"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A QUICK NOTE #1888 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Terrans wrapped in photons" - 30.03.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Telepathic enlargements expand.
Ancestral renewals increase.
Divine Frequencies are expanded.
Terrans wrapped in photons.
Divine Future is assured.
Time keeps disintegrating.
Angelic Realms increase projections.
+++DhaborosAFR: Line Enlightenment in progress: 90% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
+++DhaborosAFR MAJOR REVERBERATION: 90% (not countdown) The Light Celebrates!
*Silver Dragons in support and reverb at 97% (not countdown).
*OSECCT: Pleiadian performances and reverberations in progress. 89% (not countdown).
Attention *HDF! SPECIAL Projector Support started: 85% (not countdown).
*HDF: SPECIAL projector reverberation at 84% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Temporary, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1887 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Cosmic reintegrations are in progress" - 29.03.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Cosmic reintegrations are in progress.
Special structures realignment in progress.
Ashtar(s) renew specific entries.
New reaches are acclaimed.
Transcendental healings expand.
Island of Prosperity expands!
Prosperity Island treatments complete.
*MP+ adjustment in progress. 83% (not countdown).
*MP+ Reverberation in progress. 86% (not countdown).
Neva in GENUINE PHASES transmission: 87% (not countdown).
Attention +++DhaborosAFR! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 86% (not countdown).
Temporary, end of transmission.

Amanda Lorence Update - 30.03.2022


Too much being realised and impossible to condense into a single post. So apologies if this post causes any confusion.


Will of course be different for all. Some examples across the globe would be:
The intensity of the mental mind.
Emotional increase or overload.
Confusion (of the mind).
Physically intense on the body.
Increase of esoteric data,
Increase to dream activity and dream connections,

Magnetism felt, of energetic consciousness embodiment (leaving the personality).
WHAT we choose to give attention to creates our own reality. The power of our choice and the rabbit holes the mind likes to go down. So to help, notice what you are choosing. Noticing what you give your time and energy to. To master (over-ride) the human mind. Balance your time wisely.


To allow ourselves to FLOAT upon the Magnetic Ocean of Liquid Plasma Light that is there for everyone to traverse at their own WILL, their own timing. The Ocean I speak of is MAGNETIC, and it’s magnetically drawing ITSelf (therefore ‘YOU’) back to ITSelf at higher and higher speed and vibrations whilst simultaneously expanding ITSelf. So to simply allow yourself to float… allowing the continuously heightening waves of vibrations to take YOU effortlessly on your unique journeying. In other words, let the personality get out of the way. In personality ‘mind’, everything is questions, struggles, judgements, resistance, which is creating UNCONSCIOUSLY, MORE suffering. Suffering is a ‘HUMANISED’ experience we come out of.
To hold on to anything, is a fear-based form of control from the human mind personality. And if a ‘Seeker’, is like trying to GRASP the Ocean’s Waters in your hands. The fear of losing something from a FAST dissolving perception and experience of ‘reality’ (illusion). There is nothing to grasp (lose), and everything to remember (find more of). ‘Suffering’ is only experienced AS the personality when tuned IN, dialled INTO your personality mode. There is no suffering as Consciousness embodied.


Some are at the embodiment stage of letting go of the personality. Personality is what gives us an identity, that we identify FROM, in order to experience the illusion as IF we are or were HUMAN. At certain stage, the personality begins to dissolve. We experience this over a linear time period IN ORDER TO experience the letting go of the personality, which in turn means we identify less and less with ANYTHING the personality previously identified with. Including the experience of misidentifying with our own personality!!! Personality, is part of this experience of the mind, THINKING (lol) we are human. Identifying with being human. Which is entirely linked to the linear mind, which in turn links to our thoughts…of identifying. And thus creating from the mind.

When you experience letting go of the personality, a simultaneous experience occurs:
As personality dissolves, CONSCIOUSNESS embodies more and more, as it wishes to become Consciousness, remembered, operating a physical body. That consciousness is non-linear, outside of time and space. Outside of the solid world. Yet will utilise the physical body in this physical plane of condensed light. Consciousness embodies more and more, the more we let go of personality. But The Consciousness embodied, will not be IN the body.

Wherever we are on our path…In allowing the Greater Flow, at FIRST floating upon the Ocean, that is drawing you IN, you then surrender to the Divine Plan you understood before entry to Earth. You will, step by step, BECOME The Ocean. The Oneness with ALL. Only then will your next lighted design unpackage for YOU. Hence we DO lose the 3D/4D personality and it’s identity. As the 5D Lighted Design does not operate by the same LIGHT LAWS as 3D and 4D Light Planes.

Your next ‘Lighted Design’ OR as I label it, ‘CRYSTALINE Programme’ (as it is made of Light Crystal, and contains your ‘timeline’ coded data), awaits you; it awaits each persons WILL to let go of your previous version experienced… as it completes for YOU, by YOU, in your unique and perfectly timed Lighted Design. Your light design is perfect, so have faith. And if in doubt, doubt is just a moment where you dropped out of faith of ALL that you truly are. You are NOT your personality, you just experienced it for a good while, until it’s time to embody full conscious awareness.

