"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cobra - Portal Of Light Activation Final Update - 29.04.2023

Our Portal of Light activation is approaching fast and there is a real possibility that we will reach the critical mass.

Now it is the best time to make that decisive final push, and the most effective way to do it is through the promotional videos:

The main page with all instructions for the meditation is here:

Guided audio meditation videos (20 minutes long) in many languages are towards the end of this article:

and in this Youtube playlist:

The main PDF file explaining the activation is here:

All resources for our Portal of Light activation are gathered here:

Many people are supporting our activation.

Corey Goode:

Laura Eisenhower:

Pam Gregory:

Prepare for Change:

Global Peace Meditation:

and many others.

Many Youtube channels have created playlists with videos promoting our activation in many languages:

Live stream for the meditation will begin at 2:40 pm UTC here :

If we wish to achieve an impact on the physical plane and reach the critical mass, tt is extremely important that we do our meditation exactly at the time which has been determined by the Light Forces to have the maximum positive impact, which is at 5:06 pm UTC on May 1st. Timetable for other times zones is here:

Doing the meditation earlier or later, or doing it in a significantly different way will NOT help us reaching the critical mass, as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane, we need to do this with laserlike precision, especially timewise and with unified and focused intent.

There will be two important moments after the activation where you are encouraged to do the Portal of Light meditation as well. This will assist in further expansion and grounding of energies of the Portal of Light after the main activation.

These two moments of astrological and planetary significance, when this additional meditation will be very effective, are:

1. Pluto-Moon-Juno grand trine, which occurs on May 2nd at 8:32 am UTC and

2. Wesak full Moon on May 5th at 5:35 pm UTC

Pluto-Moon-Juno grand trine will trigger an additional energy flash from the M 87 galaxy, as the Moon will be exactly conjunct with the active galactic center of the M 87 galaxy at 1 degrees 14 minutes Libra, and Juno will almost exactly conjunct Pleiades at the same moment (Juno at 0 degrees 5 minutes Gemini and Alcyone at 0 degrees 18 minutes Gemini):

Wesak full Moon on May 5th will be the moment when the connection of Ascended beings with the surface of the planet will be the strongest:

All this will additionally anchor the energies of the Portal of Light:

The exact time for Portal of Light Grand Trine meditation for many time zones is here:

And the exact time for Portal of Light Wesak meditation for many time zone here:

Instructions for the two meditations are here:

Victory of the Light!

Cosmic Gateway - the in-between of cycles - 28.04.2023

Half way mark through this Eclipse passageway, just like the centre of the vesica pisces...
Old cycle... new cycle... just sitting in the middle... feeling into the oscillation of both...
The grief, sadness of what we have come through... all the trials, tribulations, challenges, uncomfortable soul growth spurts... combined with the gratitude for everything experience as is got us to this point right now!
The anticipation, exhilaration, elation & pure joy.... next cycle feels like it encompasses love in every aspect of it's essence...
Everything we have been working towards this lifetime, collectively over many lifetimes.... All that is to come flooding in...
For now sitting in the in-between (sore bottom as we sit on the fence) It might feel incredibly uncomfortable...
Not even know what it is that's rising up within you... just a feel a knowing that you've outgrown your past version of self.
As you're preparing to step into such a bigger aspect of yourself magnificent self...
Ground crew this is why we came here! Shits about to get real wild soon...
We are being placed in the in-between void space to make sure we are rested, refined within self, rejuvenated....
Standby the shift is preparing to switch up a notch or two are you ready?
Can you feel it?
Sending Cosmic love your way
Alisha Braché

Amanda Lorence - Light Node Point - 27.04.2023

27 April 2023 is a Light Node Point, that is the BEGINNING of yet another () PASSAGEWAY. It has opened as a VERY SUBTLE Light Node Point but as always, the subtle always reveals and expands the more we are INWARD facing, in INNER FEELING mode within the Heart as opposed to Linear MIND mode.

Dive deeper into the INNER LOVE to expand through this Passagway. To allow the beauty, data, understandings, revelations FOR PRECISELY YOU, to reveal, one moment and one day at a time, as we begin to journey this new Passageway that has begun today. It is beyond words thought or words spoken. It is accessed beyond all sound within the solid reality and beyond all Sound of the Astral Realities. It is so subtle, and of great MAGNETISM that draws you IN. By choosing your frequency alignment to it, it’s LIGHT DATA unpackages, and that Light Data then translates into knowledge the mind can interpret, as we traverse this new Passageway.
I am not sure how long this Passageway lasts (long or short in linear time?). But is here and Calling us in. I can only share that the ENTRY point to this LIGHT NODE JUNCTURE, is of utter vibrational beauty, beyond all sound and all imagery.

