"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Saturn Retrograde till 18 of September

Saturn, one of the most feared and dreaded cosmic influences, has just joined Jupiter & Pluto in retrograde, and will be churning up everything in its path—remaining in this position until September 18th 2019.

The biggest difference between Mercury and Saturn retrograde is that Mercury seems to be non-stop, throwing one thing after another in our direction, leaving us in a confused, bewildered state. In contrast, Saturn can be an immensely positive influence, if we open to it, as it occurs over a longer period of time and offers clarity and wisdom to situations that we have previously failed to make sense of. Fortunately, Saturn also brings to a halt much of the chaos and drama that Mercury dragged in.

This wise and disciplined planet in retrograde offers us the opportunity to dive deep and soul search so we can process exactly what has been happening in our lives and most importantly, why.

Saturn is the furthest planet from Earth that is still visible to the eye, and as it is at the edge of what we can see in our solar system, it also brings into play boundaries, limits, and our ability to see only what’s in front of us.

This means that the retrograde is going to challenge us and throw us out of sync—we’ll be pushed to look beyond the visible and take notice of what we have previously turned a blind eye to, or not believed in, simply because we haven’t chosen to “see.” This could mean that people we’re in relationships with are unmasked, and veils come tumbling down as we begin to see things for what they actually are rather than what we wanted them to be.

This is where our intuition is called upon—we are reaching a stage in our lives where we know there is more behind every interaction and situation we find ourselves in, but we haven’t had the faith to trust ourselves. Instead, we only trust what we see at face value, leading us to be lied to, manipulated, controlled, and deceived.

During this retrograde, we may also notice that we’ve placed invisible boundaries or walls around ourselves in an attempt to fit into tiny, cramped boxes that other people, or society, created for us, particularly concerning our romantic relationships. Instead of listening to other people’s definitions of who we are and what our relationships should look like, we will throw off the shackles and determine for ourselves our skills, talents, and capabilities, thus recognising that we are divine beings with limitless possibilities.

Saturn orbits the sun so slowly that it shows us patience, control, tolerance, persistence, surrender, and composure, and how commitment and perseverance can pay off.

However, when this planet is in retrograde, each of these qualities will be tested so our intentions and motivations are questioned—all for a good cause. This means we might find ourselves impatient and desperate to control other people and our surroundings, and we may end up losing all control, have meltdowns and tantrums, and want to quit and throw away everything—including relationships, friendships, and careers.

Again, this is just a shake-up that allows us to clearly see who and what matters to us. What it highlights for us can help determine whether we’re placing our energy in the right areas and if all our loyalty, dedication, and faithfulness are truly worth it.

Saturn retrograde is likely to have stages that feel unrelenting and destabilising, as it is all about learning from past mistakes, so it asks us to revisit them. We can only move forward when we understand why we put ourselves in certain situations or become emotionally involved with people who we weren’t meant to be with long-term.

This can be quite painful to go through.

But, it is a much needed cleansing phase of our lives, a necessary healing detox process that allows us to purge and let go—and also a period to take slowly, to not rush through so we avoid making the mistake of returning to whatever (or whoever) has caused us harm.

While Saturn is known as the planet of karma and discipline, this is not considered a negative trait, as all cosmic placings happen in order that we achieve a greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us, and to serve our highest good.

Karma, in my belief, is self-gifting or self-punishment - we are responsible for the energy we give out, and, with a few twists and turns, that energy returns back to us. We can alter our karma at any time by changing our energetic frequency, so that the vibration we are emanating is sending positivity, love & warmth to those around us and out to the world. This begins when we first offer these qualities to ourselves, then we will naturally radiate them outwardly.

During this retrograde we will learn more about controlling and managing our karma simply by staying aware of how our actions affect ourselves and those around us, both positively and negatively.

If we feel terribly guilty because we have said something out of turn to someone, our vibrational energy will be lowered and we will find that we then attract a similar low-vibrational person or event, which confirms exactly how guilty or apologetic we feel about it. Rather than perceiving this as a negative, we can see it as an opportunity to resolve the karma by placing positive where negative once was, and even better, resolving the original misunderstanding or conflict.

When we feel genuinely sorry for our actions and make amends for our behaviour, the low vibration dissipates and is transmuted to a positive, forgiving, compassionate high vibration that goes on to attract an abundance of similar loving and accepting high-frequency vibrations.

Whenever we try to deny our role in something that has gone wrong, or if we attempt to blame someone else for our situation, it lingers inside us and causes irritable, painful, and uncomfortable sensations. These sensations then play out in our daily lives by showing us similar situations until we are forced to do something about them. If we try to deny the energy we have sent out, we will then repress the associated energy.