Please only take what resonates, and discard if it doesn’t. It’s just my way of supporting all, for the past 7 years, until my Lighted Design changes (as I was shown it would) and then I will support in other ways that I’m still in the process of embodying.

Never Ending Love,
Amanda Lorence
30 March 2022

Q: Can you talk a bit more on what it means for Consciousness to be embodied....but not In the body?
A: what we label or call ascension is in few words the merging of our physical body, with the soul, via the heart. Where our mind upgrades more and more. We end up utilising more of the brain, that is at one with the heart, body and soul. Therefore your body experiences are a result of heightened hertz frequency which allows us to change into a higher frequency light CRYSTALINE body structure (more light) and mind, merged with the soul. Your consciousness was always outside of the body. But we had the ‘experience’ of feeling it was inside of the body. Because of the design that specifically allowed for an experience of disconnection. But in truth, our consciousness was/is always residing outside of time and space. As light. Light is intelligence. 💜🙏💚

Jason Estes - perspective - 30.03.2022

something to reflect on today, in what way am i seeing an enemy in an ally? and what can i do to remove the misunderstandings that are causing this so in the future i have more allies then enemies ❤ ::hugs::


as we approach may 18th this card comes to mind this is from my very first card deck ❤ ::hugs::


X1.3-class solar flare - 30.03.2022

So this was the BIG one today :

X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Earth-orbiting satellites have just detected an X1.3-class solar flare (March 30 @ 1737 UT). The source is active sunspot AR2975--the same sunspot that has already hurled at least two CMEs toward Earth this week. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the flare's extreme ultraviolet flash: (Spaceweather.com)
I have been expecting an X Class flare for quite a while. Major energies are moving at the moment.
So many people are feeling exhausted with all the energy fluctuations and changes.
Remember to practise extreme "self care" and stay hydrated.
We are heading into a period of major realignment and consciousness expansion together with the increased transmission of Light Codes.
It is important not to resist but just allow the energies to flow.
We are beginning an important rebirthing process that will culminate at the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse in May.
Here we go......

Celia Fenn 


Dear family, this is NOT the post regarding "The Event" that we are hoping to happen, but I feel the need to do it because I have the email saturated with messages as well as the Whatsapp number that I left exclusively for l Personal Tarot readings (please that number it's only for readings, I don't answer anything else on there so I beg you not to use it to ask me about symptoms or send me links 🙏).

In effect solar activity increased drastically starting on the 28th and hasn't stopped since. We are currently waiting for the arrival of two Coronal Mass Injections associated with a pair of class M flares that originated in the region AR2975 (so called the solar spots that cause these explosions) both headed towards the T Iera, the first was M-Class. 4.31 and the second M 2.22 (if I know, the joke counts alone), as they happened so close to each other it becomes "a single impact" on Earth's measurement systems though they are still 2. This very region AR2975 just generated a Class X flare. 1 (it's that glow you see in the picture and which is stronger than the so-called M-Class flame because of its complexity not its size), although it is still unknown if it has an associated Coronal Mass Ejection. What does this all mean to us? Because we will be under conditions of Geomagnetic Storm fluctuating between Kp5 and Kp7/8 (I believe that we will reach Kp8 which represents a severe storm even for moments) starting tonight and until April 2, that case that the so-called class X. 1 that just happened doesn't have an associated Coronal Mass Ejection because if it did it could increase the KP index and storm conditions could extend to April 4 or 5. ☀️💥🔥

I'm making this post to ask you to stay calm because you will surely see a lot of alarmist news that only pretend to provoke panic to profit from lack of information and fear, this will NOT be a solar storm Catastrophic ratings, will not cause cataclysms, nor be the first indication of the Apocalypse, nor will the so-called X-Class. 1 that just happened but I guarantee you you will start seeing notes in the media warning of extreme situations. The Major Plan is being fulfilled according to what was predicted and the information we have been receiving through downloads of information and anticipatory dreams that we accept to be guides for the collective so THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR. I will continue not to post (I am doing this because I have saturated the inbox email and phone) until notice that "The event" is imminent because it is no longer needed, you already have all the information you need n in previous posts and videos that are on the channel of the page (in the comments I leave the link to the video I recently did with Amanda Lorence for those who don't understand what "The Event" is). Physically you may be experiencing multiple activations of the Cardiac Chakra for the past couple of days (palpitations, double heartbeat, temporary rhythm, increased pulse, chest pain, feeling of not being able to breathe deeply, moments of e xpansion and overflowing love to then move on to the deepest and absolute affliction and sadness), also gastric problems such as burning in the mouth of the stomach, gastritis, stomach pain, upset stomach and nausea mainly in the American Continent (because it is where we have received the highest flow of protons due to the impact of the flames das), headache and face bones, difficulty to focus, dry eyes, pain all over the body and a lot of thirst. You are also likely to start having tremor or vibration throughout the body, pain in the back of the head and in the teeth, as well as the feeling of being dizzy or in two dimensions at a time but that only after the KP index begins to increase (or) be it after we start getting the solar particle flow, for those who want to monitor it on their own, I'll leave the link in the comments too). You are likely to have vivid or lucid dreams and even experience astral projections, or astral unfolds, spontaneously (do not be scared, yes you can return to your physical body), having downloads of information, epiphanies and visions of their future. Although sometimes it seems like that, remember that you are NOT going crazy, your brain is activating and creating neural connections (due to increased electricity) that you could not make before. 🦋🧠💓