With Love always
27 April 2023

"I ADORE and LOVE how this year especially, we are seeing more and more people receiving very SIMILAR data, just known by different means and expressed in different styles. The diversity of styles and data to fit all peoples, a TRUE collaboration. Where data is becoming aligned. I receive everything from within me, in a few different ways within. Yet this link shared by a dear friend Petra McGuire-Saunders is pointing to the same thing. Only 8 mins long. About the Sun and Astrology of TODAY!! And Pam Gregory you may LOVE this for the astrology of which I know nothing about! 🤣 My heart smiles at us all, doing this together. Big hug."

Celia Fenn - April/May 2023 : The Return of Sacred Earth - 27.04.2023

Such powerful energies flowing as the 2/11 flow settles in and Sacred Earth returns.
The 2/11 flow is the en energy of the Divine Feminine, the Sophia Christos/Magdalene energy that is the basis for the New Earth quantum flow. It's colors are Gold, Pink and Green and it includes the Emerald Codes that are pouring in right now.
This image of Stonehenge was taken a few days ago, and it shows the Aurora has moved as far south as Stonehenge. It also shows the powerful energy flows and colors that indicate that Stonehenge is powerfully radiating the codes and energies of the New Earth.
As we move towards the 5/5 and the Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on the 5th May, we celebrate the return of Sacred Earth.
This is an Earth infused with Divine Energies and alive with the creative power of Source.
It is an Earth that is loved and respected for its Magic and its Miracles.
It is an Earth filled with Love and Compassion and joy!
Welcome New Earth citizens to the Sacred Earth!

Jason Estes - We just crossed 2,000,000 data points - 29.04.2023


We just crossed 2,000,000 data points!!! congrats everyone rest well this weekend knowing we have pushed through to another level for humanity and are just steps away from the world we have come for ::hugs::

"1.6m more data points away from master line integration baseline level!!! over halfway!"

Q: Why does it seem we will actually pass 2.5m by May 18th?
A: the goal was 2.3-2.5 who knows though this weekend is a rest weekend so shouldnt have anymore major surges but first week of may we have another push

Kerry K - Timeline wars - 27.04.2023


Timeline Wars:  malevolent forces have controlled humanity for eons without us even realizing it. Your frequency shapes your reality but how can you shift into a higher version of reality through timeline jumping?

As we come to the ascension window, learn how all abandoned timelines collapse into one space, leaving us to clean up the debris and navigate the two paths of our current timeline: ascension or a new 4D planet. Which path will you choose?

we left the false matrix but the dark ones and many people still hold onto that memory and try to resurrect it

Judith Kusel - very deep and profound healing is taking place - 27.04.2023

We are in a state of dissolving, liquidizing, so we need more rest. Stillness. Solitude so that all our systems can be transfigured into the new, much higher dimensional frequency Lightbody form.
All the timelines merged into one and thus we are in truth operating on less time as previously. Again, we need to adjust. To be fluid and not rigid. To simply allow the process to unfold and trust its perfection.
As I was sharing with my students last night, it is for the first time in millions of earth years that we now can move from the third dimension, back into the fifth and even higher. It has never happened before.
A very deep and profound healing is taking place, not only within us all, but the rest of humanity and all forms of life and expressions thereof.
We finally transcend duality and polarity and separation and are moving back in unity and oneness.
It is happening at individual level as much at collective levels.
Loving ourselves into wholeness again and fully embracing our own divinity, as much as loving and embracing the collective. A merging back into One.
A true gift of being born again.

