DECEMBER 14 2024
SOMA means BODY.
Our soma is part of our Trinity.
The word soma in greek is 'σώμα' which derives from the word 'σήμα' which literally means 'grave'.
The soma is considered the grave of the soul.
We have been escaping the 3D graves for a long time,
saving our different aspects from the 3D family systems which are also considered as systems of graves.
For the past one week I have been experiencing unprecedented inner developments and all of them were very different from anything of the past.
The main theme was the Phoenix and the reset that it is bringing!
The top 1/3 part of the Great Pyramide is now switched on!
The other 2/3s will switch on in the future.
We are already inside the Solstice Portal of the Magna Mater which brings
the most powerful collective rescue mission that the Living Ones will have ever experienced.
Please read the message below which was given a few days ago during the last 5D spiritual healing surgery session.
I do not know when this will take place for each Ascending One,
it could be now or even during the next months
during the North Node/Neptune passing through the 0⁰ degrees Aries and the change of the earth's clock
but what I know is that it is this Solstice Portal of the Magna Mater
that is bringing this monumental and blessed rescue!
Now, the split now will not only widen
but it will develop in such a way that there will only remain peripheral connections to the old 3D reality.
We will find ourselves very fast and very clearly on a higher level energetically of the ascension path
but what needs to be clearly understood
is that we cannot ascend onto this new level without our inner Trinity.
This is why we began working on the inner Trinity so intensively during the past months.
The unification of the inner Trinity is the most wonderful blessing, so healing and restorative beyond words!
our last session of the '1221 555 TWIN FLAME ABUNDANCE' I feel my whole heart and being
receiving waves of love and bliss!
Also during the same session
we were guided to perform a reversing of our collective torus field meaning the torus field of the ascending Ones
and what I witnessed taking place next was the breaking of a huge glass and then water water coming in
while all of us were flying high above the old plane.
This was literally wild but at the same time it felt very natural and relieving.
I feel that this was our ignition, the actual
broadening of the split and our ascension
onto the next higher level which will be now manifested!
This is about the Divine Kundalini upgrading so all fallen aspects of the self
are being pulled to higher levels of consciousness!
The soma/body is literally already processing this!
‘’You are all doing great but you need to remember that you are still in the state of forgetfulness.
Take a breath and not rush ahead, you must not rush ahead!
Now it's the moment to slow down.
There is a reason why you all need to slow down.
This is a very important collective message that you all need to hear
because there are great changes happening in the world and in the inner planes
and there is an absolute need to slow down in the next days and weeks.
The world will slow down.
You are going to have to slow down and trust the process.
During this slowing down,
the fallen parts of the self will be pulled out of the deepest parts of the pits of hell.
You will all begin exiting your personal hells.
You will feel and know when this will take place so when you do,
please trust your inner guidance and follow the process by supporting yourself.
This is a rescue mission!"
These are the most magnificent times of our ascension process!
I will share more on these last developments and the nature of the broadening of the split in the upcoming posts.
- On Tuesday, December 17 2024
at 17:30 Athens time zone
*participation at
Those that have the inner call to join this session can message me for the details of participation.
Blessings of a harmonious self rescue!
12 12 2024
Have you lived with 4000€ income per day or more?
Have you lived with 40€ or 20€ per week or even none at all?
In the first part of my life I lived through both states for many years and I am sure many of you out there have had or have now similar experiences.
My soul wanted me to have these experiences
so that I learn to take responsibility whether with a lot or with a few and understand that my actions and choices have results
and by doing so to learn about my worth, freedom, abilities and rights and become more wise and loving towards myself and others.
For me this was a valuable lesson,
both states now feel the same to me
as both offered very important elements to my development which I would not trade for anything in the world.
I got to learn so much
on the energy of abundance and its mechanics more wholistically under the system that we live in.
These years were great opportunity for me to also rebalance karma and choose a life beyond my family's patterns, limitations or needs.
Changes and challenges in life are always blessings in disguise
which are meant to be embraced and accepted
so that they can give their precious gifts!
Today we have a blessed Venus Mars opposition
which is all about the new axis that has just been established for all ascending Beings.
As Twin Flames Phoenixes
we are now aligning to the new axis
and entering the new orbit of Life,
leaving 3d law behind and embracing natural law and its freedoms and solutions!
With each step that we take we are recreating the Arc
which is taking us to the new reality.
The split has neven been more clearly felt.
This is because we have been reformed via the necessary inner changes
and now we can actually move on to a higher and broader living field of the Ascension.
Living Abundance is a God Given right and it is consistent not only of material aspects
but of certain living essences that are offering the quality of Life that each Living Being truly deserves.
Living Abundance is always available for each Living Being to be able to become its frequency match!
But this time there is something more taking place,
something much much bigger
which is connected to what will take place upon this Solstice
and the energy of the collective Living Abundance via the Holy Trinity!
The word Abundance in greek language is AFTHONIA,
meaning the state of no envy!
This says it all!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
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