Family do not be afraid, if the Plan is being fulfilled so accurately it is because there is a Destiny we must - and we will be able to - reach. Hydrate your body well because all this adaptation process means a greater use of water and keep living beings that depend on you as plants and animals well hydrated because they will also require more water. Solar activity will maintain and continue to increase the next few days and I return to my retirement until it is time to warn you that "The Event" is imminent. Everything is well, the plan is perfect. 🌎 🌎


"As predicted, a Cannibal CME hit Earth's magnetic field on March 31st (0210 UT). The impact sparked a G1-class geomagnetic storm (underway now) with a chance of stronger storms in the hours ahead." 
On March 28th, sunspot AR2975 unleashed a frenzy of solar flares–more than 17 in all. There were 11 C-class flares and 6 M-flares. 😱
More info about this Cannibal CME:
on 30th of March our sun produced a X class solar flare and the radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blackout over the Americas.
This CME will probably reach Earth during the early hours of April 2nd.

We had at the moment a KP5 geomagnetic storm - 
Solar wind speed: 551.4 km/sec
density: 11.4 protons/cm3

The incoming energies affect us, this is fact - and one of the side effect when we cannot sleep. I have a little trick against it so without much sleep I not feel myself washed sh*t the coming day - it´s a meditative state. 
Easy peasy, just pick up your favourite sleeping pose and just focus on your breathing - 1 - you will meditating in silence -  2 - you’re probably fall in to sleep while you do it. 

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 28.03.2022

Fake Biden, Fake Ukranian War, Fake Pandemic: is it all about to end?

You can read the full report here: 


Celia Fenn - The energies continue to be intense - 7 solar flares in one day - 28.03.2022

The energies continue to be intense and powerful as we move towards the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction on 12th April. Today we have already had 7 Solar Flares, and a CME incoming!
As we assimilate the powerful Light Code flows, we are feeling the activations in our DNA as physical symptoms such as dizziness and nausea and anxiety.
We are already feeling the power of the Neptune/Jupiter conjunction as a powerful expansion of our Soul Energy in our Body. This is magical! But it can also be a very "out of body" experience. We need to do everything we can to stay grounded and fully in our body.
As we move into this conjunction field we will realise that the concept of Soul is also about Nature, and that the Divine Soul lives in us as in Nature. In the New Earth we will feel and comprehend that we are the Keepers of Nature and that we help to hold the Field for the Creation of the New Earth.
This is Magical!
And Deep.
The Lady of the Lake rises in our Mythical consciousness.
The Divine Feminine hands us the Sword of Truth.
We know who we Are.
We are Magical and Creative Beings!
We are Rebirthing into our New Earth Consciousness.
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Cobra - A Short Message to the Surface Population - 28.03.2022

Blogger has unpublished my article "War and Peace" against my free will and without my approval. I have received the following email from them, as published below:

The deleted article is still available here:

Now I understand what the Light forces meant by "internet disruptions" when they asked printed copies of my articles to be made.

Inside the deleted article, the following peace proposal was suggested:

And obviously, diplomats from both sides have read it:

The most important part of the deleted article was the following:

Meditation for peace in Ukraine every 4 hours is still urgently needed and the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to participate:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

My Note: the above mentioned blogpost still available on my site here:

Original Post:

Jason Estes Update "we continue to break away from time as a fixed concept and into more of a liquid one" - 28.03.2022


We had a small increase over the week most of the pressure was from the sun teaching us a new coding + light of hope coming online we now stand at 10450 data points, as we continue to break away from time as a fixed concept and into more of a liquid one that can be displaced and measured clearly the mind tends to move towards madness for those who find themselves stuck the most important thing in these times of great change is simply to commit to moving forward in what ever way shows up for you at the time and to celebrate each day you make it through that is all that is ever required of us so if you find yourself stuck ask yourself, Am i Good? Am i doing Good? Do i have Faith? Am i able to enjoy the Ride? which ever step your stuck on is totally ok but being honest with yourself is the way forward always and once you are aware of where you really are then you will find you move forward towards your goals and dreams extremely fast now ::hugs::

Our journey through time so far (datapoints)