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 24.04.2023

US and Russian deep states likely to be taken down in June black swan event

You can read the full report here:


I ask apology


Jason Estes Update - 1,700,000 dtps/hour - 25.04.2023


We are now at 1,700,000 data points per hour and climbing the pressure can be quite hard when major shifts like this occur i find some form of jaw then stomach then calves then feet massage can really take the edge off ::hugs::

Q: Did we jumped 400,000 in 2 days???
A: yeah its been intense =-)

Judith Kusel - Expect the unexpected & closure - 25.04.2023

This sums up what I have been experiencing in the last few weeks, and I am learning more and more, to let go and allow all to unfold perfectly. To be flowing and not rigid.
More than this, I am finding that as the 92 veils are being lifted off our third eyes and the new blueprints are in place, that the inner knowing, hearing and seeing increases, as much as the heart center is expanding.
There were moments in the last few weeks when I felt myself showered with Divine Love such as I have never experienced before.
I was shown pillars of light being beamed into the Old Earth as all is transfigured into the New Earth. These pillars of light came down on all the energy lines and telluric energy fields and ancient power sites of the earth, and I was shown how they are now merging with the New Earths – indeed the New Earth’s energy systems have transcended the old. It has been a merger of sorts, but at the same time, and total transfiguration. Immense work is being done on a Universal scale as the New Earth is now fully activated and not only 5th dimensional, but 7th to 9th and even 12th dimensional Masters and Beings have returned to assist with this process.
The pressure is on now on all fronts as the old collapses and the new rises to the fore.
We have all the back up and all the help we need from cosmic forces at this time. Ask and it shall be given, and I am finding this so true, that sometimes I just burst out laughing.
I have found that lately when I am in nature, I simply go into the fifth and higher dimensional states easily, for indeed Mother Nature has ascended. And so have many of the animals, trees, plants etc. They are showing the way.
Things are happening and mark my words, things which never happened before!
Signs will and are appearing everywhere.
What a time to be alive and well and on planet earth.
And more than this, we are soaring with and on the wings of love!

Judith Kusel
Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli


We will find that there is a closure now and dissolving of the old, negative patterns we created with other souls in all lifetimes on earth, and even beyond. 
As we ascend, and finally have forgiven and found the inner harmony, peace, and unity, with unconditional love, we are freed and they are freed.
All which remains is unconditional love.
"Thank you for the way your soul has served mine. Thank you for the soul lessons in highest mastery."
As this happens, there is a deep inner knowing that you can move on, and into the higher state of ascension with peace and love.  A sense of completion. 
More than this joy.
No-thing is holding you back anymore, and no-one.
You know, that you are now meeting up with your true soul family who are ascending with you and on ever new and higher levels, and those with whom you are meant to anchor in the New Golden Age.
All is well.
All is unfolding perfectly.
All is Love.
All is One.

Judith Kusel 

Hopium-Motivating Song of the Week

This is a new weekly blog series where I try to collect songs that have something positive and current to say. Music connects us all, in good cases it lifts us up, gives us strength and helps us through life's difficulties.

Until this moment, I didn't know which song it should be, then this song popped into my head, which was not saved in my browser yet and it´s perfect at this moment.

Wow what the intense energies nowadays...lately there are moments when I completely lose my temper - I get a lot of anger, irritation and deep sadness and in such cases I just want to give it all up. I often ask when will this all finally end...I would like to go to a more liveable planet in a more normal society, where there are no negative influences, your life will not be a constant windmill fight, so that you have food, a roof over your head, and not false information, deception, manipulation, etc.

But the next day the negative feelings goes away and I'm ok again - it's like a roller coaster, something always makes me go on, something doesn't let me give up... maybe a higher power...my higher power...my highest self


Sometimes I just can't take it
Sometimes I just can't take it and it isn't alright
I'm not going to make it
And I think my shoe's untied (oh oh)

I'm like a broken record
I'm like a broken record and I'm not playing right
Drocer nekorb a ekil mi
'Til you tell me on a heavenly phone to

Hold tight (hold tight)
Come on (come on)
Come on (come on)
Come on (come on)
Come on (come on)
Yeah, don't let go
Hold tight (hold tight)
Hold tight (hold tight)
"It's alright, it's alright" she said
I got my hands up shaking just to let you know

That you've got a higher power
Got me singing every second, dancing every hour
Oh yeah, you've got a higher power
And you're really someone I wanna know (oh oh)

This boy is electric
This boy is electric and you're sparkling light
The universe connected
And I'm buzzing night after night after night (oh oh)

This joy is electric
This joy is electric and you're circuiting through
I'm so happy that I'm alive
Happy I'm alive at the same time as you

'Cause you've got a higher power
Got me singing every second, dancing every hour
Oh yeah, you've got a higher power
And you're really someone I wanna know
(I wanna know, oh oh)

You've got, yeah, you've got a higher
You've got, yeah, you've got a higher
You've got, yeah, you've got a higher
You've got
You've got, oh, you've got a higher
You've got, yeah, you've got a higher
You've got, oh, you've got a higher
My hands up shaking just to let you know now

