"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - there is currently a significant release of collective fear occurring - 31.01.2024

To the Ascension LightWorker Community, there is currently a significant release of collective fear occurring which may manifest as sleep disturbance, low energy, fatigue, and heightened mental/emotional intensity. Our auric fields are expanding, our higher hearts are opening, and a new level of conscious awareness is emerging. This energetic clearance paves the way for a large influx of Divine Feminine energies in February. High frequencies are returning to our planet and the 5D collective, permeating every aspect of our existence.

For the Ascending groups of humans, energy upgrades and integration of new energy, including specific energy center activations, have already concluded. Many are moving through these energy portals at faster speeds, successfully receiving, healing, and recharging. The overall life force energy is now stronger, more powerful, and expansive compared to the beginning of the soul expansion journey.

The influx of energies is intense, stirring everything in a challenging way. We are integrating the cosmic portal energies that started pouring in 36 hours ago, and the collective is undergoing deeper purging and clearing.

Each time you clear a negative item, settle a karmic debt, or release a soul tie, you move closer to your goals. When you allow your soul to guide you, you are always shown the way. What others think about you becomes irrelevant when you are aligned with your inner self.
On the Ascension path, you are unlearning everything you thought you knew and undergoing multiple cycles of death and rebirth. You are not only working through your own trauma but also the traumas passed down from your ancestors and Akashic experiences .

As you align with your true self, you may risk losing social connections with friends and family who no longer resonate with your journey. Letting go can be challenging, but those who are not on the same evolutionary and spiritual frequency will distance themselves, while those who are aligned will gravitate closer to you. You will witness the amazing ways in which the right people start to appear in your life.

During this journey, you may experience periods of isolation, others may judge you, creating false perceptions. However, once you embark on this ascension path, there is no going back. It can be scary and feel wobbly at times like revisiting rock bottom, but deep down knowing it is all for a much greater purpose.

Ascension is a journey where no one is ahead or behind. It is not a race or contest, but a part of ascending life. We are always learning and we are all both teachers and students here .

Ascending souls , Sometimes you get what you want, and other times you learn valuable lessons in patience, timing, alignment, empathy, compassion, faith, perseverance, resilience, humility, trust, meaning, awareness, resistance, purpose, clarity, grief, beauty, and life. Either way, you Ascend .

Embarking on a spiritual path is one of the most challenging and painful experiences in human life. It involves unlearning deeply ingrained fear and accepting its opposite which is love. you are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. You are an integral and vital part of this planetary process .

Exploring different timelines and options, you are sensing the changes and finding that past experiences resonate differently. A new cycle is beginning, and in the upcoming weeks, the Ascension path will continue to accelerate

Ascending collective consciousness is expanding within the earths energetic grids as waves of awakening ripple effects are being sent through the cosmos. The energies are Extremely intense, and those who are ascending are in the process of integrating, recalibrating, and grounding these energies into their physical being. This includes DNA upgrades and the activation of higher frequency light codes. It is a highly transformative time of ascension awakening and expansion.

In loving and devoted Ascension service,
Source information by : Ascension LightWorkers - facebook

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