"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix
Monthly Ascended Masters and Stellar Healing Rays Remote Healing on March 30th and 31st
There will be two remote healing sessions on March 30th and 31st at the time listed below:
First Day:March 30th from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC
Second Day:March 31st from 2 PM to 2:30 PM UTC
Where? International Golden Age Group Youtube channel - search the LIVE version
Please feel free to attend any or both of these sessions.
More information HERE
Blue Moon Full Moon Meditation - 31.03 - 2:45 pm UTC
Full Blue moon meditation on March 31st
Right after the second remote healing session, there will be a Full Moon meditation at 2:45 PM UTC on Saturday, March 31st.
This will be the second full moon meditations for this month, and the second blue moon of 2018.
This blue moon is an opportunity to work with your fears and to release them from your subconscious. It can help to transform your negative thought energy into positive thought energy.
More interestingly, this blue moon will occur over the Easter weekend. Easter/Ishtar is an important time during the natural cycle, when Goddess Ishtar is birthing new life in all sorts of ways possible.
The guided audio for this meditation in English can be found in the link below.
Guided audio in other languages can also be found in the following playlist created by Smaly7:
Here is the Facebook event for the Full Moon Meditation
Instructions (Suggested time for this meditation is 15 minutes):
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use the present meditation, during this Full Moon, as a powerful Light Portal anchoring Pure Divine Feminine energy to the planet.
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through all points of Light in our galaxy and in our solar system and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Then visualize another pillar of Light rising from the core of the planet and going through you and then through all beings of Light in our galaxy back to the Galactic Central Sun. You are now anchored in two pillars of Light, the energy is flowing donwards and upwards simultaneously.
4. Now visualize this energy as Soft Pink Ray of Light flowing through your body and then through your hands in form of a spiral expanding throughout the whole planet encompassing all beings and all life on Gaia and the planet itself. Visualize this soft pink light healing all beings, animals and plants, healing minds and hearts of every man, woman and child.
5. See all beings on the planet experiencing pure Goddess energy. See them free from the grip of the dark forces, see them all healed, with all burdens taken away. Visualize all people living in Peace, Harmony, Love and Understanding with each other. See them celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of the New society on planet in abundance, prosperity and unity. And then see everybody’s needs being met and everybody living their life as they desire.
6. See the Flower of Life Planetary Light Grid filled with loving pink Goddess Light of Unconditional Love. Visualize all goddess vortices on the planet being activated together with all divine masculine vortices and the planetary Light grid being accomplished and fully activated.
And so it is
Original Post:
The Pleiadians - written by Cobra
Pleiadians are beings of Love and Light. Most of the surface population is so enmeshed in the dysfunctional state of affairs on this planet that it is difficult for them to believe that beings that are full of Love and Light without an agenda really exist.
But they do. In fact, beings like that are the majority in this Galaxy. And Pleiadians are among them.
Pleiadians originate from angelic evolution that entered this dimensional universe by entering through the Galactic Central Sun portal.
They have then explored the Galaxy in their angelic Light bodies until they settled in the Pleiades star cluster which emerged from plasma into the physical plane about 18 million years ago.
They were consciously trying to densify one of their plasma home planets into the physical dense matter and the planet exploded.
Fragments of their exploded home world scattered throughout the Galaxy and some of them hit the Earth as Moldavites:
One big piece of Moldavite with 144,000 Light encodements of 144,000 volunteers for the Earth mission was later carved into a holy Grail.
One big piece of Moldavite with 144,000 Light encodements of 144,000 volunteers for the Earth mission was later carved into a holy Grail.
Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Pleiadians have learned that violence does not solve problems and have decided not to partake in Galactic wars anymore, and turned their focus on building a peaceful culture that expanded on hundreds of planets in the Pleiades star cluster that make the Pleiadian confederation.
They believe in beauty and harmony and their lifestyle reflects this. They surround themselves with liquid light:
They surround themselves with beautiful art:
And music
They live in crystal cities that shine like tiny quartz crystals among greenery of nature:
Many of these cities are like crystal places underground and below oceans on planets in the Pleiades star cluster.
They do not need much sleep and sustain their physical bodies with a special elixir:

They understand the secrets of immortality, but rarely choose to keep the same physical body for more than 1000 years. They are very positive, joyful and sensual.
Erotic love is one of the most important aspects of their lives and they know how to heal with that energy:
Erotic love is one of the most important aspects of their lives and they know how to heal with that energy:
The Pleiadians have been contacting the surface population for millennia:
In order to break the Quarantine status of this planet, they have contacted the Vril girls (die Vrilerinnen) to start the German secret space program:
After the dark forces have hijacked the German secret space program, the Pleiadians have rescued the Vril girls from the surface of the planet in 1945 in a secret project codenamed “Niemand bleibt hier” (nobody stays here).
The Pleiadians have contacted president Eisenhower in 1954, trying to prevent a nuclear war:
The Pleiadians have contacted me in 1977, trying to prevent a nuclear war:
The Pleiadians did manage to prevent a nuclear war, but were not able to prevent the Archon invasion in 1996:
The Archons were even able to invade the Pleiadian star cluster briefly between 1996 and 1999:
After the Pleiades star cluster was liberated in 1999 and the majority of Pleiadian hostages were liberated from military underground bases on Earth, the Pleiadians have contacted me in late 2001 and given me instructions to construct Tachyon healing chambers:
They were, however, not able to prevent the murder of my soulmate.
It is therefore beyond my understanding how certain people actually believe that this blog is some kind of elaborate scam and that I am manipulating people. These people have serious trust issues and would benefit from a therapy. Also, people posting banana or donkey comments on this blog will be forever banned from posting anything again. And if you do not know what a banana or a donkey comment is, think twice before posting and predict the consequences.
This is not a joke, this is a serious war in which I have given to a noble cause far more than most people have, and I have lost far more than most people have. Therefore I deserve respect.
The surface of this planet has far more darkness than me, the Resistance or the Pleiadians have ever expected. Clearing of this complex situation unavoidably creates delays. I do not like them. You do not like them. Nobody likes them. So stop being a beta, stop whining and complaining and DO something to make the surface of the planet more bearable. You can not afford private property to become part of the Contact Dish project, because “only the Cabal can afford to own property”?
Here is land for sale under $500 that is suitable for Contact Dish project which I found spending 20 seconds on google:
Someone has made a brilliant comment and put Contact Dish project very nicely in the context of the Event:
“So the key is to think about it in a multidimensional way... there is no one linear step by step path to the Event. There are many different timelines shifting in probability and alternate ways it can happen. By disclosing these projects they are co-created in the field created by the RM and all of us. This timeline stabilization then raises the overall vibration and quantum field which then supports all positive timelines. Including the one where the Event happens. “
What to expect now? I can promise you blood, sweat and tears:
And then, I can promise you Victory of the Light.
When? Nobody knows. The Event will NOT happen until the vast majority of plasma toplet bombs are removed.
