"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

9:9:9 Portal

9:9:9 Karmic Portal Open

From 9:9:19 Until The Saturn (Lord Of Karmic Energy) Retrograde Closes on 9:18:19.

September 9th 2019 marks the opening of a powerful portal in numerology as it carries the energy of 9:9:9, with the focus on clearing the past and closing out old cycles over the next 9 days.

This portal offers a rare opportunity to clear the karmic energy we have accumulated over the past nine months and gives us the opportunity to release anything toxic, particularly the relationships we attract or maintain, from our lives. This karmic cleansing is particularly heightened, as it occurs during the last week of Saturn Retrograde, as Saturn rules Karma.

During the next 9 days we are going to go through a very intense phase that will cleanse any harmful toxins from our lives, which include unhealthy habits, extreme behaviours, outdated beliefs, irrational fear-based thoughts and feelings that diminish our energy and leave us feeling fraught, anxious and burnt-out.

Also, any ties that energetically bind us to people or situations that are detrimental to us or limiting in any way will easily be severed during this period and we will find the strength to walk away with peace, love, compassion and forgiveness in our hearts. In particular, we will feel the urge to remove ourselves from the company of anyone that regularly provokes arguments, shows aggression, is controlling, manipulative, deceptive, judgmental, overly critical or generally abusive toward us.

Not only will we be ending a nine-month cycle that has felt especially challenging, we are about to embark on an important, transformational new phase—and if we have been involved in any toxicity, it is vital that we clear as much of it as possible so that we are prepared for this necessary shift.

The number nine carries the energy of every number that comes before it, as it is the last digit in the numerical sequence 0-9.

Therefore, it is an accumulation of beginnings, middles and endings. It is a number that encompasses everything at once, but it is also the final number, so its energy signifies conclusions, endings and closure, but it also ensures we are ready to burn bridges and kick start exciting new beginnings.

It is essential that we end old outdated cycles before we can begin fresh new ones. When doors close we will notice that others immediately open up for us.

The number nine is a spiralling number as whenever a number is multiplied by nine, we always return back to the number nine. For example, 9×3=27 (2+7=9).

If there is only one nine, it is a calling for the closure of a phase in our lives—however, when there are more than one, the power and rhythm of the number is amplified, therefore the energetic vibration is also magnified and strengthened and the call to abruptly end a cycle is an urgent and final one.

The determination of this 999 energy will be undeniable and if there are areas of our life that need focus we will not be able to ignore or turn a blind eye to the changes that need to be made. We will not get away with making up excuses for the people in our lives that are troublesome or pretending that all is well when it isn’t. This energy takes no hostages and is quite fierce and forceful, therefore, it is highly recommended that we jump on the back of this energy and ride with the momentum during these next few weeks.

9-9-9- is a message that signifies the last warning we will be given to close karmic periods and the focus here is not just on romantic relationships, it is on any type of relationship that has been causing us some kind of emotional, mental or physical harm.

To align with this empowering energy shift we need to be evaluating, emptying, letting go and cleansing all low vibrational energy, so that by the time we reach the end of Saturn Retrograde on September 18th we are fully prepared to release whatever, or whomever, has been holding us back and freely move onward on our evolutionary journey.

The period leading up to September 18th may feel turbulent time as we shake off any negative thoughts, beliefs or habits that have caused us to enter into relationships that have not been serving us well. 999 is all about truth and clarity and to be true to ourselves and give ourselves the very best chance of receiving happiness, peace and love, we need to ensure that the people we closely connect to are not going to continuously be causing difficulties and destruction.

This is a time for rational and reasonable thinking and for attuning our intuition and trusting it, so that we easily distinguish the people and things that are not good for us, and we can then love certain people from a safe distance and put our own emotional, mental or physical health first.

As this chapter of our life comes to a definite and refreshing end, we can tune in to our intuition to be sure that whatever decisions we make are resonating on a soul level. 999 is a rare angel number sequence, and whenever we notice it or call upon it, we will receive an abundance of spiritual guidance and assistance that helps to guide us through.

We only need to pay attention and listen closely and we will hear repetitive whispers, feel subtle sensations, notice signs, synchronicities and number sequences 3:3:3 or 9:9:9 and we may notice that song lyrics, poetry or quotes offer significant messages during this time. The dreamworld will also be communicating with us, so it is likely that our dreams or even nightmares will be more vivid and that we are far more likely to remember them and piece the meaning together.

It may seem that the 999 energy is harsh and something to beware of, as it will feel testing and challenging, however, it is actually an extremely kind, loving, compassionate, wise and magnificent energy and one that helps us understand and then release any toxic entanglements of any type that we have felt ourselves bound to over these last nine months, or possibly even 9 years.

If we place our faith in this energy, we will be directed toward our destined path so that we can attune to our true soul connections, passions and soul missions here on earth.

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