"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix
Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 28.01.2019
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click here to view the post.
Corridor to February is wide open.
How we absorb the next stages of upgrades and how we are undergoing Shifts depend on our inner work, where we are on our Ascension Path, and what is the best for our personal growth/evolution as Souls.
29/30 January appeared to be in accelerated pace for us to step threshold (complete 'Shift of January'), and New Door (to February) opened with a un-expected crack-sound of 'firework' right front of us. In one or another way our physical felt/feel it in various degrees; it includes (can include for you):
•Further activations of your Heart chakra (more clear connection to Higher Heart): sense of pressure in area of physical Heart or center of chest; changes in heart rate; 'overactive' Heart (in both day time/night time); very sensitive to intense painful sensations in area of shoulder blades - the same can be felt in front part of body as if in bones, left or right side of Heart or in center. Use BREATHE and BREATHING.
•Stomach, digestive system - Solar plexus: drink more water, eat light and organic food, fruits, vegetables; work on emotions/senses related to: Resistance - Acceptance; observe yourself and 'things' that serves as triggers and creates reactions/responses.
Also use support from your Higher Self (you as Higher Self), your Divine Guides and Source to clear Solar Plexus from all energies/vibrations that is not yours. Reclaim your Divine Power, your personal space in Solar Plexus for YourSELF. You have Divine Right to have within/around your Solar Plexus your OWN Energy and Energy of Source (Father/Mother/Christ). Ask that all energies (links, vibrations) that don't belongs to you dissolves in Light.
•Head - blood pressure and headaches; sensations on surface of head; sensitive crown; pressure in temple area of head or any other sensation related to Third Eye; energy patters 'within' brain. Use clear quartz/rose quartz on forehead (close to head) when you lay down to stabilize and allow all processes to happen.
•Hyper-Activity. Go within and find a point of inner Center to balance your Energy; go outside, in Nature and ground yourself; or, if you find it more helpful, use this hyper activity to Create.
•Hyper-Tiredness. Rest.
•During this time there can be very loud sound of Crystalline frequencies/222 Crystalline Codes; or temporary high frequency sounds in left or right ear (incoming information); you can encounter even new sounds that comes not from tangible plane but exists in higher frequencies - pay attention to this, it's related to opening of your ear chakras.
"I Love mySELF. I honour mySELF. I Love my Body. I AM Love. I AM in Balance. I AM Strong. My body is enough strong to withstand Divine Transformation that happens in the best way for me. Everything that happens, happens for my Highest good.."
These can be words that can be very supportive in moments when all is intense; talk with your Body, talk with your organs, speak with Universe about HOW YOU FEEL. Say words that confirm clear intention, positive direction, result. Work on yourself with true Love.
Much warm Divine Love and Solar Blessings to You
Kwana Mikaela
Original Post:
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
24 h of peaks and Solar synchronizations. Attention responsible in Terran plan. Immediate call.
Organic accelerations take place.
Connections with exposed will start.
MEGAS sectors update in progress.
Final adjustments take place in LEO. Ideal placements being finalized. Attention Terrans for specific views.
Terrans MiD are "persecuted" by Sentries. Arrests take place now.
Mentors approach for astral revelations.
Maxi-ymos support reverberation at 68% (not countdown).
V5 Package - 3rd intensive delivered. Immediate Reverberation! Special Projector in anchorage 55% (not countdown).
Attention The English Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 39% (not countdown).
Magnetic Island in layer upgrade. Major Magnetic projectors in progress.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Extending Crystal Field in Terran environment).
Planetary Gridworker

The planetary grid network is a living consciousness matrix that is encoded with the blueprint or original instruction set for the divine plan of humanities spiritual evolution. Much of our mission as Starseeds is to extract the alien machinery and fallen entities which obstruct, siphon or damage the energies in the planetary grid system. Deeply hidden in the organic matrix of our planet is the mirror image of the cosmic projection of our Galaxy of Stars, which is the multidimensional hologram of the Cosmos. When we are describing planetary grid work, we are describing the consciousness body (holographic geography) which is representing the map of the Galaxy on earth. When we consciously understand this interplay, we can help support consciousness evolution by dedicating ourselves as conduits to express the divine plan for planet earth. We currently refer to this level of participation or conduit, as a Planetary Gridworker. Over the ages the spiritual science of gridworking has also been referred to as the “Templar”. Templar defines a person who comprehends planetary architecture, and the math behind the geometries of earth consciousness that is built in the geomantic structures. Templars can sense how the spiritual-energy current moves in the earth and how to create or work with the geomantic structures to help increase or direct that energy for the greater good of the whole planet.