Karma is intrinsically linked to consciousness, so if we are absolutely aware of the energy we send out, we will also be aware of the cause and effect of it too, and be in a position to redeem ourselves when we go off course by accepting our role and making the alterations necessary to reroute.

This means that not only are we authentic through rectifying any difficulties we have caused, either to ourselves or others, but we can also learn from them so we don’t keep behaving in ways that create the same errors and disruption time and again.

While it isn’t always easy to own our negative behaviour, if we don’t, we might self-punish by attracting negative karma, and we may feel miserable, unhealthy, and even lonely—as we either isolate ourselves through guilt, or others keep their distance.

During Saturn retrograde, karmic attraction is heightened, meaning that whatever we have been putting out there is going to be returned in magnitude. This is a majorly positive period for those who have been living compassionately with good intentions, and those who have been trying hard to break old and harmful patterns of behavior. It will be an extremely healing period where the positive vibrations that have been radiating over recent months will be returning 100 fold. For those who have dedicated their time and energy to good causes, or focusing on social missions and life purposes, these next few months will be the time when blessings will come in abundance and rewards will flow in.

If there have been situations that we know that we haven’t been our best selves in,, we can ease any karmic payback by choosing now to recognise where we have fallen short, and to make amends where applicable. Being authentic in our dealings and willing to take accountability and resolve issues as they arise, or better, taking action before they become issues, ensures our karmic footprint is one that won’t be a concern during this retrograde, and even if we have previously taken a wrong path or two, we can turn the energy around by taking responsibility and ensuring our apologies or future behavior rights any wrongs.

Overall, Saturn retrograde shows us how to look closer at everything we have experienced, and urges us to do so without rushing the process so that lessons can be learned and mistakes no longer repeated.

It helps us to understand that when we have gone through traumatic and painful periods in our lives, it is vital to show compassion to ourselves, which means moving slowly and with great care so our emotions, thoughts, and feelings are validated and heard.

It also teaches us how essential it is to be aware of how we speak and act within personal exchanges, and to remain aware and accountable for the energy we bring into every interaction, as energy lingers and will return to us—keeping us aware of the ripple effect of our words and actions.

In doing so, we become more empathetic, kinder, thoughtful, and overall compassionate, conscious humans—the best versions of ourselves possible.

If we aren’t willing to attune to cosmic energy and pay attention to what this retrograde offers, it is likely we will remain stuck in old ways, repeating similar mistakes, attracting challenging circumstances and relationships of all kinds, and wondering why life continuously feels like groundhog day.

It is our choice: awaken our consciousness, blossom, grow, and shift our lives forward, or remain asleep, hiding in the soil, feeling triggered and unfulfilled, acting from our subconscious, and refusing to see the light.

Whatever we choose, know that for every energetic action there is a reaction. We can make it positive or negative simply by remembering that whatever we give out to the universe will be returned in abundance.

Overall, Saturn is one of the most transformational and majorly influential planets while in retrograde, and if we welcome the guidance it offers then by the end of this retrograde our lives will be flowing exactly as we’ve been hoping for. Good things are on the way. It is vital now to pay attention to the energy we are putting out there, and to watch in amazement at how the Universe blesses it & returns it.

Original Post:

The High Priestess - New article from Cobra

On April 14th, 2019, full mysteries of the Goddess were finally anchored on the surface of this planet in a certain group, after centuries of suppression and after the last mysteries of Isis were completely discontinued at the Isis temple of Philae in the year 457 of the current era:

On April,14th, exactly at the peak of the most important ceremony which fully anchored the Goddess on the physical plane in full alignment with original protocols which originate in the legendary civilization of Atlantis, the Black Nobility families could not take this victory of the Light anymore:

They have ordered Jesuits to put key Templar sacred sites on fire immediately, as Templars were the main force recovering fragments of Isis mysteries and bringing them into the awareness of the Western civilization.

Templars have discovered ancient sacred texts connected to Isis mysteries in Solomon's stables near Al-Aqsa mosque:

Based on those texts, Templars have built many cathedrals dedicated to Our Lady (Notre Dame) on locations of Isis temples throughout Europe:

Many of those cathedrals were housing statues of Black Madonnas, which are actually Christianized versions of statues of dark skinned Isis, sometimes nursing her child, Horus.

