dust yourself down and get on with the business of life!"
Well I got up and got on and when the rest collapsed and old life totaly dissolved in all aspects and forms, I made myself a promise: - I promised myself that if I could not inspire myself, I would go and inspire other people.

Interestingly I found that in inspiring them, I was inspiring myself. For this took the focus off myself and new doors suddenly opened where I had not looked before.

I remember that when I took that leap of faith, and I trusted my guidance, and trusted what I was asked to do, and went on my journey of rediscovery which later became my book: "Why I was born in Africa: - the previously unknown history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom," and also using my last bit of money that I had, I often on the way sat in coffee shoppes or wherever I could find a place to have a meal and write down in journal what I had downloaded, done and experienced, people came to me and asked me what I doing.

"I am following my calling, my vision and I am travelling and writing a book. What would you love to do and be?"
They would get that far-away look in their eyes, and I saw they are peering into the blue, wild yonder. Their faces started lighting up, and then they would start to share their deepest dreams and visions.
"Well, what is stopping you from living your dream?"

These were deep and profound conversations, where I was talking directly into their heart and souls.

Yes, it took the proverbial carpet being pulled right from under my feet, in order to do what I am doing so now, doing what I love, and loving what I do and lovingly serving from my heart and soul and All That I Am in truth. Today I am very grateful for all that happened to me, even the death threats, whatever else. For if all of that had not happened, I would not have woken up to a much higher degree, and indeed the vision I had been given then, has come true.

For just before I finally resigned my job as Librarian, I was taken onto a huge cliff by my Higher Guides, and I was shown the valley below, filled with thousands of people. "Do you see all those people down in the valley below? They are all waiting for you to finally wake up and do what your soul has come in to do and be?"

Then I was shown an eagle and how a little eagle is kicked out of its nest by its mother, in order to learn how to fly.
Well, I learnt to fly and so can you.
That eagle still inspires me for as it is said in Isaiah so beautifully: "And you shall rise like an eagle, and fly higher than ever before!"
Yes, this is it!

We are asked to fly higher than ever before, for now we are asked to totally leave the old earth behind, and raise our consciousness levels, your whole life and being into the 5th and even higher. We cannot do this if we are being weighed down with all the accumulated baggage of the Old 3D and all existences our souls ever had in her before.
All has be shed. Layer by layer.

Yes, we are being reborn into the New Lightbody form as our new 12 strands of DNA and its consciousness is being fully activated now.
And with it, the higher vision has come.

I know exactly what I am meant to do, anchor into the New Golden Age and I am keeping that Vision in front me, even as I know that I need to take more leaps of faith.
Yet, now I have learnt to trust the wind beneath my wings, to carry my upwards, higher, ever higher than ever before and I am keeping the faith that all is well.
All is well.

And indeed, in trusting, miracles happen, for we walk and fly in the company of heavens, in more ways than one, and again, in inspiring others to do the same, we are being inspired as well!
It is time to unfold those wings and fly higher than ever before!

Judith Kusel
source - facebook

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