You've got a higher power
You've got me singing every second, dancing any hour
Oh yeah, you've got a higher power
You're once in any lifetime
I'm going a million miles an hour

When for so long I'd been down on my knees
Then your love song saved me over and over
For so long I'd been down on my knees
'Til your love song floats me on, ee-on, oh oh

Carta Astral 222 - Geomagnetic Storm - 24.04.2023

Dear family, we are currently under the effect of Severe Geomagnetic Storm Kp 8. The origin of this storm is a filament that was detached from the Sun.
As we have just reached the threshold, in the next few hours I will make the pertinent report regarding this Geomagnetic Storm and the Radiation Storm prior.


Now y'all how y'all feeling This Geomagnetic Storm is the effect of a Solar filament (coronal mass ejection not related to a solar flare) that was derived from the Sun in days past. So far the highest Kp index has been 8.7 then it dropped to Kp6 and it will rise again to Kp8. Note that the instruments report is not immediate, this means that the solar plasma reaches our Magnetosphere (Earth's magnetic field) about 3 hours earlier and that's when we can start to feel its effects, until the instrument records that movement during the minus 3 hours then the graph with the KP index appears. So we will be the next 24 hours between Kp6 and 8, and after that the effect of the Solar Wind of two coronal holes so we will have this increase in solar energy until 26 or 27. 🔥☀️ They might be feeling: - Headache or pressure in the Crown Chakra and different sensations on the scalp - Burning in the eyes and difficulty focusing sight - Restlessness or as if they were inside a pressure cooker -Mild increase in blood pressure, palpitations, double heart, shaking, tension or chest discomfort - Gastritis, burning or inflammation in the mouth of the stomach, nausea, and many gases - Insomnia and symptoms of having been exposed to the sun such as dehydration, chills or heat sensitivity - Inflammation in the nostrils, ringing in the ears, pressure or as if they were covered (occasionally there may be slight nasal bleeding or clear nasal runny) Besides staying hydrated, take care of the animals you have by giving them more water just like babies and small children. Pay attention to your dreams (if you get to sleep 😆), your emotions, and any information you get. These types of Geomagnetic Storms will become more common as we approach the peak of Solar Maximum (at the end of 2024), but the "uncomfortable" effect of them will be increasingly less evident because our bodies can already conduct, and embody, an increased amount of energy. Be patient and flow with the process.. take advantage of telepathy and have some fun 🤣. ~Alicia~☀️💖

My Note:
At the moment going down to Kp6, even in Hungary had aurora yesterday night. 

Cobra Interview With Sisterhood of the Rose about the Portal of Light - 23.04.2023

A new Cobra interview about the Portal of Light activation by the Sisterhood of the Rose has just been released:

You can listen to the video version here:

It has been translated into several languages.






And Croatian:

Victory of the Light!

Original post:

I ask apology

Not my favourite thing...strange things are happening in these times...

Jason Estes Update - May is a massive change month & Energy Update Video + AJA - 23.04.2023


May is a massive change month and one of the strongest we have seen so far we will be going from 1.3m data points to somewhere around 2.3m-2.5m by May 18th also with the major changes to the navigation system and the change over of power from the lie to the truth this is going to be a very strong process for our psyche's to go through so remember to be kind to yourself and others as we come out of this final phase of the world owned by the lie understand that very soon the world you came for will begin to be formed physically and that while everything in you might say its impossible to live through what comes next it is not true you have more ability and power then you know and you can make it through what ever comes too you as long as you don't give up ::hugs::

Q: Can you elaborate more about the navigation system ?
A: the christed return changed the way we navigate from having to go up then down then forward to now just moving forward. it is one of the main reasons the world will change drasticly now
all spiritual changes take 6-8 months to echo fully physically while those of us who are prewaver get it right away and start to see our small worlds shifting the whole world shift is usually much later
nice that we are moving faster means we get the world we came for sooner

Q: if there will be another 10 day window together with the datapoint raise?
A: huge spikes from what i understand we are already at 1.5m now so 200k jump since 20th

April 2023 Energy Update


Family of Taygeta - Waiting

One of my FB friend shared this video, so I share forward may you will like it too...It´s focus on the Pleiadeans and their first contact with humanity. 