Planet Grid Shifts
Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of morphogenetic fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the Earth Elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.[1]
Gridworker Mission
As a Planetary Gridworker there are a variety of possible tasks and jobs that may be presented during phases of the Starseed mission that are relative to the current planetary crisis or issues that are directly impacting the earth body and collective consciousness, at any given time. Many of us work with past, present and future timelines simultaneously, to effect positive changes in the future evolutionary direction of humanity on the earth, and beyond. We each have a personal mission directive based on our special talents and skills, and those skill sets fit into the position we have that connects our service work with the larger group in the Starseed and Indigo mission. Most Planetary Gridworkers that are active now on the earth have come from the future time cycle from other Star systems, universes, planets and even from the future earth, in order to help the lowest density fields of the earth and humanity undergo Ascension and/or liberation from the NAA. As a result of the Starseed mission, many Star people are more aggressively targeted with psychotronic mind control, psychic attacks or dark interference from human or non human sources, in order to prevent that person from awakening and realizing their specific mission. Our service mission with the earth is generally co-created in pre-birth agreements that are written into our Lightbody via the core manifestation body template or 12 Tree Grid. To activate the Starseed potential, many of us will be led to the Law of One, 12D Ray platinum white or rainbow field, Alien Implant removal as well as studying the 12 Tree Grid, in order to stimulate our spiritual awakening and consciousness memory to activate our higher potentials or skill sets. The written instruction set included in our Lightbody contains the information that defines our Consciousness history, Blueprint, star origins, spiritual purpose and role with the earth to serve the divine source plan for activating the higher evolution potentials for all of humanity. As an example, a Planetary Gridworker mission may include such tasks as:
- Providing conduit while in a body for higher frequency transmission or for the direction of running energetic currents, working to align the multidimensional connection and correction of the many planetary grid networks. The physical body acts as an acupuncture point for the earth to run higher frequencies and DNA star coding for a variety of positive applications.
- Traveling to assigned locations or remote viewing to observe consciousness records or energetic signatures that manifest impacts in the earth's holographic Lightbody, to view false or real Timelines inserted into the field that reveal the historical record of the planet, track the source of major trigger events in the timelines, such as tragedies, war, holocaust, genocide, Blood Sacrifice, Alien Implants, abduction, breeding-hybridization programs, to recollect accurate historical records, reorganize the time fields, measure energetic impacts, and track the causality of events that manifested destructive or harmful events in time.
- Survey energetic current and spiral forces, recode EMF ray spectrum, observe how energetic current is running in horizontal Ley Lines and vertical Axiatonal Lines that impact the black and white hole spin and their systems of energy. Many of us are recoding the planetary grid network from running bi-wave code to elevate into tri-wave code or to run Trinity Wave frequency sets that feedback into the source fields.
- Reconnect Geomantic Structures, holographic geography or build light networks to help open portal systems, activate power vortices or hubs in megalithic or ancient builder race structures hidden throughout the earth, reconnect to celestial bodies and stars in collaboration with the Guardian Host. Clear black magic grids and alien technological abuse of these systems.
- Inspect, recon work or take inventory of extremely damaged planetary grid networks, damaged areas of the earth field, dormant or inactive portal systems, Alien Machinery, Holographic Inserts, and artificial intelligence technology networks used by NAA or human military organizations working with the NAA. Examples: Crucifixion Implants, Anubian Black Heart, Metatronic Reversal, Black Magic Grids, Thothian Grid, GEG, Alien Machinery.
- Identify, locate, remove and repair false records implanted in the timelines, clear out destructive events that have manifested DNA damage, as well as biological and neurological damage to the earth and humanity.
