"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Support Videos - 19.05.2023


Being a sensitive, I’ve been acutely aware this month that many people (not all), are/have/will be going through their own VERSION of INNER INTENSITY this month. Some are free of this, but many are in it. Bare in mind that although we as a collective are doing this TOGETHER, as ONE…each person is actually within their VERY OWN Timeline, pre designed prior to arriving on this planet this lifetime. The INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED intensity many are in, some went through in the previous 1-2 years. But the vast majority are or will be experiencing their OWN TIMELINE of intensity. Whilst we each go through the same types of stages (but different experiences) we go through them at different TIMELINES to each other. In effect there are GROUPINGS of people, that share the same TIMELINES, but of course have their very own individual experience of it.

If you are struggling, try to remember something that may sound to some quite weird (or not):
YOU are the ONLY ONE HERE. It’s just YOU and God.
It’s your Soul’s design. The screen/film/play in front of you is designed specifically for ONLY YOU to navigate through, understand how it works, and come out of. No other has your design or specific experience. It’s only EVER(!) between YOU and GOD/SOURCE. Everything on your outside presented to you, is ONLY for YOU, to experience, and SEE your OWN reaction, judgement, pain, suffering. If you have no reaction, there is nothing for you to look at WITHIN you, so the scene just passes by. You are unaffected by it. Without it ‘sticking’. The below video explains this in more detail.


There are many MANY videos under the PLAYLIST entitled SELF HELP, on my Utube channel. In a way, they are timeless videos, as they can help anyone, at their own stage and timeline. Videos such as:
* Debunking Forgiveness.
* How to clear repeated patterns behaviour.
* How to access the Heart Centre and God Spark, vía The Sacred Breath.
* Many videos on understanding energy and light layers.
* How the Labyrinth works.
* Finding peace by understanding what happens when a loved one transitions.
* Understanding emotions are just a gauge of the energy you are experiencing and choosing within you.
* I think there’s 2 videos from the PREVIOUS years May month timelines for May. That delve into the time of intensity that is designed as acute suffering simply for each to SURRENDER ULTIMATELY in their own timeline, to God/Source.
* Soul Mission 1 (in forgetfulness) and Soul Mission 2 (in awareness of).
There are over 70 videos that explain so much. Even the past videos that are about previous years timelines contain knowledge of how energy works as well as give support for your humanness (mental, emotional).
So if my way of support resonates for you, just delve into the videos for some support. Because in a way, they are TIMELESS and may help you. At the very least, you’ll not feel on your own.
And if you are no longer within ANY SUFFERING, because you are THROUGH…and on your beginning stages of your Soul Mission 2, you’ll already be knowing what to focus on. Where it is YOUR TIME to inwardly NURTURE your beginning stages of your Soul Mission 2, connecting inwardly as ONLY the state of ENERGY. Beyond MIND. Ever heightening your energetic frequency, connectivity, as Consciousness…for your onward EXPANSIONS and SERVICE to GOD, within your Soul Mission 2.

With Love to all, always
19 May 2023

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