I like the interior design of the spaceship but I´m not a fan these round shape flying machines.. may I watch too much earthly sci-fi :D 

Eceti & James Gilliland - Hang on - 19.04.2022

We are going through one of the most trying times in history. Nothing is as it seems. Lines have been drawn, people are choosing sides between the upward spiral and downward spiral. If people still be lie ve the present administration in the US as well as most other countries are there to serve the people, God help you. It is going to be hard for even God/Creator/Great Spirit to fix this mess considering the free will, godless choices and actions being taken by the leaders of almost every institution. As one rises to the top of most institutions one has to compromise. Those at the top are usually those who are the most compromised. Service to self, the lust for power and wealth in most cases at the expense of Humanity and Nature is the modus operandi.

It is 2023, the governments and religious institutions have failed to bring us Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity. They and their agencies have failed to implement and maintain Universal Law. In fact, they have done everything opposite their mandates. Look at the crime, the poverty, the degradation of health and freedom. It is all on the downward spiral under the present leadership. Why? Why is there so much inhumanity? What is creating all the division, poverty, greed, the plagues and endless wars? Most are not ready for the truth. Most will continue to participate in their own slavery and demise up to the very end. The critical thinking, research and integrity impaired will continue to serve the morally challenged and corrupt to the last day even if it means the demise of themselves and their families. Some are so socially engineered they will march their own families to their inevitable demise. Cognitive dissonance has become epidemic. Many actually worship their enslavers.

When you look at most democratic run cities the crime, poverty levels, and moral decline is escalating along with the insanity of their leadership. The economy, the health and wellbeing of the people as well as their freedoms are all in decline. Yet they continue to vote democrat. There are also rinos that are lockstep with the democrats. The slogan to get elected is I will preserve this shit hole and it’s the other guys fault. In some democrat governed cities you cannot get a Uhaul. Why, because they are all leaving the cities. The Soros backed DA s are allowing crime to escalate with little or no consequences. In his own words Soros said one of his greatest accomplishments will be taking down America. He is one of the main sponsors of all the divisions pitting Americans against each other. BLM, Antifa, Open Borders are just a few of his organizations. How many politicians and organizations have taken money from Soros and the CCP, both sworn enemies of America? The global elite, and the CCP have installed puppets at the very top of many governments. The network is called the deep state. These people are integrity and morally challenged, most have sold their people down the river on a sinking barge they already looted. How did it get this way?

This is where you have to do your own research, put on your conspiracy hat. Most conspiracy theories are facts ahead of their time. The truly awake or enlightened to some degree are issuing warnings while the mainstream news and social media are doing everything possible to censor and discredit them.

I have experienced a lifetime of this as many. Conspiracy or not there have been malevolent forces seen and unseen operating on the Earth for 300 million years. There have been civilizations that have allowed these forces to infiltrate and infect them. The most recent recorded history was the fall of Atlantis. The Atlanteans became divided. There were those in self-service that worshiped technology and used that technology to control and dominate their people as well as others. It was overpower versus empower. There were those that operated under Universal Law, they were in service to others and wanted to help those less fortunate to rise to their highest potential. It is no different than today.

The actions against Universal Law, the abuse of power and the misuse of technology caused the fall. Yet what inspired that path? What took over the leadership at the highest levels and inspired them to act against Universal Law? The same influences from the past. These are the same influences that are creating all the divisions and againstness in religions, cultures, genders and color. They are the same influences behind the plagues and the wars throughout history. These unseen negative influences feed off the pain and suffering, those they have infected actually smile when they see the numbers of the sick, injured, and dead. They are the eugenicists, those pushing population reduction, 90% reduction according to their desires. They are the social engineers that get you to do their bidding with green new deals, 15 minute cities, you will own nothing and you will be happy with programs. Sounds good? Nothing is free.

Where do you think the money comes from? Where do the governments get their money? Who is paying for your free ride and what happens when no one is left to pay for it because they own nothing and are unhappy with the total loss of freedom? You will be forced to eat bugs, franken foods, and fake meat because the tyrants have destroyed the natural food supply with their toxic train derailments, MRNA injections and other poisonous additives introduced into the natural food supply. You won't be able to travel to find safe natural food because you will be restricted to 15 minutes of travel with a camera watching your every move. Is this the life we want for America? Or is this the life the global elite, the CCP and the deep state want for America?

