"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Energy Update

We got a huge energy wave since days and cause different symptoms - some may feel bliss, high vibe, strange vivid dreams, for some may cause pains, headaches, tiredness, weakness. I had those and extra that I´m unmotivated, I felt my body like a jelly, very tired after sleeping, headaches all around my head, but sleeping was very helpful. Nowadays I sleep like a rock.
 Today I had nausea but after some kitchen activity it´s become better now.

This is an older article, but still actual I think.


It’s lasted so far many hours today, and ongoing. Perhaps the most significant incoming energies yet. For various reasons.

As I’ve mentioned for many years now, incoming energy has intentionally been increasing, incrementally, in frequency, strength and light coding patterns received, by design of the Grand Plan. Increasing since 2015. The incremental increases allow the human to build up ability to receive and withstand more and more higher frequency energy to their body, received via our Sun. It has to increase a bit at a time for the physical vessel to absorb and adjust, to become a higher frequency human being. Increases to hertz energy allow the body to become at it’s maximum, in order to withstand (by human frequency degree) the future anticipated EVENT WAVE. The Event Wave is a one off emission of the HIGHEST magnitude of energy hertz this world has ever known, and will change the dynamics upon Gaia.

Today’s incoming energies bring full body ecstasy sensation that is lasting many hours and ongoing. This is likened (but not exactly the a same), as the feeling to the body at/after orgasm. But it is felt to the WHOLE body, today for many consecutive hours. Your physical vessel may also feel like jelly, wobbly. This IS the incoming energies we are currently receiving. This is great news because this blast that is staying for several hours already is FAR MORE in line to the Event Wave sensations we will experience when it happens. Bare in mind each will feel the Event Wave uniquely, as per their frequency and ability to withstand increased frequencies to the physical vessel.

Today’s energies are targeting the Heart Chakra. A huge heart expansion is taking place upon Gaia. You may feel a large area sensation in the chest. Possibly heart palpitations. It’s easy to think it’s anxiety in the body and then go down the rabbit hole of the mind finding a reason for ‘the anxiety’, but it isn’t mental anxiety. It is HIGH HEART expansion occurring energetically. You may also feel extremely tired and need to rest.

On the opposite end of the human spectrum, be aware these energies may trigger people. They may snap, be irritable, or short-fuse. They won’t know in that instant it is the incoming energy affecting them. It may bring out for them old belief systems or ingrained behavioural patterns that may/may not be seen.

It’s all ok. To welcome this intense and variable energy means you will flow with it so it’s easier to be with. To complain means we would be resisting our expansion so it will be harder for the mind to allow and just let go. The more we flow, the more energy we receive, as we are effectively saying “Yes” to it. The more we resist, is us effectively saying “No” so we will receive less incoming energy next time around. Just be at peace, knowing what it is, and that physical sysmtoms will pass. Drink plenty of water. How we respond mentally is an inner choice and our power to choose thoughts. If you struggle, remember Sacred Breath, it will zero point you right away. Remember incoming energy take three days to intergrate/absorb into the physical cells. So we WILL see a massive expansion of the heart this week, as anticipated on Sunday and spoken about at The Tor on that FB Live. This IS a week of massive heart expansion! But remember, everyone is on a different journey and at different stages. So whilst some will feel the beauty of PURE LOVE, some may feel lost. We can give them Love, upfront or at a distance. The beauty of energy is it can not be quarantined! It knows no distance and can be given instantly. Such is the magic and power of LOVE, that is OUR energy beyond time and space.

Wow! Amazing! Keep going!

One Love
28 April 2020

Ascension energies are powerful right now. As we move towards the 5/5 gate and the Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon we can expect this.

Symptoms can be nausea, exhaustion, digestive and nervous system issues. These can also arise as we navigate the heavy energies currently being experienced on the earth.

You may have noticed that, other than in my webinars, I have not had much to say about the current struggle of consciousness that is ongoing on the Earth.

That is primarily because I believe that, as the Founder Angels demonstrated, the only way for Love to emerge victorious is for us to focus on Love and Be the Love. In the current context that means being in a high frequency of Love and Compassion and focussing on the New Earth that is emerging.

Anything else pulls you down into the low frequencies of anger and fear and renders you liable to being manipulated by the unscrupulous and cynical forces at work right now.

Remember that there are many "opinions" and "perspectives" out there, but Love is the only Cosmic Reality and Truth.

At this beautiful time of what I call "Pleiades Rising" the Light Codes emerging from Alcyone are lighting our way into the New Earth consciousness. Don't allow yourselves to drop frequency and drop out of the new timeline. You are all needed to manifest the New Earth Reality.

Also available now are waves of beautiful and compassionate energy from the Divine Feminine Heart that is so strong in the Taurus region of the galaxy.

The Beautiful and Blessed energy of Mother Mary is available to heal and guide and activate us to new levels of Compassion and Love.

It really can be as simple as being a vessel for Divine Love and Compassion and holding space for Beauty to manifest around you. The Divine Feminine so needs space to Be on our Earth right now.

Have a beautiful and blessed and light filled day!

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