More info: Here
"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix
Jason Estes Update - the major changes have started now & 311k dtp - 30.10.2022
The major changes have started now and truth is slowly coming back online on every level you can see the light shining brighter each day and we have now crossed the 300k mark!!! we are now at 311k data points with any major spike like the one we just had it is very important to check in with body and get it what it needs remember in afew hours the veil will begin to thin so this major spike will be felt more then most so give yourself permission to rest and reflect tomorrow even if only for 5 mins every little bit counts

Q: I’ve got lots of anger coming to the surface… what is that??
A: anything hidden will be revealed just sit with it and love it as you would any other emotion
Original Post:
Amanda Lorence - Bliss consciousness - 29.10.2022
I share below to help see the UNSEEN subtleties of Transcendence (embodiment, enlightenment, ascension)…
Is a current state of happiness, joy, peace, excitement, arising as a result of something, some place/situation or someone, or others, OUTSIDE of you?
Is a current state of sadness, lack of peace, irritability, arising as a result of something, some place/situation or someone or others, OUTSIDE of you?
As the human personality, we REACT to that which is outside of us, then internalise it. Be that happy or unhappy, in REACTION MODE. This is a state where we are FACING OUTWARD. Reacting INWARDLY to what presents on the OUTSIDE. On the path, we more easily SEE and NOTICE our emotions if we feel unhappy, sad, lacking, fearful, stressful etc. And many are now adept at investigating WHY, by turning inward at inner behaviour patterns or belief systems. YET… so much more can be missed. For so often, as I’ve said in previous videos, when we are feeling happy, excited, safe, supported, loved etc, we do not SEE that in this SAME Consciousness STATE, it is ALSO REACTION to that which presents from the OUTSIDE. It is therefore a TEMPORARY EXPERIENCE of happy, peaceful, bliss, excitement etc. The human personality is not seeing, that their joy is ALSO REACTION MODE, to the outer. They are still OUTWARD facing. Reliant on the OUTER for their state of happiness, safety, joy, peace etc.
I feel happy because someone outside of me has given me support.
I feel happy because someone outside of me, loves me.
I feel happy because I feel safe within a relationship, friendship, family, group, job.
I feel happy because I am physically going somewhere soon (event/place).
I feel happy because I have just bought this or that.
I feel happy because there are no immediate OUTER problems to fix.
You get the gist…The mental and emotional BODIES are running, as the DOMINANT bodies. Still dependent on what presents to you from the OUTSIDE. As all outer experiences are TEMPORARY, the personality State fluctuates it’s mental and emotional bodies, INSIDE the Illusion. So when things present that are in OPPOSITES, the human personality REACTS with OPPOSITE thoughts, with opposite feelings of sadness, lack of safety, loss, abandonment, fear, stress, lack of peace, worry etc.
Put another way: when problems arise, personality reacts. When problems are resolved personality reacts. All are REACTIONS and ever changing personality fluctuations based on WHAT the OUTER REALITY presents to the human personality.
This is a STATE of human CONSCIOUSNESS, that is OUTWARD facing. Seemingly RELIANT on the OUTSIDE presentations for it’s emotional, or mental well being.
At certain STAGE, our consciousness changes. Where we come from, live in, and emit CONSCIOUSLY from the INSIDE, OUT. The REVERSE of the human personality that was reactive to the OUTSIDE, IN. If you were one to meditate, there becomes less ‘need’ to meditate, as you WALK, exist, be, in the same state of Bliss, connection, and Love, you experienced in previous meditation states. Meditations help you experience and FEEL these states, but you become these states in your everyday living lives and interactions.
Eternal PEACE is embodied within us. Comes from within us. Is unchanging regardless of OUTER. It just is.
Followed by:
Eternal HAPPINESS as the INNER state of being. Again it comes from within us. Is ever present. Unchanged by the outer. It just is.
Followed by:
Eternal BLISS. This is a higher energetic than ‘happy’, and ‘peace’. Yet is a further result of those two Energetics sustained. The BLISS state, is also unchanged by the outer. It just is.
Is a never changing State of being. Yet there is fluctuations to higher living wakeful states described as the ECSTACY State. Bliss comes from WITHIN you. A living state. It is a State of Consciousness that becomes your being. However, every single human being on this planet has experienced BLISS as momentary states during their lives. They may not perceive it as a momentary ‘change in consciousness’. They may simply perceive it as ‘Heaven on earth’ or ‘Blissfully chilled out’. As we each become the Seeker, we experience the BLISS State more, yet it seems initially temporary, not fully sustained. UNTIL, it is. Where you experience this shift within you, in consciousness. This State of Bliss Consciousness, (also known as Cosmic Consciousness) is a state you come from. From the inside, out. It becomes you. Is unchanged by the outer. Where the human isn’t really felt as human. You FEEL more a STATE of BEING, witnessing the OUTSIDE. Your focus is the world from INSIDE of you. Where the INSIDE becomes your fascination. You have become your ENERGY FIELD. Unchanged by the outer that presents to you. Where the internal every day focus at this STATE, is God. The outside reality is KNOWN or SEEN from WITHIN YOU, as an illusion. Knowing it IS illusion, that there IS ONLY God, your knowing takes you deeper and deeper into INNER resonance with God. Where that HIGHER FREQUENCY sustained as BLISS Consciousness, is now sustained in all moments. This State, sustained, serves to elevate YOU more and more into even higher OCTAVES of Awake and Living Consciousness.
