"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix


Corridor to February is wide open.
How we absorb the next stages of upgrades and how we are undergoing Shifts depend on our inner work, where we are on our Ascension Path, and what is the best for our personal growth/evolution as Souls. 

29/30 January appeared to be in accelerated pace for us to step threshold (complete 'Shift of January'), and New Door (to February) opened with a un-expected crack-sound of 'firework' right front of us. In one or another way our physical felt/feel it in various degrees; it includes (can include for you):
•Further activations of your Heart chakra (more clear connection to Higher Heart): sense of pressure in area of physical Heart or center of chest; changes in heart rate; 'overactive' Heart (in both day time/night time); very sensitive to intense painful sensations in area of shoulder blades - the same can be felt in front part of body as if in bones, left or right side of Heart or in center. Use BREATHE and BREATHING.

•Stomach, digestive system - Solar plexus: drink more water, eat light and organic food, fruits, vegetables; work on emotions/senses related to: Resistance - Acceptance; observe yourself and 'things' that serves as triggers and creates reactions/responses.
Also use support from your Higher Self (you as Higher Self), your Divine Guides and Source to clear Solar Plexus from all energies/vibrations that is not yours. Reclaim your Divine Power, your personal space in Solar Plexus for YourSELF. You have Divine Right to have within/around your Solar Plexus your OWN Energy and Energy of Source (Father/Mother/Christ). Ask that all energies (links, vibrations) that don't belongs to you dissolves in Light.

•Head - blood pressure and headaches; sensations on surface of head; sensitive crown; pressure in temple area of head or any other sensation related to Third Eye; energy patters 'within' brain. Use clear quartz/rose quartz on forehead (close to head) when you lay down to stabilize and allow all processes to happen.

•Hyper-Activity. Go within and find a point of inner Center to balance your Energy; go outside, in Nature and ground yourself; or, if you find it more helpful, use this hyper activity to Create.

•Hyper-Tiredness. Rest.

•During this time there can be very loud sound of Crystalline frequencies/222 Crystalline Codes; or temporary high frequency sounds in left or right ear (incoming information); you can encounter even new sounds that comes not from tangible plane but exists in higher frequencies - pay attention to this, it's related to opening of your ear chakras.

"I Love mySELF. I honour mySELF. I Love my Body. I AM Love. I AM in Balance. I AM Strong. My body is enough strong to withstand Divine Transformation that happens in the best way for me. Everything that happens, happens for my Highest good.."
These can be words that can be very supportive in moments when all is intense; talk with your Body, talk with your organs, speak with Universe about HOW YOU FEEL. Say words that confirm clear intention, positive direction, result. Work on yourself with true Love.

Much warm Divine Love and Solar Blessings to You
Kwana Mikaela

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