"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Blog News/Me News - Happy New Year! Welcome 2025

WoW what a bang! Our Sun started celebrating a few days ago till now continuously showering us with a lot of different sized M and baby X solar eruptions! 

Unfortunately, there are many plane accidents are in these last days of the year...

Since we never know how much time we have left, let's try to live our everyday lives, work for our dreams, and exist together in peace and love.

Thank you for your attention throughout the year, for being here for better or worse, for visiting the site, for reading, for sharing, for commenting and for growing together!

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and may your dreams come true in this year 2025!

And a bit humour at last...

See you next year :)

Some years it just works out 😉

As the Austrians say - Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! aka Good slippery into the new year :) 

this is currently relevant, as there are persistent frosts around here

a little game 

mine is - optimistic, happy, powerful, limitless


and so that you don't go into the new year poor in music, here it is:

"One more time, we're gonna celebrate"

Love Is A  Power

Have a nice day:)

Vilma Capuano - The leap in the timeline 2025


On January 1st, Cosmic Doors never before available will open before a tsunami of particle waves coming from the Great Central Sun to our solar system, penetrating the Magnetic Core of the Earth and activating the biological systems of the Divine Human to restore the higher abilities of consciousness.

We are Called to initiate the great energy shift in each cell, abandoning responsibilities that are not within our competence, such as carrying the emotional states of others.

Guilt, shame and fear need to be replaced by Innate Abilities, and Guidance based on elevated intuitions as a result of conscious learning in connection with the Higher Self.

Our Sun is pulsating flashes charged with Universal Codes as a collective vibrational recharge.

There are many layers of consciousness in humans during the restoration of higher communication, which will be established depending on the level of each Avatar's mind (the body in matter) is at.

Therefore, during this recalibration, the symptoms will be felt differently in intensity and in areas of the emotional, mental and physical body, presenting themselves as muscle/bone pain, hot sweats/chills, changes in body temperature, electric tremors, buzzing, stiff neck, headaches, vivid dreams, lack of concentration and confusion, sore throat, heart palpitations, skin irritations, fatigue, difficulty in digestion (avoid heavy/processed foods and alcohol).

Each Soul is responsible for its own opening to move forward, freeing itself from beliefs and programming of the mind in the structuring of its authentic identity.

Do not fool yourself into imagining that you will live in a new world if you do not transform yourself.

This is the Final Phase of the Transition to the global Awakening that will conclude in 2038.
“Never forget that, regardless of your feelings at this moment, regardless of the pain or difficulty at any level in your life, in your consciousness, whether with your husband, with a child, with society, with a boss or with your friend, - it doesn't matter - everything is there with the sole purpose of effectively pushing you to your last trenches... I would say that it is no longer the role of habits, but rather, this time, the habit of being in a consciousness and, therefore, in a form.” ~Omraam Dec 2021/JLA
The Cosmic Doors and Avenues open for the Guardians of Light to pass through according to their Readiness.

I will release a message from the Pleiadians on January 1st informing about a facilitating energetic process.
Vilma Capuano

Cosmic Gateway - 2025 Key Themes - 31.12.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

Thank you all for your love & support throughout this year! I know that it hasn't been the easiest for many of us. However, now it's time to turn a new page or write a completely new book!
Tune in & see what words jump out at you & this may give you some insight into the upcoming Key Themes for 2025!
Even more creative, put them in a sentence that you can use as your own personal statement for your year!
I'm looking forward to hearing what's in store for you!

Much love
Alisha Braché

Kerry K - 2025 Timeline - it's preparation time

 The 2025 Timeline is upon us and to preparate for it requires a new skill set, it's something that Lightworkers have been in preparation for multiple lifetimes - and now it's here.  See video chapters below

02:02 preparation time 
02:30 One Timeline
03:48 Exacerbation of Frequencies
04:33 Ascension in this Lifetime?
05:51 Bullet Train Timeline
06:07 Lightworkers Holding Highest Frequency
07:02 How to Handle the Influx in Speed
09:04 Lightworkers: The Anchor Points
13:54 AI Acceleration
14:45 Medical Advances
16:24 Why Spiritual Growth is the Key
18:10 It’s Because of the Front Runners 
19:28 How to be the Anchor Point
20:27 Love Activation

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - the quantum jump open gathering on zoom - 30.12.2024

'144000 DIAMONDS'

555 11111
1st of January 2025!

This is a call for all
'144000 DIAMONDS' of True Life to come together and reconnect to their galactic portals
under the guidance of their True Genealogy and Heritage!

