"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Full moon eclipse meditations July 27-28 + Remote Healing Session on July 26/27th

We are approaching the second total lunar eclipse of 2018, after the one in January.

This will be the first central lunar eclipse since June 15, 2011. Since it will occur near apogee, this eclipse will also be the longest total lunar eclipse in the 21st century. The overall eclipse will last for four hours, while the totality will last for approximately 103 minutes.

Total Lunar eclipse will be visible in large parts of Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America.

You can watch a short preview of the upcoming Lunar eclipse in the following video:

Total lunar eclipses are also sometimes called Blood Moons because of the reddish-orange glow the Moon takes on during the eclipse, which is the result of Rayleigh scattering (the same effect that causes sunsets to appear reddish) and the refraction of that light by Earth's atmosphere into its umbra (shadow). 

However, on this occasion the Moon will not be the only ''red'' celestial body in our skies. This eclipse will happen on the same night that Earth is passing between the sun and Mars, placing Mars at opposition in our sky. In one of the sky’s wonderful coincidences, the Mars opposition happens on July 27, too. This will be the best Mars opposition since 2003. Mars will be easily seen with naked eyes, weather permitting, and will remain very bright and red throughout July and August 2018.


According to Untwine, this total Lunar eclipse is "about healing the Divine Masculine. Most of the masculine planets in our solar system are retrograde, meaning this is time for review, looking inwards and clearing. Mars, the planet of masculine action and assertion, is also retrograde, that is why it appears to be moving backwards slowly in our sky, and as it does so, it is going towards conjunction with Lilith the Cosmic Womb, symbolizing that the Masculine is reviewing itself, releasing, clearing, and going back to connection with the Divine Mother. We also have Chiron the transmuter healer planet who just entered the sign of Mars Aries, making an aspect to Mars, so the theme is very clear."

"The Feminine has been most suppressed on this planet and this has been discussed a lot. At the same time, it seems that most people have not really reflected on what Masculine energy truly is. "

"Masculine energy is the creative impulse of Divine Will. It is not here only to protect against bad things. It is the peaceful embodiment of the impulse to create and manifest Divine Purpose."

"Mars and Masculine energy is about how we assert who we are in the world, for both males and females. This often becomes shadowy and distorted, competitive and insecure."

Untwine also mentioned that "an aspect of Mars on this planet is the distortion of its energy, associated with war:"

Therefore this coming Eclipse with other planetary alignments is a great time to 'take the war out of the masculine' inside all of us, release the aggression and the traumas, to release all past experiences when we couldn't or didn't stand up for ourselves, release the suppressed energy. Learn to speak up for ourselves peacefully, respecting each other's Free Will, still in union with the Divine Mother's Grace and Care for each other.



In cooperation with Untwine, we are proposing three meditations to anchor the energies of the longest Lunar eclipse of the century and to anchor balance and Peace energies into the planetary grid, and also to assist with Inner Marriage.

Lunar Eclipse Ascension Meditation (at the beginning of the lunar eclipse) 

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:

And the countdown to this meditation at the beginning of this lunar eclipse: 

We will be doing this meditation at the beginning of the Full Lunar eclipse on July 27th at 7:30 pm UTC. 

Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:

Here are the instructions:

1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a state of relaxation.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to accelerate the process of liberating and healing for planet Earth and humanity and anchoring the Light of the Goddess on Earth.

3. Visualize a pillar of diamond Light with rainbow reflection emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Make a request in the name of your Higher Self: On behalf of my Higher Self, I now state my intent to clear all imperfections, programs, projections and disconnect all ploys, promises, contracts and commitments at all levels and timelines, that do not serve my evolution and my Highest good. I call upon the sacred Violet Flame of St. Germain, and upon the White Fire of AN, to help us and the Earth clean up all the energies that do not lie in the Light, cleansing all destructive technologies, entities and weapons on the physical, plasma, etheric, and astral planes.

5. We now call upon our inner Water: My inner Water, become one with your original purity and freedom, sweep away all burdensome energies, blockages and stagnation, so that I can regain the harmonious current of the divine flow. I call upon the Moon Goddess, to help me in the process as I now purge my body, my consciousness and my Being and ask for help to our beloved planet. Please Original Creation Source: Raise Me!

6. Now visualize a pillar of Pink Goddess Light see & feel how it blankets you and the whole planet. Stay in this light for a few minutes. Now visualize how into this Light pillar descends the gleaming presence of the Goddess, feel how she inspires you to be more loving, feel how she is healing the minds and hearts of all people. Now visualize how this Goddess energy forms a pink egg around you, around your loved ones and around the whole planet Earth.

7. Visualize the energy grid of the Earth as it sparkles with this pink Goddess Light, glowing with her qualities and feel it activating all the vortexes of the Goddess on our beloved Earth. 

