"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - Calling - 30.03.2023


Can you feel it…? There is a ‘beckoning’…a Calling, into the SILENCE…for this time period.
It can’t be heard via linear thought mode, or in talking conversation mode. It’s a Calling from beyond linear thoughts. Yet the waveforms within the brain can pick it up, purely in WAVEFORM. If you drop thought, for just one moment, go quiet, you can FEEL it.
We are individually being called into the Silence, the void, in our own way. It is pure energetic MAGNETISM, calling us into the Silence we MEET, within us.
If we feel this call, choose to go into our HEARTS, then into this Silent VOID, it is FILLED, with the eternal LOVE. Yet it is wanting us to penetrate this space of nothing/everything EVEN MORE DEEPLY than ever before, for now. For into its depths is MORE. To choose this again and again in the next 2-3 days, in order to CONNECT and EXPAND even MORE.
There is nothing to do in this Silence, except BE, Consciousness ItSelf. There is nothing to search for. Nothing to see or hear or do. Just allow the depth of it to OPEN, unto you. Simply BE in the infinite space, devoid of matter, images and sound.
If you hear/feel this MAGNETISM calling you, and choose to immerse into this, in the next few days, it will in turn, AFTERWARDS… open up more of your own LIGHT DATA KNOWLEDGE, for YOU. However you receive Light Data.
If you feel unusually sleepy during these 2-3 days, try to honour it if you are able, and go to sleep. For often we are called to tune out of this reality…into Consciousness ItSelf or into Dreamtime, to receive additional Data.
A beautiful silence…A time to slow down, float, and just BE. Beyond the mind of thoughts and words. This is a beautiful Calling…to journey into just NOW.

So much Love,
30 March 2023

I ask apology


Natalia Alba - The 4/4 Portal - 30.03.2023

Beloved Ones,

At this phase of our ascension journey, all of us, as well as our planet, is experiencing major changes. Changes that the 4/4 portal in a few days will help us stabilize. We are passing through many body changes that will increase gradually, as we continue awakening and repairing our DNA, as well as the many planetary changes that are also helping us regain our original connection to the Earth's structures, and hence, to the many dimensions that exist and are connected to it, for we were meant to be in perfect unison with our Planet, and with the many universes within Creation.

As you know, four is a stabilizer number, bringing us the message to harmonize ourselves and align with the energies that are now assisting us in this purpose. The energy of the number four is going to be very present in the first weeks of the month, for there are important achievements made in our planetary network that needs to be celebrated, at this time of great changes.

Four, as grid workers know, are the main planetary grids that connect with the Four Royal Stars - Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut - where we help in restoring the original connections. Four are the main pillars on which our planetary architecture template is sustained, as four is the basic structure of our Universe of all that exists and has ever existed.
April is a very important month for those who need to work on personal harmonization, and especially for stabilizers, for their personal mission involves anchoring the previous changes that we have been integrated, both, within themselves, and for the majority, if it is part of their mission, on the Earth's structures.

As the Earth's grids continue regaining their original structure and essence, we will feel how our deep sense of time and space too shifts. Many are already experiencing the acceleration of time, although time has not changed, but our Consciousness, which is moving out of our 3D matrix, and its limited view of time, and reality. As you know, the more consciousness we embody, the faster we perceive time, for we have moved from linearity to simultaneity, which is more in sync with who we are, in nature.

Four are the time fabrics to work with, at this time, if you are a planetary worker that sustains our human sense of time. The restoration of time grids, is pivotal, for they have been manipulated for us to experience a totally different time than the universal one, and the more restoration in the time fabrics, the more that we will be able to retrieve our natural and universal sense of time.

The 4/4 portal will help us on many levels. On a personal one, in anchoring and stabilizing the many activations that we have been experiencing since March. We too continue having two allies to help us create a new structure, and order, in ourselves and our lives, as Saturn and Pluto will help us direct our power and what we create with it, in new and more illumined ways. Secondly, the energies of this portal will too help stabilizers, in supporting and anchoring the new Earth's energies received from the Auroras, as well as from many different sources, at this time.

If you are a stabilizer, as it is too part of my personal mission, it is not a time to engage with the 3D noise and drama, for it will not be possible to hold within the harmony required for us to stabilize in the field, as I call the work we do in the universal energetic grid that surrounds our planet.

As stabilizers being balanced in all aspects of ourselves and our bodies, is pivotal, if not, Earth's consciousness will recognize the distortions, and we could not act as pillars, anchoring love, harmony, or restoration in the different places of the planet where we are meant to go, whether remotely or physically.

The importance of reconnecting with the Platinum Ray, for stabilizers is vital at this time, as it is the one that helps us anchor harmonization on both ourselves and on the planet's grids, supporting and protecting us on our personal mission.

It is a very important portal for all of us, as we all in some way or another, after a phase of integration, or after experiencing a profound change, need to stabilize all we have experienced in ourselves and our personal lives, giving us the proper nurturance and time required for these massive changes to adjust to our reality.

Guides have shared a crystal to help us cope with the many different energies that we are receiving at this time, Celestite and Seraphinite, which are great companions to help us expand our upper chakras, as well as the heart center, especially seraphinite. For those who are working on anchoring the new earth's energies, in remaining in a harmonic and illumined space. Celestite will help us stay in the Illumine Essence of who we are, reconnect with our God Self, and be open to interdimensional contact, which is a step that many are taking, at this time.

We are supported beyond our human understanding. The entire Universe is one of unconditional love and compassion, as even though in our planet, we foment the illusion of polarity and separation, there is no higher power than Love.

Four represents Love, as it is what sustains All within Creation. Loves rules All That Is. Love assists us continually, even by allowing us to experience who we are not. Love is within and the moment we realize it and embrace it, we regain clarity, wisdom, and personal power to continue with our sovereign path, disengaging from outer sources that drain our precious life force.

This portal is for you to remember who you are, the power, Love, and the many wondrous gifts that you are here to seed, for it is not a coincidence that you are on this planet, at this transitional time.

You came to remember, to thrive, and create, but also to give, for it is in giving that we become who we truly are: Love.

May you recognize the precious Divine Seed that you are here to plant, Beloved Ones.
Have a blessed 4/4 portal!

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Art by: Encoded Frequency

Cosmic Gateway - The hardest part always comes at the end - 30.03.2023

Hey Soul Tribe,

I really want to acknowledge all the light beings who are on the planet at this time!
As more people start their process of awakening, it kicks up a lots more dense energy within the collective field to be processed and as its way out!

Haven't we all noticed it especially in recent times! The energy that feels as though it's finally starting lifting today then followed by an X Class Solar Flare to strengthen the light coming in!
What I've observed so many people weaving through has been a heaviness that makes you feel like you just want to give up, can't take anymore, being completely overloaded with pressure. Feeling at a loss & completely overwhelmed with life. Just as a brief summary!

So my acknowledgement & appreciation is for everyone who's been working so hard to lift this burdensome load!

As its shedding the is a new lightness that's opening up for everyone. The New Earth really want its presence known & for us to connect with what is coming as regularly as possible.
What do you feel into for you in New Earth/the futurer eality for humanity?

The larger portion of my individual session work is with healers & light bringers of all kinds! I feel very privileged that I get to work with such powerful souls. Which whom I've seen in these past few month hit very crucial points in their own Ascension journey.

"The hardest part always comes at the end." I've repeatedly heard in session and that has very much been reflective of what I've been witnessing supporting these souls.

Not only do they go through Ascension pathways first to trailblaze, they also support so many others... So that I want to honour and say thank you to those who are in loving service. It's not an easy task or pathway yet it's incredibly rewarding.

The patterns I'm witnessing is that for the trailblazer going through such a big uplevaveling process means that it's the precursor to a big collective uplevaveling which is about to unfold!
Want to know more about what's been happening & what we can expect coming up?

Join me Lisa, Darius & Athena for a live interactive zoom session this Saturday 1s April book a ticket via the link: https://olithics.com/
Looking forward to connecting with you there

Much love
Alisha Braché

Judith Kusel - split in the road - 30.03.2023

At the moment two people may be walking side by side on what seemingly is the same path.
One will find exquisite beauty and excitement, the sense of adventure, exploration and awe, at being able to step onto a totally new life and ascend into the New Earth. There is deep sense of higher calling, inner peace, light, love and following the call. The new unfolding, even if totally new and in a much higher dimension and frequency band. As one with All That Is. A sense of being lifted and guided every step of the way. More than this, is powered by the open heart and love, the inner intuitive knowing and seeing within.
The other, also on the path, which is splitting ahead, is so burdened by the baggage, and worries and woes, and can only see and feel pain and suffering, judgement, separation, and uses words and thoughts like combat weapons. Indeed is so weighed down by it all, and is blind to the incredible new life, the unfolding of such unity, harmony, peace, wonder and awe of the New creation.
So blinded, that he/she cannot even see the split in the road and continues walking the road, oblivious of the fact, that that walking companion has vanished and has left their side a long time ago.
For this is what is happening.
The split between the 3rd and 5th dimension is not only widening, but becoming more and more obvious.
Yet, every soul is always given the opportunity to wake up and to choose to step out of the old path and onto the new.

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 27.03.2023

Western financial system suffers $8 trillion implosion, revolution follows

You can read the full report here:


Jason Estes Update - Reflection window - 27.03.2023


Reflection window is almost over in these last few days really give it your all and find 4-8 times to spend 5+mins in meditation allow yourself to go as deep into reflection as you can your future self will thank you as the next time we go into reflection period at this level is November and that is for the rest of your life ::hugs::

Amanda Lorence - Life Force - God´s essence - 26.03.2023



LIFE FORCE can also be described as the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Ghost, or the Cosmic Vibration of God/Source/Creator/the Absolute.
It is the ENERGY emitted from the Absolute when IT initially created of ItSelf, outside of ItSelf, as infinite reflections.

GOD’S ESSENCE: Is the initial and primary reflection of the unchanging and impenetrable Absolute. The first reflection made of ItSelf, was itself, God. That created all of creation.
EMBODIMENT stages consciously access God’s Essence, AND the Life Force. I have spoken and written about ‘God’s Essence’ a few years ago. So this post is to share about Life Force (the Holy Spirit/Cosmic Vibration) and how it affects, and will affect more prominently, if we choose in our life experience to align to God/Source.


Energy is subtle, until focus is placed upon FEELING WITHIN, any energy vibration. The more we tune in to internal energy, the more the SUBTLE, becomes the DOMINANT experiential state. The increased embodiment of Subtle affects how we experience previous realms we use to reside in, play in, talk in. Talking and listening to Linear language becomes a ‘grosser’ meaning ‘courser’ means of communication. Because our communication becomes telepathic. We ALL also become far more SENSITIVELY AWARE of all vibrations behind any words being spoken. There are many states to reside in, emit as, where all are various vibrations in HERTZ FREQUENCY, that are differentiated by HERTZ value. There is no right or wrong hertz frequency. Energy just is, at variable frequencies.

During embodiment we can feel various vibrations in our brain and our body. These are many, of many patterns, and many different hertz values, in many places throughout the brain and body. The sequence ignites dormant circuitry in a SERIES of pulses and vibrations. An ENERGY process that ignites dormant parts of the brain, not previously CONSCIOUSLY accessed in waking state.
KUNDALINI is like an ignition AMPLIFIER. It’s like energetic rocket fuel, that helps with the above process of change.

During our embodiment stages we also experience increase to what human beings call ‘sexual energy’ thus an increase to sexual desire. Especially during certain TYPES of INCOMING ENERGY, this can get amplified. There are many ‘layers’ and ‘layers’ to understanding what human beings label as sexual energy, how it is understood is varied, and how it can be used in discernment, to assist your INNER embodiment journey.
I explain the above differences of energy only, in order to now explain the difference of what LIFE FORCE is. It is DIFFERENT energy:


When we access within, by dropping thought, to no thought,
If we move beyond all Astral Plane Imagery,
If we move beyond all Sound accessed within the Astral Plane,
If we move beyond focus to the activating physical internal hertz vibrations and electrical pulses,
If we move within, beyond Kundalini vibrations,
If we move beyond area vibrations of activity within the brain,
If we move beyond any physical ‘sexual’ vibrations,
If we choose the CAUSAL PLANE again and again as the daily practice in…

IT OPENS UP, more and more CONSCIOUSNESS, over time. As a side note, it is from the Causal Plane we experience God’s Essence. Which in turn allows us that same experience within the waking world of solid reality.
This when practiced, can, over time lead to the CONSCIOUS embodiment (aware connection) to the LIFE FORCE / HOLY SPIRIT / COSMIC VIBRATION. It is accessed through the SOUL STATE of being.


‘Life Force’ is what allows for the human experience. When a person dies, only their body ceases. They continue, as if they have not stopped or ceased. Because they leave the body WITH their LIFE FORCE into the next realm. They do not stop, cease, they carry on. The Life Force ceases only, in the physical body. Yet God’s Essence is still within the remaining MATTER that is the physical body, that is given to the Earth. What I am emphasising is the LIFE FORCE (Holy Spirit) that was within the human all along, WHILST LIVING, remains WITH their CONSCIOUSNESS as they transition and continue out of body.


At certain stage, there is the conscious awareness and therefore connection to God’s LIFE FORCE, that pervades all creation. It is physically unseen. Yet becomes known, felt, connected to, conscious of…embodied. When we choose to make LIFE FORCE our dominant LIVING connection, it affects the physical body. In that new state of connection:
The Brain has finished balancing both left and right hemispheres, via those brain vibrations and upgrade to far more active circuitry within the brain (yet there is ALWAYS MORE to open and activate within the brain).
A balanced brain state equals balance, BEFORE the thoughts. Therefore thoughts are balanced. Balanced emotions. Balanced words. Balanced actions. In a DOMINANT state of Peace and Grace.
We then have the ability (it happens to you) to merge that balanced state with the LIFE FORCE.
Which in turn begins to balance the WATERS of our physical body.
Which in turn brings healing to the physical cells in our body.
Which in turn brings physical health.
When the initiate reaches the embodiment stage of MERGING, in no thought mode, as ONLY SOUL ENERGY state of Being, with the HOLY SPIRIT / God’s COSMIC VIBRATION, there is natural balance arising for the mental body of thoughts, the emotional body, physical body and the astral body. This is how LIVING suffering ends, for those that embody the HOLY SPIRIT. And in future timelines those beings may, in their service to God, if ordained, give out of the Holy Spirit to others that have and hold, their faith in God… But I emphasise, not now, only at right timeline, God’s Bigger Picture Timeline. As much is to unfold and DISSOLVE, as well as expand and rise in Consciousness, all at the same time within this multi-dimensional experience here.


1] The embodiment of God (God’s Essence assessable within),
2] The embodiment of the Holy Spirit (assessable within),
3] You, at an attainable energetic hertz aligned in Christed Hertz Frequency, that have chosen, pre this lifetime, to incarnate and serve The Absolute, via your embodied connection within, 1] God’s Essence and 2] God’s Holy Spirit / Life Force.
As always, please just discard if none of this resonates.

With so much Love,
Amanda Lorence
26 March 2023

"This Post, also describes within it, STAGE 2…What it will bring across the world. Yet I only describe a bit of stage 2. Within Stage 2 there is great dissolving to occur as well. And also the beginnings of pure ‘building’. Pure building being beyond the 4d state. But to know Stage 2 UNFOLDS a month at a time, lasting at least 2-3 years in linear time, as far as I know at the moment. Which of course could change as I don’t know everything, ever. I only know a piece at a time"

Q: could/would this travelling of Key 1 into the front of the brain to open the two hemispheres cause headaches/pressure within the head or eye issues for some?
A: a good question to ask. My own experience is that headaches, pressure and eye changes can occur immediately after the ORIGINAL BEGINNING I describe of the brain initialising the early stages of activating the many dormant neural pathways, chemicals and glands within the brain. And then, those experiences you describe can happen all the way through the process. For years. Brain sensations become further increased yet also very delicately are known more subtly at the movement of the ANALOGY of a Key 1 you refer to. Where NEW weird sensations occur and the ability to BE in the crevice between the 2 hemispheres is experienced. And so it goes on…But to help with brain symptoms and REDUCE any uncomfortable pressure etc is to bring the energy of LOVE, from the heart centre, into your actual brain. As many times as needed. Then brain pressure etc dissipates into gentleness of the Love energy given to the Brain.

Eceti & James Gilliland - Eceti News #56 - Welcome to March Madness

There was a massive ejection from the Sun which for some reason, I would like to believe divine intervention missed the Earth. It was a Carrington effect event and the grid would not have survived it if it was Earth directed. We have shown NASA photos of massive ships blocking what psychics called kill shots by expanding their shields. We can only pray this continues. Our guidance is telling us the solar flash is three years off hopefully the benevolent ETS are still with us. To be honest the way we are behaving, including those professing to be acting on their behalf, I would not blame them for pulling up stakes. The Schumann Resonance is also whited out off the scale creating a lot of physical and emotional discomfort. I might add as a collective we are not handling the personal responsibility aspect of that either.

