Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 27.11.2023
Jason Estes Update - do something new each day & slow and steady wins the race - 29.11.2023

Carta Astral 222 - Class M 9.8 Solar Flare - 28.11.2023

Cobra - Aldebarans - 28.11.2023
Judith Kusel - inner work and forgiveness - 28.11.2023
Judith Kusel - A word on Ascension:
A girl in the Universe - WELCOME TO FULL MOON MONDAY - 27.11.2023
Celia Fenn - Full Moon in Gemini and Sun into Sagittarius/Scorpio and Ophiucus : 27th November 2023
Judith Kusel - 12 master galaxies - 25.11.2023
Weekend Wibezz
A few days and another week has sped by and December is almost here, along with Christmas crazy shopping and Christmas songs playing on the radio until you get bored and fed up with it. The main squares of the cities are already in festive decorations, and the Christmas markets are starting to opening.
The long-lasting cooling has arrived, and even snow is expected in the coming days.
Our Sun has become active again, small M1 eruptions are almost daily, but not even close to the lot of M5-6-8 eruptions of a few months ago.
Regardless, we are constantly receiving energies that help us release and heal our past and present traumas.
I have noticed recently that it is better to go with the flow than to control the events. Our earthly ego wants to know everything and keep everything under control, and when things don't go the way we imagined or planned, we throw tantrums, going into victim mood and spiralling down, and as beaten ourselves down, the only thing left to do is surrender to the unknown, and go with the flow. I call this ego taming, like taming a horse or a dog, but here our higher aspect tames our earthly personality. How many times do we overreact and overthink things and somehow everything works out nicely or solutions and help come to us that we otherwise would not have thought of.
And the other is to try to pay attention to your thoughts, because some manifestations and wishes will soon appear in your reality. Just a small example: I had to go to the dentist on Thursday and my package was supposed to be delivered on the same day. I would have liked to be able to get home in time before the postman got here, but I "thought" based on past experience that it probably wouldn't happen. I didn't devote any more mental energy to it, I went with the flow, because it doesn't matter if I get it today or tomorrow. The reality, however, turned out to be different. The doctor called me in earlier than my appointment, moreover, he did something different than what I thought he would do based on what was discussed, so I could be released sooner, and when I got home, 20 minutes later, the postman brought my awaited package. Soo my wish become a reality and I was so grateful for it :)
Today I'm taking you on a psychedelic journey with Ummet Ozcan, who is a wizard combining techno, various native instruments and his own throat singing. He became widely known with the music of Xanadu.
But today, let's listen to Kalimba music from´s so good 😍
Amanda Lorence - A million dreams - 24.11.2023
Judith Kusel - Sacral Chakra and fifth dimension - 24.11.2023
I ask apology
Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 20.11.2023
Celia Fenn - The Flower garden of Mary Magdalene - 21.11.2023
Cosmic Gateway - The Final stage of the battle - 21.11.2023

Amanda Lorence - Letting Go - 19.11.2023