The first building put on fire on April,14th was the Notre Dame church in Paris:

Which was built upon the temple of Isis:

Fulford has assessed correctly that fire at the cathedral was a burnt offering to Set, the arch-enemy of Goddess Isis, as the main Black Nobility family are in war against the Goddess for millennia:

The second fire to counteract the energy of the Goddess was targeting Solomon's stables near Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem:

It is interesting to note that Jesuits have hinted at the fact that Notre Dame fire was not an accident:

Jesuits were also celebrating this fire with glee:

But the Rose windows, the symbol of the Sisterhood of the Rose, have survived the fire:

Comte de Saint Germain, in his previous incarnation as Francis Bacon, has partially revived Goddess mysteries through Rosicrucian movement:

As Comte de Saint Germain he was the hierophant of the Goddess mysteries and he has initiated both Count Cagliostro and Madame de Pompadour.

Madame de Pompadour thus became the first high priestess on the surface of the planet:

A high priestess is a woman who can fully embody Goddess mysteries to the point where she can influence the global planetary civilization. She is a great harmonizing influence for the planetary energy grid and the civilization as a whole.

Madame de Pompadour was instrumental in bringing high culture to the French court from where it spread through France and later through all western society. She also played a key role in suppression of Jesuits:

During the time of full suppression of Jesuits (1773-1814) the Western civilization has reached its peak.

In 1775, Comte de Saint Germain opened a secret mystery school in Paris and his influence triggered the creation of many female masonic lodges in Paris:

Sisterhood of the Rose was revived in Paris as Order of Knights and Nymphs of the Rose:

The second high priestess on the surface of the planet was Princesse de Lamballe:

She was a very pure soul, incarnated into dark Savoy bloodline in Turin. Colonna family tried to manipulate her destiny, but failed to attract her to the dark side. She became the grand mistress of all adoptive (female) masonic lodges in France, and was the first person on the surface of the planet that was promoting true public feminine circles that were developing real sisterhood and friendship between women (for those who are initiated into higher mysteries of Isis I will use here the code word: amitie). She was the best friend of Queen Marie Antoinette. She was initiated into Goddess mysteries by Count Cagliostro who opened a temple of Isis in Paris in 1785, the initiation itself taking place at the spring equinox of 1785. She was killed in 1792.

The third high priestess was Queen Sisi:

She used her influence to facilitate union of Austria and Hungary and this act alone has bought Europe many years of peace and has postponed the world war for decades.

She was embodying energies of Goddess Isis:

She was murdered in 1898 by direct orders of the Geneve branch of the Rothschild family.

The fourth high priestess was Marilyn Monroe. She was killed in 1962 as she wanted to reveal the truth of extraterrestrial presence:

The fifth high priestess was Princess Diana. She was killed in 1997:

The sixth high priestess was Isis Astara. She was killed in 2018.

Now the surface of the planet is without a high priestess. This presents a certain problem as the energy grid of Light on the surface of this planet is destabilized. The Light forces are taking certain actions to counteract this problem and at this point, nothing more can be said about this.

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
*The Pirate Line being called!
Larger tunings take place.
Nouris projectors in reverberation at 45% (not countdown).
Attention Movement Egazar! Projector support for enlightenment started: 89% (not countdown).
Egazar Movement!: Line enlightenment in progress: 82% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Nevic illumination and fusions take place.
Zero i in historical transmission. Neva understood. Projection of Final Consciousness Unification in Terran Plan started. 69% (not countdown).
Universal repositors are sent.
Divinal dives occur.
Re-evaluations are defined.
Superior protocols in expansions.
Lower discharges are reduced.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Beautiful new video from the International Golden Age group - Thanks

Straight to the Stars and I´m HOME

This song came back from 2014...
This was my favorite music...
I was happy, that finally, somebody out there put into words what I felt such a long time.
 And after things and events come into my life and I forget this song until nowadays when I heard it again...
I realize in this case I change nothing...
I still want to go to the stars so strongly, that I feel this burning desire in every one of my cells. 
I Love Mother Gaia but hard to stand the calling words from the stars. 
I used to be out there...
and I miss it. 
Too long I stuck in here and soo much to do till I can able to fly again...
if I can...

Straight to the Stars
André Tanneberger (ATB)

Second star to the right, I'm running
Far beyond this, endless field and sky
I feel a rush tonight
Slave to a vast unknowing
We seem a world away
And how I long for feelings like that again
Straight to the stars and I'm home
Farther than I've ever known
I sail it all alone
And it's the only way
Straight to the stars where I'm home
Fading the farther I go
I sail it all alone
And it's the only way
Out here, no now or then
A means without an end
No gods, no talk of man
And feel the moonlight reaching in
I felt lost and now begin
To break away
Straight to the stars and I'm home
Farther than I've ever known
I sail it all alone
And it's the only way
Straight to the stars where I'm home
Fading the farther I go
I sail it all alone
And it's the only way
Straight to the stars where I'm home
Farther than I've ever known
I sail it all alone
And it's the only way
Straight to the stars where I'm home
Fading the farther I go
I sail it all alone
And it's the only way


