For the past 22/24 hours (and the effect is still on) we've been experiencing what we call an ′′ update ", this happens because by integrating the high-frequency energies we've been receiving, we unincarnate an earlier version of ourselves. It's literally like we're being updated with the ′′ software ′′ under which we operate in the three-dimensional reality. When this happens we can feel that we ′′ die ", plus all our chakras get rid of what is no longer compatible with a version of us that vibrates at a higher frequency and that causes widespread discomfort in the body (as if we need to tear ourselves something from inside), anxiety and fear because we can't identify what's happening to us. Solar plexus is the one that bears the brunt because it is our most sensitive inter-dimensional portal, so most likely they have had reflux, indigestion, sensitivity or pain around the navel, abdominal stiffness by areas (it changes locations) and warmth that it radiates on top of the abdomen, plus lots of burping and inflammation. All this is caused by a subatomic process: photons adhere to the electrons of our atoms and displace them causing an increase in speed of turn, this increase in speed causes heat and that is partially the origin of symptoms that we experience, so putting a wet towel with cold water can help quite a lot to drop the temperature of the organ or chakra in question. You may also be experiencing a lot of intestinal movement, nausea, muscle weakness, heat, pain or burning in the foot plant rising to the knees, heat in the back of the throat and between ribs, palpitations, anxiety, pain or itching in the palms of the hands (when we experience an upgrade the soles of the feet and palms of the hands also activate), skin rashes, passing allergies, head pressure, feeling ′′ intoxicated ′′ and much, much thirst.

The result of an update is that, without realizing it, we stop reacting to situations that previously detonated some pattern or conditioning in us, we also lose interest in things and people that no longer resonate with the new frequency of ourselves that we are embodying and sometimes we even leave habits and addictions naturally and without resistance. Although this is a great gain, the process is not exactly pleasant because our rational mind is unaware that we are living a ′′ symbolic ′′ death and reacts as if we were actually about to stretch our legs in three-dimensional reality and that's why that triggers a fight-or-escape response that can lead to a panic attack and compulsive thoughts of imminent death. If we add to this that it feels like they are ripping something from our body (or as if we want to rip something from our body) and also the fact that we can't define exactly what we feel and that remedies and medicines to solve it either they have no effect, it is logical that we lose control of the situation and think that we are going to die in effect. We're not dying, we're just transforming ourselves in the same way that the three-dimensional reality we live in is transforming. They are not separate processes, the physical body is also released at the subatomical level of programs and conditioning in the same way an ice becomes vapor by fire action. 

In these updating periods, the most important thing is not to fall into desperation and keep the rational mind under control so that you don't tell us the most sneaky story (they don't have cancer, no hidden tumors, nor will you give them a heart attack or a stroke), in addition to giving the physical body what it needs to update itself (rest, water, massage, tapping, only light foods, baking soda, electrolytes, contact with nature, etc) without forcing it and not wanting to ′′ return to normalcy ′′ as soon as possible; it's uncomfortable to feel like this, yes and much, but it's part of the process and we can only live it in two ways: either we accept it and let it flow, or we resist it and cause greater discomfort. It all happens, even though they now feel like they're hanging tennis or they'll never feel good again, I assure you it's only temporary. 

~ Alicia ~

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