Cosmic Joke😂
"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix
Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - 7th of July to the 7th of August, process of restoration of the Divine Kundalini - 30.06.2024
JUNE 30 2024
As we shared in the last group session,
from the 7th of July to the 7th of August,
within the process of restoration of the Divine Kundalini,
we will collectively undergo an important exorcism from the head demons.
This also includes the throat chakra
and all karma from all the fallen spoken words and spells and ceremonies of magic.
This period is connected to the Medusa technology and everything that we have been clearing for so long and it will have its pick especially around the 15th of July.
This liberation will be experienced according to One's awareness and it will continue for two more periods in the future.
It is a very much anticipated period that will bring such important developments and revelations for the whole world along with blessings of Revival!
Also on the 9th of July
Mars will reach the same point that the seal of Apocalypse opened back in April,
initiating a period in which this specific seal will be expressed upon the masses and bring further physical awakening for many.
A challenging period that is coming to distract and take peace from the world.
For the Living Ones this will be a blessed period of great restoration!
Saturn and Neptune are going retrograde within the next 3 days
and this will be strongly FELT in the inner and outer worlds
bringing a useful period of sobering up and waking up from the old false dream,
clearing self deception and illusion.
When there is still inner shadow and distortion,
Neptune is the greatest at making you think that you have hit the jackpot or been blessed with the greatest story only to show you next
that the joke was on you
while pulling the rag under your feet!
He brings the greatest lessons for the Souls
so that they can come closer to its Essence and back to its centre and truth!
Twin Flames the restoration that will take place in July has no precedent!
The Holy Grail is changing the human Merkabah field.
The aura of those that will be owning their cups, will be different to the ones that won't!
Their aura is now being strengthened, broadened, activated, illuminated restored and established like never before!
This is what will be the great difference between those who follow the Ascending path and those who follow the descending one.
This new Merkabah is created upon the qualities that the four flows
and the 5 elements of Abundance bring!
This is a 5D crystalline fortification that no 3d or 4d energies can interfere with!
The Yin Yang Organic templates that we received last year on the 88
will be fully
merged leading to this year's 888,
the rising of the Dragon Gods and Goddesses!
Each step that is leading to the top, is being illuminated!
So next year,
we will be able to open to the Spheres of the Galaxy!

- Coming up in July 

In the last straight before the 888 portal,
the God/Goddess Level.
Those that have the inner call to join this work
can message me for the details of participation.
Participations in all three sessions of July
will have a special discount.
-Following is the next date of the
• 5D Healing, Surgery Adjustment and Upgrade
Tuesday, the 13th of August
At 13:00 Athens time zone
(Suitable for eastern timezones)
Please book your place on time at
(+ the names of 3 blood family members
to also receive healing through your process).
Blessings of fortification!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Join the Telegram channel:
Vilma Capuano - Self-consent
Expressing your Will increases your self-esteem and your Power.
“Intentional action is your power. Break the shackles of your limited beliefs; free yourself from the fear programming constantly offered. Look beyond the obvious and realize that what is being portrayed is just one possible reality that could unfold. What we would like to convey is that these challenges and this physical life are just one aspect of who you are as a multidimensional divine being. ~Hathors
Self-Consent is the internal dynamic that we must be able to say yes or no to what is happening externally and internally, feeling safe, respected, and creating change in our lives.
Vigilance to carry out The Call
To answer The Call of Spiritual Purpose during the Earthly Journey, monitor your thoughts, what you see, what you hear, the companies around you, and anchor yourself in new foundations by recognizing your weaknesses. This is the Light Seeding process empowered by Will – the Power coming from Spirit to resist that which does not belong to your best and highest.
Have you ever realized that being around some people destroys you, and others makes you stronger. It's not about making friends or enemies, about selfishness, about putting yourself on a pedestal or getting advantages, but about being safe and useful to yourself, not being at the mercy of fear and pain.
It's about being kind to yourself and others without allowing yourself to become drained, remaining in a positive energetic spiral of renewing Life through Conscious Choices.
When we learn to listen to our internal “yes” and “no” signals, we respect our needs and limits. Traumas fissure consciousness because they come from the experience of having personal Power taken away on some level.