- Provide transit services for many human and non human entities that must be moved out from that time space continuum, or sent back to the Mother. Many people have been stuck in Consciousness Traps or are confused souls that do not know how to leave or evolve beyond where they have been trapped in time.
- Provide reading of rights, eviction notice and transit services for Imposter Spirits, Negative Aliens and other entities.
You may not feel you are a planetary gridworker, but are experiencing some of the major effects that have occured in the field over the last week. We all act as acupuncture points for the ascending earth, as she rises in frequency, when she shifts timelines, when she sheds alien machinery and evicts entities, so do we. Take good care of your physical body, and know you are not alone in this process.
Much Love,
( Source: Ascension Glossary - Gridworker)
Original Post:
Energetic clearing and recognizing programming
The content of the following entry is a result of my own experience and perceptions.
If you don't resonate with it, stop reading,
this is primarily for those who have also gone through or standing middle of this process and do not understand what is happening to them.
Since last year (2018), the purification process has intensified due to increasingly intensive
energies. Based on my own experience this process I split into two parts: there have been
mild cleansing and the extreme categories. These are independent about that you working on yourself or not.
Have some days when a sudden start-up cleansing process begins and I think many people have noticed, or not if you are not aware of it.
The mild cleansing usually coming from the Sun or through the solar energies, the energy of the Full Moon, the change of timelines, the purification or rise of collective consciousness etc. - sudden tiredness, flu-like symptoms, suddenly sadness, anger, frustration, loneliness, or the purification/activation of chakras, the symptoms depend on that particular chakra, but only least for 1-2 days.
Many people not aware of what happens to them at this time. You know not only our body transformed to handle/tolerate/ integrate higher energies, but we also have to transform our inner world - we can´t fly with baggage. If you want new furniture in your home, you need to take away the old one, and clean that space out. The same process in within ourselves. Most changes occur when we sleep so most energy can be integrated.
Independent of Energies - If you are conscious and you are listening to yourself, you can also notice small programs on the surface, eg conversations, why and how do you respond to that specific thing or persons? Which questions and actions triggering hard responses within yourself?
A little cliché, but be conscious, sometimes you should notice what you are doing - because many of us only act/react automatically to a certain thing, because our consciousness is not there, my that you just missed one of the running programs, that is not You.
The more extreme category, I have to say, not my favorite, cruel but effective.
You will have a premonitory sign some days before what´s coming - the best description is the word WTF??
Then suddenly the ground is pulled out of your feet, you feel completely alone, lost and isolated. What is certain, it becomes uncertain, you doubt, questioning everything you do not see, you questioning the meaning of your life, you want to go "Home", you do not want to do this anymore, and you try to find out how you can go away from here (Earth), why you need to suffer and leave everyone alone!
You feel that you start to fall down into an endless gap, you lose your interest in certain things what you liked before, not even knowing why. While you sink deeper into the cavity of self-pity and self-loathing - if you are skillful and consciously you start to ask questions. The Energy will not leave you alone until you start asking yourself. Answers only come to good questions and then things start to pop up from the past. things swim up to the surface what you wouldn't even think of it, or you wouldn't have thought that they really had such an effect on you and drilled deep like a spike. This spike is a program that you have been carrying for a very long time.
There are some programs you have brought from your previous life, these are usually trauma, probably not related / no explanation in this life and you have from birth - just think of your phobias, one that has no basis in your life eg. Altitude Sigh - Have you been down from this height in your life? Reptile/spider sluggish, pinched /bit already? No? then congratulations you have already found some running programs that are part of your life, but not who you are.
There are, of course, more layered programs, we just don't look under the surface - nobody like digs deep, maybe we fear that we find something unsatisfying?- and all brought traumas. If you find those programs, you get relieved, you can believe me, it won't cause to you insomnia or all night quiet crying, or anger and quarrel with somebody, self-loathing anymore, instead you get more understanding in your life and in your situation. The puzzle will be in the right place and you will start to realize that that thing is not part of your life, it has never been, but you insisted, simply because you did not recognize it. You will no longer have a "push button" for others and for bad entities when they want to attack you because you will not go into their games, not cause conflict anymore inside and outside you.
