"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

The Frequency of Truth by Hoshino

Below is a note that I feel guided to write in response to the Short Situation Update from Cobra dated March 2, 2018. I hope this will help my fellow Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers to prepare for the upcoming release of intel.

Please feel free to share this far and wide on your blogs and social media if what I wrote below resonates with you.

You can also download this note using the link below for offline reading.


Victory of the Light!

Do You Know How to Discern the Frequency of Truth?

In light of the March 2, 2018 Short Situation Update from Cobra, where he states;

“In the near future, I will be able to release a lot of intel not directly related to surface operations.The Light Forces have requested me to release intel about Goddess mysteries and some “other” intel that was until now deeply classified. This intel may trigger strong reactions from many members of the surface population reading this blog. Stay Calm. Victory of the Light.” http://2012portal.blogspot.co.uk/2018/03/short-situation-update_2.html

I would like to discuss with my fellow Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers the importance of realizing there is a specific “Frequency of Truth”.

For those of us awake and aware enough to grasp the concept that we live in a vibrational Universe, that matter consists of vibration on a quantum level all the way down to the physical level… we determine that vibration is what people sensitive to energies can feel, hear, sense, see and resonate to using empathic abilities. In our lifetime, we've all had the experience of someone directly lying to our face. We just knew the words coming from them were not factual. The reason for this is, there is a specific frequency that truth emits. There is a specific frequency to deception and lies. Truth resonates to a certain high vibration. We as Divine beings having a ‘human experience,’ are fully capable of reading this when it is presented to us in either form. We can learn to decipher the difference between them by paying close attention to how they feel when we are faced with either of them in the moment.

As we may be aware, the Dark Elites bombard us with many types of low vibrating frequencies used to distort and suppress our intuitive abilities to decipher and discern truth from fiction. These negative, interfering frequencies are downright unpleasant. They can cause confusion, pain, emotional turmoil, block our abilities, distraction from truth, and so on. They are microwave, scalar, WIFI, etc. There are many ways we can combat or offset these negative frequencies to be as clear as possible when receiving information without being negatively triggered. The best way is to keep your vibration high and stay in your heart space.

Crystals and orgone generators provide assistance in creating a field of light around us that will assist in blocking interfering frequencies. There are also technologies, and special devices that are very helpful. For those interested, you can do research on these subjects to see which is best for you.

It is also of the utmost importance to first acknowledge and declare the fact that there are enormous amounts of intelligence which have been purposely hidden from us by the Dark Forces in order to maintain quarantine Earth. Make the decision to read and absorb any new information to be distributed by Cobra as part of the disclosure process without judgment. As intel is distributed to the surface population, we must understand not all of it will be pleasant. We already know of many atrocities the Dark commits upon and within this beautiful planet. So, just by making the choice to at least listen to new intelligence with an open mind is extremely important.

Once we decide we will be open to listening to new intel/information, we will then need to use our discernment to see how the new intel resonates within the core of our Soul. The truth is, that most people are so heavily programmed that they are more willing to believe an outright lie, than believe actual truth when it is presented to them in a factual way!

This is a very cunning aspect of the mind-control programming of the matrix. It is of vital importance to be able to understand whether you are processing a new piece of intel through the filter of a dark mind-control program/belief system, or actually through the lens of your Higher Self!

Do you know the difference?

Are you capable of seeing where you have been duped or fooled?

Let’s explore this…

A mind-control belief system is usually an ideology that has been indoctrinated into our minds at a very early age by institutions of ‘higher learning’. They are political, religious, educational and often passed down through family lines. We are taught whom to hate, whom to like, and what to believe about the world. We are taught skewed perceptions about our origins, history, and the ‘other side’ and the higher realms. All of this is built upon false pretenses or deliberate falsified information to create a false reality construct to support the narrative of the Dark. Without getting into detail, we all are aware of these types of belief structures that limit/control the thinking processes of the population and keep people in the dark.

We must look deep inside ourselves to examine what needs releasing that distorts our ability to determine truth from fiction. This way we can actually see, feel, hear, and sense truth without interference. Often times, when we try to tell another a deep/factual truth about corrupt governments, or false flag events, ET's and the secret space programs etc, they react negatively from their programming instead of their higher logic. We are then actually battling with a belief system instead of the ‘real’ mind of the person involved. This is also something we must see within ourselves. Once we can decipher where we still carry certain programming, we can override it with conscious choices to allow new information to flow within and see how it feels to our higher being. Sometimes, it will take a while for it to fully click. It’s fine to try this in small increments until you are able to fully digest new and possibly disturbing intel/information.