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
NEVA present and in unification. Final merger in progress. Attention to % and neighboring line.
Zero i in historical transmission. Neva understood. Projection of Final Consciousness Unification in Terran Plan started. 66% (not countdown).
Attention Solaris & Solaris! New Synchronized Solar Waves sent to Terran Plan! Support and immediate assimilation! 100% of 72h.
Attention *The Pirate Line! Prepare for specific data receiving!
Attention *The Gypsy Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 9% (non-regressive).
P1: Alumi1 Projector pointed. Full brightness reached: Support/Enlightenment started: 39%.
Z-field plasma – detected. Removal by suction started: 12% (not countdown).
Attention Vanula, the Source of Potions! *RejuvD in your primary anchorage. Started: 33% (not countdown).
Dispensable lines dissolved.
Neva fortifying Terrano's Sustainability Field.
Lovingness expressions are seen.
Ashtar(s) extend searches on T Zone. Attention Flame of Contemplation and related!
Temporarily, end of transmission.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Attention Solaris & Solaris! New Synchronized Solar Waves sent to Terran Plan! Support and immediate assimilation! 80% of 72h.
Attention *The Pirate Line! Prepare for specific data receiving!
*The Gypsy Line (involved) recognizing transcendental!
Planetary Consciousness expresses itself.
Ultra Portals are opened.
Red Alert at Level/C10! Full overload. Discontinue "self-medication".
Zero i in historical transmission. Neva understood. Projection of Final Consciousness Unification in Terran Plan started. 44% (not countdown).
Attention Mayans! Preparation for Rescue Line.
Attention Héreluz! Projector update in progress. 42% (not contdown).
*Re-announced Lunar Priestesses! Special Protocols being delivered for Terran knowledge: Special Support Projector pointed! Anchorage at 69% (not countdown).
Special Projector for "Roses" pointed. Superior endorsement for Support of 8th granted. 90% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Attention Solaris & Solaris! New Synchronized Solar Waves sent to Terran Plan! Support and immediate assimilation! 40% of 72h.
Attention *The Pirate Line! Illuminating projections sent to Terran Plan!
*The Gypsy Line being called!
Changing routes attempt. Larger analyses occur.
Superior Protocol 4 delivered.
"Butterflies land when the garden is fragrant."
Zero i in preparation for fusion of Inheritance. Waiting for the percentage count of the UNIFICATION order.
Neva's Planetary Inheritance approaches. Preparation for anchorages and reverberations. The Light Celebrates!
Attention PVSE to Neva Planetary Heritage! Superior instructions coming!
Zero i in historical transmission. Neva understood. Projection of final consciousness unification in Terran Plan started. 29% (not countdown).
Red Alert at Level/C10! Full overload. Discontinue "self-medication".
Alfeus! Immediate support for driving.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pluto has now stationed retrograde and will remain in retrograde until October 3rd 2019

This retrograde highlights our dark side so that we vulnerably open up, make necessary changes and take accountability for our lower vibrational traits, tendencies, patterns of behavior and the relationships we maintain. 

The focus over the next 5 months will be on areas where we are holding too tightly to people or things, purely because we feel too afraid to finally cut cords and fully let go.

We will also realize that, despite vehemently denying to ourselves that we are sometimes wading in troubled waters, we only move against the force because at some level we don’t believe we have the strength, willpower or courage to leave the familiar behind, even when we know it is outdated or insidiously poisoning us. 

Unfortunately, the longer we are exposed to toxicity, the more weakened we become, so our self-worth, self-value, self-esteem and self-respect diminish, to such a degree that ultimately we tolerate behaviors and situations that are well below bar. 

During this retrograde, we will discover that if we are not willing to make difficult decisions that are vital for our emotional, mental, spiritual or physical wellbeing, then Pluto will move in to make them for us by removing from our lives anything or anyone that is harming or stunting our overall soul growth or health.

We will no longer be able to ignore, deny or sugar-coat our circumstances, as this planet’s spring-clearing energy pulls us into intense introspective phases where we will be forced to assess our internal wants, needs, desires and passions, as well as our old and unhealed emotional wounds. 

This will bring to our attention how we have been subconsciously replaying similar patterns and remaining in relationships, commitments, jobs or friendships that we know are limiting, dysfunctional or generally diminishing our ability to shine.

Pluto retrograde forces us to do a deep cleansing, whether by our doing, or by the Universe unexpectedly shifting things around so that we have no option but to break ties with whatever or whoever is anchoring or pulling us down. 

To sail through this period without too much disruption it is imperative that we take time out to contemplate why we are clinging to unfulfilling, unhealthy and undesirable dynamics, when we know we have the strength to make a clean break and detox and heal from any dependency or pain.