The code has been completed and now the '144000 Diamonds' will begin activating the Galactic StarPortals creating and reopening the new collective and powerful Galactic Field!
We successfully made to this point!
2025 is the year of the establishent of our Galactic Self/Field
via which the Quantum Jump will take place
and the year that the Starseeds will be able to return to inner unification and alignment with their True Genealogy!
Magna Mater is making this possible!
Among many other things
this means that the True Godly Genealogy will be remembered and recognised.
This will bring the biggest and most sane correction ever because each and everyone
will be repositioning back to his/her true position
in the scheme of all things according to Natural Law!
The 1st of January 2025 is a very powerful day
which carries within it the most powerful code of the new beginning in alignment to the 5D Solstice Upgrade of Living Abundance,
the New Axis of the Divine Kundalini,
the New Orbit of the Twin Flames, the Arc and the Quantum Jumping,
so I was guided to facilitate this gathering for everyone who carries the '144000 Diamond' Code!
All Living Children are now in the process of escaping their personal hells and returning to reconnection with their true families on all different levels of existence.
The Goddesses are here and this new phase will the best because those who feel ready
are being prepared to perform the Quantum Jumping into their New Reality and Life of Living Abundance!

''Earth is a Living Quantum computer and the Living Ones
have the ability to move through its different levels upon free will choice! The doors will now open and the '144000 Diamonds' will begin receiving direct galactic flow and guidance!''

This is an open gathering,
you can send your email for participation
at 144000diamonds@gmail.com
and I will send you the zoom link.
Note that I will never ask you for any personal details.
Those already working in personal and group sessions with me will receive the invitation for this gathering anyway,
so no action is needed by them.
Thank you for your service!
I cannot wait for all of us to get together on this New Year's Day!
Go 144000 Diamonds!
Blessings of Glory and the Galactic Quantum Jump!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
El Moryana Anadimiana
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Join the Telegram channel:

Lee Harris - Allow the transformation process the time it needs & you extraordinary multidimensional being - 30.12.2024

This is a real time of deep transformation. So, are you approaching it that way if that’s what you are feeling? When we go through very difficult periods in our lives, one of the things we have to have the spiritual maturity to be able to do is "parent" and look after ourselves as we're going through them. You might really be up against it in your life right now. Perhaps you are responsible for or caring for lots of people in need, and you feel like you don't have any space or breathing room. Only you can take care of making sure that you protect some space and some breathing room for yourself if you have this high degree of responsibility for caring for others in your life.

Just remember, if you are exhausted by the transformation process or you suddenly find yourself in it—your mind starts changing, your ideas about life start changing, and your identity, or what you thought was your identity, starts changing—none of this is that unusual. But it can feel unusual when you're going through it alone internally. This is actually par for the course on the planet right now. We're shifting and being asked to shift either through the outer or the inner, or both. So, remember to allow the transformation process the time it needs. Honor yourself and look after yourself as you are going through it; it's really important.

-Lee Harris


You are many people in one, depending on who you are interacting with, what you are doing, and the beauty is you can become even more multifaceted. You can become even more colorful as a soul. In peace and in love to you, you extraordinary multidimensional being.

- From Embracing Your Multidimensionality

Vilma Capuano - release the action of grace upon your life - 30.12.2024


These days are powerful for reflection and creating inner space to incorporate more of your Light into your consciousness. "Thinking isolates a situation, labeling good or bad... "This fragmentation is an illusion because it brings a limited and temporary perspective"~E. Great
"Learn to look without imagination, to listen without distortion... Go beyond your mind... " ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj
"Feel your experience without changing it. This is how you are found by Grace, at the core of your being... when your eyes begin to open, the first thing you see is how delusional you are and how attached you are to what makes you suffer. Are you willing to see that you may not be living in the Truth?
Let questions remove everything you are not, what you imagined you to be, what someone told you to be... to grab or to run away
So... let the Works of Grace take its course. ”~Adyashanti
The New Dawn in 2025 requires analysing how we walked the Path. “When you find the Path, others find you. The previously hidden Path will echo in your voice and reflect in your eyes. ”~ Lao Tse
“The soul is dyed by the Color of its Thoughts... Only think of those things which are in line with your Principles ... Your integrity is your destiny She is the Light that lights your path. ”~Heraclitus
Schumann Frequency Record confirms... Yesterday, at the magical twilight hour, the Earth celebrated with the Heavens the new energy surrounding the planet by drawing me to my balcony in front of a double rainbow:
“This is the Sign of the Covenant that I am making between Me and you and all living beings who are with you, for all generations to come: My bow that I have set in the clouds. ” ~ Genesis 9:12-17
At this moment in review of your Year, I was reminded of the analogy of Zen-Buddhism about what reflects our life.
“You are holding a cup of coffee when someone bumps into you, and makes you spill your coffee.
Why did you spill the coffee? - 'Cause someone's bumping into me! "
Wrong answer. You spilled coffee because there was coffee in your cup. If you had tea, you'd spill tea.
Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.
When life shakes you, everything inside you will come out.
Ask yourself... "What's in my cup?"
When life gets tough, what do we pour? "
Joy, Gratitude, Benevolence? Anger, Bitterness, Victimism?
Life gives you the cup, you choose what to fill it with.
Now is the moment of your metamorphosis.
~"When you wake up, you will immediately realize that you are at Home, and your Joy will be limitless. " (Saul by John Smallman)
Wilma Capuano

