"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Q Dropped Intel about the Secret Space Program via Teresa Yanaros

The anonymous intelligence entity ‘Q’, has been dropping tons of information through the forum 8chan since October 28th, 2017. ‘Q’ is allegedly an insider or group of insiders with the highest Q security clearance. The growing community dedicated to uncovering information related to the control constructs and other hidden truths is freaking out because ‘Q’ just dropped the term “secret space program” for the first time.

Q dropped posts tonight related to the moon landing, Roswell, and the secret space program.

First, on September 19th, 2018, at 19:25 EST, an anonymous user asked the question, “Are we alone? Roswell?” And ‘Q’ responded with, “No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space.”

Pretty amazing to see Q trekking into the territory of the Roswell conspiracy, and brushing up against the concept of unacknowledged governmental programs. But there’s more. You will not BELIEVE what happened next.

Just a few minutes later at 19:59 EST, an anonymous user asked the question “Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?” ‘Q’ answered, “False, moon landings are real. Program exist that are outside of public domain.”

It’s important that people understand the operational implications of what has happened with these revelations. A good way to look at it would be to imagine that the disclosures up until now have been like Q has been in a dark room, using a high powered, very precise laser to pinpoint disclosures that would carefully take down the deep state. They just turned the lights on in that room.

This is unprecedented territory we are moving into. Disclosure is literally happening as a grassroots movement. We are NOT waiting for an authority to tell us about what is really happening on this planet. The community is joining together in our collective voices to shout from the rooftops that we’ve been lied to. But we are NOT victims. Our voices are rising together and we are standing up for the truth.

It’s amazing to see this new opportunity for this group of researchers worldwide. Those interested in the information coming out through the “Q” source who have never heard the term before will now start researching the concept of secret space programs.

We are taking this mainstream, y’all.

The topic of disclosure is ramping up further and further as more people wake up to the truth that the government has been developing technologies that have been taking us off-planet for quite some time. You can find many people who have risen up to share this information, including secret space program insider Corey Goode, researcher and author Dr. Michael Salla, the late Naval whistleblower William Tompkins, and many more.

Next, you will notice a slew of alternative media journalists jumping into the fray to report on the information catching the attention of humanity worldwide.

Check out Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion who just dropped a video about this breaking news:

Just last month, hundreds of people gathered together in Colorado for the Dimensions of Disclosure conference that we were calling a “starseed summit” to discuss these realities and to think tank on what is coming next.

We are literally in the thick of this information catching on to the masses in a huge way. Not to mention, the documentary Above Majestic, directed by Roger Richards, is slated for worldwide release soon, which will serve as a gigantic wake-up call to the masses about the realities of the global deception and the truth about these unacknowledged programs.

Goode stated just now in a social media post on Facebook:

I have been contacted by a number of people this evening about the most recent ‘Q Drop’. Q just dropped the term ‘Secret Space Program’ for the first time. Are you ready for the Secret Space Program to go Main Stream? Standby, at the end of October, our movie, Above Majestic will debut globally bringing attention to the Secret Space Program topic and bring MILLIONS of new people to Ufology and all of our platforms. Now is a time to stand in our truth!

-Corey Goode

Researcher and truth advocate Simon Esler runs a group research organization on social media called the “Q Anon Think Tank.”

“The Q operation, up until now, has carefully been sanitized of all disclosures relating to non-terrestrials and Secret Space Programs. For this to be disclosed says volumes about where the operation is at and the ambition of its scope as we draw closer to unsealing the 50,000 sealed indictments.”

What will happen next?

With the announcement this year of the Space Force, it’s due time that disclosure of unacknowledged secret space programs kicks into high gear.

I can’t WAIT to keep an eye on this developing story. Stay alert and vigilant my friends.

Simon Esler and I will be releasing a public statement about this phenomenon in the next 24 hours, so be on the lookout for that.

Stay tuned!

All around us are pieces of the gigantic cosmic puzzle. Let’s attune to its Frequency.

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