Jason Estes Update - we will be getting a lot of information from the sun & New AJA video - 23.03.2022


Over these next few days we will be getting a lot of information from the sun remember to ask your body what it needs to help process as these major spikes happen it is common to feel lots of tension in the body and even get major headaches, heat flashes, jaw pain, and tooth pain this pressure is only temporary so just do what you can and celebrate often ::hugs::

AJA = Ask Jason Anything

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 21.03.2022

Spring equinox marks turning point in battle to liberate earth

You can read the full report here: 


Celia Fenn - Aries Season 2022 - 23.03.2022

So the Sun is now in fiery Aries and Spring is being felt! You may be feeling tempted to engage the Aries energy and push full steam ahead with some new projects.
I know I was feeling that way, when Archangel Michael gently reminded me that we have just been through some MAJOR shifts that are still ongoing, and that we need to follow the Equinox energy with a focus on BALANCE. The next Full Moon on the 16th April will be in Libra, which is the sign of Balance and Harmony.

We need to be slowing down and focussing on self care and not trying to burn ourselves out. Remember Higher Frequency means taking things SLOWER.
Well, I am a double fire sign and my ascendent is in Aries, so I had to slam on the brakes and settle for some home clutter clearing and organising following Marie Kondo and the Home Edit Team. I am making my space ready for the expansion that will come later in the year, probably around the time of the Lions Gate.

First, we have to navigate another set of really powerful energies which is the partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 30th April and the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 16th of May. The Taurus/Scorpio axis is really powerful as it effects our second house of Home and Finance, while the Scorpio energy affects collective money issues and deep transformation. I call this the "Phoenix Eclipse", since the Scorpio energy is associated with the "Phoenix" concept, where things crash and burn and are reborn at the same time.

Powerful indeed.

So right now we need to focus on integrating the new energies and GROUNDING ourselves very clearly in the New Earth frequencies so that we will be ready for whatever major shifts occur in April/May.

Love to everyone!

Orchid image by Marney Ward

I ask apology


Jason Estes Update - Light of Hope - 22.03.2022


Welcome to the Light of Hope, now that we have this new resource we will begin to turn the page and understand the world from a more illuminated space while the data points have gone up to 10300 most of the new feelings and sensations we are coming into is from the Light of Hope shining into the darkest spaces on earth within our world and within us so take these next few days to just unplug from your auto pilots and come into the new sense of observation that is now available and from here choose the fun new opportunities as they come online ❤ ::hugs::


Amanda Lorence Update - Heart activations - 22.03.2022


Please take what resonates and discard the rest.

On Saturday 19 - Monday 21, I’ve been receiving further heart activations and abilities via the heart centre (just the start of another stage I know). There are many levels of the connectedness we can attain to the Heart Centre. So the easiest way to describe the activation is that it’s another OCTAVE of conscious connection via the heart centre. I’m sharing this personal journey data because it also has a parallel…THE MIND…and IS also related to the mass collective timeline.

The energy work with the HEART over the last three days (and for certain ongoing WILL and KNOWING to practice this) is showing me that NOW is the TIMELINE to earnestly and activity practice STOPPING the mind’s thoughts and the avenues the mind can take us down. Master the thoughts yes of course, but NOW is the time to STOP the OLD thoughts and OLD mind system.

Due to the increase of photon light SPIN at our cellular levels, peoples thoughts ARE STILL speeding up, where they can allow the BRAIN (a processor tool), to run them and dictate to them. Affecting their thoughts, words, actions…which are also choices. And of unconscious creations. This will increase for many, and many can or will struggle as a result due to the processor mind running them. In all manner of ways. Including stress, fear and for some they will experience, delusion.

KEY, in THIS timeline, is to allow the heart energy TO BECOME YOU. And detach completely from the THOUGHTS of the ‘OLD’ mind. It is done. There is a BIGGER PICTURE and expansive energetic reason for this:

As explained in my last VIDEO 5 days ago, we are, one by one, GIVING BACK, thus LETTING GO, of the programmed MIND (CRYSTALINE programme) that we allowed to run us and our choices. We don’t take this CRYSTALINE Programme with us to Higher Frequency Earth. So it has to be (at some point) WILLINGLY let go of, when each person is ready to give it up.

Hence, I’m being guided by my own consciousness, to practice a higher octave of CONSTANT and DEEPER HEART connection, which allows a state of BEING at a deeper level FROM the heart centre. In that presence there is NO ‘OLD’ mind programming. And from this STATE, allow ourselves to be shown the way. The part I wish to emphasise, as we do practice Heart Being every day, is that NOW is the time to be this, choose this, practice this, IN EVERY MOMENT we breathe. At the NEW OCTAVE of heart connection we can NOW ACCESS, as it brings the state of Oneness with All.

