"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Taipei Ascension Conference (05. 2018) Grace´s personal note from theearthplan.blogspot - Part 1 of 2

These are my personal notes and are not the official version.

About 350 participants thronged the venue of the Taipei Ascension Conference over the 12th and 13th May 2018. I had not intended to take notes as I was already feeling very depleted and drained from family concerns over the past weeks, and all I wanted to do was to just absorb what was said. However, it got very clear very quickly that I had to take notes and make the effort to share what was imparted by Cobra during the Conference, because the more of us that know about it, the better our understanding of the Planetary situation.

These notes are not comprehensive ~ they are sketchy at best. I will attempt to provide the gist of what's relevant with the intention that you can find something beneficial for yourself. My own comments are in ochre, so please feel free to skip those.

The intensely high energy level throughout the Conference was palpable, aided and abetted by several factors which I will elaborate in the notes. Much of the time I felt like a Van de Graaff generator ~ my head was tingling and felt electrified. Today ~ the second day after the Conference ended ~ I found myself following my inner prompting to speak in Light Language, accompanied by rapid hand gestures. Well, at least that's what I think it is, because I'm sure it sounded like gibberish. Just to clarify, Cobra didn't speak Light Language during the Conference.

Some of what Cobra discussed during the Conference have already been covered in his updates, but we were able to hear him expand more on the topics.


 At the very start, it was clear that the group had a lot of high-vibe energy, but going off in all directions. Cobra led us in a meditation that very quickly harmonised all the energies into a coherent and amplified field. It made me feel that we became a massive sacred "Energy Mandala" with each of us being a fractal of the whole.

Galactic Intervention

Earth Now a Galactic Domain Cobra reiterated that Earth is now a Galactic Domain of the Light Forces. The Draconians had believed that they had the right to lay claim over the Planet because they were here first and proceeded to install their royalty, nobility and military. Now, with Earth coming under the domain of the Light Forces, the Galactic Confederation will use their military force to dismantle all darkness unconditionally, regardless of local laws. Galactic intervention had to be initiated because Humanity wasn't using their free will to liberate themselves. This is the last phase of Star Wars ~ it wasn't really a movie, it was a documentary.

Layers of Programming 

We've been subjected to layers of programming since the time of Atlantis. They have been running for thousands and thousands of years, and are now very much ingrained in each individual.

  • Separation from Source and Higher Self ~ This is the first layer of programming
  • Forgetting our previous lifetimes
  • Programming from parents, who teach based on their own programming
  • Programming from schools
  • Programming from media

Contact Dish 

This acts like a radio signal for Contact. Thousands are already being prepared for this. If you are going through intense clearing in the past few months, you're involved.


Taiwan is the centre of "population gravity". With 2000 Cintamani stones planted in the island, it is the epicentre of Ascension. The underground base in Northern Taiwan is almost ready, and can accommodate up to 2.5 billion people.

New Timeline 

This ties in with the Galactic Intervention and placing Earth under the domain of Light Forces.
  • We're on a new timeline now since the murder of Isis Astara
  • There's a battle going on now for Planet Earth
  • Most of the gold on the Planet is now purified (they had contaminated energies prior).

Ascension Protocols

  • Humanity is still not ready for Ascension, in addition the Chimera still pose a dangerous threat.
  • Many of us were "caught" in this reincarnation trap when we were exploring the Cosmos. Before entering, we had to sign a contract with the dark forces. This is the Primary Contract which carried an implant that split us from Source and made us believe we were separate.
  • Cobra read out the Spiritual Contract Revocation which we repeated after him (a version plus lengthy caveat was posted here)
  • This revocation cancels entry points for energy attacks
  • After the Compression Breakthrough, all media will be under the Light Forces so there will be no manipulation of information
  • Plasma grid will re-insert implants as long as it isn't completely cleared
  • Implant is a rotating black hole that attracts anomaly from the surrounding
  • Clearing implants helps to clear Planetary grids
  • The Event is the initial flash of Tachyon waves


  • There are two Primary implants at the frontal lobe of brain. These block the decision process and connection with Source
  • Implanted in Atlantis and continuing over the several lifetimes, these receive a strong electric pulse that make us believe that we are not god
  • There are also physical biochips, connected with the optical nerve, receiving signals from eyes and ears, an audio-visual feedback. These are transmitted to Chimera, live
  • It's possible to insert a virus to disrupt this audio-visual feedback
  • Plasma implants create etheric blockages that make us feel separate from Source, and at the same time, creates a separate identity
  • When we crack open this implant, we can experience Samadhi/enlightenment and remember who we truly are. This will start to dissolve the implant and we will be free to shape our own reality
  • Secondary implants are above the navel. This is the separation between male and female, where we receive 2 opposing sets of programming
  • These implants control emotions and kundalini energies
  • These implants have hampered the liberation process. Planet X took about 3 weeks to liberate themselves because they were not strongly implanted. SSP personnel are also not strongly implanted
  • These implants give rise to the "Sex is love / sex is not love" program.
Here, Cobra broke off to announce that several Motherships are present in Taipei, supporting the Conference. In previous instances, Pleaidian ships would appear, but for the first time, several Motherships from other Star Races were present ~ Sirian, Andromedan and others. This has never happened before! Attendees cheered, waved and gave the Light Beings a loud collective Hello. It seemed as if we were given an energetic response, because the energies felt more amplified.

Cobra explained that there are two parts to the future, the "fixed" and "not fixed". The "fixed" part of the future can be seen by the Light Forces, and it shows the Victory of the Light.

The Plasma plane is the key to Liberation as it feeds the implants. Light Forces now employing new technology to clear this.

Implant Removal Removal of implants creates cracks in the Matrix.

  •  Visualise placing your body in a hexagonal crystal, the shape of which is shown above.
  • The top of the crystal would be where your Soul Star Chakra is, while the bottom point is the Earth Chakra.
  • The top horizontal "line" aligns at the Heart level, while the bottom horizontal "line" aligns with at the Sacral level.
  • Visualise each crystal point as electric blue lights, these 14 points are portals. They create a vector equilibrium.
  • Keep this visualisation for about 10 - 15 minutes.
Light Body Activation

  • If you decide to manifest a physical body after Ascension, it will be a hologram
  • The rotating Torus is a basic sacred geometry of Creation, and this is also our body's energetic structure, with the mid-torus at the Shushumna
  • The Shushumna is a path of Light (runs up spinal cord and through each Chakra). This is akin to the ATVOR (Pillars of Light) technology.
ATVOR Invocation 
I call upon the Pillar of pure White Light to descend upon me and to form around me.
I call upon the Presence of the I AM That I AM.
I ask the Presence of of the I AM That I AM to join and merge with me.
Original Post:

1 comment:

  1. Grace notes from Taipei Conference (part 2): http://theearthplan.blogspot.com/2018/05/taipei-ascension-conference-12-13-may_19.html
    Grace notes from Taipei Conference (part 3):
