"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Updates - 10.10.2021


Waking up this morning (0830 U.K.) to very STRONG INCOMING ENERGIES. Energies started to change VIBRATIONALLY last night (U.K. time). Ahead of this STRONG energy NOW

ADDED INFO after posting above:

Along with the common symptoms and many STRONG vibrational patterns that are within this current incoming energy, that are increasingly being physically felt by people, by degree, as ELECTRICAL tingles all over the body, or in parts of the body:
This one may have you feel DISORIENTED at times and possibly some short term MEMORY LOSS (FORGETFULNESS). The brain is being affected MORE SO with this particular Incoming Energy. In other words, far more recalibration is taking place within the brain, than previous incoming energies. To put into context, recalibration of the brain has been occurring gradually one by one since 2012, incrementally…but it’s been AMPING up significantly all this year. So that more people come online to the HIGHER FREQUENCIES. Some may not necessarily be aware. People may experience MORE imbalance, yet they won’t think they are experiencing an imbalance. It’s the energies that will be affecting them, heightening emotions…heightened confusion of the mind.
Resting the mind, via nature, animals and water will ease any heightened emotions and allow the flow in you and through you.
PS…As just support (love), I encourage anyone who hasn’t already, to read my last WAYSHOWERS post dated 02 October 2021. It may help you navigate these times and times ahead. 



Second Wayshowers post of today…
It relates to the timeline energies, gifted by our Sun, and it’s effects on world collective, and the individual REALITIES…
Whilst in 3D AND 4D realms, the chaotic, confusing and destabilising effects of any/all polarised view points WILL play out worldwide and for an individual holding any polarised perspective (of separation on any subject in the mind), everyone (every single being) is gradually becoming MORE sensitive to energy…whether they know this or not (yeeey!). It will play havoc for some, trying to understand what’s happening TO THEIR MIND. Or the minds of others.
Simultaneously, QUIETLY, at higher frequency, MORE of the ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE long kept HIDDEN, is being gently, slowly, magically GIVEN to us. Gifted, as data and enhanced abilities, to learn, practice, and adjust to NOW, for future TIMELINES of energy mastery ahead.

Those magical and healing timelines will begin AFTER the Chaos Timeline has played out, which will take a while (months, in the experience of ‘time’). But this serves us, as since 22 September 2021 (equinox), far more hidden knowledge of ENERGY, ONENESS and ALCHEMY is also being embodied. Do you see HOW parallel timelines ARE playing out at the same time, gradually? In different frequency LAYERS of Hertz values? In order, that by the time the CHAOS Timeline of 3D/4D has passed, there will be higher frequencies embodied, alchemical abilities, and more timeless wisdoms…kept hidden FROM the many by the FEW for so long. September equinox was the MARKER for this next phase to begin.
So, to find peace in seeing the parallels, like weighing scales, there is the presence of higher AND lower ENERGETICS, which we experience based on what we CHOOSE to think, speak, do, plan(!). There’s no planning in the NOW state. Just the following of NOW guidance from within you (go here, look here, listen now, feel into this now etc)

All is so well, perfectly designed. On track! No one is behind. Or missing anything. It’s designed perfectly for you. Allow the flow. Have faith in YOUR tailor made design. I have total, utter, complete faith in YOUR design. We got this!!! Trust the universal flow…in what we call collective and individual multiple and multi-frequency TIMELINES playing out at the same ‘time’. Your frequency determines your perception and focus in any moment.
Choose WHAT to focus on in your mind, lower or higher experiences? Choose how much energy you give to certain experiences, situations, types of mainstream AND multimedia info, types of conversations. Do you feel contracted or expanded after any interaction in the illusion? For you have always been the Creator of your own Experience and Reality. What we CHOOSE and make our focus, creates our own UNIQUE VIBRATION (hertz frequency) to create from that frequency, OF that FREQUENCY. In EVERY moment we have the POWER, to raise our frequency by choosing what we decide is our focal point. We can choose from the ego, we can choose based on consensus of outer opinions (as our history shows us war after war within and without). But we can choose from the INNOCENT HEART, and that Heart choice gifts us MORE and MORE of THE eternal nature, of ALL…remembered, one heart at a time.

So much love sent. So excited about what’s to unfold for all, after the chaos timeline is navigated through, by humanity.

Amanda Lorence
10 October 2021

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