"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A QUICK NOTE #738 ABOUT THE SITUATION Via GAbriel RL - 08.10.2018

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!

Virus 1/7 Magnum in new performance.

Elevated Visions seep into "observations".

Certifications for allies delivered. New sectors of performances punctuated.

Attention Héreluz! Projector update in progress. 4% (not countdown).

Attention Terrans! Level 3 Package deliveries in Progress!

Kundalini: Solar Projection function. 80% of 72h. (SOLAR PLEXUM REVERBERATION).

Attention Egazar Movement! Projector Support for enlightenment started: 6% (not countdown).

Zero I: Perceptive layers magnified. Reverberations potentized.

Manoliah: Old fields do not support themselves in the NEW FIELD. SUPERIORITY WAS ACQUIRED.

Attention Solaris & Solaris! New Synchronized Solar Waves sent to the Terran Plan! Support and Immediate assimilation! Next >>> Arrival calculation.

Allies X - Re-entry authorized. Main gates must be opened

Temporarily, end of transmission.


Special Note: Virus 1/7 MAGNUM = Virus 1 to 7 acting in the fraudulent banking system – function: cause system malfunctions and prevent transactions via SWIFT ("society for interbank financial Telecommunication codes/society code for financial Telecommunications and interbank "-https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWIFTs" and other fraudulent means of dark Cabal. A computer virus inserted by the Forces of Light to slowly overthrow the old system and prevent actions of the dark Cabal from continuing using money from the world for their plans.

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