Until then, you are very welcome to join us in Budapest, Hungary on April 14th and 15th on the first Ascension conference in 2018:
Or you can join us in Taipei, Taiwan for the second conference on May 12th and 13th:
Victory of the Light!
Original Post:
Contact - Cobra update (03.18)
Galactic Confederation forces of Light have decreed the surface of this planet to be turned into Confederation domain according to the Galactic Codex, section IV/2.
Not much intel about surface operations can be given to surface population for obvious reasons. The only thing I can say is that there is quite a high number of Chimera-controlled Draco and Reptilian hybrids that were incarnated into human clone bodies inside underground bases during the last Archon invasion between 1996 and 1999. After 9-11 false flag event in 2001, they started coming to the surface and infiltrating higher echelons of power inside human society. This situation is being addressed right now by the Light Forces as part of Operation Mjolnir
Let me just say that the hostage situation on the surface of the planet is very difficult and liberation might take a little bit longer than expected.
This is the reason the Light forces advise against any speculation about the timing of the Event to avoid disappointment and suggest you rather start focusing on your mission and living your life to its fullest in the Now:
Not much intel about surface operations can be given to surface population for obvious reasons. The only thing I can say is that there is quite a high number of Chimera-controlled Draco and Reptilian hybrids that were incarnated into human clone bodies inside underground bases during the last Archon invasion between 1996 and 1999. After 9-11 false flag event in 2001, they started coming to the surface and infiltrating higher echelons of power inside human society. This situation is being addressed right now by the Light Forces as part of Operation Mjolnir
Let me just say that the hostage situation on the surface of the planet is very difficult and liberation might take a little bit longer than expected.
This is the reason the Light forces advise against any speculation about the timing of the Event to avoid disappointment and suggest you rather start focusing on your mission and living your life to its fullest in the Now:
Each day, tens of thousands of people die of hunger and malnutrition:
This indicates the power of control that the Dark forces still have on the surface of the planet. If the Event would be triggered before toplet bombs are dealt with, the number of casualties would be much much higher.
To prepare the planet for Compression Breakthrough, the Light Forces have asked me to instruct the surface population to change the surface of the planet into a Contact Dish.
If you own a property that has a small flat area big enough for a small Pleiadian saucer craft to land, you can silently say the following decree:
“In the name of my I Am presence, I decree and I command a landing of a Pleiadian ship on the land that I own, and my physical first contact with the Pleiadians from that ship, as soon as possible in the best possible way. “
It is very important that you NEVER say this decree aloud and that you never speak about your decree to anyone, otherwise you can not become part of the Contact Dish project.
Combined free will of thousands of people making this decree worldwide will send a coherent contact signal of pulsating Light into the energy grid of the planet and to the Pleiadians. It will effectively turn the whole planet into a Contact Dish. The critical mass needed for this to happen is around 12,000 people. This will be an indication for the Pleiadians and the Galactic Central Race that the awakened part of the human population has reached a spiritual maturity that equals 0.75 on the Kardashev scale:
This will be an indicator that contact sequence can begin.
This indicates the power of control that the Dark forces still have on the surface of the planet. If the Event would be triggered before toplet bombs are dealt with, the number of casualties would be much much higher.
To prepare the planet for Compression Breakthrough, the Light Forces have asked me to instruct the surface population to change the surface of the planet into a Contact Dish.
If you own a property that has a small flat area big enough for a small Pleiadian saucer craft to land, you can silently say the following decree:
“In the name of my I Am presence, I decree and I command a landing of a Pleiadian ship on the land that I own, and my physical first contact with the Pleiadians from that ship, as soon as possible in the best possible way. “
It is very important that you NEVER say this decree aloud and that you never speak about your decree to anyone, otherwise you can not become part of the Contact Dish project.
Combined free will of thousands of people making this decree worldwide will send a coherent contact signal of pulsating Light into the energy grid of the planet and to the Pleiadians. It will effectively turn the whole planet into a Contact Dish. The critical mass needed for this to happen is around 12,000 people. This will be an indication for the Pleiadians and the Galactic Central Race that the awakened part of the human population has reached a spiritual maturity that equals 0.75 on the Kardashev scale:
This will be an indicator that contact sequence can begin.
Humanity is ready for contact:
The contact sequence is correctly described in the last pages of the following book:
Let the contact sequence begin. Let us turn this planet into a Contact Dish!
Victory of the Light!
The contact sequence is correctly described in the last pages of the following book:
Let the contact sequence begin. Let us turn this planet into a Contact Dish!
Victory of the Light!
My note:
IV/2: The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional
right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the
areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary
subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied
planets with military force. The military forces of the Confederation
remove or give assistance in removal of the representatives of the Dark
Forces and set the hostages free. Then other Confederation forces guide
the process of acceptance of the planet into the Confederation by
instructing the local population.
some humans feel that the Confederation has no right to intervene and
that humanity has the right to solve its problems by itself. This is
simply not true. Many wars all over the planet and constant abuse of
basic human rights have proven that humanity is not capable of handling
its own situation. So it is much better that it receives wise guardians
to guide it. The Confederation will give assistance in replacing
current masters of the puppets (Dark Forces) that humanity has invited
long ago in Atlantis. Then the Galactic Codex will finally become the
universal code of ethics throughout the universe and darkness will be no
More information about the Galactic Codex - http://beyondtheveil2017.blogspot.co.at/2018/01/galactic-codex.html
Cobra updated the post with the following -
7x7 meters / yards is the absolute minimum for a small Pleiadian ship to land,
30x30 meters is optimal.
Needless to say, Pleiadians are positive beings of Light. If you are not sure about that, then Contact Dish protocol is not for you.
Cobra updated the post with the following -
7x7 meters / yards is the absolute minimum for a small Pleiadian ship to land,
30x30 meters is optimal.
Needless to say, Pleiadians are positive beings of Light. If you are not sure about that, then Contact Dish protocol is not for you.
Original Post:
Breakthrough Meditation at 4-hours interval
We are going to do Breakthrough Meditation at the following times, until further notice.
- 2 AM UTC
- 6 AM UTC
- 10 AM UTC
- 2 PM UTC
- 6 PM UTC
- 10 PM UTC
Details of the Breakthrough Meditation can be found in this link below:
Emergency meditation (3 PM UTC) (every day)
The aim of this meditation is to heal the planet Earth, calm any storms and natural/man-made disasters, protect whistleblowers, ease the tensions in Iran and Myanmar, as well as any future locations with emergency situations.
Guided Meditation videos - Just choose your language
Facebook Event for Emergency Meditation
Facebook Event for Emergency Meditation
Instructions: (Suggested meditation time is 15 minutes)
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of healing for Earth and her inhabitants.
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
4. Visualize the Flower of Life Grid around the planet lit up with Pink loving Goddess Light, White fire of AN, Blue flame of Archangel Michael, Violet Flame, and finally Green and Golden Light.