With Love Always
29 October 2022
Celia Fenn - Emerging Crystalline Consciousness and the miracle of Crystalline Plasma Water - 31.10.2022
As we move closer to the Scorpio (Water) Gate, frequency is rising and we are reaching a breakthrough point. The water in our bodies (and we are 80% water) is shifting towards the 4th state of water called etheric plasma water. The Theta consciousness waves and the Solar Light codes are powering this breakthrough to 9D consciousness at the Scorpio Gate 11/11.
Our bodies are balancing new brain wave states with the emerging crystalline body. This means we may feel strange....and we may be going through a deep toxic cleanse. Every cell in the body is cleansing as the atoms spin faster and the water/fluid medium becomes clearer and more transparent and crystalline.
There is a Tsunami of Diamond Light and crystalline water plasma heading for Earth to facilitate the birthing of 9D Earth as the New Lemuria, and those who have chosen to shift into their New Lemurian bodies at this time.
Oh, and did I mention that Miracles are so much easier and more beautiful in this Diamond Plasma flow.
This is truly a time of Miracles and Wonder and Joy.
Angels and Angelic Dolphins and Whales are on hand to flow with us into this beautiful new reality.
Have a beautiful week as we flow towards the Full Moon/Eclipse on the 8th and the 11/11 Portal on the 11th!
Original Post:
Jason Estes Update - Celestial Awakening - 28.10.2022
5 years ago today the earth transitioned to the 5 dimension and we began a long journey home, today we get the final gift on our journey after all the hard work we have put in its finally time to see the rewards of our efforts, over the next few months you will begin to see radical changes in every level of the world as this is the final of the ascended master gifts and with it comes a total re-balance of the world... remember we reap what we sow and in this next stage that will become abundantly clear so enjoy the ride everyone

Original Post:
Amanda Lorence Update - Trinity of being - 28.10.2022
To walk as the BALANCE this ERA is creating of you, is to merge as the Trinity of:
When one of these are MORE dominant than the two others, there is a lack of alignment of all THREE. Imbalance;
A forgetfulness, that leads to the continued creation of suffering. Where human personality cycling continues.
When the MIND is the dominant, it is the human personality controlling it’s life. It is submerged IN the ILLUSION. So there’s the absence of embodiment of your Soul and an awake connectedness to God. The MIND is a processor, a tool. You are NOT your MIND.
When the BREATH is the dominant, as forced breath, the body suffers a physical stress of that forcefulness and control. When the breath is shallow, to the point it is not even noticed, the body suffers in lack of connection to the LIFE FORCE. There is the forgetfulness and seemingly absent connection to the Divine God.
When the human HEART is the dominant, there is gullibility, susceptibility, to the outside (dissolving) behaviours and beliefs of others outside of you. So an innocent heart, that is pure, YET is absent of the Soul’s Presence and Soul’s knowings (wisdoms).
The heart, the mind, the breath, ARE UNLIMITED in terms of ever expanding connectivity to God.
God made this ascension in Consciousness easy, for all Peoples of the World. No matter their culture. The way to each’s becoming, is continually initiated again and again through thy own Heart. Choosing the Heart. Choosing LOVE FIRST, as the Gateway to the Infinite.
To walk in the balance of God, beyond polarity, is to BE the accomplished MERGE of the Heart, Mind and Breath. Where the Heart, Mind and Breath are equal, become One connectivity (not three separately). This Conscious TRINITY becomes your natural state of being. It leads to SOUL EMBODIMENT with the living physical body. Your SOUL, consciously and wakefully connected to the PRESENCE, that is God. And in that Presence, as SOUL, the steps to walk next, and next, and next, are shown to you in ways that are NOT born of the mind (separation). But PROCESSED THROUGH the mind (not separated). Your steps are shown one sacred moment at a time. In the present moment. Not of ‘past’ (mind memory). Not of ‘future’ (mind control). But Now. As and in the present moment of NO TIME. You are shown where to walk. And WHAT to give your present focus to.
We may live with the dominance of the mind, or force/absence of the breath, or be that human gullible heart. Where one is more absent or more dominant. These times serve to show each, which of these is AMPLIFIED or ABSENT. Where human cycles are amplified to be seen and dissolve once and for all. So to notice, work on, that which is dominant and bring forth that which has been neglected of your SACRED DIVINE LOVE. Master this within you. Balance these within you so they are EQUAL and work as ONE coherent State of Being. And thus, the People of the World, achieve their own BALANCE. And walk once more, connected. In their higher State of Being.
God made this easy. For EVERY ONE. It’s just a constant commitment to thyself, of what you CHOOSE to give your time and energy to. In all moments…
To walk as this Trinity aligned, is a natural walk (not forced), where we walk, gifted of the Eternal Peace and Grace. In Presence, with THE Presence of God. Where Thy human Will is aligned to God’s Will. It becomes one of the same. One.
