"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - New Moon in Aquarius - 09.02.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The New Moon in Aquarius signifies a time of new beginnings and revolutionary energy. There is a powerful alignment of planets in Aquarius, including the Sun, Moon, Pluto, and Mercury. Mars and Venus will also join this energy very soon.

This alignment brings about a significant accumulation of energy in one sign, symbolising new beginnings for many . The New Moon will activate change, epiphanies and breakthroughs for those ascending indicating profound events and unexpected transformations.

This planetary alignment together with the new moon will activate major internal shifts, healing, closure of old patterns , karmic completions , this will occur on a personal and global scale . The current energies will Also manifest tangible and physical changes in the existing reality structures .

Ascending souls are re seeding a new paradigm here on this planet. As they rise to higher levels of spiritual awareness, they release deep ingrained fears of owning and expressing their inner power. Trusting and embracing the full potential involves letting go of unhelpful patterns and exploring the traumas that influenced them with love , compassion , self forgiveness and healing.

Ascending souls deserve to live a joyful and aligned life. During this process, your soul family will naturally gravitate towards you as you resonate at a higher frequency, while those who no longer align with your journey may soon fade away.

This transitional phase can at times feel challenging and isolating, but it is essential to honour and follow the resonance of the heart. By staying true to self we maintain a higher frequency and attract both the soul family and the lessons still needed to learn and evolve .

These powerful planetary activations are offering all of us the opportunity to let go of any preconceived notions of truth and reality and allow the higher heart to guide you to your truest self in the present moment.

We are shifting into much higher frequencies and transcending the old Earth at a rapid pace. Surrendering and honouring the self is essential during this process.

It is time to find inner balance and trust in the universal flow of energy and quantum evolution, as our DNA blueprint is activating and upgrading dormant strands. New neural pathways are being formed, and we are among the first waves of ascension to assist humanity.

Even if you cannot see it now, your higher self knows your purpose, and the path will be revealed to you in each moment. Many in mainstream will need the help of lightworkers as the collective consciousness rises into higher frequencies of light.

Starseeded souls on this planet are a sacred divine energy, and everything is perfectly designed for them to assist many other ascending souls.

As the ascending collective become more informed and raise their frequencies, they alter the reality here on the ascending earth plane The ascending humans are electromagnetic beings, and everything they emit and broadcast affects everything and everyone around us.

Many now ascending are possibly experiencing heart activations and aligning with the higher self preparing to experience the merging to source light energy . This is a game changer and creates internal changes that alter the reality they experience in new earth energy .

Many are now shifting into the quantum fields of energy and creation, ascending at an amplified and accelerated rate. The inner knowledge embodied within is their greatest asset as they collectively gather the courage to live according to truth and higher standards, connecting with like-minded ascending individuals.

As the ascending collective connects from the heart and releases unrealistic expectations, inspiration and creativity will flourish. This alignment attracts situations that support the manifestation of Earth's creations.

The intensifying process of Earth's ascension is further assisted by cosmic energetic waves of light and solar flare explosions, facilitating a collective evolutionary leap.

Ultimately, this ongoing transformation will lead to a global awakening and the dismantling of false programming and human conditioning, allowing the planet to fully embody the love of its creator.

Starseed / Lightworkers are the beloved healers of both people and the Earth, they have a significant reason and purpose for being here. Their collective embodiment is of the highest light and unique in its vibrational frequency , they embody the power to heal, awaken, and expand those around them whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

Your ascension on earth means you no longer needing to wait for a life review or some other event in the afterlife to recognise the impact being made on planet Gaia .

Simply by being who they are, the ascending collective already make a profound difference here . Embracing the embodiment as a Starseed , continue shining your light, for your very presence and essence here is incredibly valuable to this world.

In loving and dedicated Ascension service
Source information by Ascension LightWorkers . copyright

source - facebook

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