So my greatest advice (please take or leave it ) for our collective timeline, is to be aware when thoughts drop in, and RUN YOU, take over…to notice it is the OLD mind, and immediately choose the Heart Presence, instead of the OLD mind, running YOU. The thoughts then STOP. And to practice this all the time NOW. You are not your thoughts. Yet humanity has allowed their mind to run it’s life and choices for ions of time. It truly IS the time to CHOOSE the HEART CENTRE, in order to drop the programmed MIND complexity, (that for some is racing fast). We were always going to let go of the PRE-DESIGNED CRYSTALINE programme, at a given point in our journey here. The experiences experienced via the HUMANISED PERSONALITY (temporary overlay), via the MIND’S use of a temporary CRYSTALINE programme, was only for a temporary experience. You knew this before you came to Earth. You were always always consciousness, experiencing what it would be like, to be in separation from Source, thinking you were HUMAN and of the MIND. You are consciousness, having many forms and semi-forms, simultaneously, where this temporary focus directed on BEING only human will be let go of at each’s ready point.
In this timeline, allowing the Heart Centre, to FULLY take over, will allow you the inter connectedness of all things…All is One. Being peace, harmony and the all time Love. All is then seen, felt, experienced, though the BEING, AS ONE, as THE Love…Source Love.
If you are predominantly in your heart centre, again, the sharing here is about going EVEN deeper into the heart centre, as there are many octaves to LOVE, many states of consciousness. There is always more and more. And this is what I’m being guided to give energy to, to expand more, in our service to All That Is.
The shift last week truly gifted us expansion, to be with, work with, embody…and give out our ever expanding energy.

With Love on this magical 22 day…

Amanda Lorence
22 March 2022

A QUICK NOTE #1886 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Lucid dreams are released for specified Ones" - 20.03.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Lucid dreams are released for specified Ones.
Ethical viewers and performers are called upon.
Strategic tables are released.
Celestial biotypes are integrated into plasma zone.
Strategic tables released.
Narratives - - - keep dropping.
Gold quantum is adjusted.
*21+++++++ Approved and intensified in transcendental crossover and - Neutron. >> SUPPORT at 24% (not countdown).
*21+++++++ Approved and intensified in transcendental crossover and - Neutron. >> REVERBERATION at 24% (not countdown).
Neva+R+++: 13th Akashic Projector pointing for support evaluation. 55% (not countdown). Next >>>14. Forecast 19. +++ CLEARED. JEBLESSING.
Attention Neva! Certifier Codes +++++++ Reverberation at 89% (not countdown).
(*Tube B - - - Recorx): Initial cleanup in progress: 84% (not countdown).
Temporary, end of transmission.

Alex Myles - Equinox - 20.03.2022

March 20th, 2022 signifies the celebration of the spring equinox for those in the Northern Hemisphere and the fall equinox for those in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Equinox is a balanced day when the hours of day and night are of equal length, and harmony exists between the light and dark. It occurs twice each year—once in spring and again in fall.

This equinox brings an intense vibrational and transformational energy wave, and is also the closure of the previous vibrational wave, which began on the winter solstice, Dec 21st, 2021. This brings to an end many events, particularly ones where we have now finally learned the lessons and are ready to leave behind.

The equinox is also the beginning of our journey through the astrological year, which moves us away from subtle, sensitive Pisces and into heady fire-sign Aries. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is represented by a ram.

Rams are no-nonsense creatures that charge full-steam ahead, and if we are attuned to cosmic energy, we will notice a powerful energy shift and an instinctual need to “spring clean” our relationships, homes, hearts and minds. Therefore, it is essential to remind ourselves to be patient and rational, and not make hasty decisions that could potentially damage meaningful relationships.

Whatever changes and shifts are occurring at this stage are all for our own, as well as other people’s, highest good.

This day can be seen as a transitional rebirthing, or a “reset stage” where we release our hold on the old and open and prepare ourselves for the year ahead.

The equinox brings in “master energy” that can be summed up with the fiery attitude of “take no sh*t and clear out old clutter,” as many of us, particularly those who are highly sensitive, will be feeling less tolerant and eager to cleanse our lives of anything or anyone that drains us, creates blockages, or causes distress.

This is a a time for retreat and to take time to indulge in valuable introspection. We can aim to be far from chaos and consciously refrain from conflict and confrontation.

Intuition will be particularly strong, distortion will be cleared, and awareness will be heightened on this day, as a huge portal has opened due to the formation of “equinox cracks,” which many scientists believe happen semi-annually during the equinoxes and can remain open for many hours.

These cracks in Earth’s magnetosphere (protective bubble) open up a portal that allows highly vibrating energy from the universe to flow in and directly impact energetic particles on Earth, including all living beings.

When a portal opens, energy travels between dimensions between two distant locations in the universe—for example, from the sun to the Earth, delivering life-changing highly charged transformational frequencies. This gifts us the opportunity to experience a full, conscious awakening through renewed energy, infinite possibilities, higher wisdom, optimum growth, and increased and deeper levels of love and wisdom.