Always with Love,
28 October 2022
Carta Astral 222 - Coronal Mass injection - 26.10.2022
Dear family, watch this amazing Coronal Mass Injection (solar plasma peeling off from the Sun) that happened about an hour ago, but still emitting plasma. It's NOT actually directed at us, but we may feel some effects associated with it. Remember in the previous post I told you that what we were experiencing would most likely have an effect on solar activity? Well this is because space plasma (energy radiation coming from other stars, black holes, etc) also has an effect on the Sun and its activity, as well as on us and all our bodies (the different frequency) who make up all that we are every single one of us).

As necessary, I will continue to share information with the intention of confirmation because I know that many of you are already recognizing what you are experiencing on a physical, mental and emotional level, and that's what it really does matter. 


Original Post:
Amanda Lorence Update - Incoming energies from the Sun - 26.10.2022
My path, has always been ENERGY (Light and Vibration), since awakening in 2012. This incorporates an array of quiet energetic abilities. I only mention this as I work behind the scenes every day AS ENERGY with ENERGY, and why I share the below information.
I will try and explain something now as a way of supporting you to a WIDER FOCUS of understanding of ENERGY…and our ascension.
I began physically feeling INCOMING ENERGIES eight years ago and since then work/merge with the Sun’s Incoming Energies every day.
Many in more recent years now physically feel the variable and increasing frequencies from the Sun. These contain multiple LIGHT CODINGS and multiple VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS at incremental RISING FREQUENCIES as we go. I’ve been aware for some time that people are giving more and more focus to the Sun’s Energies…
Yet there is MUCH MORE we ALL receive in terms of Light and Vibration, that is not a DIRECT result of the Sun’s emissions that I call ‘Incoming Energies’. The Sun is a PART of a much VASTER DESIGN. The Sun IS also YOU. It is not separate to you.
So often, technical scientific instruments for measuring Sun Activity DO NOT INCLUDE other ENERGETICS at play, that we can be receiving. So often we receive massive energies that are not directly from the Sun.
As an example: dates 19-21 October 2022, technical scientific instruments reported the SUN was fairly QUIET. It was, yet I could FEEL a massive energetic building in EACH of those days. As I work with energy every day, I am aware if the energy being felt, is or isn’t of the SUN. If not of the Sun I merge into the vibrations and can then SENSE a particular LIGHT FIELD the energy is coming from. Merging into this FIELD over days, I could sense a JUNCTURE POINT was being WEIVED TO us. Not knowing when it would arrive. As it arrived on 22 October 2022, I could then merge into what had arrived. To then know it was an INDIVIDUAL upgrade for all. Gifted to all via the Lighted Design Field that had been previously weaving 19-21 October. This ENERGY was NOT from the SUN.
When we COLLECTIVELY receive energies from a FIELD of LIGHTED DESIGN (not the Sun) it generally culminates on ARRIVAL in linear time, as a COLLECTIVE GIVEN, NODE POINT. This type of receiving on a collective level means that EACH human being moves on a Node Point based on their own design and own stage of Consciousness. It’s a collective gift in a way. Because generally, the Ascension is within each’s OWN and unique design and their ACTIVE participation to their own design which is what aligns each to their own next node point. And then their next node point and so on…(like steps up a ladder of frequency node points)
So to just pass on…a far wider, more complex orchestration of Light Fields and vibrations EMIT FROM higher FREQUENCY light fields than JUST the physical Sun. To not rely solely on scientific 3d data of Sun emissions. We are receiving from MANY FIELDS that are of intricate HIGHER DIMENSIONAL patterns of light and vibration. And why, the Energies we are all receiving are far more than nearest Sun Activity. This is why, the recent UPGRADE is taking MORE than 3 days to integrate…because it’s not from our Sun and the usual 3 day integration period associated with solar activity/solar incoming energies.
The more you FEEL inwardly, the more sensitive you become. The more sensitive we become, the more SENTIENT we become. We can become if we choose, energy dancing with energy. Energy at One with all Energies. We become the master of our own vibration. And experience, create directly as our consciousness embodied. In our Sentience…
With Love Always
26 October 2022
PS: if you don’t understand Light Nodes Points (in general) this video explains xx
Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 24.10.2022
China announces new 100-year plan while the West descends into chaos
You can read the full report here:
Celia Fenn - Angels, Dolphins and Whales and the Partial Solar Eclipse - 23.10.2022
We are just 2 days out from the Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.
This Eclipse will be visible over Europe and the Russian Federation, including Kyiv and Moscow. With the chaotic energies in this area at the moment, we can expect that the new Light Codes that will be initiated will bring shifts to the situation.
Perhaps it is time to find a path to peace and stability?
The new Light Codes will help to anchor us more fully in the New Consciousness.
The New Consciousness means Alpha and Theta consciousness levels with an emphasis on Joy, Creativity and Love.
The Angels are with us to hold the connection to Divine Love.
The Dolphins hold the connection to Joy, and the Whales hold the connection to Love and Creation.
This is a new world and a New Earth.
Each step we take is Sacred as the Paradise Garden unfolds around us!
