How is everyone today?
Personally I am vibrating and buzzing up to my eyelashes. Lol!
On this last day of May 2021 we are still integrating the powerful energy waves from the recent Galactic discharge/Solar Storm and Lunar Eclipse.
Yes, a big one, that is activating major shifts within our physical body as we upgrade into the 8th and 9th dimensions (Solar and Galactic levels) if we have chosen that path. Some have not.
What is happening is that our physical body/being is in the process of becoming more crystalline on the subatomic level where the geometries of life exist in the Mind of God/Goddess/All That Is. We are evolving to carry more Light and more Light Codes.
In order to receive and transmit Galactic and Cosmic Codes, we must be able to deal with these energies in our Body and Light Body.
The recent Solar storm sent 10 Solar Flares our way in one day! This was equivalent to a "Solar Flash" but in slow motion so that we could cope with the intensity.
So...if you can feel the vibes...vibrating... you are feeling the resonant upgrades deep in your sub cellular structure. You may also feel exhausted as your body is not used to vibrating that fast and high as yet.
You may feel emotional and depressed for apparently no reason as your emotional body feels the "backwash".
As a first wave way shower, I remember the first time we got hit by a major wave like this in 2001, then in 2008 and again in 2017. But this wave, let's call it the Fourth Wave or the Big Shift of 2021 is of an intensity and power I have not felt since 2001 when our world changed after 9/11.
This is a HUGE shift.
Be kind to yourself.
Take care of yourself.
Stay hydrated and look after your nervous system since that is part of the vibrating you are feeling.
I have been guided to work with a stone called "Fulgurite" which is created when lightening strikes sand, fusing the sand into a silicate rock form. The stone carries the energy of high power carried through a "nerve system/lightening flash" into the Earth.
I had a homeopathic doctor make a remedy that I am taking to help ease the symptoms. If anyone has any further information I would be glad to hear.
Love, Peace and Magic to everyone as we enter June and the changes that must still come.