Day One, Morning session, first part Victory Of The Light!….we are close to the breakthrough … and one step further into the 5th dimension. Each one of us is a leader…..we are here to make our visions and ground them into physical reality. The strong thunderstorm last night is part of the process. There is a strong presence of the Light Forces here. This weekend there is important information which you can share, as long as you say where it came from and that it is your own interpretation.
Opening Meditation. Close your eyes and watch your breath… as you breathe in, breathe brilliant white light into your being…. as you breathe out, radiate this brilliant white light into your surroundings. …. Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your physical body… and as you breathe out, breathe out all the things you don’t need in your physical body…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your physical body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.
Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your plasma body… and as you breathe out from your plasma body, release all the things you don’t need in your plasma body…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your plasma body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.
Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your etheric body… and as you breathe out, release all the blocks in your chakras and meridians…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your etheric body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.
Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your astral body… and permeate all your emotions with this light….and as you breathe out, release all your emotions you don’t need anymore, your anger, sadness fear…in your physical body…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your astral body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.
Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your mental body… and as you breathe out, breathe out all your thoughts, belief systems that you don’t need anymore from your mental body…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your mental body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.
And now breathe brilliant white light into the totality of your being, and breathe out this light from your being… and keep breathing like that. And as you breathe like that you are becoming like a being of light…. You are a being of light. And we will confirm that fact by singing the sacred sound “OM” three times. (chant 3 x’s with group)
As a being of light we are connecting to all people in this group and becoming one being of light. We are confirming that fact by singing the sacred sound of “OM” three times. (chant 3 x’s)
As a group, as a point of light as one group, we are connecting to other groups throughout the planet creating a planet as a single planetary being of light, where there is an end to all suffering and darkness. Now visualize, feel or experience our Milkey Way galaxy consisting of one hundred billion stars that are emanating light in all directions, sending light to our solar system. The galactic cetnral sun is the source for all this light in our galaxy. Our earth is the last planet to become full of light and free of all negativity. This is the completion of the Galactic Prophecy which claims there will come a time when all darkness will disappear through out the galaxy. And that time is now. We will confirm this now by chanting the sacred sound of OM 3 times (chant OM 3 x’s)(end of meditation)
Morning session We are not alone (here). Many beings are supporting us in this conference – the Pleiadians, and other star groups. Isis Astara is here with us anchoring the Goddess and I will be talking about this tomorrow. She will be with us for the whole conference with other beings of light. She has never left us.. Together we will create victory of the light. (we watched the Goddess meditation video from Cobra’s blog) I Am That I Am Love.
“You must unlearn what you have learned” -(photo and quote of Yoda was shown) Every person who has ever incarnated into this planet has undergone programs and quarantine from the Light to keep from awakening. We have signed a contract with the dark forces which was an agreement to be implanted …programmed. The implant process consists of putting crystals into our body charged with strong electromagnetic forces rotating around a black hole. (The black hole receives negative anomaly from areas that the dark forces cultivate and collect). This is the first layer of programming.
The second layer occurred each time we incarnated. Right before we were born we had to go through a layer of plasma and implanted again. These implants straightened our forgetting (forgetting our past lives, forgetting who we are/were as a being of light. This memory loss creates trauma in our being.
The third layer of programming comes from our parents. The cabal limited our choice when we chose our parents before incarnating…. so many of our parents were not good choices for us which limits our evolution.
The fourth layer comes from our schooling. We our shaped with mind programming protocols on every level of education that we engage in. Our creative processes become very limited as a result of this.
The fifth level comes from all the different mass media we are exposed to including everything in print, on TV and very much so through the internet and social media.
The sixth level comes from scalar technology. There are many networks around the planet that transmits different levels of control, programming and violence to our bodies and minds. As we awaken we become aware of these programs (and it lessons their affects upon us). In the last decade the use of cell phones has allowed the cabal to increase their programming upon us. It is important to spend at least one or two hours a day, away from our cell phones.
What we can do to reduce all the programming we have been and are exposed to is to train our intuition by listening and following our inner voice, which is training the right hemisphere of the brain. Also to train the left side of the brain by learning each day and expanding our knowledge in all directions. By strengthening both our intuition and knowledge is a key to our transition…. as the info (attempts for programming us) will get more intense. The next two days there will be presented much information that is beyond what the average human (has been exposed to or can understand). What we “normally” see in our world and reality is a very small part of Reality. (showed a slide of a tiny circle enclosing a small part of our huge spiraling Milky Way galaxy) The stars we see on a clear night is an infinitesimal amount of the stars in our galaxy. On our planet we can only see visible light, which is a very small part of the frequency of “light” (energy) spectrum. We do not and cannot see the presence of most things.(showed a slide of Cobra in ship in space beyond the veil) Cobra shared his experience of going beyond the veil and said it allowed him for the first time to see more clearly the current conditions on our planet. and to discover the existence of the Chimera group. This was the first time in 25,000 years that the Chimera group had been “discovered”. Before, there was knowledge of the cabal (which are the lower level of beings that are controlling our planet. The Chimera are both physical and etheric beings that control the archons and cabal). There is much happening now behind the scenes that no one is aware of.