It is up to us to hold the "Lens of Consciousness" so that we can see the Beauty around us and in us.
Breathe deeply...for your breath is the sacred link to the waves of consciousness in the Cosmic Ocean and your heart is the link to the pulsations of the Cosmic Heart.
Feel the waves of Love around you and know that Love and Joy are available to you now!
Original Post:
Amanda Lorence - your ONLY focus, is to embody - 22.10.2022
A gentle sharing, to support in current times…
22 OCTOBER 2022:
Today (yet brewing energetically for a few days now) is a very subtle, yet POTENTIALLY massive JUNCTURE POINT for EACH.
To choose to get immersed in the outer multi-frequency realities which create IN the SUSTAINED POLARITY of 3d and 4d. Or choose to remember it is BUT an illusion and bring focus INWARDS, BACK to Self and your own embodiment stage. Whatever that stage is. To observe ONLY YOURSELF, in how you respond, how you react, what you think, what you say and do. What you are focusing on.
To remain aware, we are observing multi-dimensional REALITIES playing out, all over this planet.
All wars, be that of countries, within political parties, groups, families, friends, schools, work places, partners etc, START by ONE SINGLE THOUGHT WITHIN the polarised field of separation. All wars and division START only within the MIND of initially ONE BEING, that spreads if spoken, written, where others agree on that same DIVISION. Wars are either about control or fear that starts from WITHIN ONE personality’s own MIND. An internal WAR of POLARISED THOUGHT, brought into ACTION. Where the TWO hemispheres of the BRAIN have not YET reached a BALANCED equilibrium state of unison, peace and harmony WITHIN. This is evident on the world stage and within all governments AND within the Astral Realms (a lower 4d FIELD of unmanifested energetic form). Sustained division, of a mind desiring control, or a mind set in it’s own fears. When any DRAMA appears in the solid reality hologram OR in the astral realms, it is shown only, to AID a HIGHER CHOICE than the fear or the control being shown. So easily, again and again, many on a SEEKING (spiritual) PATH can immerse BACK into the ILLUSION itself, thus make a polarised choice, from a trauma based fear or a sustained programme need to control.
To remember, that every time you give time and energy to PARADIGMS you are here to rise out of (3d and 4d) you literally ARE PLAYING, immersed WITHIN the paradigms you are here to ascend out of. Most didn’t choose to come to Earth to create a NEWER divide which ONLY sustains and CREATES, NEW ideas and actions of separation WITHIN a field of polarity. Yet each can, if they choose to. There IS no right or wrong choice. There is ONLY YOUR path; your choices.
Through choices, we can unknowingly FEED the ‘old way’ that has been sustained THROUGH control, fear and division for thousands of ‘years’ and ‘lifetimes’. Yet many are TRULY here for a higher reason. To become, an EMBODIED STATE of consciousness living in 5d frequencies OR ABOVE. Sustained IN your everyday life with the body. At sustained yet varying higher energetic frequencies (we always fluctuate in hertz).
Many of the 3d and 4d practices and beliefs are gradually and quietly DROPPING AWAY within EACH BEING, when each move into the higher octaves of 4d, as they ready themselves to rise into 5D and above. We take ONLY the increasing LOVE within us, that IS God’s ENERGY at variable octaves of frequency hertz. Where we live, thrive and CREATE from CONSCIOUSNESS ItSelf. A completely different way of being and living, than the previous consciousness states. Where there is no division, no separation, no divide. It was JUST a temporary experience of separation. There is just LOVE and diversity, IN UNITY.
The choice is to allow the old to dissolve OUT of you, or hold on to it. The choice, is to harmoniously allow all others their OWN journey or allow EGO to judge and interfere INTO another’s DIVINE FIELD and their PATHWAY. The choice is to trust, or not trust another’s journey and design. For God is within ALL beings. For ALL beings outside of you, are ACTORS in YOUR reality.
At times of seeming chaos, or upsets, the Personality MODE of being can kick in, in it’s forgetfulness, that ALL OUTSIDE of you, are but ACTORS in YOUR MOVIE, for YOU to make YOUR highest choice, again and again.
So, to gently and peacefully remind: to ONLY OBSERVE when another outside of you is in a state of judgement, for they are an actor in your film. If you are in judgement of another, it is just to OBSERVE YOURSELF immersed within YOUR OWN MOVIE, inside the POLARITY FIELD. You can choose to sustain your own polarity or choose again…As each move through their own path stages, separation dissolves within each. Judgement IS the last thing to dissolve. From WITHIN. No one can do this for you. So keep choosing what, where and who to give your energy, focus and time to. Observe your own energy change when you engage in separation. Also, does a viewpoint outside of you only serve to inflate your ego? And therefore feed and sustain the polarity FIELD you are here to leave? For often, it can be the ego that feels ‘good’. Whilst the heart waits subtly and quietly to be felt and be lived from in Unity.