As far as Earth changes this does not mean we are out of the woods. Have you seen the snowpack in Tahoe? All that water is going to go somewhere, lakes are full and dams are spilling over. We have also seen a major quake hitting California adding to the problems coming with the floods. Might be a great idea to shore up those dams and overpasses. Looks like a major cleanup is underway. Off the coast of Seattle is another fault line getting ready to move. If you are in these areas, sit on the land, meditate, ask what nature is going to do or what is in store for that area. The Earth has to release this energy coming in from the Sun and other galactic forces as well as the psychometricized energy from unconscious thought and actions creating a loss of freedom, pain and suffering. When the magnetic fields start collapsing due to a fall in consciousness and deed the Earth will begin a cleanup process and restore the fields. Massive storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes all release an enormous amount of energy. There are also manmade disasters to be aware of. Weather control, DEW weapons, quake generating harmonics all are coming into play in a last ditch effort to maintain control by the powers that were. Both the Sun’s and the Earth’s magnetic fields are extremely low going through their cycles. This leaves the Earth wide open to incoming waves and pulses of energy coming from the galaxy. These are exponentially rising in number and intensity. The E ticket is getting exciting.

Our multidimensional family is helping to balance out these energies and help us get through these times. They utilize natural cycles to assist in the awakening and healing or planetary liberation. They mainly work with consciousness and energy, inspiring us to evolve on the upward spiral. They cannot interfere in free will yet can intervene when asked to assist us to get through these challenging times. If there are unseen negative influences they are already trespassing so we can intervene, the clearing techniques are on the www.eceti.org site.

“We can project, blame, go on external crusades yet these are avoidance patterns to what is internal. We can expect external saviors and Gods to save us yet in most cases that robs us of personal power, personal responsibility and the opportunity to empower ourselves into self-mastery. We can judge only according to our own reference points, how we see the world is framed by our own experiences, childhood, relationships in this life and past lives.” There is always a lie in be lie ve and our beliefs are not always based on clear perception. Who can see past their own filters? Imagine a world where people are telepathic and feel the judgements, condemnations done behind closed doors. Many on Earth have risen to that level of sensitivity and are having a real hard time with the psychic turbulence and negative projections. We want the Masters, Spiritually and Technologically advanced beings to join us yet we cannot maintain a suitable environment for them which is painful to a sensitive and telepathic being. Ever wonder why Bigfoot keeps to themselves?

How many can stop, take a deep breath, release their need to be right, back up and reframe their experiences taking personal responsibility? How many can see beyond the influences of their own childhood and relationships in this life without interjecting them or projecting them on others. Saviors are saving themselves, their own wounded child or unresolved issues in this lifetime. Persecutors are trying to get back their power by overpowering or diminishing the power of others. Victims usually come with agendas, when those agendas are not met they become the victim then the persecutor and invite the saviors to join them. There are those who rather than take personal responsibility for their own failures become ravenous predators attacking those who reflect back to them their own misgivings. Including those who will not continue to enable them. This is all being played out on a grand scale, everything is being mirrored and amplified in these times.

That is why I have taken a year and a half off with as little interaction as possible with humanity other than a few who have mastered themselves. Those that will not engage in these dramas taking full responsibility for their emotions, feelings and judgements working from the premise, what see I am I. If there is a charge, there is a wound and like an onion there may be many layers. When you go to a vortex, power spot or engage with high energy beings physical and nonphysical everything comes up. The wounds and traumas are amplified and mirrored. Some wounds and traumas come up immediately, others boil and fester usually resulting in illness or emotional outbursts. This is a regular occurrence at ECETI, in most cases we have learned to depersonalize it. Without utilizing the tools to self-mastery, clearing ourselves, unseen negative influences on a regular basis we cannot maintain the necessary environment for contact with higher dimensional beings. Those who do not utilize these tools engaging in blame and projection externalizing their unhealed issues become open doors to disruptive divisionary influences. The Yogis have a saying: if you speak you will be judged, if you stay silent you will be judged. The moral of the story is no matter what you do you will be judged for not measuring up to others expectations especially concerning how you must behave to fit their images of a master. This leads us into spiritual ego, self-righteous judgment and external attempts to heal what is within self, a recipe for failure.

At the risk of repeating myself no one knows what another soul needs for completion and there are three kinds of business, your business, other people’s business and God's business. Other people’s business is God's business. At the risk of pissing off the victims who want to blame, project, and persecute all extremely disempowering and fruitless processes that block the healing process, forgiveness is the only way out. Gain the wisdom from the experience, let it settle in the soul, release the charge and move on with your ascension. Leave the rest to karma. If only learning to set boundaries and self love is the lesson, the experience was worth it. The only way you realize what you want is to experience a lot of what you don’t want. Very few understand the power of forgiveness, releasing the charge which goes back to the one you are forgiving allowing the universe to show them what they need to heal.

We are shifting our energies to utilizing process oriented therapies, workshops and classes dedicated to empowering the individual, releasing the old images of external saviors and gods focusing primarily on empowering people to make their own personal God connection and the beautiful many helpers along the way. This has always been a priority yet we have allowed other events in the past, speakers at ECETI with different agendas only to pay a price later when their true nature and intentions became known. No more looky-loos and partiers, time to rise to the occasion into Self-Mastery. We don’t have the luxury of anything else if we are going to make this shift.

I have done my best to stay out of the poser wars versus the authentic, the gossip, rumors, competition, and back-stabbing one upmanship going on within the UFO community. It has become compromised beyond redemption. This is all coming to the surface. Contact with Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders has given way to a controlled narrative. Ufology has been infiltrated from the top down, it is no different than the political and religious institutions. Self-service, fame and fortune has become the priority over truth and what was once a community has now become a multibillion dollar industry. If you want proof of this use ECETI as an example. Over 40 years of contact, tens of thousands of eye witnesses, incredible photos and videos along with the wisdom of the ancients is censored beyond belief. Why? Why have so many who have been to ECETI, seen the ships and the pre-knowledge of when and where they would appear continuing in this farce of are UFOs real, were they here in the past, is there some back engineering of UFOs going on with our government? These Mocumentaries are an insult to our intelligence? We know who is visiting, their appearances, their motives, their cultures, many personally by name. You will not hear about this by Disney owned Ancient Aliens, the History Channel or any other corporate owned media.