The vital life-force energy that is propelled toward our planet on the equinox, and during other intense energy periods, such as full and new moons, solar storms, and planetary retrogrades, is not only absorbed by living creatures but by all of nature.

It is also the perfect opportunity to balance and harmonise by understanding, loving, accepting and embracing our entire selves, and having absolute faith that we are limitless, miraculous beings of light, wide-open to the possibility of reaching our fullest and highest potential.

Throughout the duration of this week, there will likely be many solar storms taking place, as is normally the case around an equinox. The solar flares that erupt from the sun during these storms can disturb Earth’s magnetic field and have a magnificent effect on human behaviour and are known to expand spiritual consciousness.

The equinox prepares us for a new phase and the theme is balancing dark and light energy, therefore any imbalance in our own lives or society will start to find equilibrium.

A purging or unearthing will take place so that anything that has held back can be acknowledged, processed and released. When these things are brought to light the current energy will assist in providing acceptance, understanding and forgiveness and all karmic attachments to the situation will naturally dissipate.

The equinox is the optimum time to head out to nature to set intentions and give gratitude for the energy of Mother Earth, the moon, and the sun.

A QUICK NOTE #1885 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "New groups are forming for breakthroughs" - 19.03.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
New groups are forming for breakthroughs.
Local resets started.
Nordic borders are broke.
Ashtar(s) start quantum decompression server.
Ashtar(s) start quantum compression server.
Galactics re-evaluate overview.
HEO approaches authorized.
Signaled Terrans are contacted.
(*Tube B - - Recorx): Final Cauterization in progress: 82% (not countdown).
*Emissions: Special Projector in anchoring. 80% (not countdown).
*Emissions: Special Projector in reverb! 80% (not countdown).
Ashtar+++++++ConctSuperEleven +Bearers++++++ Active in Physical 1. Reverb at 63% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in reconnections with Bearers. Support at 77% (not countdown).
Temporary, end of transmission.

A QUICK NOTE #1884 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Solar’s ambientation increases." - 18.03.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Operations - are denied.
Positive advances accelerate.
Barrier breaches continue.
Respiratory dilations increase as new air is injected.
Solar’s ambientation increases.
Divine domains reintegration underway.
Etheric concentration increases.
Mediumistic amplification in progress.
Transmitters settle into new patterns.
Chambers boosting cleared.
Neva++=Chambers ++ Eleven.
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Reverberation at 77% (not countdown).
Shaman-Fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Support at 74% (not countdown).
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran reverberation at 74% (not countdown).
Temporary, end of transmission.

Something near the sun

 starting around 2:50 min

Celia Fenn - Full moon in virgo - 18.03.2022

We are coming up on an energetically powerful week-end!
Starting today with the Full Moon in Virgo.
Virgo is an Earth sign and so this Full Moon urges us to be grounded and to connect with Nature as the seasons change.
I woke up this morning to see the most beautiful Golden Moon outside my window.
The Light was exquisite, and the Sunlight has a special quality at the moment too. Light Codes are spinning and spiralling as we head into the Equinox week end.
The Equinox is on March 20th, and it is the powerful moment when day and night are of equal length and the seasons switch from Winter to Spring in the North, and from Summer to Autumn in the South. I am sure that all of you in the North are more than ready for Spring, as I am for some cooler Fall weather!
I think we will find that the challenge this week end will be to stay in balance and to stay in our Heart center in Peace and Joy.
People seem to be spinning out big time right now, and it is our work to hold our energy and be the Peace and the Compassion at this time.
This is important because on Monday the Sun moves into fiery Aries and we start a whole new astrological cycle. There is going to fiery energy around which can be creative, but can also give rise to chaos vortexes of anger and anxiety in vulnerable people.
Stay calm, stay in your Heart and Be the Love!
Have a wonderful week-end.
Rainbow Sun image by Radleigh Valentine.

Alex Myles - Full Moon in Virgo - 18.03.2022

The Full Moon in Virgo will be emanating a strong lunar energy that will be pulling our emotions to the surface and also delivering awareness and clarity - bringing abrupt but highly positive change.
We will all feel this moon’s intensity, regardless of our zodiac sign, however, those who were born under Virgo will feel it a little more intensely than others.

Virgo is a grounded Earth sign, so it is likely we will find ourselves being ‘pulled back down to Earth’ if there are areas of our life that we have been unrealistically fantasising about or simply living under an illusion.

We are currently going through a period where our entire belief systems are being questioned and where our perspective will dramatically be altering. This might be somewhat of a challenge, as Virgo doesn’t appreciate sudden change, so although we may be receiving numerous insights and we will be going through a radical awakening, it may feel a little uncomfortable to fully accept that all may not be as it once seemed.

Full Moons are always a time for releasing, and with this current energy there could never be a more optimum time to let go of anything unhealthy and depleting, particularly as we are about to experience the Equinox energies and enter Aries season - the start of a new astrological year. It’s also a good time for spring cleaning, clearing clutter, tying up loose ends and receiving long-awaited resolution or closure.