So often, when there is any DRAMA SCENE presented from the holographic reality, people can get triggered, immerse INTO that scene. When in truth, the SCENE presents for EACH as a gifted opportunity to make their HIGHEST DIVINE CHOICE. The highest divine choice is LOVE WITHIN the UNIFIED FIELD. Not just love for self. Or choice for self. For that is PERSONALITY. It is limited Love and choice within 3d and lower-mid 4d. The Highest choice will be of a Love, inclusive of ALL, including your Self.
We came, to bring in a HIGHER sustained frequency the world has not known. You are the one to do this. To do this, you Fully Embody at your designed perfect timing. We embody more easily by whatever form of KNOWING we have within us, that the OUTER is each one’s own holographic reality. Presented in EVERY MOMENT for each to make highest choice. When that highest choice is sustained again and again, each leave 3d and 4d as a higher sustained frequency hertz STATE that is not available in the polarised field frequency ranges. Outside of it we live, exist from Consciousness ItSelf. As the change we came here to BIRTH by anchoring it, grounding it into our every day walking and wakeful state. Then BUILD from it. As you HOLD those higher frequencies, energy emits OUT. As energetic ripples that permeates the energetic fields around you. This is what you are. Energy. As you emit that higher sustained frequency, it affects. So more awaken and arrive, as they move higher, more quickly, than we did, as ‘time’ seemingly speeds up within the time continuum.
So they SHALL come.
So your ONLY focus, is to embody. And be that, for thyself in YOUR own UNIQUENESS, Soul Embodied, in Service to God. Where in this State, your Will is aligned with the Will of God. The same WILL. Not separated Will of the Personality. All is the diversity of One, of God’s Love, through your Eyes, your Heart and your Testimony.
Please only take what resonates for you, as I only continuously share and serve, in my own way, in the hope it assists even one being.
Always with Love,
22 October 2022
ADDED NOTE: Since writing this post early today…I’ve now added a comment regarding Todays SIGNIFICANT INCOMING ENERGIES, in the comments section.…
Early signs…but it could be a type of SHIFT POINT is occurring today. The energies have been subtle yet very significant in the last few days. Please be aware that technical instruments don’t often correlate to INCOMING ENERGIES. I feel incoming every day all day, so I have been very aware many codings have been coming in the last few days. And I’ve not understood them. Yet the light codes have been building on top of each other the last few days. We will see…if this is some sort of individual SHIFT day…Today all day the frequencies have also been extremely audible to the point of being continuously loud as sound. If it is a Shift, it is at individual level. You will each know once this is integrated which takes 2-3 days. Big hug 💜🙏💚
Original Post:
A QUICK NOTE #1951 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Massive stellar descents take place" - 20.10.2022
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Divine Ministers install base in lunar environment for inspections.
Massive stellar descents take place.
Cracks in specific layers are contoured.
Inner stresses in Non-Frontier Island are analyzed.
Crystal migrations in progress.
Stellars access less-traveled zones.
Ashtar+++++++ConctSuperEleven +++++++ Active in Physical 1. Reverb at 86% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Support at 90% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Reverb at 90% (not countdown).
Negative layers of Friend Island are positively calibrated.
Negative effort in Friend Island fails.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).
Carta Astral 222 - Carrington Event, solar maximum - 20.10.2022
Dear all, here I am going to share a short summary of what I talked with Dr. Tamitha Skov regarding the likelihood of a large scale Solar Event happening in the near future and some other facts she gave me regarding the Space Weather. There is no video because the meeting was private and because even though I could share it, it would only be in English (we were talking for more than 2 hours) so writing it down makes it much easier so everyone can read it in their own language. First of all I want to tell you that Tamitha is the most open, kind and intelligent person I have met in recent years, and although her training is strictly scientific, she is very open and willing to invest her knowledge and her tie mpo to prove that Space Climate (Solar Activity, Cosmic Radiation, etc) has a significant impact on our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

When I asked him what the odds were of a Solar Event of large proportions (i.e. “The Event” or “Solar Flash” spoken of in the Spiritual Community) like the Carrington Event of 1859, he just laughed and said: “ The Sun just has very bad would aim with us.” Later he explained to me that in 2017 there was a Carrington type Solar Event in a region of the Sun that was not directed at us, but that did reach us indirectly (that may be the reason why many people started to live this p rose -or they turned more aware of it—in that year), and that these explosions occur eventually affecting other regions of the Solar System. A Solar Event of large proportions can occur at any time, and the likelihood increases when we find ourselves at the Solar Maximum of each Solar Cycle (the Solar Cycle lasts 11 years). The Solar Maximum of this 25th cycle will theoretically reach its highest point between October 2024 and July 2025, although this Solar Cycle is proving to be more intense than expected. So besides confirming that this Solar Event could happen at any time, he also explained to me how the X-rays spread to the surface of the Earth, and told me that people who live in places with very saturated soil gift of metals they might have greater effects due to the electrical conductivity of the same, or those living in the area that encompasses the Atlantic Anomaly (The Atlantic Anomaly is an area where the Earth's Magnetic Field is inexplicably weaker) also n could not be more sensitive to the effects of the Solar Radiation. The Atlantic Anomaly covers virtually all of the southern American Continent (Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Peru) and also a part of South Africa. 

