"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A QUICK NOTE #1382 ABOUT THE SITUATION. Renewal times arrive VIA GABRIEL RL - 19.07.2020

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Concentrations of authorized outer visitors increase.
Atmospheric effects of angelic visits are shown.
Finalist transitions begin.
Specific failures in the missionary realms are corrected.
Special nodes resume special descents.
NON +++ approaches in potential.
Galactic fluencies continue to expand.
Z- field plasma recognized. Removal suction initiated: 39% (not countdown).
Attention, *The Pirate Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 95% (not countdown).
Attention, *Plastic transmitters! Single unification projector pointed in soon linear.
Renewal times arrive.
Wailing walls need to be removed.
Inner struggles are shown to be definitively cured.
New courses continue to ignite.

You Terrans, need to understand one thing: when it happens, it happens. Really, as you say, crying over spilled milk does not help or solve anything. You need to take a cloth and do the cleaning. The memory that the milk has fallen can never be erased. It's in Akashic. 
It is no use regretting what has already happened, what has already manifested itself and has been accomplished. If there was / is regret, turn that feeling into pure determination, commitment and lovingness to transform what you feel you need to transform, because if the milk has fallen and stained the floor, you can rub it well and the floor will be brighter than it was before the milk falls into it. It uses that energy of effort to reform, redo, rebuild, do differently. 
Nobody is here to judge you. You know that there is a Law in the universe and that you yourself are part of this Law, you are that Law yourself. So, if something breaks, it will always have in your records the memory of the break and it and you will need to live with it harmoniously , but it does not mean that this memory of the break needs to be of suffering and lamentation, but of a broader understanding that will bring even more wisdom. And this memory of the break also does not need to be remembered as a bad scar, but a learning "scar". Understand what we mean. 
What happens, happens and nothing will change that. Just happened. Now is to get up, learn even more from the experience and expand in Love. How much do you really want to get rid of the wailing wall and keep doing new, better and more expansive things? Believe me, much for what you regret today, he has already risen and is looking at you and asking himself “When will he also rise?” It's all up to you. It is always in your hands, this is also part of the Law that you are part of.


Temporarily, end of transmission.

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