"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Will and Why-Power by Untwine

Matter, circumstances, the visible world, are not fixed, determining factors. They are only the effects of a deeper cause. They are waves, stemming from the quantum world.
Looking at quantum level, we see that the state and position of things are not fixed but constantly fluctuating between various potentials. This fluctuation is a result of primary anomaly, which is the principle of separation (in this case, seaparation of various potentials), and randomness.
The factor that determines which potential manifests is Will.
This is simply the expression of the fact that Source is not an external God, but the primary cause of All, in other words the deepest original state of our being.
So our Will manifests our reality. Here it is important to understand that certain programming hide Will under the disguise of other things. Belief systems, expectations, habits, emotional and mental patterns, etc, all of this is actually Will that has been set in motion, then frozen and forgotten.
In the book 'Isis Unveiled' by HP Blavatsky, we find this quote :
"We have said that to acquire magical power, two things are necessary: to disengage the will from all servitude, and to exercise it in control."
This expresses the fact clearly enough.
However the situation is not as simple as only holding your hand out, and concentrating to make some gold appear, or throwing a tantrum demanding that the Event happens now, or demanding to have Abundance now for example. The work is to 'disingage the will from all servitude', this means to clear all belief systems, all inner unconscious doubts, all expectations based on previous experiences, all programming, all negative patterns and attachments, etc, because all of these are Will. The work is to bring every single energy we spend in every single moment under control of our Will, physically, emotionally, mentally. Also, to make sure that what we are doing is white magic, that we are serving the Light, the work is to merge all Will with the Inner Spiritual Will of our Higher Self, which is Will magnetized by Cosmic Love.

Therefore the work is to look at what we are doing, how we are spending our time, on a daily basis, and ask ourselves if that is truly aligned with our Spiritual Will. Every single energy we spend is a Will decision which manifests certain effects. If we want coherent results in our reality, we need to be coherent in our behavior.
Therefore, when looking at the state of things, we should not simply say 'oh that's just how it is', 'that's just what I like', etc, without looking to understand why things are this way, what is the underlying cause. Why are we thinking, feeling, behaving a certain way ? Why a particular lifestyle ? etc.
If we only look at effects, manifested reality, and work from there only, we are bound to be enslaved by causes we do not understand. Anything we are doing, we should look to understand what is the cause, and then when we work with the causes we can manifest our reality.
We should also not simply say 'it's because somebody else did that, it's because the dark forces did that, etc', and leave it at that. Because no matter what other people did, if we had not agreed to it in some way or another, at some point or another, then we would not be bound by it. Ascended beings are the proof of this, they have mastered their Will. So can we.

Some have described will-power with the term why-power, simply because when we remember why we are doing something, then we are more naturally compelled into suited actions. Remember why you are here, why you are doing this, why you want to do that. This should help to liberate Will.

The more our Will is liberated and aligned with our Higher Self, the more quickly and efficiently we can liberate this planet and manifest Golden Age.

Victory of the Light

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