5. Visualize this Light spreading through all areas of the planet needing the most healing and protection, preventing, harmonizing and healing severe weather, dangerous tectonic activity, war zones, damaging fires, attacks on key lightworkers and whistleblowers, abuse of animals, plants and eco-systems. Visualize all situations on the surface being harmonized and pacified, with all sentient beings being protected and provided with all necessities and medical care.
6. Visualize the Soul star chakra of all cabal middlemen participating in dark force operations, lighting up with brilliant white Light. Visualize this Light spreading down from their Soul star chakra in a form of a vortex into their personality and energy fields, inspiring them to give up these activities and join society in a positive and constructive way.
7. Visualize the Light forces coming around Earth's surface, and The Event taking place, finally liberating the planet Earth.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of healing for Earth and her inhabitants.
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
4. Visualize the Flower of Life Grid around the planet lit up with Pink loving Goddess Light, White fire of AN, Blue flame of Archangel Michael, Violet Flame, and finally Green and Golden Light.
5. Visualize this Light spreading through all areas of the planet needing the most healing and protection, preventing, harmonizing and healing severe weather, dangerous tectonic activity, war zones, damaging fires, attacks on key lightworkers and whistleblowers, abuse of animals, plants and eco-systems. Visualize all situations on the surface being harmonized and pacified, with all sentient beings being protected and provided with all necessities and medical care.
6. Visualize the Soul star chakra of all cabal middlemen participating in dark force operations, lighting up with brilliant white Light. Visualize this Light spreading down from their Soul star chakra in a form of a vortex into their personality and energy fields, inspiring them to give up these activities and join society in a positive and constructive way.
7. Visualize the Light forces coming around Earth's surface, and The Event taking place, finally liberating the planet Earth.
Breakthrough meditation (2 PM UTC every day)
The aim of this meditation is to help the Light Forces to clear all the remaining toplet bombs and sublunar space, so that the Compression Breakthrough and The Event can happen in the fastest, smoothest and best possible way.
Guided Meditation Link - Just choose your language -
Guided Meditation Link - Just choose your language -
Facebook event for Breakthrough Meditation
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to help the Compression Breakthrough and The Event to happen in the fastest, smoothest and best possible way.
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
4. Visualize the Violet Flame spreading all around Earth's surface and sublunar space, transmuting all negative energies, spreading throughout all remaining areas controlled by the dark forces, assisting the Light forces to Liberate and Heal this planet.
5. Visualize the White Fire of AN spreading all around Earth’s surface and sublunar space, assisting the Light forces to remove and transmute all remaining negative plasma entities, worms, Yaldabaoth, all negative weapons of the dark forces, such as toplet bombs and directed energy weapons, plasma weapons and scalar weapons and all remaining dark forces and dark energies. Visualize only Light remaining on Earth and all of Creation.
6. Now visualize a soft pink healing Divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing Peace, Harmony, Understanding, Abundance and Unity. Visualize this soft Pink light healing the minds and Hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in Unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our New Reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire.
7. Visualize the Light forces coming all around Earth’s surface, and The Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth.
Original Post:
Sexual Energy written by Cobra
Sexual energy is connected to one of the deepest Goddess mysteries, the mystery of reintegration of female and male polarities into Ascension. This is the true meaning of the alchemical formula of “solve et coagula”.
The Archons were manipulating human sexual energy since the late Atlantean period, trying to create as much separation as possible. They did this by implanting women and men in a different way, creating a psychological division and split between female and male personalities. This primary split from the time of Atlantis is the main reason for misunderstandings in male-female relationships.
Females were implanted in a special way that kept their connection with their twin soul intact, but the implant has suppressed sexual connections with all other men. This has conditioned women into monogamy, when women tend to project their twin soul to their current partner.
Males were implanted in a special way that blocked their connection with their twin soul, but the implant has allowed sexual connections with all other women. This has conditioned men into polyamory, when men tend to deny the existence of their twin soul and avoid it by being with many women.
Additionally, both females and males were implanted with an implant that separated sexual energy from the energy of the Heart and were receiving diametrically opposite implants to ensure maximum separation and conflict.
Females were implanted with a program that allows only love without sex. Only in special circumstances where many conditions are met, a woman will feel safe enough to allow sexual energy to fuse with her love.
Males were implanted with a program that allows only sex without love. Only in special circumstances where many conditions are met, a man will feel safe enough to allow love energy to fuse with his sex drive.
On top of all this, the Archons started to violently suppress female sexual energy on the planet with systematic trauma-based programming of women through brutal rapes during the Kurgan Archon invasion more than 5000 years ago:
In the timeframe between 3000 BCE and 300 CE women were still able to express themselves as sexual healers in Goddess temples:
Then the Khazarian Kurgan invasion in the 4th century brutally ended this tradition and sexually suppressed women even further. Then in the middle ages, the Inquisition went one step further by burning many women at the stake.
This trauma-based programming was ongoing for the last 5000 years and has created deep scars in the planetary female psyche. Sadly, this programming is still ongoing by the same perpetrators worldwide in March 2018:
The Archons are also manipulating the Cabal and are pushing the homosexual agenda among Cabal members because they know too well that a genuine positive sexual interaction between a male Cabal member and a woman is the most powerful force that can actually transform the Cabal member into someone that supports the Light.
Many Cabal members have a twisted and distorted access to some of the lesser Goddess mysteries which they have received as part of their occult training. Many Cabal members were dropouts of ancient mystery schools in antiquity in past incarnations when they failed to pass the tests to gain access to greater mysteries and then kept, misused and distorted the lesser mysteries they already had access to:
The Cabal is trying to enforce their distorted perception of the lesser mysteries on the general population through Hollywood and the mass media.
All this has put the surface population in a very fragmented state.
Many men, frustrated with the situation, started to play The Game:
Real healing of the fragmented state of human sexuality will only come through the arrival of Goddess energy to the surface of the planet.
For this to happen, we need to allow ourselves to feel and express our emotions:
The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy. Many times it does not need to be expressed through a sexual union, it can be expressed through a sensual touch. Or through dance:
The purpose of sexual energy is merger of female and male polarities into the One. It is the key to immortality and Ascension.
Sexual merger as part of Ascension process is part of the greater Goddess mysteries.
This was perfectly described in Spiritus Eros, a secret doctrine of a positive Templar group named Ordo Bucintoro:
You can read a description of Spiritus Eros text in German here (you can google translate if you do not speak German):
Many secrets of sexual merger into the One are locked away deeply in the Kaula Tantra system:
And finally, you might wish to read this book:
Victory of the Light!
Original Post:
The Archons were manipulating human sexual energy since the late Atlantean period, trying to create as much separation as possible. They did this by implanting women and men in a different way, creating a psychological division and split between female and male personalities. This primary split from the time of Atlantis is the main reason for misunderstandings in male-female relationships.
Females were implanted in a special way that kept their connection with their twin soul intact, but the implant has suppressed sexual connections with all other men. This has conditioned women into monogamy, when women tend to project their twin soul to their current partner.