This retrograde will take us through major personal transformation and as the months pass by we will be releasing our hold on the harmful and creating space for healthy and harmonious encounters.

The transition is not going to be easy, we will likely try to fight aspects of it, throw tantrums, release tears and raise white flags with reluctance, however, as the days pass we will heal, restructure, regroup and realise how imperative the skin-shedding was for the evolution of our soul.

When we travel internally, deep down in our psyche we intuitively know that we have become so attached with what feels familiar that we have been compromising, making excuses and allowing a variety of things to continue, despite the fact that they are in major conflict with our morals, values and ideology for how we want to be manoeuvring through our life.

Pluto Retrograde is, above all, a period of regeneration, where we will be purging and eliminating whatever has fallen out of alignment with where we are now at, including old beliefs & patterns, intrusive and obsessive thinking, blaming and shaming, gossip, judgements, grudges bad habits, limiting fears, one-sided and half-hearted dynamics, heavy baggage, negative feelings from the past, worries about the future, things we cannot change, the need to control, unrealistic expectations and basically anything or anyone that has already let go of us. 

Surrendering is the most powerfully healing and transformational thing we can do, and sometimes our only option—because, whether we like it or not, whatever is meant will not miss us, and whatever isn’t eventually passes on it’s way.

Letting go is a simply a way of practicing Feng Shui, by sweeping out negative energy so that positive energy and new connections and experiences can seep in.

Pluto is a time for forward movement - the sooner we let go, the faster we flow. 


Retrogrades turn our energy inward and intensify it, which is why many of us withdraw and become more introspective and introverted, particularly when a planet first turns retrograde and we are in the process of attuning to the new energy.

Although retrogrades may seem chaotic, they are always blessings in disguise. They shift our focus so we become aware of anything that’s not aligned in our lives, and take note of the unhealed wounds and unresolved emotions that are desperately trying to gain our attention.

When we turn the spotlight inward, we are able to see where we’ve been going wrong, where we are currently at, and where we are heading. Ultimately, this helps us take accountability for our personal journey so we avoid repeating the same mistakes.

When a planet is newly retrograde we will likely feel more alert, wired, highly intuitive, irritable, restless, unable to sleep and as though we are on an energetic “high,”. We may find ourselves over thinking, with high anxiety and our our lives can seem far more turbulent than usual until our personal energy calibrates with the new incoming energy from the planet that is retrograding. 

When we are sleep-deprived, we may feel more confused and edgy, as though we are running on adrenaline, causing us to feel achy, overemotional, and irrational so we may find ourselves having futile disagreements and becoming angry or frustrated far quicker than normal - which is why it is vital to be aware of what’s occurring in the universe and to take regular time-out periods to balance, ground and harmonise energies.

As we move through this retrograde period, we will want to cleanse our homes, social media accounts, and friendships, as well as reconsider commitments and eliminate any unhealthy or bad habits. This detox will be severe at times as we purge old energies and remove anything, or anyone, that prevents us from moving forward and achieving our goals and inner peace.

Retrogrades send shockwaves through our relationships, trigger unhealed wounds and churn up old history. Therefore, it is possible that ghosts from our past will make unexpected appearances accompanied with emotional confessions; this is to ask us to take one last look before we decide to reopen or firmly lock doors that we previously closed. We may receive calls or messages that will take us by surprise and cause a great deal of tension, especially if we wrongly interpret the intentions of the messenger and jump to false conclusions.

Before we alter our life path, we can first look at which internal buttons the people around us are pressing and why we have felt a strong desire to react; it is essential to discern exactly who and what the retrograde phases bring to our attention.

This is a period of soul-searching and reflection, and one of accepting who and what is meant to be in our lives and compassionately releasing who and what isn’t meant to be there. It is a time for reflection, introspection, and caution—not for hasty emotion-fuelled reactions.

Retrogrades are catalysts for positive transformation and radiate waves of cosmic energy that shake and alter our lives, giving us the opportunity to wipe the karmic slate clean and turn our lives around for the better.

Our universe is knowledgeable and powerful and operates in the most mysterious and mystical ways. It moves energies around constantly in order to create balance and harmony, so we must not put up resistance to the opportunities presented to us, and instead, flow in the direction that feels right. 

This retrograde period will be challenging; however, the cosmos only delivers what we can handle, so take deep breaths, step back, reassess, and harness patience so that all responses are done with love and compassion. 