The controlled narrative will eventually collapse, the tyrants will fall, karma will have its way and there will be an explosion of truth. Those of impeccable integrity will remain and flourish in the days to come yet there might be a little hunkering down until the old guard implodes on itself and people get through their own process. You have to have an open mind, loving heart and pure intent to experience and maintain contact with Spiritually and Technologically advanced beings. Very few organizations or people have met that prerequisite. The field of ufology has gone in the opposite direction.

Could Spiritually and Technologically advanced beings know more about God, the bearded gods and goddesses in our ancient history? Have they transcended all cultural and religious boundaries, war, poverty and disease? Do they have fuelless energy, anti/counter gravity and the ability to restore our oceans and land. Would this be a threat to major corporations that have enslaved humanity for ages, financed both sides of every war since Napoleon and rule through deception and dependency. Are these corporations signing the paychecks of the posers, shills, and financing the major conferences and events? What happens to those that wont play along? One last thing to contemplate is the nature of who controls the major corporations. Would they be threatened by Spiritual Beings operating under universal law that would most likely put them out of the business. Put an end to perpetuating the division of race, culture and gender, enslaving the masses, capitalizing on fear, pain and suffering. We are one race, the human race. We have one origin: the Creator within all Creation. As souls we are one family, the knowledge of this is what frightens them the most.

James Gilliland
Ecetistargate Rumble
As You Wish Talk Radio www.bbsradio.com
Ecetistargate TV

I ask apology

😂 but if it doesn't end with a happy ending, I'll cry

Judith Kusel - We are going through the most powerful transfiguration process - 24.03.2023

We are going through the most powerful transfiguration process in the next few months and years leading up to 2032, and the process will be more or less completed by 2044.
Our souls have been prepared for this for many millions of earth years, and the New Children born since 1994 and most importantly, since 2012 and 2019, are indeed the New Humanity. They have come in will all the tools, expertise and know-how and even more important, without any previous karma or lifetimes on earth. They are new souls in all and every sense of the word!

I was shown by Lord Melchizedek and the High Counsel of Melchizedek clearly this morning how, many of the souls who were born since the 1950s (Indigo and first volunteer Star seeds) and the Crystal children (1970s to 1994), were prepared for many lifetimes on earth and beyond for this momentous time.

Many of us held the steady for humanity throughout its darkest ages, and so often had to lead the way. At this momentous time, we will be asked to step up further and higher in highest service, and take on the Role of Wise Elders, so that we can gently, loving, yet with great inner strength, love and resilience, be there for the New Children, so that they can firmly anchor in their soul expertise and co-create the New Golden Age with us.

Many of the Soul Groups, like the Shining Ones, the Illumined Ones, the Graces, the Loving Ones, the Healing Ones, have been the anchor and stay in the most Ancient of Mystery Schools globally and the Elders of Humanity since the planet’s creation. All these Soul Groups, now wish to complete mission and their involvement with Mother Earth, and thus these souls are not only in the last incarnation on earth, but here for one reason only: - and that is to work through all negative patterns created in other lifetimes with other souls, and to transfigure and complete mission.

Yet, at the very same time, they now are stepping in the Elders of Excellence Roles, the Hierophant Roles, as they will now assist the New Children to anchor in the New Golden Age, even as they too, remember and utilize their immense collective soul knowledge to do the same. It is their immense powerful vision, their gift of prophesy, their gift of co-creation which will help the New Humanity to rise into the fullness of its Greatness and thus help to return the New Humanity to the Intergalactic and Universal Citizenship. For in truth we have always belonged to the High Counsels but then, through our own choice, chose to separate ourselves from them and then sunk into the seas of forgetfulness with the Fall of Atlantis.

There is a huge sign up since the equinox for all souls who came here as star seeds and volunteers: NO SHRINKING ALLOWED!

It is time to fully step into your Eldership and Leadership roles, with love and joy, with strength and fortitude and apply your own immense soul knowledge in the highest possible way, for the highest good of all! With unconditional love and devotion.

Indeed, the higher and more profound the Calling, the more the soul is called upon to relentlessly follow that call and not allow itself to be distracted! Yet with the open heart and soul, filled with so much love, and lovingly serving from the same, it becomes a way of life, and indeed highest service of loving joy, and inspiration!
We will all now be pushed beyond anything we ever believed possible and into the seeming impossible, in order to fully co-create the New Golden Age!

Judith Kusel
Photo: Mario Duguay

Source - FaceBook

Celia Fenn - The End of March and the Power of Team Heaven to Earth! - 25.03.2023

Well we have nearly made it through March 2023! Just a few more days, but we are already in our new energetic "positions" to move forward in bringing Heaven to Earth. Our version of Heaven, not someone else's dream that we give our energy to on a daily basis. As we come to know ourselves, we step into our Master Energy to create and co-create in manifesting our dreams.

There are 4 huge energies moving together right now, creating a chaotic and sometimes contradictory force. This has produced one of the most difficult weeks I have had in this process recently. It was a week of "shocks" and "disasters" on a personal level. This is the energy of Uranus in Taurus, which affects home and finances. And since my Taurus is in the 2nd house, that is double whammy.

Then we have Jupiter in Aries, asking us to expand ourselves and our vision for the future. This means that sometimes we may feel that we are being stretched to the point of exhaustion, while also dealing with the shocks and chaos.

Does that sound familiar?

But also, there is the third energy of Pluto in Aquarius that is going to crash all our social structures and replace them with something more appropriate to the New Earth. So that is why the chaos, as structures designed to enrich the few at the expense of the many begin to crumble and crash, and new structures are beginning to emerge. This is not a comfortable period by any means.

Then the fourth energy is Saturn newly moved into Pisces. What can I say about this except that in the long run it will assist us to create new spiritual structures more appropriate to where we are now in our multi-dimensional transformation. But the combination of deep and watery Pisces with Saturn's need to dominate and create structures is not a comfortable union either.
As we voyage through these deeply transformational energies, the buzzword "out there" is Resilience. This provides optimism and hope to sustain people, in theory.