Males were implanted in a special way that blocked their connection with their twin soul, but the implant has allowed sexual connections with all other women. This has conditioned men into polyamory, when men tend to deny the existence of their twin soul and avoid it by being with many women.
Additionally, both females and males were implanted with an implant that separated sexual energy from the energy of the Heart and were receiving diametrically opposite implants to ensure maximum separation and conflict.
Females were implanted with a program that allows only love without sex. Only in special circumstances where many conditions are met, a woman will feel safe enough to allow sexual energy to fuse with her love.
Males were implanted with a program that allows only sex without love. Only in special circumstances where many conditions are met, a man will feel safe enough to allow love energy to fuse with his sex drive.
On top of all this, the Archons started to violently suppress female sexual energy on the planet with systematic trauma-based programming of women through brutal rapes during the Kurgan Archon invasion more than 5000 years ago:
In the timeframe between 3000 BCE and 300 CE women were still able to express themselves as sexual healers in Goddess temples:
Then the Khazarian Kurgan invasion in the 4th century brutally ended this tradition and sexually suppressed women even further. Then in the middle ages, the Inquisition went one step further by burning many women at the stake.
This trauma-based programming was ongoing for the last 5000 years and has created deep scars in the planetary female psyche. Sadly, this programming is still ongoing by the same perpetrators worldwide in March 2018:
The Archons are also manipulating the Cabal and are pushing the homosexual agenda among Cabal members because they know too well that a genuine positive sexual interaction between a male Cabal member and a woman is the most powerful force that can actually transform the Cabal member into someone that supports the Light.
Many Cabal members have a twisted and distorted access to some of the lesser Goddess mysteries which they have received as part of their occult training. Many Cabal members were dropouts of ancient mystery schools in antiquity in past incarnations when they failed to pass the tests to gain access to greater mysteries and then kept, misused and distorted the lesser mysteries they already had access to:
The Cabal is trying to enforce their distorted perception of the lesser mysteries on the general population through Hollywood and the mass media.
All this has put the surface population in a very fragmented state.
Many men, frustrated with the situation, started to play The Game:
Real healing of the fragmented state of human sexuality will only come through the arrival of Goddess energy to the surface of the planet.
For this to happen, we need to allow ourselves to feel and express our emotions:

The main key for planetary healing is women allowing themselves to feel and express their sexual energy. Many times it does not need to be expressed through a sexual union, it can be expressed through a sensual touch. Or through dance:
The purpose of sexual energy is merger of female and male polarities into the One. It is the key to immortality and Ascension.
Sexual merger as part of Ascension process is part of the greater Goddess mysteries.
This was perfectly described in Spiritus Eros, a secret doctrine of a positive Templar group named Ordo Bucintoro:
You can read a description of Spiritus Eros text in German here (you can google translate if you do not speak German):
Many secrets of sexual merger into the One are locked away deeply in the Kaula Tantra system:
And finally, you might wish to read this book:
Victory of the Light!
Original Post:
The Frequency of Truth by Hoshino
Below is a note that I feel guided to write in response to the Short Situation Update from Cobra dated March 2, 2018. I hope this will help my fellow Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers to prepare for the upcoming release of intel.
Please feel free to share this far and wide on your blogs and social media if what I wrote below resonates with you.
You can also download this note using the link below for offline reading.
Victory of the Light!
Do You Know How to Discern the Frequency of Truth?
In light of the March 2, 2018 Short Situation Update from Cobra, where he states;
“In the near future, I will be able to release a lot of intel not directly related to surface operations.The Light Forces have requested me to release intel about Goddess mysteries and some “other” intel that was until now deeply classified. This intel may trigger strong reactions from many members of the surface population reading this blog. Stay Calm. Victory of the Light.” http://2012portal.blogspot.co.uk/2018/03/short-situation-update_2.html
I would like to discuss with my fellow Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers the importance of realizing there is a specific “Frequency of Truth”.
For those of us awake and aware enough to grasp the concept that we live in a vibrational Universe, that matter consists of vibration on a quantum level all the way down to the physical level… we determine that vibration is what people sensitive to energies can feel, hear, sense, see and resonate to using empathic abilities. In our lifetime, we've all had the experience of someone directly lying to our face. We just knew the words coming from them were not factual. The reason for this is, there is a specific frequency that truth emits. There is a specific frequency to deception and lies. Truth resonates to a certain high vibration. We as Divine beings having a ‘human experience,’ are fully capable of reading this when it is presented to us in either form. We can learn to decipher the difference between them by paying close attention to how they feel when we are faced with either of them in the moment.
As we may be aware, the Dark Elites bombard us with many types of low vibrating frequencies used to distort and suppress our intuitive abilities to decipher and discern truth from fiction. These negative, interfering frequencies are downright unpleasant. They can cause confusion, pain, emotional turmoil, block our abilities, distraction from truth, and so on. They are microwave, scalar, WIFI, etc. There are many ways we can combat or offset these negative frequencies to be as clear as possible when receiving information without being negatively triggered. The best way is to keep your vibration high and stay in your heart space.
Crystals and orgone generators provide assistance in creating a field of light around us that will assist in blocking interfering frequencies. There are also technologies, and special devices that are very helpful. For those interested, you can do research on these subjects to see which is best for you.
It is also of the utmost importance to first acknowledge and declare the fact that there are enormous amounts of intelligence which have been purposely hidden from us by the Dark Forces in order to maintain quarantine Earth. Make the decision to read and absorb any new information to be distributed by Cobra as part of the disclosure process without judgment. As intel is distributed to the surface population, we must understand not all of it will be pleasant. We already know of many atrocities the Dark commits upon and within this beautiful planet. So, just by making the choice to at least listen to new intelligence with an open mind is extremely important.
Once we decide we will be open to listening to new intel/information, we will then need to use our discernment to see how the new intel resonates within the core of our Soul. The truth is, that most people are so heavily programmed that they are more willing to believe an outright lie, than believe actual truth when it is presented to them in a factual way!
This is a very cunning aspect of the mind-control programming of the matrix. It is of vital importance to be able to understand whether you are processing a new piece of intel through the filter of a dark mind-control program/belief system, or actually through the lens of your Higher Self!
Do you know the difference?
Are you capable of seeing where you have been duped or fooled?
Let’s explore this…
A mind-control belief system is usually an ideology that has been indoctrinated into our minds at a very early age by institutions of ‘higher learning’. They are political, religious, educational and often passed down through family lines. We are taught whom to hate, whom to like, and what to believe about the world. We are taught skewed perceptions about our origins, history, and the ‘other side’ and the higher realms. All of this is built upon false pretenses or deliberate falsified information to create a false reality construct to support the narrative of the Dark. Without getting into detail, we all are aware of these types of belief structures that limit/control the thinking processes of the population and keep people in the dark.