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Zero i in historical transmission. Neva understood. Projection of final unification of consciousness in Terran Plan started. 22% (not countdown).
Legal updates happen. Specialized people guide.
Attention Africans Line. Attempt adjustments take place.
Attention *The Gypsy Line! Prepare for specific data receiving!
Attention Solaris & Solaris! New Synchronized Solar Waves sent to Terran Plan! Support and immediate assimilation! 72h Linear.
Aquatic risks reduced at 11%-. (Some waves necessary).
Lords of Time try to update lines.
Main line still confused by internal clutter.
Divinal Relics exposed.
Falls are signs of inner re-dive.
Locks still remain and cancel arrivals.
Neva recognized and smiles.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Hungarian sister site is alive! Magyar testvér oldal elstartolt ma!

A couple of last days I had a feeling, I should translate some article to Hungarian language especially the new situation update via FM144. I pushed this idea away some times, mainly that I´m happy if I can take care of this blog, and make a translating this is for me a lot of time but this idea pops up into my head often - so today finally I did it. 
So I announce my new sister blog - https://paladinokafenybajnokai.blogspot.com  Yuppie!
I thought hard about the blog name, and later come to an idea and I decided to be the main theme the paladins - priest-warriors, warrior of the light, the same value like a Jedi just they can wear heavy armor but no "force" but they can heal! 
So there will be mostly translated texts, articles, vice-versa.

So welcome dear Hungarian readers - this is for you, the translate not perfect, but I do always the best as I can. Enjoy.

Kedves Magyar blog olvasók! Ma "végre" megcsináltam a magyar nyelvü blogomat, ami ennek a blognak  "kistestvére". Fordítások lesznek rajta olvashatók, pár fokkal jobbak lesznek mint a google fordítóé, szóval használjátok majd bátran, a tervek szerint max pár nap lesz a cikkek feltöltése-fordítása között. 
Arra azért kérlek, hogy ne fikázzuk, jó? vélemény moderálás nem lesz, ahogy itt se, de a felesleges hirdetéseket töröni fogom.

Jó olvasást, ha véleményed van, észrevétel, építö jellegü kritika, nyugodtan írjál, nem harapok :) 

April 24-27 Possible Geomagnetic Disturbances

We are currently experiencing a solar storm due to several recurrent negative-polarity CH HSS's (coronal hole high-speed streams) that are being ejected from an open earth-facing coronal hole on the sun. 

From this hole high-speed solar wind (hot plasma) streams have been travelling the 93 million miles from the sun toward Earth at immense speed and the plasma is now reaching our planet. 

This wind interacts with Earth’s magnetosphere and is visible in the form of colourful light emissions, known as northern lights or auroras, which are already being witnessed around the poles and more are expected this week around both the North and South Pole.

Solar storms temporarily disturb the Earth’s magnetosphere, as solar winds and flares interact with Earth’s electromagnetic fields. It has been scientifically proven that humans who are highly sensitive to electromagnetic energy also feel a distance in their personal electromagnetic field (the energy field that surrounds our body—our aura.) Therefore, in the same way electromagnetic energy affects our planet, it can also play havoc with our own energy fields.

Solar storms are known to cause energy shifts, as our own electromagnetic field is impacted by the incoming energies. 

Energy shifts can feel volatile, and during this period, our minds and bodies can sometimes feel like they have temporarily “shut down.” However this is for our own good as when we slow down we are in a far better position to receive energetic downloads that help our vibration shift. This is similar to the “ascension flu” that occurs when someone is going through an intense awakening period and their body is transcending from a physical to a “light body.”

Research has found that geomagnetic storms can also have a huge effect on our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health. Increased anxiety, depression, fatigue, nervousness, and peaks in bipolar disorder have been found to coincide with solar activity.

Solar storms are known to have a huge impact on radio communications, navigation/GPS systems, technology, and living organisms. Solar energy has been shown to change blood flow, boost adrenaline, and affect blood pressure and affect our sleep patterns.

Solar storms are known to desynchronize our circadian rhythm, which is the internal biological clock that controls our sleep and wake times. Our pineal glands are affected by this electromagnetic activity and produce an increase in melatonin—thus disturbing our sleep and impacting our intuition. We may have enhanced intuition and psychic awareness.

Solar storms are also believed to directly impact our nervous system, causing us to feel extra edgy, cautious, and feisty, and as though we are running on adrenaline in “fight or flight” mode. When these storms occur, we can find ourselves spun out or agitated without knowing why. We may also notice that our senses are on high alert, and that everything feels and sounds louder, brighter, stronger, and more vivid than normal.

Common Energetic Symptoms known to be Caused by Solar Storms

>> Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area.

>> Flushed, dizzy, or nauseous.

>> Difficulty focusing, confusion, temporary loss of memories, forgetting things, misplacing items, or a “foggy mind.”

>> Intense hunger or thirst.

>> Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns, and intense dreams, or nightmares.

>> Seemingly out-the-blue bouts of irritability, frustration, panic, sadness, nervousness, anger, worry, fear, grief, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.

>> Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, premonitions, insights that seem to appear out of nowhere.

>> Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains.

>> Seeing and feeling energy such as orbs, sparks, or flashes of light, noticing energy warming the palms of hands.

>> Appreciation that all life is sacred.

>> Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing.

>> More consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and highly sensitive to negativity, walking away from drama and conflict.

>> No longer needing to force anything, allowing what flows to flow freely, and letting what doesn’t flow fall away.

>> Wanting to spend time alone; introspection.

How we can Ease Unwanted Symptoms Caused by Solar Storms

Geomagnetic storms are intense transformational periods that can bring awakenings and reconnect us to internal and external universal knowledge and wisdom. To ensure we resonate with this higher energy so that our vibration is raised, we can combat the effects of solar activity by resting and taking time from our busy schedules to do the following:

>> Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).

>> Take saltwater baths.

>> Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.

>> Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

>> Spend time in nature.

>> Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

>> Remind yourself that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that conscious thought and intention can instantly alter how we think and feel.

>> Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender.
>> Practice kindness, compassion, acceptance, and empathy.
>> Remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
> When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology, and anything that feels energetically toxic or draining. 

- Alex Myles

Here is one study on the effects of solar storms on humans. 

Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed here and have medical concerns, please also seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during geomagnetic storms, however, there may be other medically-related causes.

Benjamin Fulford weekly (Full) Report - 22.04.2019

China poised to seize Daimler Benz, Deutsche Bank as German 4th Reich collapses

Germany and its EU 4th Reich regime are under siege and facing collapse due to a massive debt load and popular resistance in occupied states like France and Italy. As a result, Germany may be forced to sell its crown jewels—the Daimler Benz Corporation and Deutsche Bank—to the Chinese, according to Japanese military intelligence and other sources.

The sacrificial burning of Notre Dame Cathedral to Molech (Ba’al, Set, Satan) was a desperate attempt by superstitious EU Khazarian satanists to somehow reverse their fortunes, P2 Freemason sources say.

It’s difficult for normal people to understand the superstitious mindset of these satanists, but essentially they seem to think they are in a battle against a goddess. That is why they chose to burn “Notre Dame” or “Our Lady,” because this refers to Mary. Mary, of course, is the Christian name for the Goddess Isis, who raised an infant until he could defeat Set or Satan. It is for this same superstitious reason that these satanists created a horrific terror organization and tried to call in ISIS in order to weaken support for the Goddess in the minds of humanity.

The hope in sacrificing Notre Dame was to unify European and world sentiment around German Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron, just like Americans rallied around George Bush Jr. after 9/11, the sources say. Instead, according to multiple sources in the French Yellow Vest resistance, the burning of the Cathedral is being blamed on Macron and his German puppet masters.

The desecrations of European Catholic churches and the Notre Dame arson in France may have a silver lining and lead to the firing of Pope Francis and the defrocking of French Cardinal Philippe Barbarin,” was how Pentagon sources saw the situation. “The satanic global Jewish mafia may have signed their own death warrant with anti-Christian terrorisms in France, the Easter massacre in Sri Lanka (in which no Israelis were killed), and elsewhere,” the sources added.

Certainly a critical mass of aware people, especially in the world’s military and intelligence agencies, know that the “Islamic State” really refers to the Satanic State, i.e. Israel. So when the “Islamic State” takes credit for the massacre of Christians in Sri Lanka and elsewhere, the real culprit, Israel, is pinpointed.

A 21st century holy war or crusade against the Jews [Khazarian Mafia] will be led by Russia, the EU, and the USA to defend Christendom, aided by Muslims,” the Pentagon sources predict. A group of moderate Muslims supports this statement with its move to get advisory status with the UN in order to fight against efforts to start a Muslim/Christian holy war.

The Muslims are fully aware that an attempt to burn the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem at the same time as Notre Dame was burned was the work of Khazarian satanists, not Christians.

As these events show, the battle against the satanic Khazarian mafia is raging in a way that transcends traditional political, religious, and geographic boundaries.

Another example of this is the disappearance of a Japanese F-35 fighter plane off the coast of Japan on April 9th.

Japanese underworld sources are saying this plane was actually “sold to the North Koreans by the Zionists [Khazarian mafia]” for a huge sum of money. North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un will be taking this fighter as a souvenir and bargaining chip when he visits Russian President Vladimir Putin at the end of this month.

Presumably the Zionists are hoping that by providing Russia with the crown jewel of U.S. military stealth technology via North Korea, they will also be hoping to get protection for Israel. Russian FSB sources, however, have long said they will not protect the state created by the same satanists who killed many tens of millions of Russians during the 20th century.