I feel that in spiritual terms the concepts are Trust, Patience, Surrender and Acceptance.
Knowing that All is Well and in the hands of your Higher Self and the Divine Source also provides Hope and Optimism, and the Strength to get through the shocks and the chaos without losing faith.
And also, the connection with our Soul Families and Circles of Light, to let us know that we are not alone on this journey, but that we came as a "team" to be the Leaders and Wayshowers of the Heaven on Earth process.

We are stepping forward into something really new.
Here we go Team.
We Got This!

Image by Lindka Cierach

This post from: FaceBook

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 20.03.2023

First ever world revolution about to liberate humanity

You can read the full report here:


Carta Astral 222 Update - 23.03.2023

Dear family, we are currently under the effect of a strong Kp7 Geomagnetic Storm, so you may be feeling a lot of pressure in your head, ears and facial bones, as well as tingling or heat in your Third Eye, dizziness, difficulty to focus, lack of balance (as if they were off the ground), being spaced out or in two "dimensions" at the same time, palpitations, fluttering in the chest (due to the expansion of the Heart chakra), anxiety or restlessness (due to the overload of electricity in the Nervous System), desire to cry for no apparent reason, insomnia, great thirst, vibration throughout the body and the sensation of external pressure that we feel as when we are taking off on an airplane. ☀️🔥

In addition to making this short summary of the physical symptoms, in this publication I know that I must share three messages that I received in recent days and that can serve as a reference to better understand your individual process and also the collective one. These three messages came through Merlin (I have to clarify them so you can understand the context), one during a dream and the other two in an intermediate state. I am going to share them in the purest way and without any interpretation of mine involved so as not to interfere. If it doesn't work for you, ignore it. 🙏

1) The Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) Inverted (March 15, 2023).

"And the roots will be the branches, and the branches will be the roots" (And the roots will be the branches, and the branches will be the roots).

Heaven on Earth, Earth in Heaven.

2) Four paths to reach the Grail (March 20, 2023)

"Four paths to attain the Holy Grail"

- The Magician's Path: through shattering emotional pain and loss, which is the way of Water. (The Way of the Magician: through great pain and loss, which is the way of Water).

- The Christ's Path: through self sacrifice, which is the way of Earth. (The way of the Christ: through self-sacrifice, which is the way of the Earth) *Not related to the Christ Consciousness

- The Buddha's Path: through meditation and silence, which is the way of Air. (The Way of the Buddha: through meditation and silence, which is the form of Air)

- And through great illness, which is the way of Fire. (And through a great disease that is the way of Fire)

All of them as catalysts to break the Personality/Ego (of the human experience), because the Grail must be emptied before it can be filled with the Divine Essence or Holy Grail.

3) In the Beginning. "In the Beginning" (March 22, 2023)

"Rest, rest NOW, for your TRUEST LIFE begins tomorrow." (Rest, rest NOW, because your TRUE LIFE begins tomorrow). *He wasn't just referring to my life personally

I hope it works for you and if not just ignore it, there are many ways to explain the process we are going through and all of them are valid even if they are (or seem) different. Don't get distracted by the non-essentials, the body KNOWS how to adapt, just give it as much water, rest and vitamins as possible so it has enough resources. There is nothing to fear and there is nothing to force, the Truth of what IS remains unchanged in the midst of change.


Amanda Lorence Update - Light layers and Gateways - 23.03.2023


And so it continues…DAY 23 March 2023, another LIGHT LAYER, available, to have your living experience in, at your aligned frequency timing.


LIGHT LAYERS are different to GATEWAYS. Gateways present, and remain OPEN for ALL, and are ‘opened’ thus walked through, by the individual self, by aligning to SAME frequency as the actual Gateway Frequency itself. Are therefore fool-proof, allowing higher frequency layers to NOT be tampered with, manipulated, by Service to Self of Control Over. There is no right or wrong FREQUENCY, for energy just IS. We each evolve by RAISING our frequency.

LIGHT LAYERS are intricate LAYERS of light nodes, assembled into intricate geometrical patterns too intricate (beyond mandalas), for a human being to even try to draw). Within Light Noded patterns are variable vibrations and frequencies, light hues of variable frequency colours of LIGHT. Intricate LIGHT LAYERS are like ‘playing fields’ made by SOURCE, to experience IN. The intricate alignments within Light Layers thus create the LAWS of CREATION within a particular LIGHT LAYER. Please note: We ALL experience many Light Layers as our experience of our consciousness is of FLOW, regardless if we are awake or ‘unawakened’., of God’s Laws of Creation. Just that some people are not consciously aware of Light Layers. So Light Layers are different to GATEWAYS, yet even a Light Layer has an ENTRY POINT, like a door. Where we open the door via our own vibrational match, frequency alignment to the Gateway. When we match it, the Gateway (door) opens. We walk through, into another stage of our ascending consciousness stage.


Gateways are the RUNGS of the ladder, but only WITHIN one ladder. Just one ladder. In between each ‘rung’ of the ladder are many invisible steps. Each INVISIBLE step has a different frequency. Where we experience our consciousness based on our ever increasing SUSTAINED frequency. Our OWN Frequency in a sense, INFLUENCES what we focus on. The choices we make, our thoughts, our actions, non actions (non actions are also an action). In our daily, weekly, yearly experince. Yet OUR OWN(!) power of choice to focus on what we want to, affects our JOURNEY and thus can attract our journey back to God. The rememberance and connectedness of our embodiment of God. God remembered. That was actually ALWAYS always there, within EVERY SINGLE ONE. If they choose it.

LIGHT LAYERS are like ‘Playing Fields’, we move into, via our Consciousness Level, and thus we experience from that field. There are many Playing Fields, in God’s Creation. Reached by each preceding Ladder.


Showed me in animated analogy, todays LIGHT LAYER. It shows the WAY. The PROPHECY. Yet that way is played out over the slower effect of LINEAR TIME here, for all that choose it.