From now on I will be in direct and constant communication with her and with a group of people we have the same interest in gathering enough information to prove that Space Climate has a real impact on our physical bodies and that so the field of Medicine (not the pharmaceutical industry, that will never change) take this information into account and treat your patients in an alternative way without prescribing so many pills and without sending them to a psychiatrist. If we achieve this, if we gather enough evidence (sticking to the scientific method) for physicians to consider Space Climate as a significant factor in the wellbeing of their patients, we could achieve a new one perspective for the treatment of many "diseases" without causing more damage to the organism. In the comments I will put the link to one of her videos for those who want to follow her, but I ask you to please consider that she is a specialist in Space Climate and NOT in the symptoms that causes Solar Activity because, like herself told me, that part me it's my turn 


Original Post:
Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 17.10.2022
It’s game over, SATANATO has lost, huge repercussions will follow
You can read the full report here:
A QUICK NOTE #1950 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Tunnels keep to be evacuated" - 19.10.2022
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Warheads A are deactivated.
Tunnels keep to be evacuated.
Inner Earth stresses in divine analyses.
Gaian Body expands.
Terrans realign with purpose.
Divine communicators are updated.
Transcendental revelations are in course.
Cryogenics are dynamically updated.
Respiratory strengthening is in progress.
(*Tube B - - Recorx): Final cauterization in progress: 100% (not countdown).
*Emissions: Special Projector in anchoring. 97% (not countdown).
*Emissions: Special Projector in reverb! 97% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).
A QUICK NOTE #1949 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "G warheads are disabled" - 18.10.2022
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Specific avatar discontinuations in progress.
Friend Island (Brazil) positively assisted.
Special resources keep to be delivered.
Special signals remain TEMPORARILY encoded.
Mornings become clearer.
Twilight activates alignment waves.
G warheads are disabled.
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Support at 86% (not countdown).
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran reverb at 87% (Projectors pointed).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHINGS patterns are announced. Neva support tuning at 88% (not countdown).
Door 144 released. DIVINE TEACHINGS patterns are announced. Neva/Terran reverb at 83% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).
A QUICK NOTE #1948 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Solar calibration in progress" - 17.10.2022
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Solar calibration in progress.
Lunar calibration in progress.
Searches for more are in decreasing.
Positive alliances spread.
Seekers expand search zones.
Main arrival point defined.
Hi-HumanS Support+++ Eleven QuanTUN +++ General ++++++++ >>>>>>>>> Exceptional progress >>>> 46% (not countdown).
*21+++++++ Approved and intensified in Transcendental Crossing and negative Neutron >> SUPPORT at 57% (not countdown).
*21+++++++ Approved and intensified in Transcendental Crossing and negative Neutron >> REVERBERATION at 57% (not countdown).
Neva+R+++: 13th Akashic Projector pointing for support assessment. 98% (not countdown). Next >>>14. Forecast of 19. +++ AUTHORIZED. JEBLESSINGS.
Terrans prepared in 4D.
Temporarily, end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (INTEGRATING >>>> Hi-HumanS!).
Jason Estes Update - 221k dtps - 19.10.2022
YEHAW! what a spike that was now at 221k data points per hour
remember after major spikes to hydrate well to help body flush out the outdated

My Note: It was insane.........irritability, anger, frustration, unmotivated, hard to is way more better for me
Amanda Lorence - The Cosmic Pulse - 18.10.2022
One by One, everyone all over this beautiful planet is becoming more sensitive to energy. This has many connotations. MANY…But this post is specially about ALIGNING the Heart Centre, Body and Mind to the Cosmic Pulse.
As I’ve written many times since 2014, the awakening of dormant parts of the brain is PRE-DESIGNED in each one’s DESIGN, prior to their incarnation. When synapses within the brain spark electricity to the next synapse and the next. This is the beginning stage of intricate and complex increased electrical activity within the brain. It begins with the sensation of tickles or itchiness on the scalp of the head. This is just the beginning stage where that expands into vibrations, then Vibrational Patterns within the brain, and then into the body. Eventually the whole physical body vibrates. This change occurs for each, and becoming more WIDESPREAD throughout humankind, in more recent years. It will continue to be felt widespread throughout humanity. It is a vast subject yet suffice to say it impacts the physical, mental and emotional.
Vibrational coding sequences, permeate the body. There are many patterns. As described in past posts and drawings in previous years postings. All Vibrational patterns ARE available to each body. The focus at this COSMIC POINT is on the INCREASE in strength in Hertz, to the vibrations. Our Sun is providing this CONTINUED increase, together with Incoming light codes and Vibrational patterns.
At your OWN STAGE, very individually, you will notice a PULSE in your body. It becomes EVER PRESENT in your body. This is NOT your heartbeat. It is NOT your pulse related to circulation of blood flow either. It is THE COSMIC PULSE.
Over the years of physically feeling and working with ENERGY, I share the following to support you in these times of increased Solar Activity that is EVER increasing in HERTZ FREQUENCIES, which affects your body:
If you feel the Cosmic Pulse as a physical CONSTANT Vibrational PULSE throughout your body, to practice the following as one ENERGETIC MERGING:
1] BREATHE LOVE into your Heart Centre (not the actual physical heart). BREATHE LOVE out of your Heart Centre. The whole point of this in this particular activity is to MERGE your BREATH WITH your HEART CENTRE.