Now we are going down the rabbit hole. What are the forces behind the global elite, the CCP and the Deep State? What is inspiring the diversionary tactics, the abuse of power, the poverty, the sponsorship of plagues and wars. It is unseen, it is not human at the top. It is why there is so much inhumanity escalating as we speak. Could the demonic realms be real, the jinn, royal reptilians, dracos, tall greys and other dimensional unseen negative influences? Could this be the source of the major challenges and ills of humanity and the Earth. Could we be in an interdimensional war? Have the understandings and tools to deal with these forces been made available to us?

Are there benevolent forces helping us? Ascended Masters, Angelic beings, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off world civilizations? Does the global elite, the CCP, the deep state, their social engineers in the mainstream and social media want you to know about them? Is there a controlled narrative operating in the political, religious, the upper echelons of the business institutions? Why is your awakening, truthful education, personal power, health and wealth a threat to them? Could some of these advanced beings have free energy, anti/counter gravity, healing and longevity technology that would seem magical. Would that end the enslavement through dependency, bring prosperity and clean technology to the Earth? How about releasing the technology that is already here sequestered away in secret black projects hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of today's technology? Have you asked why the tyrants want you totally dependent on them with all the freebees as bait?

Do you think they care about your religion, your culture, your color or gender other than a tool to create more division? The 90% population reduction includes all of you yet so many do their bidding.

What do the dark hearts fear? The masses unifying, awakening, becoming educated, empowered, color blind focusing on character over race or belief. Their greatest fear is the masses having the knowledge of who they are and what they have done. That is their greatest fear. That is why they say keep them sick, broke and stupid. All the illusions of separation along with the plagues and wars are perpetuated by these forces and their puppets.

Step out of the matrix. Find the courage and impeccable integrity to no longer participate in the division game or support the dark hearts. Call out your leaders for not operating under Universal Law. Call out those going against the Constitution and Bill of Rights patterned after Universal Law.

They swore an oath, some took office without ever swearing an oath or have no signed and notarized copy of their oath. Those without a signed and notarized oath are impersonating an officer, a criminal offense and have no legal or lawful jurisdiction. The current administration is filled at the highest level with people who did not sign or notarize their oaths. Those that did sign and notarized their oaths that go against the Constitution are guilty of treason. Now you know why they did not sign and notarize their oaths.

Those without a signed and notarized copy and those who go against the Constitution need to be removed……

Problem solved. Which leads us to the next problem, who is going to remove them? It’s like going to the wolves telling them the fox stole your chickens in which the wolves ask, just where are these chickens. This will soon be rectified. The military is the only option. Not the corrupt generals, the complete failures in charge today. There is another force gathered since Kennedy that has been aware of this plan to take down America and have banded together. This along with divine intervention will put an end to Tyranny.

See beyond the double speak. Those who claim to protect democracy are both ignorant as to America being a Republic and usually have an entirely different agenda. Most are funded by the global elite, the CCP and Soros the spokesman and channeler of funds for the global elite. He, the global elite, the CCP and those they funded are making good on his promise fulfilling his dream to take down America. Follow the money.

Those who accepted money from the global elite, the CCP, China, other hostile governments and George Soros need to be removed. They don’t work for the people. Most work for another force. We will let you decide what that force is but it cares nothing for humanity, your color, gender, religion, or belief and again as we said earlier by their own admission, “They want 90% of you gone.” Might want to make peace, unify, and realize who your real enemy is. You will not hear this on CNN or any other mainstream news. Especially the part about the unseen malevolent forces behind inhumanity.

They crossed the line when they went after the children. Prepare yourself, the evidence will be public of what has and is being done to the children as well as who is behind it. Get ready for the shock. Famous people in leadership, icons in the movie and music industry, business moguls, all will be revealed as to their true nature. The list is long. Things are not what most have been socially engineered to be lie ve. Might want to toss out your TV, step away from mainstream and social media, use that time to take care of yourselves and family. Inner vision is the only thing you will be able to count on.