The lessons that have been presented to us since the beginning of Aries season last year, on March 21 2021, will be learned during this Moon phase, as we come to a greater understanding of why certain people played significant parts in our lives, and we piece prominent events together. When we make sense of all that has occurred during the past twelve months and illusions dissipate, all associated karma will also be released.

Our priorities will be changing and we will recognise where our energy is being drained, so it won’t just be our physical world that receives a shake-up, we will also be going through major internal, emotional shifts.

This is an intense phase that will cleanse anything that feels toxic in our lives, which includes bad habits, unhealthy thought patterns, reactive behaviours, outdated beliefs, and irrational fear-based thoughts and feelings that drain our energy and leave us feeling anxious and burnt out.

Also, ties that energetically bind us to people or situations that are detrimental to us or that limit us in any way will easily be severed during this period, and we will feel the freedom to finally walk away with peace, love, compassion, and forgiveness in our hearts. In particular, we will feel the urge to remove ourselves from dynamics with anyone who consistently provokes arguments or those who are aggressive, controlling, manipulative, deceptive, judgmental, overly critical, and generally abusive.

We will likely be feeling nostalgic due to the accumulation of emotional cosmic energy, so we may find ourselves looking back at our past in an attempt to find answers. This might look like ruminating on why certain relationships ended or why we are struggling to let go of relationships that are shrouded in confusion and heartache. Fortunately, our intuition is at an all-time high during this Full Moon, so it’s the perfect time to go within and listen carefully to our inner voice.
We will be wanting to speak our truth, and as Virgo is also associated with healing, forgiveness and accountability, this could be the perfect time to dive inwards and attend to inner wounds that need attention.

We may also find we feel compelled to reach out to make amends with those we have unresolved conflict with, and that we are ready to communicate in a clearer and a more open and honest way. Fortunately, Virgo is highly sensitive, compassionate and empathetic, and has a need to understand others on the deepest level, so it is likely any tension will be effortlessly cleared and stronger bonds will be created.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury so we may find we are more in our headspace than heartspace over these coming days and we will likely be far more logical and rational - not allowing the heart to overrule the head. We might find this a little challenging, due to the moon being in close opposition to Neptune, the planet of dreams, ideation and delusion. Therefore, we could find we quickly switch between believing in the illusions we have created and recognising where we have been optimistically fooling ourselves.

There may be temporary blurred lines between our imagination and the truth, particularly concerning how we have viewed some of our closest relationships and we may not receive full clarity on everything we are feeling and seeing until after the Full Moon has passed. However, we will constantly be receiving signs that some of our long-held beliefs have been romanticised to create a comfort zone for when we needed an escape from reality.

It is highly likely our dreams, or possibly nightmares, may be more realistic and intense, so it’s worth being aware that it could be during sleep that we experience the greatest amount of turmoil. Whether we remember our dreams or not, what we dream about can significantly influence how we feel throughout the day and point towards what is weighing heavily in our thoughts or hearts.

Over the next 24 hours we may notice we are overthinking and over-analysing more than normal, and this can lead to feeling wired and a little on edge. It is vital to recognise when this is happening and take a step back to process all the new data running at full speed through our heads.

Virgo is practical and hard-working and helps us become more organised and productive, so we will likely find we awaken over these next few days with a burst of energy, wanting to rearrange and restructure major aspects of our life and home.

When we let go of items we are no longer aligned with we will instantly feel lighter, freer and less overwhelmed as certain objects can carry unhappy memories and low vibrations.
We will also have the desire for more stability and balance, so could find we reassess job opportunities, our home and relationship dynamics, or finances. We will likely also be feeling highly curious and eager to learn, and could find ourselves researching subjects in depth, and possibly wanting to make major changes on our career path.

Virgo is known for having a deep desire to be of service, so it is possible we will have a strong impulse to help with humanitarian causes, volunteering and offering assistance to those around us. We might even feel the urge to sign up for an educational course in care, mentoring or nursing sectors.

If there have been blockages preventing our creativity and aspirations we will notice we are easily able to overcome them, and will be feeling more energised and inspired than ever before. Virgo energy brings with it high expectations, and can bring up issues surrounding control, criticism and seeking perfection, so it is important not to be too harsh on ourselves, and rather than forcing anything, just surrendering to allow a natural flow.

Virgo can bring in the need for solitude and peace, and we may be tempted to spend the day, or part of it, free from interruption and focusing on much-needed self love and care so we can feel more grounded, harmonious and centered.

This Full Moon marks the end of a chapter or the completion of a significant phase in our lives and an exciting restart. It brings closure, transformation, rebirth, and the manifestation of things we have been working toward. It is a time where we can reflect on what no longer serves us so that, with gratitude, we can release old energy and create a clean, brand new space to begin again.