We must look deep inside ourselves to examine what needs releasing that distorts our ability to determine truth from fiction. This way we can actually see, feel, hear, and sense truth without interference. Often times, when we try to tell another a deep/factual truth about corrupt governments, or false flag events, ET's and the secret space programs etc, they react negatively from their programming instead of their higher logic. We are then actually battling with a belief system instead of the ‘real’ mind of the person involved. This is also something we must see within ourselves. Once we can decipher where we still carry certain programming, we can override it with conscious choices to allow new information to flow within and see how it feels to our higher being. Sometimes, it will take a while for it to fully click. It’s fine to try this in small increments until you are able to fully digest new and possibly disturbing intel/information.
An immediate defensive and angry reaction to new and disturbing intel/information is a common response when a person is still operating from the mind-control programming of the ‘matrix’. If we find ourselves having this knee-jerk reaction, we must examine why we are actually rejecting possible factual information that may bring about higher awakening. We must take the time to put it through our inner-filter of the Higher Self to see if it truly resonates with the authentic part our being.
This is how we can determine if it is actual truth, or if it is complete hogwash. Once we have gotten to a place where we are willing to accept the possibility the new intel we’ve been subjected to is authentic, we can then take steps necessary to process it without inflicting emotional trauma on ourselves or others. Let’s face it, there is more information about the dark occupation of Earth that we do NOT know, than what we actually DO know! So, as disclosure happens, we have to be willing to accept there will be truths we may not find appealing due to the disturbing content. How will we process this if it is very disturbing?
Due to the fact that many of us have been here on quarantine Earth for many lifetimes during the dark occupation, there will be no doubt we will have experienced negative situations that may potentially trigger something as we learn more about past and present horrors executed by the Dark Forces. Our souls remember these lifetimes and situations though we may not remember them consciously. When certain highly sensitive intel is released by Cobra, it may trigger some of the trauma we’ve experienced in other lifetimes. It may create a very negative response within us. This response does NOT necessarily mean it’s not truth. Actually, it can mean the opposite! Our highly charged emotional response can be an indication that on some level we are well aware it IS truth. Otherwise, we would not have such a highly charged reaction. This is something we need to understand. It is not of the highest good to attack the messenger, and it's not going to serve anyone to attack others from a triggered response of suppressed emotion. One must take time to process and understand the reasons you may be responding negatively. It’s most likely due to the fact that your soul is having a conscious memory of a past life trauma. It will be necessary to take time to breathe deeply, meditate, take a walk in nature and think through the activated memory. Or, find the way that helps you personally process these feelings. Everyone has different ways to stay calm and integrate information. Ask others if you need assistance.
We are of course talking about pre-Event disclosure based on the last paragraph in his above mentioned article. This type of intel will be a true test to see how much work we've done on ourselves to date, and what we still need to address, if anything. There are many options and modalities available to assist us with processing distressing information. Please connect with others of like-mind to help support your process. Ask others for ways they cope with deep stress or grief. Communicate kindly and peacefully to support one another to create a safe space to discuss your feelings.
Here are a few guidelines to use to ease the process if you find you are emotionally triggered:
Try to discern if you are being triggered as a result of your beliefs, or if you are having a type of past life memory. The triggering of a belief system will induce the need to argue due to the fear of having your current reality shattered. A past life memory trigger will be much more of a heart-related response. It will feel like a deep knowing or experience has been triggered. Though the emotional response may not be pleasant, it is very different from a belief system/defense mechanism reaction.
Take the time to sit quietly to let the new information flow into your being without judgment. See how it feels to allow it to possibly be truth. If you find yourself rejecting it immediately, ask yourself what you stand to lose if you accept it as truth? Ask why it scares or disturbs you so much? If you find the space to allow it to begin to be part of your accepted reality, and it still disturbs you, just be patient and take baby steps. You can revisit it again so as not to overwhelm yourself. If it does not resonate with your being on any level, you can choose to reject it, or just revisit it later when you are less emotional.
Ask for your Higher Guidance to come in to help assist you with the process. Ask your Spirit guides and Angels, Archangel Michael, and other Ascended Masters, Goddesses and Gods to help you process and understand the bigger picture at play behind the scenes. Ask them to comfort and calm you.
Do a meditation to connect to your Higher Self. Ask to utilize the highest filter you have to deal with information the proper way. It is important to realize there’s a huge difference between logic created and implemented by the ‘mind-control’ matrix, and logic of the Higher Self. Higher logic is a way to understand and examine the bigger picture instead of lower logic only seeing through the eyes of fear. We must look through the Eyes of Source and our Higher Selves to attain a proper perspective not possible from the lens of lower fear-based logic.
It can really help to read and absorb the new information in increments for easier processing. In order to have keen discernment of whether intelligence is truth or fiction, we must have an accurate discernment process. We can only do that when in a clear headspace and a balanced emotional energy field. Do whatever you need to find this balance instead of freaking out or attacking others. Take a walk in nature, go for a bike ride, or find some quiet and calm in a way you find comfortable. If you are creative, sing, dance, paint, play music, or do whatever you need to find your connection to Source to balance yourself. It is also vital to ground into the heart of Mother Earth to help with balance when faced with disturbing or shocking situations. We must have our coping mechanisms directly available to us in order to utilize our discernment properly. Make sure you use all tools in your arsenal before you pass any strong judgments or cause any issues you may regret. Our Purpose Here on Earth
Our purpose here on Earth is multifaceted. One of the main reasons we are here is to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet once we've awakened. We also affect the Collective consciousness field of Humanity with our vibrations/thoughts in a more heightened, powerful way than those asleep. We can use this power to greatly assist the planetary liberation...instead of being puppets of the Dark as they find ways to manipulate us to work against liberation by infighting.
We must understand that as awakened Humans, we are 1000xs more effective and powerful when manifesting our intentions than those who remain asleep. As we meditate or send our intentions into the Universe, our emotional energy is projected directly into the planetary light grid, and the Collective consciousness. We are capable of creating serious positive change if we do this with deliberate intent. So, it is of the utmost importance that we use our powers for good! It's important to have a purified stream of consciousness free from negative, lower emotional thought-forms such as anger, hatred, disunity, fear and so on. The simple act of choosing to respect feelings of awakened people we disagree with, not arguing or attacking them, is a huge step in the right direction. Please refrain from infighting. We must not fall victim to those who purposely work to trigger us into knee-jerk, negative reactions. We must harness the inner-power over ourselves and refuse to react to any such situation. We must learn to take responsibility for our own thoughts, actions and vibrational field we project into the light grid, and the Universe. This action alone will keep us very protected from lower energies, and will also keep us from engaging in dramas that distract us from our purpose and mission.
Cintamani stones are tools we can utilize to mirror our shadows back to us so we can effectively address them. They are Ascension stones. They assist us by reflecting back what we need to work on within ourselves. They reveal the areas where our being needs healing. We must process and release what does not serve us so we can hold more light. The result will be a much more purified stream of consciousness. This will allow higher ascension energies to activate our being, and magnify our manifesting abilities. We will not be interested in engaging in lower acts of negative promptings by the
Dark. We will find more peace and joy in things of a higher vibrational frequency. The stones allow us to see areas where we may still be mind-controlled (also a shadow). As well as, helping us to find ways to release programming in order to operate from a clear vessel/mind space. When we use the stones to meditate with our questions about intel or any situation, they can help us to access clear, higher guidance more easily.
It is very important to understand the magnificent power of our thoughts. And to witness how we are always interacting with Universal energies that create and manifest worlds. We are always interacting with this field, because we are part of it! We are part of the Universe. We directly connect with what some call the 'Law of Attraction' or the ‘Law of Magnetism'. We cannot just choose what we are sending out if we have both negative and positive thoughts emanating from us. The Universe responds to both. It is not a punishment when something negative manifests, it is actually a result of thoughts, fears or worrying as we are projecting out into the Universal field. For this reason we must purify our thoughts to manifest only what we truly desire. We must understand that we are pioneers of thought and action. This is part of the reason we are here as awakened beings on Earth right now. We are here to pave the way for those who are not aware of the planetary hostage situation. We are here to anchor light. We are here to be the lighthouses; beacons of light necessary to clear a path for those who cannot see.
We are here to create new ways of thinking and understanding that are being directly anchored into the planetary grid and collective consciousness of Humanity. In turn, it assists those who are newly awakening and manifests as guidance on their path.
For this reason, it is very important for us to hone our abilities to discern truth from deception:
To always act with compassion and understanding toward ourselves and others.
To act in respectable ways that create role models for those who will need our assistance. We must be able to relay this information in a calm and factual way to others with integrity.
We must find positive and effective ways for each of us to cope with information that we dislike or that may disturb us on deep levels. We must learn not to react in the ways that the Dark desires us to react! We must support and love each other instead of attack each other or abandon our missions all together. If we attack each other the Dark wins...hands down.
How will your respond to this upcoming disclosure?
How will you respond to full disclosure?
Will you do so with integrity and dignity, or with negativity and step into attack mode?
It is ultimately your choice. But, just understand that one of these choices is much harder on you than the other. If you let new information turn your world upside-down, who will turn it right-side up again?
You can take the necessary steps to hold the light, and hold the torch of truth.
And with it, light the way for your path, and that of others… or you can drop the torch into a realm of distortion and chaos.
We hope you will be a proud Torchholder.
Please feel free to share this far and wide on your blogs and social media if what I wrote below resonates with you.
You can also download this note using the link below for offline reading.
Victory of the Light!
Do You Know How to Discern the Frequency of Truth?
In light of the March 2, 2018 Short Situation Update from Cobra, where he states;
“In the near future, I will be able to release a lot of intel not directly related to surface operations.The Light Forces have requested me to release intel about Goddess mysteries and some “other” intel that was until now deeply classified. This intel may trigger strong reactions from many members of the surface population reading this blog. Stay Calm. Victory of the Light.” http://2012portal.blogspot.co.uk/2018/03/short-situation-update_2.html
I would like to discuss with my fellow Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers the importance of realizing there is a specific “Frequency of Truth”.
For those of us awake and aware enough to grasp the concept that we live in a vibrational Universe, that matter consists of vibration on a quantum level all the way down to the physical level… we determine that vibration is what people sensitive to energies can feel, hear, sense, see and resonate to using empathic abilities. In our lifetime, we've all had the experience of someone directly lying to our face. We just knew the words coming from them were not factual. The reason for this is, there is a specific frequency that truth emits. There is a specific frequency to deception and lies. Truth resonates to a certain high vibration. We as Divine beings having a ‘human experience,’ are fully capable of reading this when it is presented to us in either form. We can learn to decipher the difference between them by paying close attention to how they feel when we are faced with either of them in the moment.
As we may be aware, the Dark Elites bombard us with many types of low vibrating frequencies used to distort and suppress our intuitive abilities to decipher and discern truth from fiction. These negative, interfering frequencies are downright unpleasant. They can cause confusion, pain, emotional turmoil, block our abilities, distraction from truth, and so on. They are microwave, scalar, WIFI, etc. There are many ways we can combat or offset these negative frequencies to be as clear as possible when receiving information without being negatively triggered. The best way is to keep your vibration high and stay in your heart space.
Crystals and orgone generators provide assistance in creating a field of light around us that will assist in blocking interfering frequencies. There are also technologies, and special devices that are very helpful. For those interested, you can do research on these subjects to see which is best for you.
It is also of the utmost importance to first acknowledge and declare the fact that there are enormous amounts of intelligence which have been purposely hidden from us by the Dark Forces in order to maintain quarantine Earth. Make the decision to read and absorb any new information to be distributed by Cobra as part of the disclosure process without judgment. As intel is distributed to the surface population, we must understand not all of it will be pleasant. We already know of many atrocities the Dark commits upon and within this beautiful planet. So, just by making the choice to at least listen to new intelligence with an open mind is extremely important.
Once we decide we will be open to listening to new intel/information, we will then need to use our discernment to see how the new intel resonates within the core of our Soul. The truth is, that most people are so heavily programmed that they are more willing to believe an outright lie, than believe actual truth when it is presented to them in a factual way!
This is a very cunning aspect of the mind-control programming of the matrix. It is of vital importance to be able to understand whether you are processing a new piece of intel through the filter of a dark mind-control program/belief system, or actually through the lens of your Higher Self!
Do you know the difference?
Are you capable of seeing where you have been duped or fooled?
Let’s explore this…
A mind-control belief system is usually an ideology that has been indoctrinated into our minds at a very early age by institutions of ‘higher learning’. They are political, religious, educational and often passed down through family lines. We are taught whom to hate, whom to like, and what to believe about the world. We are taught skewed perceptions about our origins, history, and the ‘other side’ and the higher realms. All of this is built upon false pretenses or deliberate falsified information to create a false reality construct to support the narrative of the Dark. Without getting into detail, we all are aware of these types of belief structures that limit/control the thinking processes of the population and keep people in the dark.
We must look deep inside ourselves to examine what needs releasing that distorts our ability to determine truth from fiction. This way we can actually see, feel, hear, and sense truth without interference. Often times, when we try to tell another a deep/factual truth about corrupt governments, or false flag events, ET's and the secret space programs etc, they react negatively from their programming instead of their higher logic. We are then actually battling with a belief system instead of the ‘real’ mind of the person involved. This is also something we must see within ourselves. Once we can decipher where we still carry certain programming, we can override it with conscious choices to allow new information to flow within and see how it feels to our higher being. Sometimes, it will take a while for it to fully click. It’s fine to try this in small increments until you are able to fully digest new and possibly disturbing intel/information.
An immediate defensive and angry reaction to new and disturbing intel/information is a common response when a person is still operating from the mind-control programming of the ‘matrix’. If we find ourselves having this knee-jerk reaction, we must examine why we are actually rejecting possible factual information that may bring about higher awakening. We must take the time to put it through our inner-filter of the Higher Self to see if it truly resonates with the authentic part our being.
This is how we can determine if it is actual truth, or if it is complete hogwash. Once we have gotten to a place where we are willing to accept the possibility the new intel we’ve been subjected to is authentic, we can then take steps necessary to process it without inflicting emotional trauma on ourselves or others. Let’s face it, there is more information about the dark occupation of Earth that we do NOT know, than what we actually DO know! So, as disclosure happens, we have to be willing to accept there will be truths we may not find appealing due to the disturbing content. How will we process this if it is very disturbing?
Due to the fact that many of us have been here on quarantine Earth for many lifetimes during the dark occupation, there will be no doubt we will have experienced negative situations that may potentially trigger something as we learn more about past and present horrors executed by the Dark Forces. Our souls remember these lifetimes and situations though we may not remember them consciously. When certain highly sensitive intel is released by Cobra, it may trigger some of the trauma we’ve experienced in other lifetimes. It may create a very negative response within us. This response does NOT necessarily mean it’s not truth. Actually, it can mean the opposite! Our highly charged emotional response can be an indication that on some level we are well aware it IS truth. Otherwise, we would not have such a highly charged reaction. This is something we need to understand. It is not of the highest good to attack the messenger, and it's not going to serve anyone to attack others from a triggered response of suppressed emotion. One must take time to process and understand the reasons you may be responding negatively. It’s most likely due to the fact that your soul is having a conscious memory of a past life trauma. It will be necessary to take time to breathe deeply, meditate, take a walk in nature and think through the activated memory. Or, find the way that helps you personally process these feelings. Everyone has different ways to stay calm and integrate information. Ask others if you need assistance.
We are of course talking about pre-Event disclosure based on the last paragraph in his above mentioned article. This type of intel will be a true test to see how much work we've done on ourselves to date, and what we still need to address, if anything. There are many options and modalities available to assist us with processing distressing information. Please connect with others of like-mind to help support your process. Ask others for ways they cope with deep stress or grief. Communicate kindly and peacefully to support one another to create a safe space to discuss your feelings.
Here are a few guidelines to use to ease the process if you find you are emotionally triggered:
Try to discern if you are being triggered as a result of your beliefs, or if you are having a type of past life memory. The triggering of a belief system will induce the need to argue due to the fear of having your current reality shattered. A past life memory trigger will be much more of a heart-related response. It will feel like a deep knowing or experience has been triggered. Though the emotional response may not be pleasant, it is very different from a belief system/defense mechanism reaction.
Take the time to sit quietly to let the new information flow into your being without judgment. See how it feels to allow it to possibly be truth. If you find yourself rejecting it immediately, ask yourself what you stand to lose if you accept it as truth? Ask why it scares or disturbs you so much? If you find the space to allow it to begin to be part of your accepted reality, and it still disturbs you, just be patient and take baby steps. You can revisit it again so as not to overwhelm yourself. If it does not resonate with your being on any level, you can choose to reject it, or just revisit it later when you are less emotional.
Ask for your Higher Guidance to come in to help assist you with the process. Ask your Spirit guides and Angels, Archangel Michael, and other Ascended Masters, Goddesses and Gods to help you process and understand the bigger picture at play behind the scenes. Ask them to comfort and calm you.
Do a meditation to connect to your Higher Self. Ask to utilize the highest filter you have to deal with information the proper way. It is important to realize there’s a huge difference between logic created and implemented by the ‘mind-control’ matrix, and logic of the Higher Self. Higher logic is a way to understand and examine the bigger picture instead of lower logic only seeing through the eyes of fear. We must look through the Eyes of Source and our Higher Selves to attain a proper perspective not possible from the lens of lower fear-based logic.
It can really help to read and absorb the new information in increments for easier processing. In order to have keen discernment of whether intelligence is truth or fiction, we must have an accurate discernment process. We can only do that when in a clear headspace and a balanced emotional energy field. Do whatever you need to find this balance instead of freaking out or attacking others. Take a walk in nature, go for a bike ride, or find some quiet and calm in a way you find comfortable. If you are creative, sing, dance, paint, play music, or do whatever you need to find your connection to Source to balance yourself. It is also vital to ground into the heart of Mother Earth to help with balance when faced with disturbing or shocking situations. We must have our coping mechanisms directly available to us in order to utilize our discernment properly. Make sure you use all tools in your arsenal before you pass any strong judgments or cause any issues you may regret. Our Purpose Here on Earth
Our purpose here on Earth is multifaceted. One of the main reasons we are here is to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet once we've awakened. We also affect the Collective consciousness field of Humanity with our vibrations/thoughts in a more heightened, powerful way than those asleep. We can use this power to greatly assist the planetary liberation...instead of being puppets of the Dark as they find ways to manipulate us to work against liberation by infighting.
We must understand that as awakened Humans, we are 1000xs more effective and powerful when manifesting our intentions than those who remain asleep. As we meditate or send our intentions into the Universe, our emotional energy is projected directly into the planetary light grid, and the Collective consciousness. We are capable of creating serious positive change if we do this with deliberate intent. So, it is of the utmost importance that we use our powers for good! It's important to have a purified stream of consciousness free from negative, lower emotional thought-forms such as anger, hatred, disunity, fear and so on. The simple act of choosing to respect feelings of awakened people we disagree with, not arguing or attacking them, is a huge step in the right direction. Please refrain from infighting. We must not fall victim to those who purposely work to trigger us into knee-jerk, negative reactions. We must harness the inner-power over ourselves and refuse to react to any such situation. We must learn to take responsibility for our own thoughts, actions and vibrational field we project into the light grid, and the Universe. This action alone will keep us very protected from lower energies, and will also keep us from engaging in dramas that distract us from our purpose and mission.
Cintamani stones are tools we can utilize to mirror our shadows back to us so we can effectively address them. They are Ascension stones. They assist us by reflecting back what we need to work on within ourselves. They reveal the areas where our being needs healing. We must process and release what does not serve us so we can hold more light. The result will be a much more purified stream of consciousness. This will allow higher ascension energies to activate our being, and magnify our manifesting abilities. We will not be interested in engaging in lower acts of negative promptings by the
Dark. We will find more peace and joy in things of a higher vibrational frequency. The stones allow us to see areas where we may still be mind-controlled (also a shadow). As well as, helping us to find ways to release programming in order to operate from a clear vessel/mind space. When we use the stones to meditate with our questions about intel or any situation, they can help us to access clear, higher guidance more easily.