Be Well,
James Gilliland

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 17.04.2023

As Ukraine war ends, fireworks set for Asia

You can read the full report here:


Jason Estes Update - circuit 14 & datapoints begin to raise - 19.04.2023


Tomorrow we move out of cruising altitude and begin our ascent this means data points will begin to raise, tomorrow is also circuit 14 which is the first layer of personality this is a critical change to the world stage where we begin to feel the weight of our actions and move out of entity towards beginning to take responsibility and learning who we are in relation to others this is a phase that will change how the world interacts with itself and others be ready for some strong break aways as people who don't want to change leave your life and begin to self destruct this is also the phase where chemical based solutions will begin to become weaker and true energy based solutions will become stronger this next phase will last till Circuit 23 (july28) when we break away from personality and begin to work towards divinity welcome to the ride of lifetimes here we go!!!!!!!!!!!! ::hugs::

Q: Where are we at currently as per data points?
A: 1,300,820 per hour

Q: Jason any idea if we are going to do more of the windows until Nov? and does this mean (going out of cruising altitude) we finished the "repair" of the 2017 timeline thing
A: yeah that is finally done, so we can move forward again holding patterns are always so fun ..
windows will happen as needed to assist the transition

Q: Does this mean the 'train' is leaving the station?
A:  in a matter of speaking yes, we are finally moving forward again no more spinning in circles to keep momentum

Q: Could you give an example of what you ment by chemical and energy based solutions?
A: lots of synthetic stuff isnt going to be working anymore and more vibrational/energetic stuff will.  
Q: does this mean that pharmaceuticals will become less harmful to people ie less so called side effects?
A: more likely more harmful and less effective

This post from: Facebook

Judith Kusel - a time of great changes - 19.04.2023

A time of great changes, when truth will surface everywhere, which will shock many, yet at the same time cause more mass awakening.
A time of transfiguration through the Power of Love, as balance is being returned and duality transcended by unity consciousness.
Density turns into the purest light.
We are in the midst of cosmic tsunamis of liquid light pouring in, filled with light keys, codes, sacred geometries, pyramid telluric energy, and as the old blueprints are being replaced with the new.
The old guard is being replaced with the new.
The shifting sands change into the foundation megalythic building blocks for the New Golden Age, as the 12 Intergalactic Solar Sun temples of the 12 Cosmic Rays are now fully activated again in Luxor, with the original 12 Sun Discs of the original 12 Tribes and the original 12 Crystal Pyramid temples and the cities of Light.

Teachers and gurus can only show you the way, and trigger the deepest remembering of your soul.
Yet, they cannot live your life for you, nor do the inner work for you.
Even the greatest of Ascended Masters are not allowed to intervene with your free will and choice.
For all lead back to self.
The soul within.
For that is where Divinity is encoded and enshrined.
All is within you.

This post from: FaceBook

Amanda Lorence Update - Lightbody - 18.04.2023



Everyone has a Light Body. It is constantly here, around us. Whether seen or unseen. Known or unknown to a human being. I share the following that some may be experiencing or will adapt into. A long read, and please just discard if it doesn’t resonate for you.


When you first begin to see your Light Body, it seems from your consciousness perspective, that it is separate to you. You view from ‘here’ inside of your body, and your Light Body seems ‘there’ around you. It appears as fast spinning and oscillating particles of Photon Light that at first seems blurred in it’s appearance. This is because you are experiencing it from a ‘particular’ state of consciousness so it JUST seems separate in EYE VIEW from you. Where you are using your physical eyes in a particular human state of consciousness. As you gradually expand more into your consciousness, the blurred image of the Light Body, begins to appear more and more defined. The more you practice, seeing your Light Body, the more you expand into it. This is the early stages of you, MERGING with your Light Body, via your WILL to do so.

As you expand in consciousness, you may find you can access the ability to alternate HOW you SEE anything, including your Light Body. Where you can stop your human eyes seeing in the ‘typical’ human way of using the two human eyes. To physically SEE, with eyes OPEN, from your THIRD EYE, whilst your physical eyes are still open. In this STATE, you experience BEYOND the PRIMARY human five senses. And you can keep practicing seeing differently, in higher and higher frequencies of seeing.


At your perfectly PRE-designed right timing, you start to BECOME your Light Body, FIRST. As your PRIMARY STATE of experience. So the daily experience you have, changes. Where your human physical body is THEN experienced as INSIDE of your light body. The mirror opposite of your previous experience of physical body FIRST looking OUT at the Light Body. You become consciousness WITHIN the state of the Light body that is seeing the objective world, including seeing your physical body. You are BEING the Light Body FIRST. And what is different is you are BEING the actual Light body. Consequently, the experience IS, that your human physical body IS INSIDE of your Light Body. You literally are being the LIGHT BODY and the human vehicle is a body experience INSIDE of the Light Body.