Pam Gregory - Aviation and sudden accidents - 30.12.2024

At the New Moon today at 9°44' Capricorn, we have Uranus the planet of aviation and sudden accidents in sesquiquadrate aspect to it. This is a stressful aspect, and in the last few days we have had four significant plane crashes, the most tragic being the loss of 179 passengers in South Korea. It is possible that the extremely high level of solar activity may have played a part in this too, as the geomagnetics become more unstable - also ruled by Uranus.

From Pam Younghans:

SOLAR: Solar activity is currently VERY HIGH. In addition to the X-class solar flare that occurred late last night (PST), we've received energies through an incredible NINETEEN M-class flares in the past 24 hours. Here are the details, for those who are interested:
1. M1.24 at 2:14 pm PST Dec 28 (2214 UT)
2. M1.04 at 6:35 pm PST Dec 28 (0235 UT Dec 29)
3. M1.38 at 6:46 pm PST Dec 28 (0246 UT Dec 29)
4. M1.37 at 7:30 pm PST Dec 28 (0330 UT Dec 29)
5. M1.23 at 8:05 pm PST Dec 28 (0405 UT Dec 29)
6. M1.17 at 8:20 pm PST Dec 28 (0420 UT Dec 29)
7. M2.06 at 8:30 pm PST Dec 28 (0430 UT Dec 29)
8. M3.22 at 9:26 pm PST Dec 28 (0526 UT Dec 29)
9. M3.51 at 9:47 pm PST Dec 28 (0547 UT Dec 29)
10. M3.12 at 10:59 pm PST Dec 28 (0659 UT Dec 29)
11. X1.14 at 11:17 pm PST Dec 28 (0717 UT Dec 29)
12. M4.23 at 11:59 pm PST Dec 28 (0759 UT Dec 29)
13. M1.37 at 1:48 am PST Dec 28 (0948 UT Dec 29)
14. M2.7 at 2:39 am PST Dec 29 (1039 UT)
15. M1.69 at 4:24 am PST Dec 29 (1224 UT)
16. M1.39 at 4:56 am PST Dec 29 (1256 UT)
17. M1.24 at 6:33 am PST Dec 29 (1433 UT)
18. M1.21 at 6:59 am PST Dec 29 (1459 UT)
19. M7.23 at 7:09 am PST Dec 29 (1509 UT)

Cosmic Gateway - X1.59 Solar Flare - 30.12.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

We've just had our second X Class Solar Flare in less than 24 hours & multiple C & M Class flares

At this stage, we might get Aurora's around New Years Day
As this continues to increase, how are you feeling?
Energy Alignment is very important right now, especially to keep alignment with what wants to be expressed through us in each present moment


Dizziness & Virtigo ~ due to the impact on your energy body, a shift within your energy field to adjust to new frequencies
Extreme tiredness & exhaustion ~ your body needs to align and adjust to these changes, which requires more sleep and rest to adjust
Extreme/Heightened emotions & sensitivity ~ outbursts of sadness/anger/frustration ~ these energies will draw out like a magnet's emotions, which doesn't serve our highest vibration.
Headaches & Migraines ~ as our higher chakras activate ~ rewiring happening between the higher mind & opening up our expanded awearness/conciousness
Body Aches & Pains ~ as our bodies filtering in more light to shift to our crystalline structure ~ it can be painful during these shifts, keep in mind it's temporary and will pass.
Intense dreams & feeling disorientation upon waking. ~ During our sleep state, we often travel and are very active doing lots of work on higher levels, which can make us feel very tired upon waking & can take a while to reorient yourself.


Rest as much as you need
Drink losts of water & plenty of fresh food
Energy Healing - to help shift the emotions and help the body
Gentle exercise ~ walking in Nature
Practice compassion for yourself
Self care ~ in doing things that help and support you!

Alisha Braché

Soul Sessions:

Elevation Training "At you're own pace learning" a guide for Energy Self Mastery & Energetic tools for supporting yourself through this very big Collective Energetic Times.

Elevate 2 Training ~ For Divine Partnership & Divine Soul Connection, how to actulise your highest potential within Concious Relationships: