What a powerful birthday it was thank you so much for your wishes and kindness ❤ ::hugs:: while i was gone we hit 5,200,000 data points and started circuit 31 almost done with Matter circuits how has your ride been so far?
source - facebook
The last Co-Creators’ ops speeded up eartlings enter 4D and 5D. Many esotericists fixed new key trends in our transformation, which will intensify in the coming weeks and months. Since the end of August, in the lives of many of us, the events, situations and people, which we have already encountered in the past, have been recurring. They re-check our reactions, decisions and experiences we got during intense inner work and deepest transformation.
This is a litmus test of how we respond and act now: as of old, or in a new way, backed by our novel I Am and self-perception. For many, it was a hard time. We spent incredible efforts to let go of the past, heal a lot of traumas, to overcome the state of victim and continuous suffering, for and without reason, to work out a huge amount of karma. And every time, we took one more small step closer to our true self, self-love, self-respect, and self-worth.
If in the course of gut test we react as before, it is a signal to stop and ask self: what have I learned during this time? What wisdom can I extract or already extracted from this experience? How will I react and act in my uninjured and healthy version? Why do I respond as before, after inner working so much? I haven’t finalized it? Was I really like that? Did I allow myself to be treated as a piece of mud? We must understand that this is a new global trend that tests our attitudes, relationships and interaction with others and it will be repeated many times. If we indeed have changed, we won’t get into the same situation again, and not step on the same rake.
The next important event is the full and final melding of three main timelines, that mankind’s collective consciousness forms (out of 40 in the recent past), namely, of order and ascension in our present bodies; of conformity, constant search for easy ways and least effort; and of chaos. Everyone who lived and embodied in these streams, with different vibrations and stories, now, found themselves in a single space of rapidly increasing frequencies. And this is our current habitat, no matter what continuum we were originally in. Since the beginning of September 2023, timelines’ interfusion speeded up, forcing us to assemble our different, often irreconcilable, selves into a new single version to survive in high-freqs’ environment.
Regardless of how many of the 8 billion earthlings are in a state of chaos (external and internal), everyone has more or less frequent episodes of enlightenment. And they start behaving completely differently than before, hanging and sticking for different lengths of time in the new single continuum, integral world and global script. And depending on what we have inside, we either joint it, or drop out.
Another development is an opening of the 4D/5D transition corridor, which unlocked on September 18, when Moon entered Scorpio, testing how we meet challenges. It will last up to November 18, when Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, examining our endurance, capacity and desire to overcome the unexpected difficulties, freeing selves from karma. Emotional fortitude becomes the key to solving the most complex issues and situations.
This corridor is not to new dimensions, but a period of intensive transformation of our physical corpus and Subtle Bodies, strictly individual for everyone if ready. To pass the passage, we must let go of everything in our life in the past and present, what we knew and know, all our experience and memory. For many, this is a huge problem, since we can walk through the corridor only once. This is a one-way movement, and there’s no going back. The one who failed will walk in a circle. Most people will have to go through looping, cycling, which can last several minutes or years. This is not a punishment, but another test for the lessons that we haven’t learned, continuing to heal injuries and letting go of the past until we can go through this passage.
What will happen to us after leaving the corridor? We’ll help build a new world, which everyone will enter. All our bio-fields will be zeroed. No previous information will be stored inside us, including at the cellular level, as well as attachments, links, habits, views, everything that we held on to. Those who capriciously demand Event immediately, here and now, simply don’t understand that even on cells and molecules’ level should be removed entire previous data and memory. This is an immense work, full of suffering and pain.
But since the new groups of people come through the corridor, drastic changes on Earth will speed up due to the synergy effect of all involved. Before entering, we are programmed and hooked on low vibrations that force us to remain in the 3D field of the collective unconscious. But as soon as we step out of the passage, we find selves in a high frequencies space. We only take and emit them, and can no longer tune in to others.
But that’s not all. Until recently, the collective consciousness was formed by the continuous choice of each earthling how to think, feel and act. Those, who were in a state of apathy and doing nothing, or in inner chaos, filled the Subtle Plane with their negativity and toxicity, forcing all mankind to live in this stench. Now, the situation has changed dramatically. Those, who have passed through the corridor, are no longer affected by these emanations, and today, only they form the Earth’s new, high-freqs’ field.
Nowadays, we better understand what happened to our body, especially during powerful energy days – Equinoxes, Solstices, Harvest Moons, New Moons, Eclipses and others cosmic events, how the silver thread that connects us with the Higher Self works, and what our luminosity depends on.
For many millennia, we have been artificially separated from our multidimensional bodies. They were somewhere on the Subtle Plane. And when we were overloaded with karma or stopped accumulating and delivering the new experience, for which we came here, the Higher Self simply shot us off like a spent rocket stage, and helped our Soul to incarnate in a new body, epoch and country, or on any other planet.
Today, everything has completely changed. Along with quantum flows, more Light comes to Earth, and we can more enlarge our Spiritual potential. If we constantly and intensively work on selves, our silver thread turns into a powerful Light stream that fills us from top to bottom. Through it, the Higher Self descends lower and lower, and intersects with our body or completely merges with it. That is, now, we are not trying to ascend to multidimensional bodies (by activating the upper chakras), but on the contrary, they descend into us.
The Light is not just a substance, but an indicator of the quality and volume of our expanded consciousness, the capacity to take in and hold more luminosity. For everyone, it can be different, but the normal level is 60-70%. Increased it, we feel exultation inside, a feeling of “I can do anything.” Spiritual potential grows endlessly. Conversely, if we are in deep apathy, depression or aggression, the potential drops to zero, as our emotions and thoughts become negatively charged. The Light in the cells decreases, and we fall into an even deeper prostration.
The more we contain Light, the more intensely the energy circulates in our chakras and cells, the easier it is to maintain a high level of consciousness and Spirituality, and the more intensely our body transforms. How does it manifest on the physical plane?
The weight decreases. If the body cannot cope with the new energies, it, on the contrary, temporarily gains kilograms, compacting and grounding in the familiar reality. There are changes in nutrition, taste preferences, and in appetite. We may be drawn to certain products. The body refuses to take heavy food because Light energy is very subtle substance. The need for water increases, as the energy flows in us circulate more intensively. When we drink more clean water, this helps the body cope with the load and get rid of toxins and deposits quicker. The sensitivity of the skin is sharpened, and it begins to rejuvenate along with the internal organs. The cells themselves are upgrading.
All this helps our body to return to its natural state. It is a powerful tool, attuned to a large amount of Light to accommodate our Spirit, and our entire multidimensionality. These are not all the results we get from speeded up transforming.
(To be continued)
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