"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

The Time has come...


  1. Anaclara wrote this comment on www.theearthplan.blogspot.com:
    "I was at the Ascension Conference in Budapest, Hungary and wrote down the Primary Contract Removal Protocol word for word, as Cobra pronounced it. Here it is!":

    "Primary Contract Removal Protocol

    In the name of my I AM presence
    In the name of my Soul
    In the name of all Light Forces
    I cancel and nullify
    all my past agreements and contracts
    with the Dark Forces
    All those contracts are now null and void
    regardless of their content
    regardless of my subconscious programming
    With my Free Will
    I now declare myself free from all those contracts
    and from all influences of the Dark Forces
    I now decree and I command full conscious operation
    between myself and the Light Forces
    I now decree and I command that my life is guided
    in full alignment with the Divine Plan
    I decree and I command miracles to be manifested in my life
    in a way that will manifest happiness for me
    and for everybody involved
    So be it and so it is"

    Question from EM: "..that the vast majority of animals were not implanted because they don't have their I AM presence fully shaped, and that the plants are not implanted at all. So, this "I AM presence" seems to play a key role here for the Archons to decide whether or not to implant that being. Is it really so? Why?"

    Answer from Cobra: "Yes. Because only a being with fully developed I Am presence is dangerous for the Matrix."
    Source: http://wholenessnavigator.blogspot.com/2016/03/march-4th-cobra-interview_15.html

  2. "Whenever an individual reclaims his or her Free Will, this helps the Planetary situation".
    Source: Notes from Taipei Conference, part 2.

  3. C. wrote (C. met with Ple.): "It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us based on our ability to receive them. This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken as soon as possible."
    Source: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2015/07/galactic-wave-of-love.html
    Sheldan wrote (S. met with Siri.): "The keys to this victory are your rising levels of consciousness, and your growing hunger to be free and spiritually sovereign from the dark and its endless centuries of slavery, greed and contempt. Heaven continues to equip and fortify each of you for full consciousness...Keep ever in mind your importance to the collective that is surface humanity. Your realm continues to change for the better. Persevere in your individual affirmations and the mighty visualizations that are building toward enduring freedom for all."... Source: http://www.paoweb.com/sn052918.htm