2] Doing above, now MERGE your MIND to the BREATH and the HEART CENTRE. You will notice you drop all thoughts as the MIND aligns to BOTH.
3] With the Breath, Heart Centre and Mind MERGED as ONE coherence, now MERGE to the COSMIC PULSE felt within your body.
In this State of MERGE, you are aligning and working WITH the Cosmic Pulse. It becomes ONE. There is no separation between the PULSE and ‘you’. You feel complete PEACE. You are the PULSE. This is your expansion. And it doesn’t end there.
Practicing working with energy provides MORE expansion. Where you become ONE with all Incoming Energies. Not separate, or in resistance, or in fear. You are Cosmic , remembering to become Cosmic Beings with the physical body knowing HOW to work with energy. AS energy. At ENERGETIC STATE.
This is just one practice I’ve done for a few years now. It is just my own way
. I share as many struggle with the increases of HERTZ FREQUENCIES. We don’t have to feel at the mercy of increased frequencies of Incoming Energy. We just have to choose. When we MERGE with ENERGY, we increase our own HERTZ FREQUENCY consciously so. So we receive MORE, and can easily absorb MORE and MORE. We can then experience all incoming energies as Bliss and Ecstasy, IF we work with energy, allowing OURSELF to return to BEING ENERGETIC. As a State. With ENERGETIC abilities.

I pray this assists. And just discard if it doesn’t resonate.
Alway, with Love
18 October 2022
Amanda Lorence - Lower Mind and the Love
Sharing again from 2017…As support for self observation….It’s only about noticing the Mind, and then there becomes the choice in that self observation….to choose more SENTIENCE. Be gentle on self, when observing Mind. This is not about opposing the Mind, in opposition, but to give Love to the Mind. It’s just to show you EVERYTHING is ENERGY FREQUENCIES, and there’s a choice how high we wish to vibrate at, that is also EVER increasing. For as we become higher hertz frequency, we become more Sentient. Which allows more EASILY the Transcendental States to become your Living State.

The Lower Mind will ALWAYS create ‘Story’,
An open heart allows all to pass through.
The Lower Mind will assess, then judge,
Love accepts all human experience.
The Lower Mind seeks answers,
Love is all knowing.
The Lower Mind only thinks,
Love only Loves.
The Lower Mind controls,
Love is Flow.
The Lower Mind resides as a programme,
Love is Creation and creative.
The Lower Mind limits itself to human experience,
Love sees past the human.
The Lower Mind is Non-Sense.
Love is sentient.
The Lower Mind creates AS a cycle,
Love creates AS a spiral.
Love is Free.
AL 17/10/17
PS: ‘Lower’ in this above context relates ONLY to ENERGY HERTZ, where the brain CAN access lower and higher ENERGY VALUES based on choice as we ascend in consciousness. 🙏
Exception - 2022
On Sunday afternoon, I originally wanted to play wow, but my two cats decided to sleep on my lap, so with more than 5 kg of love bombs, I decided to watch a movie instead - go with the flow and I didn't regret it.
Netflix made this offer, I watched a few seconds of the trailer - sci-fi can come then. I love these space travel, spaceship dramas, colonization, and there was even terraforming in this one.
The animation is beautiful, the character design is too extravagant for my taste, the music is beautiful, the atmosphere of the anime is very good, I really liked the story and it has something to say. Needless to say, I quickly watched the 8 episodes in one go, and my mind was almost spinning during and after the story, although as I write these lines my good narratives in my mind quiets down.
The story in short is that humanity has to move to a new planet, but the journey is long and the planet is unfit for human life. therefore, on the spaceship sent ahead, a copy of the sample of 5 selected specialists is made with a 3D bio printer in order to terraform the selected planet by the time the people arrive...but on the way something unexpected happens...a misprint and saboteurs.
The creation of the human body and the implantation of the original "copy of consciousness" or just a memory copy into the body made me wonder whether it can be classified as an ethical and full human being without soul. Creating a biological body is fine, although people's egos would make the distinction between mother-born or artificially created bodies, since many people still haven't gotten over the multitude of skin colors.
But that is another question, are there memories and thus personality only in that body or soul too? or does it matter at all? After all, it is a breathing and sentient being - so it is alive - then it has the right to live...but then how can we judge the life and death of another human being at all? In the anime, the copied - created characters also think about this - who are they? what makes us human? who has the right to life?
I suddenly remembered a movie about clones and memory implantation with Arnold Schwarzenegger - The 6th Day
The other thing is terraforming itself. On an uninhabited planet where there is no life or only microbes, I think it's okay - I mean non sentient beings- but where other life forms exist, as in this story, it already raises quite a lot of ethical problems...saving humanity and thereby the exterminate of native life forms or letting perish humanity - playing with them russian roulette - either they find another planet or not - and let the original planet inhabitants live.
