"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Hungarian sister site is alive! Magyar testvér oldal elstartolt ma!

A couple of last days I had a feeling, I should translate some article to Hungarian language especially the new situation update via FM144. I pushed this idea away some times, mainly that I´m happy if I can take care of this blog, and make a translating this is for me a lot of time but this idea pops up into my head often - so today finally I did it. 
So I announce my new sister blog - https://paladinokafenybajnokai.blogspot.com  Yuppie!
I thought hard about the blog name, and later come to an idea and I decided to be the main theme the paladins - priest-warriors, warrior of the light, the same value like a Jedi just they can wear heavy armor but no "force" but they can heal! 
So there will be mostly translated texts, articles, vice-versa.

So welcome dear Hungarian readers - this is for you, the translate not perfect, but I do always the best as I can. Enjoy.

Kedves Magyar blog olvasók! Ma "végre" megcsináltam a magyar nyelvü blogomat, ami ennek a blognak  "kistestvére". Fordítások lesznek rajta olvashatók, pár fokkal jobbak lesznek mint a google fordítóé, szóval használjátok majd bátran, a tervek szerint max pár nap lesz a cikkek feltöltése-fordítása között. 
Arra azért kérlek, hogy ne fikázzuk, jó? vélemény moderálás nem lesz, ahogy itt se, de a felesleges hirdetéseket töröni fogom.

Jó olvasást, ha véleményed van, észrevétel, építö jellegü kritika, nyugodtan írjál, nem harapok :) 

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