The Ascension Process – continuation of morning , Day 1
The ascension process is an individual one, a planetary one and a cosmic one. There is and will be great transformation on all three levels. We are at the breaking point of the cosmic cycle whereby the galaxy is changing from an in breath to an out breath approaching a moment of no breath where energy comes in from the universe and clears and removes all the negative anomaly (the source of all darkness). We have been preparing for all of our lifetimes for this. In our other lifetimes we have been learning things that we need for this lifetime and have incarnated at this time specifically for our ascension.
There is a 50 year window for this to happen and for all darkness to be removed, which started on May 25, 1975 and will end on July 5 2025. This cycle is an alignment of the earth, our sun and the galactic central sun and coincides with the pulsing heart beat of the galactic central sun which has one cosmic beat about every 25,000 years. Half way through this cycle there is a smaller pulse that occurs about every 12,500 years. The last time this occurred there was an massive extinction event that happened very suddenly, where by mammoths that were eating grass, froze so quickly that the grass still remained in their stomachs. The Light Forces can buffer this galactic super-wave.
The pulse that originates in the GCS sends forth a signal that activates our sun and our sun sends forth a flash throughout our solar system. Some scientists are predicting an ice age to occur quite possibly as soon as a few months or years. The Galactic wave however increases solar activity so that the ice age may not happen. The Light Forces are also balancing this transition so that we can survive. The Compression Breakthrough is part of this process (which is the time when The Event will happen) and now we are in a purification process of clearing negativity to help the planet and our solar system to be entrained to this Galactic Pulse. This cosmic cycle also includes the precessional cycle, when in 1998 the solstice sun aligned with the galactic equator. The key to all of this is the GCS which is the source of light in our galaxy which will create the Event.and where all evolution starts.
Tachyons are the first particles to be created in the universe and have a direct connection to Source. They are the most efficient means to ……..? I was asked to bring this Pleiadian technology to our planet, which includes the tachyon healing chamber and also a way to tachyonize products such as crystals, stones and water. Cobra then described some of the products and crystals he had for sale on the table, all of which he said had been tachyonized.
Copper bracelets and rings- copper being the metal of Venus, which rules love and emotions Aquamarine – 5th dimension and connection to the Mother Ship Morganite – unconditional love Goshanite – individual ascension process Cintamani – grounds the energy of the Compression Breakthrough ? – opens the centra channel and connects chakras to source
He then named and described the 13 Galactic rays that he will give initiations in (to the ones that have paid for them. Archangel Metatron gave him the system of initiations Pleiades – heart/love Sirius – Joy Andromeda – mastery or the physical plane Orion – integrate ? creativity? Galactic Central Sun – higher purpose Antares – Oneness
Ascended Masters Sananda – unconditional love Kuthumi – healing Ashtar – 5th dimension/telepathy St. Germain – transformation, manifestation of abundance Seraphis Bey – connection to angels Dwal Khul – healing
It is recommended to practice at least once a day, preferably twice a day for 5 to 20 minutes. After 6 months the ray will open the chakras channel. Level 1 opens ones own channel and level 2 can be used for healing others.
Questions and answers A question about the Shuman resonance and its reporting of dramatically increasing. Answer – Their are many resonances that can be measured according to where they are surrounding the earth. The one in the atmosphere is stable. The one in the stratosphere the amplitude is changing – where plasma (ionized gas) exists. A question about how to block harmful frequencies ? or negativity. Answer – It is more effective to raise one’s own frequency above it.
(morning break)
(Slide of diagram of 4 pulsar galaxies in a Fibonacci series) The advanced galactic races have purposely place certain galaxies in a special Fibonacci sequence. These particular 4 galaxies are pulsar galaxies that rotate to emit certain frequencies. These frequencies emitted and the placement of the galaxies are specifically to send a message to others in the universe. Few scientists have noticed this. Our solar system is located in a bubble of plasma that the mother ships have entered into, to help civilize the transition during the up coming galactic super-wave.
(Slide diagram of torroidial field rotating)
Many things in our universe is in the shape of a torus. (a circular donut – from galaxies and stars, down to the earth and the human heart) New Atlantis and the Energy Grid (slide of the earth showing both the old and new equator) One way that work is being done towards the liberation of the planet is the creation if a network of light around the planet. At the time of Atlantis the equator existed in a different location. The old equator went through Sao Paulo,Brazil. Brazil was an Atlantean colony and part of the work is now to activate the vortex that exists here to align with the New Grid. In 1659 St. Germain who was incarnated as Francis Bacon, wrote a book called, A Work Unfulfilled – The New Atlantis. Later as Count St. Germain, he started a mystery school in Paris that initiated people into the Goddess Mysteries, which triggered drastic changes. Also as Ben Franklin, he helped create the Articles of Independence and the United States’ Constitution. St. Germain has instructed me to continue this work by creating tachyon chambers around the planet that bring the light energy from source to people who use them. (there are many around the world that provide this service for healing).
.The grid is also affected (in a negative way) by the scaler technology of the various “colliders”, (such as the Haldron collider in Switzerland) The main one used to be in Long Island, New York, but is now in Colorado.
The light grid around the planet is also facilitated by burying Cintamanis all over the world. There are thousands and thousands now planted around the world that has have tangible affects on the quality of life. The sky in Beijing has even become much clearer as a result of the many Cintamani placed there. Whenever a cintamani is buried, there is an Angelic Being of light that creates a vortex area 10 to 20 kilometers in diameter that clears the negative plasma. The cintamani grid will greatly help at the time of the Event by grounding (and softening) the immense light energy that will enter our planet from the GCS via our own sun.
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