"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Pluto has now stationed retrograde and will remain in retrograde until October 3rd 2019

This retrograde highlights our dark side so that we vulnerably open up, make necessary changes and take accountability for our lower vibrational traits, tendencies, patterns of behavior and the relationships we maintain. 

The focus over the next 5 months will be on areas where we are holding too tightly to people or things, purely because we feel too afraid to finally cut cords and fully let go.

We will also realize that, despite vehemently denying to ourselves that we are sometimes wading in troubled waters, we only move against the force because at some level we don’t believe we have the strength, willpower or courage to leave the familiar behind, even when we know it is outdated or insidiously poisoning us. 

Unfortunately, the longer we are exposed to toxicity, the more weakened we become, so our self-worth, self-value, self-esteem and self-respect diminish, to such a degree that ultimately we tolerate behaviors and situations that are well below bar. 

During this retrograde, we will discover that if we are not willing to make difficult decisions that are vital for our emotional, mental, spiritual or physical wellbeing, then Pluto will move in to make them for us by removing from our lives anything or anyone that is harming or stunting our overall soul growth or health.

We will no longer be able to ignore, deny or sugar-coat our circumstances, as this planet’s spring-clearing energy pulls us into intense introspective phases where we will be forced to assess our internal wants, needs, desires and passions, as well as our old and unhealed emotional wounds. 

This will bring to our attention how we have been subconsciously replaying similar patterns and remaining in relationships, commitments, jobs or friendships that we know are limiting, dysfunctional or generally diminishing our ability to shine.

Pluto retrograde forces us to do a deep cleansing, whether by our doing, or by the Universe unexpectedly shifting things around so that we have no option but to break ties with whatever or whoever is anchoring or pulling us down. 

To sail through this period without too much disruption it is imperative that we take time out to contemplate why we are clinging to unfulfilling, unhealthy and undesirable dynamics, when we know we have the strength to make a clean break and detox and heal from any dependency or pain.

This retrograde will take us through major personal transformation and as the months pass by we will be releasing our hold on the harmful and creating space for healthy and harmonious encounters.

The transition is not going to be easy, we will likely try to fight aspects of it, throw tantrums, release tears and raise white flags with reluctance, however, as the days pass we will heal, restructure, regroup and realise how imperative the skin-shedding was for the evolution of our soul.

When we travel internally, deep down in our psyche we intuitively know that we have become so attached with what feels familiar that we have been compromising, making excuses and allowing a variety of things to continue, despite the fact that they are in major conflict with our morals, values and ideology for how we want to be manoeuvring through our life.

Pluto Retrograde is, above all, a period of regeneration, where we will be purging and eliminating whatever has fallen out of alignment with where we are now at, including old beliefs & patterns, intrusive and obsessive thinking, blaming and shaming, gossip, judgements, grudges bad habits, limiting fears, one-sided and half-hearted dynamics, heavy baggage, negative feelings from the past, worries about the future, things we cannot change, the need to control, unrealistic expectations and basically anything or anyone that has already let go of us. 

Surrendering is the most powerfully healing and transformational thing we can do, and sometimes our only option—because, whether we like it or not, whatever is meant will not miss us, and whatever isn’t eventually passes on it’s way.

Letting go is a simply a way of practicing Feng Shui, by sweeping out negative energy so that positive energy and new connections and experiences can seep in.

Pluto is a time for forward movement - the sooner we let go, the faster we flow. 


Retrogrades turn our energy inward and intensify it, which is why many of us withdraw and become more introspective and introverted, particularly when a planet first turns retrograde and we are in the process of attuning to the new energy.

Although retrogrades may seem chaotic, they are always blessings in disguise. They shift our focus so we become aware of anything that’s not aligned in our lives, and take note of the unhealed wounds and unresolved emotions that are desperately trying to gain our attention.

When we turn the spotlight inward, we are able to see where we’ve been going wrong, where we are currently at, and where we are heading. Ultimately, this helps us take accountability for our personal journey so we avoid repeating the same mistakes.

When a planet is newly retrograde we will likely feel more alert, wired, highly intuitive, irritable, restless, unable to sleep and as though we are on an energetic “high,”. We may find ourselves over thinking, with high anxiety and our our lives can seem far more turbulent than usual until our personal energy calibrates with the new incoming energy from the planet that is retrograding. 

When we are sleep-deprived, we may feel more confused and edgy, as though we are running on adrenaline, causing us to feel achy, overemotional, and irrational so we may find ourselves having futile disagreements and becoming angry or frustrated far quicker than normal - which is why it is vital to be aware of what’s occurring in the universe and to take regular time-out periods to balance, ground and harmonise energies.

As we move through this retrograde period, we will want to cleanse our homes, social media accounts, and friendships, as well as reconsider commitments and eliminate any unhealthy or bad habits. This detox will be severe at times as we purge old energies and remove anything, or anyone, that prevents us from moving forward and achieving our goals and inner peace.

Retrogrades send shockwaves through our relationships, trigger unhealed wounds and churn up old history. Therefore, it is possible that ghosts from our past will make unexpected appearances accompanied with emotional confessions; this is to ask us to take one last look before we decide to reopen or firmly lock doors that we previously closed. We may receive calls or messages that will take us by surprise and cause a great deal of tension, especially if we wrongly interpret the intentions of the messenger and jump to false conclusions.

Before we alter our life path, we can first look at which internal buttons the people around us are pressing and why we have felt a strong desire to react; it is essential to discern exactly who and what the retrograde phases bring to our attention.

This is a period of soul-searching and reflection, and one of accepting who and what is meant to be in our lives and compassionately releasing who and what isn’t meant to be there. It is a time for reflection, introspection, and caution—not for hasty emotion-fuelled reactions.

Retrogrades are catalysts for positive transformation and radiate waves of cosmic energy that shake and alter our lives, giving us the opportunity to wipe the karmic slate clean and turn our lives around for the better.

Our universe is knowledgeable and powerful and operates in the most mysterious and mystical ways. It moves energies around constantly in order to create balance and harmony, so we must not put up resistance to the opportunities presented to us, and instead, flow in the direction that feels right. 

This retrograde period will be challenging; however, the cosmos only delivers what we can handle, so take deep breaths, step back, reassess, and harness patience so that all responses are done with love and compassion. 

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