Please take what resonates and just discard the rest…

We are now collectively in a type of corridor/passageway/period leading to our September. Whilst this is collective, it is also a VERY UNIQUE passageway during the remainder of August. It’s within YOU to observe.
When this period passes, we will each enter a NEW and DIFFERENT STAGE in September, of our own unique journey (September being the harvest time, where we reap what we have ‘sowed’ from June 2021 onwards). The dates in September that people notice they have shifted BY DEGREE in consciousness will vary greatly, but it will happen for us to observe of ourselves and others around us, at individual times during September. You will/can KNOW based on your INNER sensitivity to energy.
If we look at the COLLECTIVE TIMELINE of what the greatest POTENTIAL is in September, there approaches what I only LABEL as: “STAGE 6” POTENTIAL. I will explain:
Think of our own individual life journey and that rising of consciousness as having a few very SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL Stages; between 1-7 stages. We can also break down these MAJOR stages into smaller steps/stages/stepping stones, within each MAJOR Stage. Remember since 2012 we are doing this EN MASSE and together. So the MAJOR STAGES (1-7) require we meet specific UNIVERSAL energies and COLLECTIVE energies that become ACCRUED as they present at SPECIFIC FREQUENCY in order to be met by each individual. We have been building energy fields and anchoring key codes within and without towards STAGE 6 for approximately 1-1.5 years now. It has taken us collective time to rise enough in energy hertz to meet the same frequency of STAGE 6. Stage 6 POTENTIAL arrives for our Collective rising more and more, one at a time, from September 2021 onwards.
STAGE 6 happens individually at perfectly designed timeline for each facet as they traverse the Stages within. So not everyone will enter Stage 6 in September 2021, but the potential will THEN STAY OPEN for any and all to match frequency at their most perfect timing in months and years to come. So no rush or self endured pressure necessary…I’m just explaining the potential and what is truly coming in for us, as we are doing this individually YET together as ONE. Everybody is at different stages between Stages 1-7 as designed by their SOUL so there is no rush through any Stage. Just LOVE yourself more and more through your Heart Centre. LOVE is the Key…in all Stages.
STAGE 6 POTENTIAL (September):
From September onwards some people will enter into different and more ENERGETICALLY advanced roles here because their energetic frequency has advanced sufficiently, thus they meet another stage in consciousness awareness. That change will SHOW more outwardly in their energy, behaviour, words, acts, SOUL wisdoms, energetic VIBRATION, ENERGETIC abilities. Thus their consciousness in waking state and with the ‘life form’ will meet STAGE 6 of their Mission here. Not everyone is going to understand this yet, or indeed ‘why’ we have changed. Also, due to array of consciousness levels, not everyone on the planet will notice people have changed or that they also are changing. As it depends on consciousness levels which vary considerably amongst nearly 8 billion people on Mother Earth. But if sensitive, many will at least NOTICE changes in people and themselves at some point in September regardless of everyone’s Stages of consciousness. At every stage, we can’t see until we CAN see. We don’t know until we KNOW. Etc.
STAGE 6 heralds the very beginning of significant role shifts. Shifts that have been permeating in the ethers for about 1-1.5 solar years. It’s NOT instant role change; it will unfold gradually, consciously, within first, in the remaining months of 2021. And later unfold to the OUTSIDE in 2022 as people begin to WEAR outwardly, their new shoes…
We knew roles would change, but we were awaiting the right timeline, right internal frequency, right external collective frequency, right universal frequencies plus the correct strength, enough key codes laid over years since 2012, all accumulating in sustained hertz frequency of multiple energetics that are all designed to align and be sustainable, at right divine timing. We have participated in being a huge part of this, via OUR energy, as the HUMANITY. The Divine Design just IS. We witness it, respond to it, play with it and CREATE with it by degrees of our conscious awareness.
As some around the world BEGIN to enter STAGE 6 at some point in September 2021, and allow themselves to BECOME THAT gradually over the months, more and more people will then KNOW next year, that Stage 6 has arrived and thus it begins for ALL to attain, if they are choosing to. To truly witness this in YOU or in OTHERS, go beyond the noise of the Maya, beyond the distraction of mainstream 3D and 4D. Stage 6 is not part of 4D. To witness at higher dimensional levels starts by FEELING first, with no thoughts. Allow FEELING to be the door.
STAGE 6 of what we can just label ‘ascension’ (please don’t get hung up on numbered levels) will unfold and be understood more and more by those experiencing it, during the remainder of 2021, where we will pass through a few more remaining and significant stage gateways of 2021. Then we will be at aligned point for ANOTHER TRULY significant INNER SHIFT within ourselves on 02 January 2022.
In this post I’ve outlined the POTENTIAL that arrives to the FIELD in SEPTEMBER. The more people that embody this new availability one by one, the more it is anchored here and so becomes more easily accessed en masse at various forthcoming timelines for the many. A dominoes effect operates, as more energy is embodied by more and more. We create our reality, but in this design of Consciousness changes TO humanity, some beings lay the Key Codes they are capable of bringing in, for the many to feel and embody at their most perfect timing. In other words, not everyone will embark on Stage 6 in September and that’s exactly perfect. There is no try, just the continuous individual surrendering in order to LET GO of the old dissolving 3D and 4D design we’ve lived by and IN, in order to meet the higher frequency design that has very different LIGHT LAWS, very different ways of being and thus living, compared to 3D and 4D.
It may seem hard or trying at times for many individuals, yet it’s getting truly exciting for the Whole as we meet these upcoming timelines and embody these energies . It’s totally individual, but we are doing this together. Together we keep participating in and building the energetic foundations for a very different world for humanity to TRULY BREATHE as a BLESSED life experience…and THAT world is based on VERY different Light Laws to what humanity has been used to, through the limited range of frequencies mankind has lived IN.
Thank you for showing up and having the courage to take the steps to become the Truest version of YOU. The version that is One, and is Love for All.
One Love
Amanda Lorence
20 August 2021