Make Choices, from the smallest to the largest, being able to “hear” or “see” the signs, or not, getting it right or not, continuing on your Path with the protection offered by your own limits in decision-making with the security of expanding the sensation of peace and harmony that aligns you with Wholeness.
In this way you break old harmful patterns of behavior, and right action is the consequence because it expresses authentic nature by following the flow of the universal current to which the soul is connected.
Vilma Capuano
source - facebook
Natalia Alba - July represent love and stabilization - 29.06.2024
Beloved Ones,
We are approaching July, another harmonic and loving month, asking us for retrieval, rejuvenation, and stabilization. This is a month to continue integrating change, after the profound transformation experienced during the previous months. A month to process all the energies and allow our bodies the time to adjust to our new frequency.
Integration occurs when we surrender and allow it. Allow all that needs to surface for us to heal or clear, flowing with change organically, so we allow the new energies in.
We are heading the 77-wisdom passage that will gradually introduce us to the 888 portal, the peak of the Emerald awakening that started months ago, and that now will be emphasized, especially in the Israel gate, Avalon lands, and other important locations retrieving the Emerald Ray.
We are already feeling the presence of our forefathers the White Elohim, as they told me when I received the 888 transmissions, helping and protecting us in this new phase that is like nothing we have ever experienced in previous years.
They are now intervening, benevolently, to assist in the planetary restoration and unification that is happening, expanding the love and healing embedded in the Emerald ray, that will continue supporting us and All living forms in the following months.
July is a loving month represented by a 6 universal number – 15 reduced. A number that represents the love, peace, harmony, and compassion that reigns, as well as the importance of our relationships, for there are many divine reunions taking place on the planet at this time, as a result of the monadic twin reconnection that many of you are undergoing, and that is the first step to achieve balanced and equal relationships.
Number 6 represents love. 6 is the stabilization that is taking place in many of us, and in our planet's organic gates, after the many changes that have been taking place for the last few months.
As it was June, July is too a month for expansion and self-realization, healing, and gridwork, for we all have different missions. A month for us to take care of our bodies, as they suffer the impact of all our daily thoughts, habits, feelings, past wounds, and the many energies that we have consciously chosen to embody.
On a deeper level, July’s energies open a wisdom integration portal in which many of you are already immersed, descending more clarity and guidance to continue with your unique journey and mission. Seven is often the number of years that we need to end a cycle and initiate a new one.
Seven is the time we need to master the human self, for its ascension, into a new level of consciousness. This is where we, personally, and globally, find ourselves at this time. A portal that this year my Guides shared is about clearing ancestral clearing, for when we heal from the present, the healing triggered affects our previous past and future seven bloodlines’ generations, helping them to liberate from years of repression.
It is only then that we can embody both our galactic and ancestral familiar wisdom, liberating them from our DNA, where it resided, repressed by the many non-benevolent tactics and tools to suppress consciousness.
It is a time as well to continue clearing Saturnian manipulations, as this planet has been deeply used to create more delusions and block the seventh-dimensional ray from fully entering our planet.
This is something that has now finally changed, and we are now able to embody the full seventh-dimensional spectrum, restoring, awakening, and opening again our seventh-dimensional left shoulder portal, embodying the violet ray and, hence retrieving the female energy.
July is a key month to focus on self-care, nourishment, and body recalibration. In the following three months, we will be constantly integrating again, and the success of our embodiment will depend on how much we dedicate ourselves to restoring and replenishing ourselves, during these two months of June and July.
We are at a key moment in our ascension journey to continue embodying more love, harmony, and peace, for all we consciously integrate, we offer to All too.
May your choice be to always be the love that you are, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
source - facebook
A QUICK NOTE #2094 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Galactic Command Centers are spreading" - 26.06.2024
P1 calling Terrans to recognize their origins! Attention for calls on PVSE/SdE!!
Major openings keep occurring.
Galactic Command Centers are spreading.
Negative Grid fissures are increasing.
MiD containments are increasing.
Spaces for renewal are established.
Sacred Codes are spreading on the local environment.
New Realms are recognized.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation).
Cosmic Gateway - Geomagnetic storm now in progress - 28.06.2024
Hey Soul Tribe,
We have an influx of Solar Winds right now, as this moves through you might feel heaviness in the body physically like it's very hard to move through this reality it's like being in a sand box!
Headaches off & in but only mildly
Stomach/Solar plexus symptoms
Very tired & very hungry!
How are you feeling?

Here is the list of the most common symptoms during the influx of solar winds and how you can support yourself:

Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms:

Elevation Training "At you're own pace learning" a guide for Energy Self Mastery & Energetic tools for supporting yourself through this very big Collective Energetic Times:
Elevate 2 Training ~ For Divine Partnership & Divine Soul Connection, how to actulise your highest potential within Concious Relationships:
Sending much love 

Alisha Braché
source - facebook
Weekend Vibezz
The last week and weekend of June. It wasn't easy, especially for me. The energies seemed hectic, as if two energies were strained against each other, one was the old 3D energy and next to it was the new higher vibrational energy - I would say "disturbance in the force", some kind of energy battle.
There was a "happening and not happening" in my life and it hurt me for quite a long time, but this week I managed to drain myself completely mentally, emotionally and physically about it. I didn't have the energy to do anything, I felt that now was the time to sit down with myself and solve this mess in myself. The worst thing is when there are so many unsaid words and feelings and undecidedness that it hangs energetically between the two people and yet one decide to remain silent and just shut the door in every level. If someone is intuitive, an empath senses it very quickly and this weight of this drains their energy. This kind of bond what is totally new to me, for this person absolutely - where the energetic, telepathic and dream connection is present and says and does something completely different than in physical reality. It can be very confusing for the human self. Who should you believe? Your eyes in the physical reality or your "mind" who receives it or beyond this reality? What they say is truth at all? Will this ever manifest in the physical reality? Conscious or unconscious messages? This person aware of it at all? Muddy and confusing....but this person gave me so much lessons.
I guess the universe loves me, because that's when I found a lecture on "how to let go" what I also shared too in the blog-
Most people, myself included, are more in their heads than in their emotions, unfortunately this has a lot to do with social and parental programming. We suppress our emotions, we store our trauma in our subconscious, and we no longer even notice that they control us. I don't like to end up in my emotions either, because there is so much pain and grief in it that I didn't want to cry all the time, not to mention that people criticized me since childhood or got angry because of it when I show my emotional side (that's why I watch movies alone and hide in the corner when it hits me some unhappy emotion). So, I also told myself when the feeling came up - let it go, but it was more like pushed away, judge it, I added mental stories to it, which made the situation even worse in my head. I chewed through many of my emotions, but I never got to the bottom of it, I think I only felt the tip of the iceberg. Crying is good, it is like cleansing water, after which one always calms down, cleanses and get peace. The good thing is that when you feel everything and start letting go of everything that presses on your "heart", you start to feel other happy and loving emotions, without any external influence, and the mental space starts to calm down.
There are a lot of distractions in our world, we would rather do something than sit quietly with ourselves and just be. That's the hardest part...going into the bottom of yourself, dive into your shadow, your trauma, feel what need to feel, work through what need to work through - when you figure something out, those "aha" moments - it´s liberating, like you break your invisible chains. A lot of people turn to addictive drugs and activities to suppress the things they can't face. That is why our society is the way it is now. We consume - objects, people, relationships, emotions - quick satisfaction and we're already on to the next pleasure that would fill us up. But actually we have a void inside us, a black hole that swallows these "quick fix and bandage things", we have emptiness again, nothing good, boring, depression, etc. In order to be able to truly enjoy the fruits of life, we really have to find inside what we have been looking for outside all our lives. I know it sounds cliché, but maybe it's because you haven't realized it yet, you haven't felt it yet. Everything really starts with us and ultimately affects our environment. It's really all about letting go the weight, not having fixed ideas about how things should happen. Present moment, actually everything happening here. Here you make steps for your dreams, here you heal, evolve and follow your path.
I didn't want to write about it, it's a personal thing, but the posts always write themselves. Even though I have an idea of what I want to write about, somehow it comes out completely different. Maybe so you can see that the people who write about energies, intels, wisdom, and visible are just like everyone else. Many people make the mistake of putting spiritual "leaders" on a "pedestal", they are different, they are "perfect", they are all the time in love and light, they don't fight their inner demons, they have everything, etc. They follow them blindly, and if these people on the pedestal make a mistake, get lost, fall out of the box created by others, then they get upset, judge it, unfollow, discredited etc.
Let me tell you something, everyone has their own battle with their demons, some overcome them, some still fight them. This is a marathon, we don't have only one inner shadow, if there is a problem, a trauma - we solve it, let it go, but there are hundreds more so hidden there that we are not aware of. We are all in the same boat, learning and discovering every single day through life. Some are ahead, some are not, this is not a competition, everyone has their own path and realizations. The posts I share or write are also advice and a guiding light for me too. I am trying to get by in this earthly life in the same way as everyone else.
This hectic energy could be observed on the physical plane, people are careless, unyielding, rushing and frustrated. I also observed it with animals and quite strange things happened at our house.
Since summer has arrived here, the window is open all day, so you can hear what the night life is like in the village - cats fighting, cats singing, hedgehogs squealing under my neighbor's window, the black thrush sings in the evening and at dawn, the newspaperman carries that day's newspapers at dawn, cars come and go in the village and you can hear the noise of the nearby highway.
There are martens in our neighborhood and they like to steal, walk across the top of cars with their dirty paws and chewing on cables. Based on my experience, there are favorite brands of cars that this animal prefer to climbs into, chews on and uses as a pantry. We have found chicken eggs and a complete buns in the engine compartment of our cars. These martens have recently been robbing bird nests and leaving eggs in various places. Two broken eggs landed front of our garage.
Since I was doing garden work this week, we wanted to take the green waste to the landfill in the afternoon. Instead, we found a small bird in front of our basement. It is cool there and the wind was blowing, the poor little bird was shivering, crying and opening its beak because it was hungry. There was a dried yellow substance on the bird's little wing and fell many times as tried to walk and can´t fly. Apart from its little wings, only its head and back were flaky in a lane. The rest of his body was bare. The egg next to it was broken, but too small to belong to this bird. There were no nests in the area or at our house. It's a mystery how it got there, and when... There we found another very small chick, which unfortunately died probably a long time and had already "dried" on the grid. I don't know what kind of chick it might have been. My friend was at despair, what he should do, so he asked our neighbour, who keeps poultry, what to do with this poor thing, since we can't leave him alone about our and other cats. The neighbors also didn't know what to do with this bird, they suggested that we should take to a vet in the area.
I caught a small bird for the first time in my life, I got to use to the baby chickens - I love them - , but this was a new experience. I held the little bird in my hand on my chest, the baby bird was no longer shivering, no longer crying, it calmed down. I decided to take him/her to the vet in the nearby town to get help or advice. I thought, in the worst case, I'll look for bugs and maggots in the garden and raise the little one. There is a very good animal clinic in the nearby town, we took him/her there and we prepared that spend the money on this case. This was the first time that an animal did not cry when we took it to the vet, as our cats made music the entire 20-minute journey. The lady at the reception was very kind, she immediately took the bird from us and took it to the doctor. We filled out a found animal form and waited and luckily we not needed to pay. The lady said that they are prepared for any eventuality related to animals, they have already fed the baby bird, took it into their care and will call the bird rescue, and will get transport there soon. I was so happy that I almost cried. I was glad that we found it and not the cats or some other predatory animal. I was glad that we managed to save him and he got a chance for a happy life. I looked online about what to do in this case, but since this chick was too small and clumsy, and I didn't see the bird's parents looking for it, I think I made the right decision.
That evening there was a big fight in the garden, as if the hedgehogs were constantly snickering at each other. I got up, turned on the light outside and went outside, but I didn't see anything and the fight stopped. My cats were chilling across the street, so they weren't responsible for the disturbance. I went back and again the sounds of fighting filtered through the window and I fell asleep.
The next day I found a dead little animal by the rose bush. in my life I have never seen such an animal in this area or around the house, even though I have always lived on the outskirts of a city or in a village in an agricultural area. Honestly, I thought it was a guinea pig and some kind of big mouse hybrid, but later I looked it up on the internet and it turned out that it was a field hamster and it was written as an aggressive breed. I think it's a very cute and beautiful hamster. I don't know who he fought, what caused his death and why exactly in my garden. Maybe he came to drink, since there is water outside in the garden every day of the year for the animals - be it birds, hedgehogs, cats, etc.
There are periods when unusual animals appearing in my garden, e.g. a new species of bird, field mouse, hawk, pheasant, field hamster... and unfortunately, there are times when murders occur.
This week was just odd.
I'm going on "summer vacation" soon, I really need to recharge now, so I won't be around for a few days, and there won't be any blog updates. You know I'll update everything afterwards... and I'll work on "something😉" in the background after I get home.
I am happy to announce that the blog celebrates its birthday on June 30th. It's been 7 years since I started this journey and I'm still here :) Thank you very much for being here, because without you this blog wouldn't exist anymore.
I don't know if there are any of you who have been following me since the beginning, if so, wow, you are very persistent :) I also thank those who have been here for only a few years or months. Big gratitude! I don't know what the future will bring, how long I will stay here, so in this depends on my journey :)
Since we are celebrating, I chose this song. I think many of you know the name Robert Miles. Celebrate the Love :)
I wish for you a very good weekend and happy July :)
Julien Blanc - Letting Go - 3 simple steps
How to let go in 3 simple steps:
Step One: Become aware of what you want to let go of
Step Two: Allow yourself to experience it fully
Step Three: Let it come up and let it out
Vilma Capuano - The sixth sense - 27.06.2024
“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen. ” ~ Rumi
The refining of Consciousness is now made easier because Humanity has gained another chance to Choose Evolution. The Ultimate.
We're hearing voices, seeing flashes of light, feeling emotions and vibrations from energetic fields of environments and people around us. We receive insights and alerts in lucid dream recall for our inter-dimensional travels. Synchronicities...
Welcome Telepathy, Clarity Audience and Clarity as gifts that are being activated by the advancement of your Perception and Intuition into expanding Consciousness.
They are not to alarm and confuse
They are multidimensional tools, our higher aspects, our Personal Power to access guidance, protection and clarity on the reality of Illusion.
It is the skills catalyzed in the Empowerment process needed to deal with events in the times approaching the completion of the old world cycle.
This is the Purpose of our incarnation: to transform the dissonant and polarized energy of 3D, assisting the completion of Gaia's quantum leap.
The functionality of Telepathy, our INTRANET Network, can be defined as Instinctive, based on feelings, the Mental, mind to mind, and the Spiritual: connecting soul to soul.
INSTINCTIVE TELEPATHY uses solar plexus, the center of emotions. It's detectable in human masses and animal migration patterns. You can easily see how domestic animals feel in anticipation of their owners arrival. When they get lost, they find their home again by guiding themselves in the "morphic field" - the "avleys of information" in space-time.
Among humans, some feel at a distance the feelings or needs of another through strong emotional bonds, in cases of emergencies, danger, death, when a thought filled with an intense emotion is sent between them.
Australians, and other Indigenous peoples like the Kahunas of Hawaii, believe telepathic messages are sent directly from one solar plexus to another by a string of an “aka” substance establishing the bond. This is the "Silver Cord" which unites the upper and lower vehicles during the composition of the dense physical body, and which only disconnects when the body of matter dies.
It's common to say "I trusted my gut for this decision" or "My gut told me not to trust this person"... and I didn't want to listen.
The existence of this instinctive command was supported by research in the book "The Second Brain" - as a source of the unconscious reactions in this Plexus that are communicated to the main brain.
MENTAL TELEPATHY, or thought transfer, uses the center of the throat and the lower levels of the mental plane, and is done between people who are fully aware and focused directly on something. It's different from mediocrity.
For decades, great powers have been testing secret military laboratories to use that power in espionage. Helena Blavatsky, Helena Roerich and Alice Bailey left teachings on this technique that will be used by evolved Humanity.
SPIRITUAL TELEPATHY, soul to soul, utilizes the highest mental levels when a connection between the brain, mind, and soul is created activating the ability to serve as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual realms.
The Masters and Beings of Light seek those with this direct line of communication to convey information that will be spread through thought streams and recorded by the Collective.
So your ideas are given to specific individuals. The Rainbow Children, Indigos and Crystals are already arriving with these active tools.
The "Geniuses of Humanity" used the soul as a portal to access a universal source of inspiration. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Einstein - explained the vibration of the universal currents of Divine thought: “Creative geniuses have the power to appropriate the beauty, grandeur, and sublime within their own souls and to communicate these riches to others. ” (Puccini)
It is "a condition in which the conscious mind is temporarily suspended and the superconscious is in control as part of the Omnipotence. ”( Brahms). "All the great breakthroughs were involved in this Jump." ( Einstein )
Are you willing ?
Wilma Capuano
Image: - "Why don't earthlings use telepathy? "
- "They still have a lot to hide from each other."
source - facebookfacebook
Nicky Hamid - Honour your feelings whatever they are
I want to honour your feelings whatever they are.
For so long they have been denigrated to “human weakness”, lack of wisdom, untrustworthiness, and demeaning.
What utter BS and what a huge unkind lie that we have all bought into, both men and women.
And again…….. Your FEELINGS are a part of Your GENIUS as a HUman Being.
Thankyou for feeling your feelings.
Thankyou for being willing to acknowledge your feelings, to come through hurt and pain to the portal of Wisdom and Love.
Our feelings are Crucial for us to align with our Living prayer for a better, kinder, softer, loving world for us and our children to grow up in.
Our feelings are guiding our prayer to let go of our need for duality and suffering, to teach us about the preciousness of both Form and Flow, Particle and Wave..
Our Feelings are what informs us about Where we want to go and How we want it to be.
They are a part of our Living Prayer.
Thankyou, each and every one of you for feeling your Prayer, for diving into the deeper nature of it. For consciously beginning to bring it forward in your Life.
For allowing us to build a New Paradigm where you and all your loved ones will have your Happiness beyond description and all suffering.
And even as you ascend higher and higher in frequency, your feelings are not going anywhere. They just become subtler, richer, deeper more expansive. They are an incredible, sensual, and essential part of HUman experience.
No longer “an enemy within………” REJOICE that you FEEL.
Your Feelings are the Fire within You.
Your Feeling are Your Flow.
Your Feelings are your Power.
Your Feelings are Your Love.
Your Feelings are Your direct connection to Source.
Thankyou for Your Courage to claim Your Power by following your Feelings and reclaiming your Preious Heart.
I So Love You
source - facebookfacebook
Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - All aspects, filling the cup - 27.06.2024
In the last straight before the 888 portal,
the God/Goddess Level.
"She is coming in.
He is being fully transformed.
When the time comes,
they will Resurrect in the physical together
burning the old world into ashes
so that the new can be seen!"
For July we have been guided to have again three sessions
so that we can work
on the last three 'Twin Flames becoming the Phoenixes/ 5D Marriages'
processes before the 888 portal!
The Holy Grail continues being restored
so a whole part of the Self that was out of reach and connection,
is also being restored!
This is the establishment of the Living Being
in a new and broader Living space that opened after the egg/seal hatched
and it is bringing in all prerequisites for
the Revival of the Twin Flames!
After the Twins reach the God/Goddess Level,
then they will be able to experience their Trinity Resurrection in the physical
as they will be able to restore important informational parts of their Kundalini paths.
And with this development
we are talking about
an inconceivable amount of power and ability that will return to them.
A totally new Life in a totally new field will open for them!
This will be the first taste of the restored Living state in the Crystalline field of Abundance and Living Essence!
I was told that after the 888
each will carry the freedom that they ready for and deserve,
meaning the freedom that they can take
according to the level of honest and mature relationship that they have to themselves,
as this is the only and most important relationship!
"Intuitive or psychic abilities are not
an indication of an advanced spiritual Being/Creator!
There are many and strong such characteristics and abilities
in both the dark and the light beings.
An advanced Spiritual Being/Creator is One that
has reached a satisfying level of Self integration and awareness
via the I AM PRESENCE and has mastered
the first two Essences of the first pair of strands in the DNA
which is Love and Wisdom,
meaning the essences of Christ and Sophia.
This is an inner relationship,
from the Self to the Self which is quite challenging to attain
because it takes decision, dedication and focus away from external distractions.
Once this inner relationship is attained,
then it is automatically manifested in the external reality also!"

Those that have the inner call to join this work
can message me for the details of participation.
Participations in all three sessions of July
will have a special discount.
-Following is the next date for
5D Healing, surgery, adjustment and upgrade:
• 5D Healing Surgery
On Tuesday, the 13th of August
At 13:00 Athens time zone
(Suitable for eastern timezones)
Please book your place on time at
(+ the names of 3 blood family members
to also receive healing through your process).
Blessings of Love and Wisdom!

Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxyFb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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