Jason Estes Update - learn to handle your momentum vs let it handle you & worry journal - 31.12.2023

Celia Fenn - December 31st : Look Back in Gratitude
Cosmic Gateway - The Final Clean Up - 31.12.2023

Judith Kusel - Message transmitted for 2024 and beyond
Celia Fenn - 2024 : Roses, Dragons and Diamonds - 30.12.2023
Cobra - Short Situation Update and Ascension Conference in Phoenix - 30.12.2023
Weekend Vibezz
How quickly this week has passed and here we are at the gates of 2024.
2023 was quite a mixed bag, lots of ups and downs, like a real rollercoaster. Unfortunately, not much happened on the physical level, we didn't really experience a real breakthrough, this year was more about internal events, letting go, cleansing and healing at all levels.
Despite the physical slow happenings, a lot of powerful energies have arrived and are arriving at the energetic level, and I think that next year we will bathe in us even more powerfully to prepare us for the big solar eruption and the physical-spiritual transformation. If you look back to yourself in the beginning of the year and to the current one, many of us seem to see two different characters and this is not yet our true self. We still have a lot of work to do - a lot of work on ourselves to finally find our true self under so much trauma and pain.
The biggest challenge is erasing old programs and beliefs, because according to my experience, it is very easy to pick up and fall into bad habits, but it takes more time to program and keep new and better ones.
But realizations come naturally and we are supported to break free from the prison of the mind and the programming of the matrix over generations. But this is not an easy task, since every minute of every day we are bombarded with information and frequencies (visible and invisible), if you break away from this 3D cage, things and people will pull you back. But if you solve and heal something in your life and inside yourself, you help and heal the collective, showing us the way - since we are all collectively in this game. We are all warriors, and if you have nothing to be proud of or if you feel like you haven't achieved anything in this reality, think about this - you survived another year here and now! I know you are tired like all of us and I know there are days when you would give up but you are still here and for that I thank you!
But I don't do anything in particular - a lot of us can say in response. This is not true, simply by being here and existing, you balance the invisible scale, because there was no balance for a long time. The frequency that your soul emits, and just that you walk among people, generates an invisible and yet visible ripple. That's why it's important what we radiate from ourselves, what we do, speak, think and wish, because these determine which timeline we experience collectively and how bumpy our path to the end of the game will be.
Many have left, and many will no longer be with us by the end of the story, but many will come back new and old, as this chapter will end soon and there will be no more films of this nature in this universe. In the universe of free will, anything can happen, maybe that's why we are where we are, and why so much has happened - we get so much experience and achievement points for it. As my spirit guide said, we will be leaving the nursery soon.
What will it bring and what will happen in 2024? Somehow I feel that many changes will happen - in us and around us. The battle for our souls and Earth is not over yet, so don't take off your boxing gloves just yet. I think that everything will speed up and become more unstable even chaotic as the old matrix disintegrates more and more.
Perhaps more truth will be poured out on humanity in the next year, and more and more people will rise from the crowd who want and can do to make this place a better space. I hope that many more people will come together in various fields to provide solutions to existing problems together, and people will wake up in a grand scale.
Let's admit that it's hard to exist among family, friends and people who doubt us and simply call us crazy because they don't want to and don't see that most conspiracy theories are actually confirmed. But believe that your perseverance will pay off, because as soon as the mainstream media and the celebrity world suddenly start to shout the truth, and the many things we have been saying for many, many years are confirmed on a physical level - everything will change. Instead of the attitude "I told you", let's be more supportive.
Let's walk with an open mind, because the deception is so great that the truth that we could have known can shatter from one moment to the next. Be careful and listen to your intuition. Let's strive for peaceful and innovative solutions, let's talk openly and honestly, and finally put aside the differences and try to work together for a peaceful and loving new now. Because sooner or later, humanity has to realize that it is easier together, not divided. The horses also pull the cart in one direction to get somewhere.
I would also like to thank everyone for their attention throughout the year -
I wish you a very Happy, Loving and Abundant New Year.
We will continue next year :)
Natalia Alba - New harmonic frequency - Pluto moving into Aquarius - 29.12.2023
Judith Kusel - we are in the process of a huge shift which will gain momentum in 2024 - 29.12.2023
Judith Kusel - powerful activations of the ancient energy centers & being prepared to take quantum leaps in consciousness - 28.12.2023
Eceti & James Gilliland - ECETI News #72 - Dec 27, 2023
Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 25.12.2023
Jason Estes Update - pressure & resentment bank practice - 26.12.2023

Cosmic Gateway - Childrens - 26.12.2023

Natalia Alba - Full Moon at 4 degrees Cancer - 26.12.2023
Celia Fenn - 27th December : Full Moon in Cancer - 26.12.2023
Cosmic Gateway - The beginning is here - 24.12.2023