Unfortunately, the dominant species - an invasive species - always decides and displaces, or in the worst case, wipes the other species off the face of the earth. How do we know and where do we get the authority to decide on the final extermination of a species - life form at all? For example: in the Ender's Game (in the end Ender decision) or James Cameron's Avatar movie, where the residents will lose their homes if they don't stand up for themselves, but unfortunately there are plenty of such in our earthly history...human/non-human hunger for power, greed is unfortunately limitless.
I really like the Civilization Beyond Earth game, because it also includes this basic decision - in case of planet colonization, which way do you take humanity ... harmony or supremacy or purity - guess which one I played ...
Of course, the withholding of information by certain companies plays a role here as well, so our characters faced ready-made facts and did everything they could to achieve what they believed in.
The anime based on an original story by Hirotaka Adachi with character designs by Yoshitaka Amano and directed by Yūzō Satō.
Debute on Netflix 13 of October.
Celia Fenn - The New Consciousness : Dolphins, Whales and Angels - 16.10.2022
Channel from Archangel Michael
Beloveds, this is a time of deep expansion on your Earth. As a result of your transits and transitions of the last 6 months, you are now ready to align more fully with Higher Consciousness and Multi-Dimensional experience.
You are now moving into the state of consciousness where you can experience the sixth dimensional frequency level which is associated with magical creation and manifestation. This powerful frequency is activating changes and transformations in the human brain physiology. The frequency shifts the brain into what is known as the Alpha brain wave cycle, which is activated in humans generally in states of meditation and deep creativity. This will become a more normal state of being that can be accessed at will in the New Earth.
Now, you may know, that Dolphins have a much larger brain than humans, and that their natural brain frequency is the Alpha. That is why the Dolphins have come forward to work with you at this time.
Dolphin Dreaming : The Next Level
Dolphins take physical form on the Earth in your oceans, but they also have higher etheric and spiritual forms that are connected to Sirius, the Pleiades and other Galactic and Stellar locations. There are also Angelic Dolphins, known as the “Golden Dolphins” who work closely with the Angelic families, especially the Elohim.
The Dolphins have a very extensive and clear understanding of the Human Hologram and Physiology, and so are able to assist as moments of evolutionary transition like the present moment.
You may have heard of people who swim with Dolphins or work with them and experience powerful shifts and spontaneous healings. At this time when you are adapting to this deep shift of consciousness, they are stepping forward to help you to adjust to these new frequencies. They are the Masters of 6D consciousness and are able to hold it in their Earth home.
Dolphins communicate through sound, and the sound frequencies carry compressed information in holographic form. This information can be downloaded into your cells as Light Codes or Light Language and will help to recode the physical body for the next steps of evolution.
Many of you who are healers, channels and teachers will feel the magnetic attraction to work with these evolved interstellar beings to assist in the emergence of Multidimensional Human Beings who will activate the “Dolphin Brain” or the ability to function in deep states of creative meditation in daily life.
The Galactic Connection : The Whales, Theta Frequency and Whale Songs
Beloveds, the Cosmic/Galactic Whales are also stepping forward to be of extended service to you! Like the Dolphins, the Whales are both incarnated on Earth and existing in Higher Angelic and Galactic forms.
The Whales are very Ancient Beings and have been part of Earth’s story since the beginning of creation. They hold the “Song Lines” or Holographic Creation matrix within the oceans and their Songs create new pathways for evolution and expression. They are also the Keepers of the Earth’s Akashic Records, which is the record of the Earth’s journey through Time and Space.
In their Cosmic and Galactic roles, the Whales function in Theta frequency with their brain. structure which is much larger than even the Dolphins. Theta is a deep state of consciousness that you would call “deep trance”. In Theta frequency, you can move beyond material limitations into fluid plasma creation and manifestation, creating holographic worlds that manifest into reality in the New Earth Time Spiral.
This is the next step in conscious evolution, being able to work with the Theta frequency while still in physical form. The problem for you is that the human brain associates Theta frequency with sleep and dreaming states, and so you struggle to achieve Theta mastery in a conscious way. The Whales Masters will assist you to learn to hold these energies and become Cosmic Creators. Many of you will feel drawn to work with the Whale Song lines on Earth and in the Galactic spaces in co-creation with the Whales.
Conscious Breathing and Living Between Worlds
The Cetaceans (Dolphins and Whales) are Conscious Breathers. They live in a fluid medium (water) but they breathe air (gas). They have to be able to move between these states and to be conscious of their breathing so that they can maintain this awareness and ability to exist between worlds.
Your Ascension Journey and Evolution has taught you to become aware of yourself as existing between worlds, between the Physical and Spiritual. Now, with this conscious awareness, you can begin to become Masters of Multidimensional awareness as you move between worlds, dimensions and frequencies.
The first Key is Conscious Breathing. Like the Whales and Dolphins, you will come to understand the link between the Heart, the Lungs and the Pulsations of Cosmic and Divine Light. You will learn to access different frequencies and levels through conscious breathing techniques that you will learn from the Whale and Dolphin “experts” and teachers.
There is so much to look forward to as you continue your journey of Being and Becoming on your Beautiful New Earth.
I Am Archangel Michael.
Images by Jean-Luc Bozzoli
If you would like to know more about these topics please join our 5 part webinar series starting next Sunday!
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