I was shown what science and astronomers have called “The Eye of God”. In solid 3d density of form, it is a Nebula within the Constellation of Aquarius. The image below is what astronomers have photographed of the Nebular. Yet it was NOT exactly WHAT I was shown in my Learning Dream. I was shown what will be.

What I was SHOWN was this EYE, but instead of it being surrounded by dark outer space matter, I was shown it within the clear blue sky surrounding our Mother Earth. It WAS a visual analogy of God. Showing me God’s presence, shall be known by the masses, felt, seen, walked with, at one with, as Consciousness knowing within. Yet my previous understanding of this is that it will occur over LINEAR TIME.

This dream was showing me ancient PROPHECY. Of what shall occur, in the timelines ahead. And yet, for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, also relates to the timeline we are ALL actually already in. Even if people do not see or know the Times we are IN. That are written, in ancient scriptures of many cultures, many different religions, as well as written in the Stars.

My focus is never OF the world of materialism and solidity, my focus is always on VIBRATION and LIGHT. My focus is and always has been on God/Source/Creator/the Absolute. Yet it is no coincidence that in 3rd Density Matter, the Nebula named/labelled by astronomers as the Eye of God, simply because of how it stunningly appears to the physical eyes of astronomers, is ACTUALLY WITHIN, the constellation of… Aquarius.

Todays LIGHT LAYER… Age of Aquarius. I’ll leave it there…For EACH have their own journey, their own design and style, own ways of seeing, knowing, embodying, created by their own, unique and beautiful Soul. I just share my way in case it supports you, and helps uplift you in energy frequency within this Collective ascending experience. 22 March was the beginning of Stage 2. The ‘corridor’ between Stage 1 and Stage 2 was 22 December 2022 - 22 March 2023. It was a massive passageway. I will explain Stage 2 when I can. Yet it also feels just now too much to explain or write. But I will when it feels easy to.

Ease and flow…the natural, easiest and most peaceful way of being.
Additionally, as everything has multiple layers….it goes without saying that today’s actual incoming energies are a lot…to absorb, integrate, within you. Where any integration of incoming energies takes 3 days to absorb into the cellular. Todays energies may affect peoples physical nervous system. 🙏

So much Love as we go,
23 March 2023


Jennifer Hoffman - Big energy shift today so be prepared - 23.03.2023

Pluto enters Aquarius with a lot of fanfare today. Notice that when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 we had a 'banking crisis' and as it leaves Capricorn in 2023 we have another 'banking crisis'.
More significant about this Aquarius transit is its aspect to the Pluto in Scorpio era from 1984 to 1995. Remember I said this was going to be a 3D buster.
Well, a lot of what we're seeing in the world today was started around that period and remember George Orwell's famous book '1984' which seems to have become a playbook for geopolitical activity.
Big energy shift today so be prepared. I know it's been tough all week and it's just one more but that's what we're dealing with right now.
I feel positive about this period in spite of the tough energy right now. Keep those lights shining - light always makes the darkness irrelevant.

Natalia Alba - Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in 225 years - 22.03.2023

Beloved Ones,

At this time when many are awakening to the truth of who they are, liberating themselves from the mass planetary manipulation, and reclaiming their sovereignty, we are about to welcome the second, and, most important planetary event of this month, and year, Pluto in Aquarius, from March 23, 2023, to June 11, 2023, for the first time in 225 years, with a few retrogrades back into Capricorn. This will be just a taste of what we will experience later on, as Pluto will be in Aquarius, uninterrupted, for the next twenty years, since January 21, 2024.

This is the seed of what will grow in the following twenty years, a seed that is filled with power, wisdom, and freedom. A total rebirth of humanity in which many will finally embrace who they really are, and the many truths that have been hidden from all of us. This is going to signify liberation, a total transformation, and hence, a retrieval of power, on both a personal level, and also in a collective one. A change that began last year in the USA by having its Pluto return, and that will now extend to the rest of the world, by offering us the liberation, through the reclamation of our sovereignty that we need.

While Pluto was in Capricorn, we had the opportunity to work on transformation, awakening, beginning to ascend, realizing who we are, and all that we are yet to fulfill, in our human journey. Now that Pluto moves to Aquarius, we are invited to use all we have discovered, in our personal transformation, to empower ourselves, liberate ourselves from the Earth's control, and reclaim our sovereignty, as divine free beings.

This will be a period when collective beliefs, fixed mental patterns, and many other laws will fade away, for Pluto does not sustain anything that goes against growth and the progression of life, which is a constant rebirth, as it is our true nature to be continually shifting into a more illumined state of being.

A lot of mind control has been exerted from Pluto, as its powerful essence has been manipulated to create mind control programs sent to earth to keep the collective under false beliefs. We now have the opportunity to remove from our mental bodies all the half-truths and manipulations and emerge as conscious species, for the first time in human history.

We are finally becoming conscious species within Creation, which was our main goal since we came to this planet, to remember who we are, to take full charge and responsibility for our lives, but also to embody more love, compassion, wisdom, and power.

It is now for the first time that we are physically appreciating the many changes that are finally taking place, in ourselves, our bodies, and on a planetary level, due to our constant inner work, and service.

During the next twenty years, humanity will be immersed in a phase of sovereignty reclamation, which involves a total rebirth into their authentic illumined self, one that has been hidden amongst the many illusions and programs that cover our true essence.
As our beloved Jesus said during his incarnation on Earth: "I AM the Way, The Truth, and the Life".

And so are You.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Enconded Frequency
This post from: FaceBook

Jason Estes Update - very strong energies coming in - 22.03.2023


Tomorrow is a big day, lots of very strong energies coming in + some fun solar winds remember to resource up and get ready to ride the wave ::hugs::

Judith Kusel - Transfiguration, Transcendence and Transmutation - 21.03.2023

In the last 48 hours and continuing, a huge transfiguration is happening, and a total transmutation, transcendence, as we are now dissolving the old existence and are being reshaped, reinvented and reprogrammed (in a higher sense) as those souls who are ready to receive the new Divine Blueprints into their Higher Hearts and thus the New Creation within them, are transfiguring. One could say it is a total rebirth.

