"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

New phase of our journey

Heads up, the energy on February 1 may be a little rough as we enter a new phase of our journey of self awareness, self empowerment, and community empowerment. We're fully into the Aquarius energy now and it's all about 5D energy now. If you thought ascension was happening rather slowly, I think it kicks into high gear this month.
The last time Uranus was in Taurus was in the mid 1930s when the world came together to fight WW2. This time the world is coming together to fight a different kind of aggressor, the one that suppresses our light, dims our spirit, attempts to make us small and destroys our power.
While we're not out of the woods yet so to speak, we are making significant progress and we will be seeing a lot more people joining together to support each other.
The energies of 3D are domination, control, competition, separation, conquest, and power over others.
The energies of 5D are collaboration, community, connection, co-operation, and power with others.
Are you ready for the ride? It may get a little bumpy as the ascension train switches tracks but this is where we are. March will be better and I am going to predict that by June we'll be back to normal (the regular normal).
Buckle up, as we reach maximum ascension integration velocity.

From January 30 to February 20 Mercury retrograde

Remember, Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, and when he moves backwards, or in the underworld, as the ancients said, it is the time to unearthed thoughts and feelings that are buried in our subconscious and rekindling wounds of the past. He rules our mind.
This can be incredibly powerful and can help us understand the root of any beliefs or patterns of behavior.
It can also allow us to understand ourselves on a deeper level.
When we understand each other, it also allows us to build healthier relationships.
We can feel mentally hazy, confused, to make decisions - and we must observe whether we are in a spiral of excessive thoughts or trapped in limiting beliefs - because Mercury doesn't bring thoughts afloat for no reason.
It can be a sign that you need to pay attention - and learn how to release.
It's an opportunity to sharpen our intuition and learn to distill what fear and insecurity is, and what our intuition is - it's our opportunity to get intimate with our mind and how it's working.


It's a bright and beautiful day and even with Mercury in full retro now we are moving into a highly creative month that will ignite your potential and spark the possibilities that have been hanging out on the edges of your current reality.
It's a Big Vision Day today so dust off the dreams you have been hiding in the back of your mind's dark corners and start thinking about expanding into a reality that allows them to be considerations.
We don't leap into transformation, we make gradual shifts in that direction first by deciding we want something else and then accessing our field of potential to see what's standing in line to answer our call for change.
All we have to do is give it some consideration to see if we can create alignment with it and are willing to do the integration work.
Set strong intentions, be brave enough to consider that you're powerful enough to change your reality right now, you do not need anything else but your ability to create a big vision and set that as an intention.
Shine on, bright days are ahead.

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