"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - The Blessing of Laughter - 12.01.2024

"The Blessing of Laughter:

I am in a mischievous mood this morning and suddenly a soul memory was triggered of an incident which happened last year, involving someone I know. I will not go into detail here, but as I remembered that incident and the dilly situation she got herself into, I started chuckling.
Is it not that which endears others to us, is not their perfection but their quirkiness, their dilly-ness, their strange habits, whatever?! Fond memories, etc.

I was then reminded of the times in my life when I did silly things, and when I often went where angels fear to tread, and started laughing! Yes, I do silly things. Yes, I am quicky too. Yes, I have done things and looking back wondered how I ever did that! And herein lie the blessings:
We are so inclined to take life so seriously, especially now with all the momentous changes and the ascension process.

I am sure when we one day return to our home galaxies and review our life on earth at this time, we will also laugh and chuckle and wonder at our dilly-ness and silly-ness and the strange decisions we sometimes made, and the situations we got ourselves involved in with other souls!

Yet, every experience, no matter how dilly and silly and often painful it was, served out souls in immensely powerful ways!
Yes, it did!

The older I get, and more I ascend, the more I realize that indeed every encounter, every experience, every reaction, everything – has a hidden blessing! It is a matter of looking at it all from a higher perspective!

Yes, I roll my eyes at myself sometimes, just like my guardian angel does and has done many times in my life! “There you go again!”

Yet my sense of humor has always stood the test of time. I have a friend who always says to me: “You laugh at everything!” Yes, I do! For even though I take life very seriously and I do try to walk the highest paths, I also know that when I tend to get to cocky, and too big for my shoes, something will happen, and I am forced to take a reality check: - get back to sacred middle point again, the point of balance and harmony!

Just as much as when the times get tough and I do not know where to go and where to find help, I found that help always arrived and often from the most unexpected sources and I was lifted up again, and into middle point! Back into balance and equilibrium.
Life is both support and challenge.

If one spoils a child too much – they become spoilt brats. If one challenges them to assist them to best versions of themselves and lead by example, their inner resilience and abilities to think outside of box and to follow their intuition grows!
The same applies to us.

So every experience you have ever had and will have as we transfigure now at accelerated rates, is but a steppingstone into the Highest Versions of yourself, and living the truth of who and what you are. Embrace all of it, and walk lightly on earth: to be in the world but not of it!

I know for sure that one day when I return home to Andromeda, I will look down on this earth when with love and gratitude, even the New Earth, and I will thank you for every experience I ever had on her and thank every soul with whom I interacted and whomever else and whatever else and bless them!"

Copyright Applies: excerpt from a SouL Reading done by me.
Judith Kusel
source - facebook

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