"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Veritas Galactic Sweden - 373 - When We Have Won - 24.07.2021

I mentioned in my last message that when the truth first appears on MSM you will know that “We Have Won”.

From that day forward we all of us need to BE those calm, loving and comforting voices of PEACE.

We will NOT need to be the ones knowing anything. Because we know just where this outflow of truth will be leading… the outflowing of truth will after a couple of weeks lead us to the point in time where Goddess / Divine Mother will give the signal for The Event to take place and within hours this planet will be liberated.

If you took part in the recent great ‘Fire the Grid’ meditation then just know that whatever joyful loving thoughts that you focused upon then… know that you will be serving… you will be adding to the strength of Gaia’s Light Grid anytime that you focus upon those joyful visions of your future in the now. I ask you please to begin focusing for a while each day upon those joyful visions of your future.

So let us all decide now to BE those calming pillars of Peace. Let’s simply be ready to say those comforting words such as “all of the truth that you are hearing now will end soon with the arrival of Peace on Earth and good will to all of mankind, finally true justice will begin to reign on this planet at last”.

I will end this extra message with the words that our beloved Jesus Christ / Yeshua gave us here recently “Do not be anxious but rather like the Sun at midday”.

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