Another way of understanding this in terms of CONSCIOUSNESS is to say that we originally feel (as a human being) that our consciousness is INSIDE of us, or coming from inside of our Brain. But the higher truth is it’s the mirror opposite. Consciousness is OUTSIDE of us. Consciousness is also everywhere. Your Consciousness is INSIDE of the Greater Consciousness of God. Therefore, when we embody our LIGHT BODY, we know as the Light Body, that the physical body is INSIDE of the Light Body.


It is the method and practice of SEEING beyond the typical use of the two eyes, by SEEING with the Third eye, that I point to, that allows you to see ALSO, ALL MATTER, beyond it’s physical particle state of MATTER. Where you SEE, it’s next higher frequency state, which is it’s Liquid Light state. And in maintaining your Transcendental STATE, see further, it’s higher ALCHEMICAL STATE that is seen as millions upon millions of sparking iridescent Photons of GOLD LIGHT, that vibrate constantly. You see this instead of it’s solid form or liquid light state. And then we can further see in our Transcendental State , past an object’s GOLD Alchemical State into the PURE WHITE LIGHT. At this point you are SEEING with EYES OPEN, before the object’s CREATION, where there is no form of anything. Where the field you see, is ALL WHITE LIGHT, devoid of MATTER (solid objects and forms), liquid light, or alchemical Gold Light.


What people refer to as New Earth, or 5d Earth, or further higher dimensions, are ALREADY existing. We are just meeting these VARIABLE frequencies, to experience from them, via our rising frequency level of our OWN Consciousness in this Era. Everything has ALREADY, various FREQUENCY states. Including YOU.

HIDDEN in plain sight, beyond SOLID FORM, are layers upon layers of LIGHT LAYERS (denoted by frequencies), light node points, gateways, portals etc. We meet them, see them, exist in them, via our SOUL’S CHOICE this lifetime, where we then expand into NEW ABILITIES based on our own onsciousness state. We expand step by step by aligning to higher and higher frequencies that expand us into our already existing consciousness. All via ENERGY FREQUENCY ALIGNMENT.

Everything is Energy.

1) We meet and enter Gateways (light node points that resemble entry points) via matching their frequency.

2) Some can open and see light portals based on their energy frequency matching an existing portal.

3) We see beyond a solid form of any kind, by aligning our frequency to it’s non matter frequency.

4) We magnetise to each other via energetic resonance to another’s frequencies. Resonant frequency does NOT mean SAME frequency, it means RESONANCE to somebody’s frequency. We move away when frequencies are too far out of alignment. This IS, THE DANCE OF THE LIGHT I have mentioned many times. As Light, there is just the DANCE. Of neutrality.

5) We create via our own frequency no matter what frequency we are.

6) We are/were used to discerning anything via the human THOUGHT system. But we evolve to simply LIVE by KNOWING ENERGY FREQUENCIES in EVERY moment. Where thought processing is no longer needed to know when something is aligned in ENERGY or not aligned in ENERGY to our choices as Creator. Operating from pure energy state, OUTSIDE of the DUALITY.


Consciousness, outside of mind and it’s thoughts, becomes the NEW NAVIGATION SYSTEM for the NEW HUMAN ENERGETICA. Where we know our human mind is simply a Processor for the infinite LIGHT DATA we receive; the BRAIN, expanded, and still necessary for a physical human body to navigate a solid world reality. The New Human BECOMES ENERGY as their PRIMARY state of being, navigating, choosing, creating from this state. As the LIGHT BODY first, BEFORE the physical body. Where ENERGY is seen everywhere, interpreted in every moment, in and around us. PURE ENERGY doesn’t think, it just is…it expresses AS energy, existing as that…ENERGY. Your Light Body that you then LIVE from, is a completely different type of BODY to the PHYSICAL body. It works differently, functions differently, observes differently, interprets differently than the PREVIOUS HUMAN being, because the Light Body it is made of vaster amounts of PHOTON LIGHT. It functions as intricate patterns of fast oscillating LIGHT and higher VIBRATIONS. We then access FAR MORE LIGHT DATA through this state of being that the human brain then processes. We access NEW ABILITIES through this state of Consciousness.

And all this and MORE, happens gradually…by the SIMPLE PROCESS and CHOICE…of ALWAYS choosing the Heart. The way is simple…The way is Love. Through Love, and experiencing IN, it’s many, many OCTAVES of LOVE. Where there is no force or push or try, just the residing AS LOVE, where all opens up, in the FLOW, one step at a time.

With Love Always,
18 April 2023

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