Jason Estes update "the journey into presence" - 16.03.2022


Today begins the journey into presence on new levels as we enter the final layer together remember that avoidance/absence is the shadow of presence so do your best to see where your not taking responsibility or retreating over these next few months and make different choices for in every moment you have the choice not someone else so choose to empower yourself and become your own go to this is the final layer we will process through and will have components of all the prior layers enjoy the ride everyone ::hugs::

Cobra Update - Ekpyrosis - 16.03.2022

Toplet bombs are still the main reason why the Light forces can not intervene directly in the situation on the surface of the planet. The Light forces are now clearing the quantum and subquantum anomaly on the higher mental plane with maximum possible speed and as soon as that is done, they will start clearing the subquantum anomaly on the physical plane, which is the riskiest part of the whole operation.

The most critical timeframe is between now and April 24th. Accidentally or not so accidentally the cutoff date of April 24th coincides with the end of Kala Sarpa Dosha, a very challenging period in Vedic Jyotish astrology, which ends on April 22:

During this time period, a very intense clearing of the primary anomaly will be taking place. During the very same period, Pluto will be making an exact trine with Sedna. Sedna is a planetoid which astrologically signifies the Platonic year precessional cycle, as its orbital period of 11,390 years is roughly about half of the precessional cycle. Energetically, Sedna is connected with the Galactic Central Sun and its regular pulsations, which occur roughly every 12,800 years. Sedna trine Pluto is a very powerful aspect, which harmoniously starts to introduce us to the next Galactic superwave which is about to occur in our near future:

As we are nearing the end of the cycle, the dark forces are freaking out because they know their end is near. Because their pandemic plan failed, they are now trying to engineer a new world war through the conflict in Ukraine. Their plan is to escalate the war into a nuclear conflict by provoking both sides, thus depopulate the surface, and rescue about 1 million of Illuminati members into underground bunkers. Here you can see that the same politicians who were promoting coronavirus Great Reset are now trying to escalate the Ukrainian situation into a world war:

In some circles, their plan is known under the codename Doom 33, in other circles it is known as Z-Plan or Plan Z:

Black Nobility families and Jesuits know about the coming Galactic pulse and are worshiping the Galactic central Sun as the Black Sun:

They would like to trigger the Galactic pulse as part of their End Time prophecies with nuclear war “ordo ab chao” ekpyrosis:

On the Russian side, one of their main agents is Patriarch Kirill:

He was a KGB agent under codename Mikhailov:

Where he fell under the Jesuit influence:

His main goal is to recapture Kiev for Russia and restore it as the capital of the Russian Orthodox Church:

There are also some Black nobility agents in the top echelons of the Russian military, and they have codenamed the Russian invasion of Ukraine as Operation Z:

All those people were pressuring Putin to invade Ukraine, when at the same time he was being targeted with directed energy weapons to weaken his resistance to Plan Z.

When Russian military received intel about Ukrainian plans to attack Donbas in March 2022, that was the last straw:

Pallavicini is a Black nobility family that is influencing Putin indirectly from Rome:

Pleiadian advisers to the Russian top brass were strongly against the invasion and were giving plans how to resolve the situation peacefully, but they were not listened to. This war creates a lot of needless suffering both for Ukrainian and Russian people, and needs to end as soon as possible. Therefore the Light forces are still asking as many people as possible to join our meditation for peace:

On the Ukrainian side, Plan Z is being promoted through ultra-secretive Neonazi “Group Z” which was formed by Black nobility families during World War 2 in Germany:

And you can see Ukrainian soldiers wearing the symbol of the Black Sun:

The Light forces can prevent more than 99% of all negative scenarios, but they can not prevent all of them all the time, especially if the Dark forces attempt them over and over again. Therefore it is very unlikely that the current war in Ukraine will escalate much further, but it is not totally impossible.

There are other situations worldwide that need our attention.

The attacks with directed energy weapons on the key Lightworkers and Ligthwarriors continue:

Majority of people in Afghanistan and Yemen are facing extreme poverty and starvation:

Therefore our meditation for Afghanistan is still very much needed:

Light forces have communicated that there is small but real possibility of internet disruptions in the very near future and it would be wise that may people make printed copies of the articles in this blog, especially the newer articles that are not covered in the book:

All existing Cobra interviews are gathered here:

And it would be good if many people can make copies of that file.

In those turbulent times, it is important to find inner peace:

And develop compassion:

Many people are clearly lacking compassion, as you can see everywhere in the state of the world, including in the comments on my blog, and also here:

On a brighter note, humanity is starting to expand into space:

And most people are beginning to understand that we are not alone:

Scientists are beginning to open to the idea of humanoid life across the universe:

Scientist are also beginning to understand that black hole singularities do not exist and are rather quantum vacua, and black holes are actually fuzzballs made of 11th dimensional strings:

They are also beginning to understand that dark energy does not exist, it is simply Casimir force acting upon spacetime continuum from the quantum level:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be:

Victory of the Light!

Original Post: