"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alyonna - Short Energy Updates

All energies are amplified

You are going through a life-changing spiritual cleansing. This is not the time to hold on to anything no matter how much you once believe you needed it. In letting go, you will gain so much more than you ever imagined, opening fresh blessings and a new life. THIS IS THE TIME TO LEVEL UP! To know your worth. No more small talk about yourself. Aim higher. Release fears and insecurities. Embrace your power and step into the energy of the empress/emperor. The energies are amplified at this time. Choose your actions and words wisely. 

You have worked hard to clear karmic energies, emotional traumas, and negative attachments. You are now experiencing the final stages of clearing-removing low energy completely from your body. Sometimes this comes as a disease or injury that needs to be treated. For example, emotional trauma causes traumatic energy to be stuck in the gut/stomach region which can then manifest as stomach issues such as fibroids, etc. So please get yourself checked out if you feel like something isn´t right within your body. Don´t be afraid if you are diagnosed with something at this time. This is simply the last stage of clearing taking place in your physical form. Get your treatment done and keep your vibration high. Things are shifting and you will be surrounded by heavenly energies. 

Woah! What is up with the energies am I right!?
It´s a strange time emotionally for everyone. The downloads are next level. Many are being impregnated with seeds of divine gifts that will soon be birthed into your consciousness. You may find yourself having heavy legs, feeling uneasy, fatigue, alternating between feeling sleepy and insomnia, feeling emotional, waking up at odd hours in the night. You are tapping in and out of different dimensions, speaking to your soul guides and receiving healing and messages instantly. 

Original Messages comes from FB

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