As a human being, you are constantly going through reincarnation every day. Your body is changing and transforming. You and your beliefs, values, the way that you see the world, and the way that you experience things are ever-evolving on earth. But we do understand that there is a deep fascination with the idea of reincarnation - the idea that you have potentially been on earth before; you have been another person or another being, and now you are in a life that you will only have once.
Your soul may choose to reincarnate again, but what we must point out here is that you will never be this person you are again. Even if certain traits or themes that are pertinent to your soul come with you in a future incarnation, the reason it's important to honor this life you are in is because even those of you who ascribe to reincarnation, this moment you are having now and this life that you are having now are entirely unique. Not just because you are in a specific set of circumstances that you have never been in before, but also because of the passage of time you are in on earth.
- From Conversations with the Z's: Book 3: Part 1 - a Portal Members' exclusive.
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What really matters in a fast-paced world? Your presence, your heart, and your connection to life. How present is your heart on a scale of one to 10 right now? Whatever your number, is that good enough? Are you happy with it? Or is it disappointing and alarming? Our presence, our heart, and our connection are going to be such valuable, vital currency in the years to come. How are you achieving or practicing with these areas? What really matters in our fast-paced world is our presence, our heart, and our connection to life.
Over recent weeks, months, and years, many have looked at the world and gone, "What is this?" We feel most alive and most connected when we have some presence, some connection to life, and some heart in our world. So, if you aren't finding enough of that, make it your priority to find it. Maybe you want to offer it to other people. Make it your priority to give it to yourself. Because, as we know, when we fill up on that, we emanate it out.
Watch the full December 2024 Energy Update here:
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