The fact that Kim is planning to visit Russia just before the new Japanese Emperor Naruhito officially takes the throne on May 1st is also a sign that he is seeking some sort of protection, say Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor. That’s because North Korea helped with the Fukushima mass murder attack against Japan and fears retaliation from the new Emperor.

The North Koreans helped with Fukushima in exchange for promises from the satanic Khazarian Rothschild family (Rothschild means “red shield,” a symbol of Satan). The Rothschilds said they would move 40 million Japanese from Tokyo to North Korea and make North Korea the Rothschilds’ Asian headquarters, according to a member of the Rothschild family. Then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has publicly confirmed he was pressured to evacuate 40 million people from greater Tokyo after the Fukushima attack.

This battle for the planet Earth is also unfolding in Indonesia, where much of the world’s gold is supposed to be located. Here, a hotly disputed general election has just taken place. CIA sources in Indonesia are saying that Khazarian-backed Prabowo Subianto, along with his photogenic vice-presidential candidate Sandiaga Uno, actually beat the incumbent Jokowi. They offered as proof this screen shot from Indonesian TV showing contradictory results.

Here is their explanation of the photo:

“The 54.81 % shown at the bottom is Jokowi/Ma’ruf Amin. The numbers at the top of the screen show almost the reverse percentage for Prabowo/Uno. This is a quick count done by the various independent polling/tracking stations in Indonesia. They call this ‘exit polls.’ The numbers are circled in an orange loop. The top shows one set of quick count results which show Prabowo/Uno leading. At the bottom they changed the results, showing Jokowi/Ma’ruf Amin ahead.”

The CIA source also reports the following:

“There is a serious battle for control of the country going on behind the scenes. Prabowo/Uno actually won by 60% ±. This has been verified by numerous inside sources. [Chinese-backed] Jokowi/Amin humbly say that they won. The media is spinning a Jokowi win. We shall find out. There are Real Deals being offered behind the curtain.

“Prabowo has publicly said that he will curtail China’s takeover of the infrastructure of Indonesia. The official vote counting will be announced on 22 May.

“Either party can contest the official count and take the case to the Constitutional Court (MK). This will occur in June. The country is on autopilot until then unless one of the players obtains enough concessions to bow out, into the sunset. Can’t say much more. We are all being watched by both sides. Which is positive. You are aware of this as well.”

Control of Indonesia is a matter of life and death for the Western powers, because control of the gold and treasure located there will be hugely important when the inevitable reset of the global financial system takes place.

We say it’s inevitable because unless the West resets the system, it will become a one-China world. The U.S. has a cumulative trade deficit of around $15 trillion. This means foreigners, mainly Chinese and Japanese, control an amount of U.S. dollars that is almost equal to the U.S. GDP. This is why China can woo the world with its trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the West cannot afford to offer anything remotely similar in scale.

The only reason the U.S. has not been formally bankrupted is because it would cause World War III. However, under the current financial system, the more time that passes, the weaker the U.S. international position becomes.

Also, China has major control over the EU because of its EU 1.777 trillion deficit (U.S. $1.998 trillion) that has accumulated since the Lehman crisis of 2008.

Already, 16 Eastern European nations have joined the Chinese BRI initiative and now Greece, Italy, and Switzerland have hopped on the bandwagon. France, the UK, and Germany are the only major European nations holding out.

Since the EU does not have the U.S. military option, they are in a much weaker position. Asian secret society sources are saying China is telling the EU they do not want any more paper (EU debt instruments). Instead, the Chinese are pressuring the Germans by asking for control of industrial jewels like Daimler Benz and financial powerhouses like Deutsche Bank, the sources say. The Chinese, who already own Volvo and 9.69% of Daimler Benz, now want more, they say.

The Chinese have upped the pressure recently by starting an investigation of the company, based on the excuse that a brand new Mercedes Benz broke down immediately after it was purchased. Japanese military intelligence say this is an opening gambit in a big move against Germany by the Chinese.

This is probably the real reason why Germany is now publicly saying it wants its own fleet of nuclear bombers.

The West needs to hurry up and remove the satanic parasites from its body politic so that it can present a united front in negotiating a new financial system with the Asians. It also needs to woo Russia back onto its side. The fact that President Donald Trump congratulated Russia-supported Ukrainian President-elect Vladimir Zelensky is a clear indication that the destructive Western “blame everything on Russia” campaign has ended.

Only if the EU, Russia, and North America present a united front can they hope to negotiate with Asia from a position of strength during important meetings in the coming weeks and months that could decide the planet’s future.

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