It is very important to understand the magnificent power of our thoughts. And to witness how we are always interacting with Universal energies that create and manifest worlds. We are always interacting with this field, because we are part of it! We are part of the Universe. We directly connect with what some call the 'Law of Attraction' or the ‘Law of Magnetism'. We cannot just choose what we are sending out if we have both negative and positive thoughts emanating from us. The Universe responds to both. It is not a punishment when something negative manifests, it is actually a result of thoughts, fears or worrying as we are projecting out into the Universal field. For this reason we must purify our thoughts to manifest only what we truly desire. We must understand that we are pioneers of thought and action. This is part of the reason we are here as awakened beings on Earth right now. We are here to pave the way for those who are not aware of the planetary hostage situation. We are here to anchor light. We are here to be the lighthouses; beacons of light necessary to clear a path for those who cannot see.
We are here to create new ways of thinking and understanding that are being directly anchored into the planetary grid and collective consciousness of Humanity. In turn, it assists those who are newly awakening and manifests as guidance on their path.
For this reason, it is very important for us to hone our abilities to discern truth from deception:
To always act with compassion and understanding toward ourselves and others.
To act in respectable ways that create role models for those who will need our assistance. We must be able to relay this information in a calm and factual way to others with integrity.
We must find positive and effective ways for each of us to cope with information that we dislike or that may disturb us on deep levels. We must learn not to react in the ways that the Dark desires us to react! We must support and love each other instead of attack each other or abandon our missions all together. If we attack each other the Dark wins...hands down.
How will your respond to this upcoming disclosure?
How will you respond to full disclosure?
Will you do so with integrity and dignity, or with negativity and step into attack mode?
It is ultimately your choice. But, just understand that one of these choices is much harder on you than the other. If you let new information turn your world upside-down, who will turn it right-side up again?
You can take the necessary steps to hold the light, and hold the torch of truth.
And with it, light the way for your path, and that of others… or you can drop the torch into a realm of distortion and chaos.
We hope you will be a proud Torchholder.
Original Post:
YouTube Purge of Social Media threatens Full Disclosure - written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D

has begun purging its popular video hosting platform of channels that
challenge the narrative coming out of the mainstream news media across a
wide spectrum of topics. This has led to outright terminations and
strikes against some of the more popular channels, which have been
exhorting viewers to question the conventional news narrative.
channels have been accused to be participating in hate speech or
bullying due to them vigorously addressing controversial topics,
transgressing norms of political correctness, or exploring evidence that
some national tragedies may have been false flag attacks. Among the
topics that appear to have attracted the attention of YouTube censors
are disclosures by QAnon, which allegedly involves information released
by covert U.S. Army Intelligence operatives.
The YouTube
video purge not only has grave implications for free speech, but can
also seriously impact on the prospects for full disclosure of secret
space programs, UFO’s, and the advanced technologies and hidden
intelligence behind these.
subjects have been successfully kept secret for decades due to
mainstream media either ignoring or ridiculing their seriousness, or by
removing journalists from their positions for covering them. I found
this out first hand as a “citizen journalist” for the Examiner.com
online newspaper where I had over 50 million pages views for over 300 articles written from 2009 to 2015.
All my
content was summarily removed when a new editorial policy was adopted
where “exopolitics” and many other alternative news topics were no
longer considered legitimate news. Hundreds of citizen journalists
writing highly popular blog articles were dismissed without any appeal
process. All this badly backfired on the Examiner which by July 2016 was
forced to shut down.
It’s no surprise then that the CIA has been found to have compromised media organizations
in order to shape the mainstream media narrative. I would not be
surprised that the Examiner had been similarly compromised. Therefore,
any attempt to suppress alternative media sources that challenge
mainstream news is a threat to full disclosure.
YouTube, owned by Google, has very recently begun using an army of 10,000 moderators
to police the thousands of videos uploaded to its platform on a daily
basis. In addition, progressive liberal organizations such as the
Southern Poverty Law Center are being used as “Trusted Flaggers” which target YouTube users that vigorously challenge the mainstream news narrative.
Strikes are issued by the moderators and/or flaggers with only a very brief reference to the category of the YouTube community guidelines
that has been allegedly transgressed. s No detailed explanation is
given for the strike nor is the individual moderator(s) or organization
behind the strike identified.
Among the first YouTube channels to be terminated under their three strikes policy was the Richie Allen Show on February 22, which had over 76,000 subscribers and 1,400 videos. Jordan Sather’s Destroying the Illusion channel was terminated on February 26 (120,000 subscribers), as was Jerome Corsi’s channel (34,000 subscribers) on March 1. Strikes were also given to Alex Jones/Infowars ( 2.3 million subscribers and 33,000 videos), Mark Dice (1.2 million subscribers) and a growing list of others.
[Update 3/4/18] On late Saturday night, Alex Jones reported that YouTube was poised to delete his channel:
challenged, some of the strikes have been reversed, and channels
restored as occurred with Corsi, who received White House support from
back channel discussions. Interestingly, both Corsi and Sather were
giving a lot of coverage to the QAnon disclosures.
Officials linked to QAnon may have even stepped in to save Corsi’s channel. Sather instead has created a replacement YouTube channel called Destroying the Illusion 2.0., where he plans to continue examining the QAnon material, secret space programs and many other topics.
The long-term
prospects for YouTube channels and news sites challenging mainstream
media narratives does not look good due to the moderators and flaggers
actively posting strikes against many channels challenging mainstream
news narratives.
Twitter and Facebook are at different stages in downgrading, hiding
and/or terminating alternative media sites in a transparent and
foolhardy effort to get people to buy back into the mainstream media
narrative on topical issues.
along with Twitter and Facebook, are destined to fail since there is a
growing social movement that simply doesn’t trust the mainstream news
narrative, which many believe is hopelessly compromised by Deep State
actors such as the CIA.
This is a
phenomenon that is not going to be reversed during the Trump
administration given the highly partisan nature of American politics,
and the rapid growth in the popularity of the QAnon revelations which
are being followed by as many as 20 million people (Q post 809).
What YouTube,
Twitter and Facebook are doing is only highlighting how they have been
compromised by individuals and groups that have a vested interest in
hiding the machinations of the Deep State, and covering up the truth on
an extensive number of topics.
In the
meantime, it would be wise for individuals to support alternative media
by directly visiting the websites of content providers, which are not
controlled by YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. Subscribe to RSS feeds,
email lists, etc., of your favorite sites, and don’t become too
dependent on social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter and
Facebook, which are only going to continue to terminate accounts of
those not supporting the mainstream media narrative. Here is a list of alternative social media platforms that don’t censor posters.
In the case
of information concerning secret space programs and “exopolitics” I
recommend subscribing to the RSS and email feeds of exopolitics.org which is my personal site, or exonews.org which hosts a diverse collection of exopolitics authors, and stories from around the internet.
As far as the
YouTube purge of channels promoting the QAnon information, the quick
reinstatement of the Corsi channel after possible White House
intervention raises hopes that this new policy direction may similarly
backfire on YouTube and Google, as it did for Examiner.com back in 2016.
The threat
posed by the YouTube purge is very real and preemptive steps need to be
taken by all who value alternative news perspectives, and desire social
media to be an effective means of promoting full disclosure.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
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