"My favorites" and more "nasty theme", which unfortunately are in every human being, is the family main programming. We can separate the Fatherly and Motherly programs, if somebody raised by grandparents then the Grandparents programs, and the siblings' programs.
In a good case, the family is with you since the beginning when your soul moves into the fetus and the programming starts. You hear them in the womb, you hear them from birth until they are with you. You're a baby, you see everything with your third eye, you feel the energies and you know very well what's around you. You are learning about your surrounding world, about your family. Because you only learn to use your 3D senses, all the others are still active, unfortunately later these higher senses we forget and more active the other physical senses.
Most and deepest programming is done by the mother - these maternal patterns that you do not notice maximum you denied - No, I´m not like my mother - aha..look inside yourself.
Most of it "adopted, mirrored" programs like behavioral patterns and reactions for certain things. For example, a mother puts her own self-esteem, her fears on her child (usually her daughter), which manifests as criticism, later, the girl wants to execute everything perfectly under the influence of this program, constantly criticizes herself, never good enough anything what she does, which lead to a self-evaluation disorder. In fact, it is not part of her being/nature but it is an "incorrect, adopted program".
As a family, most of all the mother is the first in this deep programming, it is an actually incredible responsibility that many Mother is unaware of. Every fear/anxiety/ mothers program infuses/passes on to the offspring.
Because we live in a modern world, the Mothers are not only involved in the household/childcare but also in the workplace etc. too, mainly if the father/man is not a partner in everything - does not support her, and this later also become a learned program as part of the program of both the boy and the girl.
The flow of love is also a very important process in family life. Not the words count, but the energy behind and the action. A lot of people are struggling with this problem throughout their lives because their family didn't show love, not let flow of love energy enough, not hug enough and not let them feel that they were important, so they later when growing up they stuck show their love to their important persons in their life or they make in not a healthy way.
Everything has an effect on everything, everybody effect on everybody, just imagine when you go to shopping/public transport/workplace/school - this is like the spiral is twisting further and further. You may wonder why humanity acts like this these days.
Since the subconscious is deeply receptive, we have a lot of programs from the media and communities (school, social media, friends) you might want to catch these programs because they are harmful to your being.
In fact, if you have figured out the programs that run inside you, you realize that you are a bunch of taken/received/traumas programs and nothing to do with YOU, Who actually is YOU ARE.
In fact, not these programs define what You ARE.
You Are by nature, Eternal Light, who came from Source, what is a Clean Essence What Are can´t be negative. That is a Clear Light. This is actually YOU ARE, if you believe it or not.
You'll discover, find it the truth and finally, you start to begin to respect yourself for what YOU REALLY ARE.
It's a process, don't worry if you don't see it, don´t feel it, or don´t understand it, the energies and the TEAM, as I call it (Higher Self, Soul helpers, angels) they help, even if you feel like they do not.
In fact, this journey on the spiritual path is not easy, bumpy, not always candied - pink - unicorns- high vibe - love road - as most people tell to others - you know need very good marketing, that more people have the courage to step on this road. For me, spirituality is more like a Liberation.

The fall ends once, as the sun is shining above the clouds unless it is evening, but then look on the other side of the earth there will be shining or in the Space at last. Ask questions as you get deeper within, don't blame yourself, don't hurt yourself physically, you're going through it, and you will find great truths and realizations in the end. This process is a big PUZZLE. Do you already have all the parts?
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
48 h of peaks and Solar synchronizations. Attention responsible in Terran plan. Immediate call.
Scan in Lunar Sector take place.
Kani in approaching for energizations.
Superior Force disintegrates plasma 1.
Traumatized missionaries undergo recycling.
Peace alliances are formed with loving movement.
Special Projector for Knights and Amazons in reverberation! 44% (not countdown).
Equilibria happen in Southern. Souls are rescued and understand Superplan
Atlantis rescue take place in Southern. Line "prisoner" purification happens.
Superior Mayas adjust axis for updated new projections.
Etheric Universities approved by Guardians.
S.E.N.S.E: INTENSE REVERBERATION STARTED. First Movement: 79% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Extending Crystal Field in Terran environment).
GaiaPortal - 29.01.2019
Flashes of Light cannons are viewed with gratitude.
Portions of mesmer are refused.
