"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Energy Update - end of October, beginning of November

Schumann Resonance Activity has continued... since 28 of October - the spikes are kicking, continuously we get energies and all produce different ascension symptoms - you know the usually stuffs - crown chakra, heart chakra activations, 3rd eye pressure, ringing ears, anxiety, lack of sleep or fatigue, heart palpitations, stomach trouble, dizziness, flu-like symptoms etc. and I should mention the awesome synchronicities - number, numbers everywhere especially the 11 44 combinations, 7s and 3s - I feel myself often in high vibes and fast downloads - answers to my questions.
For me since yesterday heart activations, and tired, I wake up at morning and I am more tired like before and our unusual weather also not really helpful - around 20 degree now but Monday morning was under 10 degree and normally in this time end of October should be frost at night and daytime around 10 degrees. 

Right now 2 coronal holes face toward the Earth and have the 3rd one too and can be solar wind in the next some days - the forecast not expect big solar winds - max K4.


About these energies more detailed via Aluna Ash - I follow her recently and very accurate:

" Stay strong family... we just had a really strong wave come through over the weekend and it's still lingering a bit for the next couple of days. The experiences these waves can be different individually and change each one. Any emotions that come up, just allow it to come out, surrender & don't feel like you're taking a step backward or like you are stuck or like you're doing anything wrong. Whatever you're going through, there IS a reason for it a soul/spirit level & it IS worth it in the end. You are never alone. Your higher self is your guardian angel and your direct connection to communicate with the Divine/Source/God. The wave we just had and is still continuing was pretty strong not only was it a spike with the vibration of the planet from below the surface but we also had a wave that came in at the same time.. there's a lot taking place astrally in the fourth dimension and this is where the spiritual war is taking place, so your physical body is going to sleep but your soul and spirit is continuously battling and clearing timelines and parallel realities and collapsing things into one and also setting up other realities for yourself to merge into. The physical body is integrating so much information right now to be able to merge with the higher aspect of yourself and then project into the reality from the perception of the 5th-dimensional self- which is how we cocreate New Earth and deliberately manifest. The best thing we all can do is have empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. Show others that energy by living it. That's how we break the cycle of dualism and division and shift vibrationally. 

The next energy spike will be in about 6 days.. then we have the rainbow wave reactivation triggered the 11th. Everyone will experience this energy but how you experience it is based off of the individual perception, consciousness, vibration, timeline, etc.. even those that are fully awake do not see the energy waves physically or visually as color or see auras or Spirits or entities so whether or not you see these energy waves does not determine your spiritual evolution. We are different individually in how we experience our reality, our perception. And that's something that does change and evolves over time and it's something that we have chosen prior to our incarnation individually. The Clairvoyance is just the third eye, it's just seeing with the third eye- which we all have. Just whether or not you have chosen to access that part of yourself in this lifetime"

The weather is crazy - our mother Earth is responding for the energies what she gets from the Galactic Center Sun - these energies are now accelerated Ascension energies - the time is extremely fast, the energies are higher and higher, and less the "quiet days" when we get a bit pause from all of these. 
And of course, we can see this in the physical plane - earthquakes - New Zealand (6,1), Greece (6,8), Romania (5,5), Japan (4,8), China (4,9), Alaska (4,6), Canada (6,5 - 6,8), Russia (6,7) - some are unusual. 

7 days, 153 earthquakes - all are more than 4,5 magnitude - globally

Floodings - this picture from Venice

Vulcano activity rises - Krakatau volcano

Extreme Wind

I think the weather will be more extreme, more earthquakes, more flooding, but also our collective consciousness get higher, more and more people get awake. This is a process, our Earth transforms something beautiful, like a mother who births a child. I know have there the dark side - it´s terrible to lose everything about these disasters, friends, family members die about these events and more people gone to the spirit world about the cabal, illnesses, accidents etc. and very sad and disturbing that the government and different aid organizations not help those peoples, and very tiny help if we meditate or think about them - but we do and I hope and wish that soon the peoples and organizations, governments like one heart help those peoples who suffer and give them everything that needs for the new beginnings. 


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