"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lorie Ladd - Current Energies


Imagine we all driving a race cars, we´ve been in a starting line for a couple weeks, revving our engines and ready to go and now the green light just turn green. It´s go time.

Some of us go through a massive transformation, some of us still going through - cocoon to a butterfly in a really physical way. 

It´s already done, already happened - we created this timeline and we stepped into it - in this timeline where things are going to happen much more faster, a less destructive, and much quicker the dismantling. It´s shorter but little bit wonky. But it´s done and now we have to go through it. 

We shifting individually too and this can be very uncomfortable. It can feel like a breakdown - who am I, what is happening etc. This is allowing us to embody what we are intending. 

Stay focus in every now moment what you are intending for yourself and for the collective - embody it - feel it, know it to be your truth.

It´s nothing wrong or bad with what´s coming for us or what is popping into your now moments. 

What is the higher timeline for the human collective that you see - align with it and hold in your body.

What is the higher timeline that you´re intending in creating for yourself  - hold it, align and embody it.

What will coming it´s not going to be rainbows and butterflies - what´s coming is the breaking down a very dense systems. 

In January a lot of things are going to be unravel. Don´t let it to pull you back. 

If you have a rough time - you´re not alone. Your consciousness has moved into the butterfly but the physical aspect of you is like -wait a sec, can I trust that I can fly? You are already flying, you just forgot.

We are already in heaven on earth we just have to walk through it now. 

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