An immediate defensive and angry reaction to new and disturbing intel/information is a common response when a person is still operating from the mind-control programming of the ‘matrix’. If we find ourselves having this knee-jerk reaction, we must examine why we are actually rejecting possible factual information that may bring about higher awakening. We must take the time to put it through our inner-filter of the Higher Self to see if it truly resonates with the authentic part our being.

This is how we can determine if it is actual truth, or if it is complete hogwash. Once we have gotten to a place where we are willing to accept the possibility the new intel we’ve been subjected to is authentic, we can then take steps necessary to process it without inflicting emotional trauma on ourselves or others. Let’s face it, there is more information about the dark occupation of Earth that we do NOT know, than what we actually DO know! So, as disclosure happens, we have to be willing to accept there will be truths we may not find appealing due to the disturbing content. How will we process this if it is very disturbing?

Due to the fact that many of us have been here on quarantine Earth for many lifetimes during the dark occupation, there will be no doubt we will have experienced negative situations that may potentially trigger something as we learn more about past and present horrors executed by the Dark Forces. Our souls remember these lifetimes and situations though we may not remember them consciously. When certain highly sensitive intel is released by Cobra, it may trigger some of the trauma we’ve experienced in other lifetimes. It may create a very negative response within us. This response does NOT necessarily mean it’s not truth. Actually, it can mean the opposite! Our highly charged emotional response can be an indication that on some level we are well aware it IS truth. Otherwise, we would not have such a highly charged reaction. This is something we need to understand. It is not of the highest good to attack the messenger, and it's not going to serve anyone to attack others from a triggered response of suppressed emotion. One must take time to process and understand the reasons you may be responding negatively. It’s most likely due to the fact that your soul is having a conscious memory of a past life trauma. It will be necessary to take time to breathe deeply, meditate, take a walk in nature and think through the activated memory. Or, find the way that helps you personally process these feelings. Everyone has different ways to stay calm and integrate information. Ask others if you need assistance.

We are of course talking about pre-Event disclosure based on the last paragraph in his above mentioned article. This type of intel will be a true test to see how much work we've done on ourselves to date, and what we still need to address, if anything. There are many options and modalities available to assist us with processing distressing information. Please connect with others of like-mind to help support your process. Ask others for ways they cope with deep stress or grief. Communicate kindly and peacefully to support one another to create a safe space to discuss your feelings.

Here are a few guidelines to use to ease the process if you find you are emotionally triggered:

Try to discern if you are being triggered as a result of your beliefs, or if you are having a type of past life memory. The triggering of a belief system will induce the need to argue due to the fear of having your current reality shattered. A past life memory trigger will be much more of a heart-related response. It will feel like a deep knowing or experience has been triggered. Though the emotional response may not be pleasant, it is very different from a belief system/defense mechanism reaction.

Take the time to sit quietly to let the new information flow into your being without judgment. See how it feels to allow it to possibly be truth. If you find yourself rejecting it immediately, ask yourself what you stand to lose if you accept it as truth? Ask why it scares or disturbs you so much? If you find the space to allow it to begin to be part of your accepted reality, and it still disturbs you, just be patient and take baby steps. You can revisit it again so as not to overwhelm yourself. If it does not resonate with your being on any level, you can choose to reject it, or just revisit it later when you are less emotional.

Ask for your Higher Guidance to come in to help assist you with the process. Ask your Spirit guides and Angels, Archangel Michael, and other Ascended Masters, Goddesses and Gods to help you process and understand the bigger picture at play behind the scenes. Ask them to comfort and calm you.

Do a meditation to connect to your Higher Self. Ask to utilize the highest filter you have to deal with information the proper way. It is important to realize there’s a huge difference between logic created and implemented by the ‘mind-control’ matrix, and logic of the Higher Self. Higher logic is a way to understand and examine the bigger picture instead of lower logic only seeing through the eyes of fear. We must look through the Eyes of Source and our Higher Selves to attain a proper perspective not possible from the lens of lower fear-based logic.

It can really help to read and absorb the new information in increments for easier processing. In order to have keen discernment of whether intelligence is truth or fiction, we must have an accurate discernment process. We can only do that when in a clear headspace and a balanced emotional energy field. Do whatever you need to find this balance instead of freaking out or attacking others. Take a walk in nature, go for a bike ride, or find some quiet and calm in a way you find comfortable. If you are creative, sing, dance, paint, play music, or do whatever you need to find your connection to Source to balance yourself. It is also vital to ground into the heart of Mother Earth to help with balance when faced with disturbing or shocking situations. We must have our coping mechanisms directly available to us in order to utilize our discernment properly. Make sure you use all tools in your arsenal before you pass any strong judgments or cause any issues you may regret. Our Purpose Here on Earth

Our purpose here on Earth is multifaceted. One of the main reasons we are here is to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet once we've awakened. We also affect the Collective consciousness field of Humanity with our vibrations/thoughts in a more heightened, powerful way than those asleep. We can use this power to greatly assist the planetary liberation...instead of being puppets of the Dark as they find ways to manipulate us to work against liberation by infighting.

We must understand that as awakened Humans, we are 1000xs more effective and powerful when manifesting our intentions than those who remain asleep. As we meditate or send our intentions into the Universe, our emotional energy is projected directly into the planetary light grid, and the Collective consciousness. We are capable of creating serious positive change if we do this with deliberate intent. So, it is of the utmost importance that we use our powers for good! It's important to have a purified stream of consciousness free from negative, lower emotional thought-forms such as anger, hatred, disunity, fear and so on. The simple act of choosing to respect feelings of awakened people we disagree with, not arguing or attacking them, is a huge step in the right direction. Please refrain from infighting. We must not fall victim to those who purposely work to trigger us into knee-jerk, negative reactions. We must harness the inner-power over ourselves and refuse to react to any such situation. We must learn to take responsibility for our own thoughts, actions and vibrational field we project into the light grid, and the Universe. This action alone will keep us very protected from lower energies, and will also keep us from engaging in dramas that distract us from our purpose and mission.

Cintamani stones are tools we can utilize to mirror our shadows back to us so we can effectively address them. They are Ascension stones. They assist us by reflecting back what we need to work on within ourselves. They reveal the areas where our being needs healing. We must process and release what does not serve us so we can hold more light. The result will be a much more purified stream of consciousness. This will allow higher ascension energies to activate our being, and magnify our manifesting abilities. We will not be interested in engaging in lower acts of negative promptings by the
Dark. We will find more peace and joy in things of a higher vibrational frequency. The stones allow us to see areas where we may still be mind-controlled (also a shadow). As well as, helping us to find ways to release programming in order to operate from a clear vessel/mind space. When we use the stones to meditate with our questions about intel or any situation, they can help us to access clear, higher guidance more easily.

It is very important to understand the magnificent power of our thoughts. And to witness how we are always interacting with Universal energies that create and manifest worlds. We are always interacting with this field, because we are part of it! We are part of the Universe. We directly connect with what some call the 'Law of Attraction' or the ‘Law of Magnetism'. We cannot just choose what we are sending out if we have both negative and positive thoughts emanating from us. The Universe responds to both. It is not a punishment when something negative manifests, it is actually a result of thoughts, fears or worrying as we are projecting out into the Universal field. For this reason we must purify our thoughts to manifest only what we truly desire. We must understand that we are pioneers of thought and action. This is part of the reason we are here as awakened beings on Earth right now. We are here to pave the way for those who are not aware of the planetary hostage situation. We are here to anchor light. We are here to be the lighthouses; beacons of light necessary to clear a path for those who cannot see.

We are here to create new ways of thinking and understanding that are being directly anchored into the planetary grid and collective consciousness of Humanity. In turn, it assists those who are newly awakening and manifests as guidance on their path.

For this reason, it is very important for us to hone our abilities to discern truth from deception:

To always act with compassion and understanding toward ourselves and others.
To act in respectable ways that create role models for those who will need our assistance. We must be able to relay this information in a calm and factual way to others with integrity.

We must find positive and effective ways for each of us to cope with information that we dislike or that may disturb us on deep levels. We must learn not to react in the ways that the Dark desires us to react! We must support and love each other instead of attack each other or abandon our missions all together. If we attack each other the Dark wins...hands down.

How will your respond to this upcoming disclosure?

How will you respond to full disclosure?

Will you do so with integrity and dignity, or with negativity and step into attack mode?

It is ultimately your choice. But, just understand that one of these choices is much harder on you than the other. If you let new information turn your world upside-down, who will turn it right-side up again?

You can take the necessary steps to hold the light, and hold the torch of truth.

And with it, light the way for your path, and that of others… or you can drop the torch into a realm of distortion and chaos.

We hope you will be a proud Torchholder.

Original Post:

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