8. Visualize the Cintamani Energy Grid, made up of the holders of these stones. See and feel how this grid is harmonized, aligned and synchronized with the Goddess Rainbow Light through the ancient Atlantean power grid and planetary power lines. 
Imagine the pure energy of Source - how it anchors into all planetary grids and key vortexes, feel how they bring stability, harmony, pure love and joy to the planet. 

9. Visualize your consciousness and the consciousness all humankind waking up, growing more. Now balancing the masculine and feminine principle within you, how you associate yourself with your Soul, feel how its codes breaking over you activating your divine perfection. Feel your connection with your Twin Flame, with partner of your Soul, feel your connection with your Soulmates, families, spiritual guides and advanced consciousness. Feel yourself working on common projects, using new clean technologies with help of the space community. Feel & see everyone living according to their own ideas in accordance with cosmic laws.

10. Now visualize The Event happening in the best way for everyone. Visualize the sending of the constructive Light of Loving Beings of the Galactic Confederation of Light . Feel it anchoring it through the core of the planet and flowing in spirals to every Being on Earth.

Goddess wants Ascension and Ascension it will be! Victory of the Light!

Guided audios for this meditation will be posted here when they become available.

Meditation for anchoring balance and Peace energies into the planetary grid

We will be doing this meditation suggested by Untwine at the exact moment of the maximum Lunar eclipse on July 27th at 8:21 pm UTC. 

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:

Here is the Facebook event for this meditation:

Guided audios for this meditation 


Here are the instructions:

1. Settle comfortably and relax yourself for a few moments, connect with you IAm Presence, Higher Self.

2. Connect with Light and Ascended beings to join in this meditation and connect with you with a ray of Light to your Soul Star chakra

3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant White Light coming down from the Central Sun, through our Sun, Eclipsed Moon, Planet Mars and Jupiter and Chariklo, down through your body to the center of the Earth. And another pillar of Light from the center of the Earth, back up through your body, through the planets back to the Central Sun

4. Connect with Divine Masculine beings, Ashtar, Archangel Michael, El Morya, etc, and visualize their Blue Flame embracing your whole being, giving you the strength and Divine Purpose from your I Am Presence. Allow this Blue Flame to transmute all negative energies and associations with the masculine in you, and anchor the true Presence of Divine Masculine from your IAm Presence. Visualize this Blue flame spreading around the planetary grid, inspiring men and women to release the war and traumas and aggression, to reconnect with their true Loving self and their real Divine Purpose.

5. Connect with the Divine Mother, Goddesses, and visualize their soft pink Light spreading around your energy field and into the planetary grid, reconnecting and welcoming you and men and women around the planet, back to the energy of Care, Compassion, assisting in healing and in allowing us to feel the Divine Love from the IAm Presence, bringing Peace on Earth.

Afterwards, you can also do the following

Meditation for Inner Marriage

Here are the instructions:
1. Relax for a few moments and connect with your IAm Presence, Higher Self

2. Visualize a God and a Goddess Presence above your head. Visualize them entering into your body, the God on the right side and the Goddess on the left side. Visualize them hugging each other and the center of their hug, the point of union between them is your Central Channel going down along your spine from Soul star to Earth star chakra. Visualize this Central Channel becoming filled with brilliant White Light.

3. Visualize from your Soul Star chakra, a projection of brilliant White Light of the Presence of your twin flame, transmitted from your IAm Presence, standing in front of you. Visualize a ray of brilliant White Light going from both of your hearts, third eye chakra, and sexual organs to each other. Then visualize and feel him or her hugging with you, your chakras become one and your inner male and female Presence completely balanced, integrated and unified. Then visualize the White Fire of AN together with the pearly White Light from Goddess White Tara, embracing both of you and dissolving boundaries between you, fully anchoring the Presence of your twin flame in your energy field.

Regular monthly Full Moon meditation

In order to prepare the energies for the main Moon eclipse meditations, you can also join our regular monthly Full Moon Meditation at 2:45 PM UTC on the same day.

Guided audio for the Full Moon Meditation can be found below:

Before this meditation, you can also join the Goddess meditation at 2:30 PM UTC if you feel so guided, to anchor Goddess energies into the planetary energy grid.

Remote healing with Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays on July 26 & 27

You may also join the remote healing with Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays to help people around the world heal their inner being and mind, organized by International Golden Age Group and Prepare For Change Japan. This is a gift to everyone and is free of charge.

There will be two remote healing sessions on July 26th (Thursday) and 27th (Friday) at the time listed below:

First Day: July 26th Thursday from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC

Second Day: July 27th Friday from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC

Link for the second day: TBC

Links to the live channel of each session will be posted here when it becomes available

Please feel free to attend any or both of these sessions.

Victory of the Light!

Original Post: 

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