Philanthropics are engaged for hu-manity.
Stardust engaged.
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Walk-ins take place.
Plan Supervisors confirm alliances.
Lunar surveillance increased.
Magnetic enlargers arrive on Magnetic Island. Central Support is assisted. Attention main sustainers...
Jerusalem updates field of view.
Main Command centralizes Protocols.
Special Gateways are reactivated in multiple zones.
Primary Waves of *Akenks-mi-ahi-ai Protocol in progress: 55% (not countdown).
Special paramagnetic sensors activated.
Special 4D landings platform prepared. 3D direction in progress.
BIRDS resend signals to Guardians for special and necessary updates.
72h of peaks and solar synchronizations. Attention accountable in Terran plan. Immediate call.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Extending Crystal Field in Terran environment).
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Nuclear particles collected by Ashtar(s).
New waves arise for necessary harmonizations.
Assisted Time Travelers arrive in The Now.
Superior Command Centers installed in Physicality. Leaders do not need give clearance.
Sentries breach MiD base at 25° 18' N, 51° 32' E - The Light Celebrates!
Terran Nations Organization infiltrated by Sentries. The Light Celebrates!
Superior seats released for ALL.
Main Grid wipe out begins. New Protocols deployment in progress: layers update. 84% (not countdown).
Ashtar (s) synchronizing LEO, MEO and HEO. 86% ((not countdown).
Attention Shimmering, The Storytelling Fairy, Vanula, The Source of Potions and Eliar Flours, The Artist creating movement! Vortex at 95% (not countdown).
New local risks being minimized. Terran harmonization take place.
Attention Alfeus! New panorama pointed out.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Extending Crystal Field in Terran environment).
A QUICK NOTE #848 ABOUT THE SITUATION via Gabriel RL - 26.01.2019
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Zero i: Ultra Field accessed. Download started >>>> 29% (not countdown).
112 points reverberant: 22% (not countdown).
CONSCIOUS movement reverberation: 29% (not countdown).
Attention Terrans! Special projectors for Okingons movement in anchorage! 24% (not countdown).
Lights light up in mixed zones.
Necessary cleaning continues in Southern.
Fluctuations harmonize.
Magical experiences happen.
New Chant is coded for delivery.
Jerusalem in repositioning. Authorized: LEO. Next >>> Synchronizing.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Extending Crystal Field in Terran environment).
You Are Not Losing Your Memory - Ascension symptom

The greater you are aware of the process, the greater you can assist what is already going on and will be continuing at its natural pace according to the cellular coding for each individual. Each person is unique and will be more attuned to certain energies than other persons. The analogy could be made of having a transmitter calibrated to receive a particular radio station. People will resonate with different wavelengths at different vibrational frequencies than other people.
Whatever wavelengths your particular design is calibrated to, these wavelengths are pathways cut in your consciousness. Once you have begun to transmute, or change, the energies of these particular frequencies of the universe will take advantage of these pathways to transmit more and more of the same energies to you. The shift in perception from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension brings about emotional, physical and mental refinement that often takes the form of instability and trauma during the process of transmutation. These are real tests to be faced that contain lessons to be learned during Ascension.
You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, and there is no time limit on this. Others, on the other hand, may experience memory loss or déjà vu—as though whatever they are experiencing has not happened or has happened before.
Time speeds up, collapsing events; one day moves so quickly into another you have difficulty remembering the sequence of hours. There are lessons some people going through mental cleansing might experience a sense of disorientation even in familiar territory to be learned from all these challenges and accepting them will help you secure a stronger footing in the process of Ascension. This new incoming impulses of energy is affecting the cells that compose the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.
People are manifesting, on every level, this incoming light with their whole being. There will be times when you will be inspired with flashing memories, recall of past situations and lives and other realizations. Insights that are eternal and cosmic are beginning to infiltrate your body and to illuminate the human mind in a way that inner body cells will activate.
The mental capacity of people will increase considerably during cellular transformation when all the useless data is being taken from your memory files. Occurrence and surge of intense and vivid dreams; these might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, and natural catastrophes.
