"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - 09.07.2021


Please just take what resonates and discard the rest…
As you’ll be aware, incoming energies have blasted in for approximately 48hrs. For the collective as HUMAN we are in an intensity, where energies within humanity are NOW heightened at BOTH ends of the energy spectrum.
Although behaviourally many of us have been empaths, so often helping others with their own pain and traumas, what truly matters in THIS timeline IS to do your ‘NOW’ CURRENT JOB. Whatever that is in Service to All. We all have a purpose that is ever expanding and ever more known as we rise in energy frequency. What we once were here in human body/mind, is not what we become here. We expand in consciousness and thus our abilities.
It is so very important right now to look after yourself, and ONLY focus on what is arising for YOU.
To discern what is yours, and what is NOT yours, but another’s. And to just:
1) Focus on anything that arises for YOU to heal within to expand.
2) Focus on energy THUS a consciousness expansion, that is available to amplify TENFOLD in these next few weeks ahead.
Bottom line is, we always have a choice based on what we make our focus in life. Our choice, limited or unlimited, is acted out via our thoughts, words and actions:
So we can be in ‘Heaven’ and higher energy frequency bliss, expanding our energy and understanding our expanding consciousness via INTERNAL data of higher frequency hertz. Given to us BY us. Or
We can get submerged in the soup, the Maya, the drama, the illusion. Submerged within an intensifying of humanities emotions, darker thoughts, emotional and mental body reaction mode in our next action steps.
As the lower 4D astral plane is accentuating the using of human beings consciously or very UNCONSCIOUSLY, to SLOW DOWN this collective expansion of humanity consciousness, Mother Earth and thus the Whole Universe. Nothing can stop the rise of the kingdoms, including Mother Earth, but it can be DELAYED via the negative agenda. And why I write this post.
Just to point anyone back to their balance, their heart centred breathing, to always come back to LOVE. To Love ALL. Yet choosing what you engage with in each moment. What you give your energy focus to. Because each choice we make either expands us or contracts us. It’s just a choice, there’s no right or wrong choice. It’s all designed anyway and DONE! But we learn and remember what serves and doesn’t serve, by our OBSERVATION of our own choices.
As you are aware, I live in Glastonbury and I was shown a few months ago Energies here were to intensify, and where to be located to do the current energy work. We can easily say, that Glastonbury (the Earth’s Heart Chakra) attracts both ends of the light spectrum at an intensity. And right now, people here are feeling it. Key is to embrace and acknowledge ALL the light for there is light WITHIN all and any darkness. At energy level, dark light is made of photon light. ALL is God’s creation. So to embrace it all as God does, without a polarity. BUT!!! To CHOOSE what to engage with.
We get to choose…By our thoughts, our words and our actions. Outside of the 3D and 4D fields, our human intentions are periodically measured, monitored and collected as energy DATA. This DATA is collected AS one thing, ENERGETIC FREQUENCIES. Because Frequency just IS. It can not be manipulated. In a future timeline, that in truth has already started…I have said before here:
“People will be known for their ENERGY first.”
In other words, due to humanities continuous frequency rise and ability rise, that is already in effect, words and actions will be seen as LESS valuable, less enticing, when humans FEEL and KNOW more easily another beings energy FREQUENCY. Energy just IS. So human energy frequency will be more naturally SEEN, FELT and valued as the TRUE measurement. This means that the False in any experience of thought, word and action by ourself or others, shall be SEEN through, by the rising consciousness of humanity. AND… any false agenda within an individual will be known by ITSELF too. And the potential to change is Present to choose.
We have the energy potential in these next few weeks to SOAR. But we’ll only do that individually by letting go of the distraction of outer illusion of the OLD disintegrating GAME, and to ensure we have MORE active daily discernment of astral energies intent on slowing us down. But with our observations, to NOT descend into our own POLARITY. Just to accept what is, discern, and then choose your energy focus.
We CAN rise to the 8.8 period of days, if we choose to…we HAVE absolutely that potential, in order to meet the 8.8 period. We can match the 8.8 period of days in August, by gradually raising our frequency to them NOW in these next weeks, via our daily intentions and focal points.
Sending so much love to All,
Amanda Lorence
9 July 2021

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