"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Call to Brotherhood for Justice on Friday 13th July by Untwine

I am putting a call out for Friday 13th July for the Divine Masculine to stand up and bring Justice to Earth. As mentioned before, Friday 13th is connected to Templar timeline of Return of Light. It's also a day of celebration and return of the Goddess.

So I call especially men, brothers, and also women, to call and connect with the Divine Masculine energy on Friday 13th July at 2:37am UDT, which is 10 minutes before the exact New Moon time, and also at the beginning or included in your Sacred Union ceremony on this same day. And then you can continue with the Goddess meditations and Sacred Union ceremonies as was mentioned in my previous post :

To connect wih Divine Masculine, connect with Archangel Michael and his Angels, and visualize his Blue Flame of Divine Will, and also connect with Ashtar and the Ashtar command and the Jupiter command and the energy of Mjolnir, electric blue Light of Divine Will. Visualize this Blue Flame and Blue Light fully embracing your energy field, surrounding you, giving you strength and purpose to continue your mission and manifest your dreams. Visualize this Blue Flame and Blue Light and Archangel Michael and Ashtar and their teams, spreading around the Earth, around the whole planetary energy grid and Cintamani grid around Earth and the Solar System, clearing all darkness and interference, bringing Divine Galactic Justice, creating a safe space for all sentient beings to live freely and express their Soul Purpose.

Regarding the connection with Goddess energy and Sacred Union, I would like to put out a call again to men, brothers, to remember to establish and maintain their own inner connection with the Divine Mother, the Goddess, and through that to make a connection with women. Human women can not replace the inner connection with the Goddess for males. Trying to get something only externally, only brings distortions. It is important for males on this planet to keep that inner connection with both God and Goddess. The external connection and balance that we want to create and experience between masculine and feminine, has to be a reflection of inner marriage, inner balance.

Liberation Now 💖


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