Your dreams might seem so jumbled at times because the dream life usually makes the move from third to the fourth dimension before the physical life. Your consciousness is shifting back and forth. You are having a glimmer of that experience in your dreams. Sometimes your dreams are not just great but they are also sequential. Then at other times, you wake up and they feel more in a mess than ever.
by Humanity Healing
Original Post:
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Superior behaviors are detected.
Old Egyptian heritages are highlighted.
Egyptian fusions happen.
Zero i: ultra field accessed. Download started. >>>> 18% (not countdown).
112 points reverberant: 18% (not countdown).
CONSCIOUS movement reverberation: 9% (not countdown).
Attention Terrans! Special projectors for Okingons movement in reverberation! 12% (not countdown).
Southern Conflicts watched by Sentries. Violations will not be allowed.
New lungs are tested.
Sea cleaning takes place. Attention guardians...
Multidimensional alliances are formed. Multiverse portals opened.
Mega portals reverberation in progress.
Jerusalem repositioning. Authorized.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Extending Crystal Field in Terran environment).
A QUICK NOTE #846 ABOUT THE SITUATION via GAbriel RL - 24.01.2019
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
MERSiS+ OPERATION in preparation. \ Approved / Synchronizing /. (Temporary secret).
"10 * 15 * 8 * 14 = 2 * 1 * 16 * 20 * 9 * 19 * 20 ": Return to physicality in soon linear. Environment preparation... (2)
*FA-EN144 Consecration in progress. FIRST ROW. Collateral >>> Sleep patterns changing. 55% (not countdown).
Misuk base breached. The Light Celebrates! Transmutation in progress: 99% (not countdown).
Appropriate movements in Southern. MiD in appropriate withdrawal. (25).
Southern Removals still in progress. Miasmic plaques being removed in advance. 72% (not countdown).
North Base Extensions /*SolSuper-2 program in complete evacuation - Alfeus and allies in intensive. 84% (not countdown).
Warnings are given and acknowledged.
Zero i: Ultra Field accessed. Download started..
Astral cities are remodeled.
Attention Cranu-Idini: extended equilibration receptors.
"Extra" Avatars called for mastery.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Extending Crystal Field in Terran environment)
Lost on Earth
I feel lost.
I don´t find my space.
I don´t know what should I do.
I feel like the time is standing.
And everything stops going forward.
Strange feeling, like this new energy, washed away some part of me.
Some part of old me - previous life things, what was stuck inside me.
But I`m calm, maybe a storm coming?
If somebody says the transformation and the changes are easy...then they lie
What will coming? Honestly, I totally don´t know, I not see the big picture.
I think right now just go with the flow, fill up my days with usual stuff and if I get higher guidance on what I should do, then I do that if I can receive correctly.
LOL I´m not crazy -
"** I think I forgot to put this in the post, but a lot of people have been talking about feeling lost or feeling like they're in a dream, confused, even a little bit unsure about their next step. And energy with the chest/heart due to these shifts. I feel alot of energy in my hands w these shifts too- like vibrating. Women's cycles been off, mine was very different this month as well. Let all the emotions and purging come up, heal, release, clear... meditate, water or juice fast, eat plant based diet, lots of water, rest, be kind and remember "the ego is not your amigo" We only attract what we are." Aluna Ash
"Much to be said about the space we are moving through at present. It's a very transitional state that is tearing away lots of old timelines to move into the next level.
I found myself processing quite a bit of old thought patterns, emotions and scenarios that haven't been present in my field for quite sometime ~ 6 months, 12 months & 18 months so almost feels like this energy from August 2017 Eclipse closes off a cycle ~ all the lessons that we have gone through, since that time we are embodying the mastery of this wisdom & understanding, while releasing the energy of the "emotions & mental thoughts"
There is quite the in between, limbo, pause space vibe going on ~ which requires us to be present, patient and pause. As the energies are recalibrated so that the next opening can be revealed. Also known as a timeline jump. Where everything is energy and frequency based ~ the pause between cycles.
I got called back to look at an article I wrote for last February very interesting themes coming around again ~ as i've noticed each year has similar experiences and energy just one more noticeable notch up along the 5D energies 💜🙏
If you are curious you can read more about it here: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/…/eclipse-big-timeline-changes-…"
Alisha Braché
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