I am being made aware this morning (since 3 a.m.) of the Intergalactic Fleet gathering here, and literally beaming immensely powerful energy into the pyramids and pyramid energy centers all over the planet, as well as into all living beings on earth. All of this is supporting the Divine Shift in ways in which we may not understand, nor at levels we cannot, as yet comprehend. These are the Christed Intergalactic Races, and they are lightyears ahead of us, and look like us. They work with the Divine, the Divine Counsels of 12 and 24 who was overseeing this work.

What this means is that all the souls who are ready to receive the new blueprints, are now being prepared to step into the fullness of their planetary leadership, and with renewed vision, renewed soul purpose and calling, step into their Mastery and from this point of Unity and Harmony, and Oneness, then are already in the process of co-creating the New Golden Age – whether they are consciously aware of this or not. Yet, what was subconsciously done, will now move into their full awareness, and they will find that this immensely powerful shift, has shifted them into the deepest remembrance of their own souls, and reason of why they incarnated and are here at this momentous time. This will apply to all the Star seeds, whether the first Indigo’s, or the New Sun Children.

It is a massive shift and it will bring a total shift in souls on earth, as the veils of amnesia have totally dissolved, and the false doctrines, false teachings and information will simply vaporize, as their higher soul self, now takes charge.

Your own Over lighting Ascended Masters, the Archangels and angels, are now stepping forward to assist you on all levels. Indeed, the Macho Chohans, and the Universal Masters, Melchior, Melchizedek, Lenduce, Vywamus, etc. are all now overseeing this shift as well as the Universal Counsels, and the Intergalactic Counsels. Indeed, it reads like the Who’s Who of the Celestial Realms and Tiers of Heavens, yet new Universal Masters are stepping to the fore, and making themselves known to souls who are ready to receive such guidance.

The Immensely powerful shifts will escalate now, and we are in for total transfiguration, multi-dimensionality, as well as the full assumption of our new Lightbody form.
There is no middle way any longer. This is all out ascension, and therefore the more you try to cling onto the old, or are attached to anyone or anything, the more you will find yourself disintegrating and all you are still holding onto, in one form or another.
Within me, is such joy as I am writing this: - I cannot even find the words to describe the enormity of what is happening!
Every single breath you are taking- is transformational. With every breath you are shifting and so is all around you.

The only way to navigate these shifts is to stay firmly anchored in your heart and within your soul, and soul group and the Divine. The New Divine Blueprint, will manifest into form and being, your purpose and mission in the New Golden Age, and it is greater and more profound than you can even imagine at this moment. Allow it to unfold in perfection. The Divine is moving within you, as the Kingdom of Heaven is there, manifesting within you.

Judith Kusel
Photo: Josephine Wall

This post from: FaceBook


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of an ultra powerful energetic alignment on May 1st to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the new golden age.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can share the news about this activation on other social media. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube, Bitchute or Odysee.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the new golden age closer to us:

This activation comes at the moment of the completion of a very powerful cycle. This moment demarcates the point when the energy from the Galactic center will begin to flow towards the surface of this planet with full force, as the time is running out. If we manage to gather 144,000 volunteers doing this activation, the energy from the Galactic center will be anchored on the surface of the planet in a balanced way. This will ensure the fastest and most harmonious transition for this planet and will actually create an energetic upgrade for the whole planet. If the critical mass is not reached, the ultra powerful energies from the Galactic center will reach the surface of the planet anyway, but this will then manifest in a much more chaotic and disharmonious way.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.

This is the most powerful planetary activation of our lifetimes until now!

The wave of the Portal of Light will begin to be felt already on March 23rd, when Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time after more than 200 years, will reach its peak intensity on May 1st when Pluto turns retrograde, and will then slowly phase out until June 11th when Pluto exits Aquarius again:

At the moment of the activation of the Portal of Light on May 1st, Pluto will be at 0 degrees 21 minutes Aquarius, which is almost exactly the position of great Jupiter Saturn conjunction which marked our final part of the Age of Aquarius activation:

Therefore the Portal of Light activation will bring the energies of the Age of Aquarius to the next level.

Also at the moment of the activation, Pluto will make an exact grand trine with Alcyone (our local central sun in the Pleiades) at 0 degrees 18 minutes Gemini, and M87 galaxy (a major galaxy in the Virgo cluster, as source of galactic love for this sector of the universe) at 1 degrees 14 minutes Libra. This grand trine will bring extremely powerful energies of cosmic love to the planet and this will be the trigger that will allow the energies from the Galactic center to start flowing to our planet freely. The flash of cosmic love energies will originate from the M87 galaxy in Virgo supercluster and it will be much more powerful than the flash which reached the Earth from M87 during the AION portal activation:

It will also be more powerful than the flash which happened during the final Age of Aquarius activation.

This grand trine will be active for the whole period Pluto is in Aquarius, from March 23rd to June 11th. Pluto in Aquarius will signify a focused effort of positive extraterrestrial races towards the First Contact, and Pleiadians will have a very active role in this.

We will be doing our Portal of Light meditation at the best possible moment that will have the maximum positive effect on humanity. It will be at 10:06 am PDT on May 1st in Los Angeles. This equals 11:06 am MDT in Denver, 12:06 pm CDT in Chicago, 1:06 pm EDT in Newy York, 6:06 pm BST in London, 7:06 pm CEDT in Paris, 8:06 pm EET in Cairo, 1:06 am CST on May 2nd in Taipei and Beijing, 2:06 am JST on May 2nd in Tokyo and 3:06 am AEST on May 2nd in Sydney.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool that will help opening the Portal of Light.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe, flowing also through the Central Sun of the M87 Galaxy. Then visualize this light activating the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, ending all wars, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a grand spiritual awakening of humanity and contact with positive extraterrestrial races. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.

Updates about the Portal of Light:

Original Post: