"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Energetic Dissuasion and Free Will Manifestation

Energetic dissuasion has been a very widespread issue on this planet, that seems to not be well understood yet even among Lightworkers.

The dark have a system in place to dissuade people from doing positive things, which they have set up in a way to try that people do not realize it is happening. They use a synergy of :

- Physical and non-physical implants
- Physical and non-physical personally directed weapons, beaming frequencies of certain negative thoughts, feelings, suggestions, energies, etc
- Black magic
- Non-physical negative entities

They have people under quasi-constant surveillance, and they use all these things daily, adapted to each moment, to dissuade people from doing positive things, by making them forget about it, or 'not feel like it', or believe they can't do it, or be drawn away from it one way or another. They work hard to try to do it in such a way that targeted individuals don't realize what is going on, so that targeted individuals believe it is their own personal process and their own personal feeling, while in fact it is being manipulated externally.

It seems that many people have the idea that this only happen once in a while, only to individuals who are not awake. This is absolutely not the case. My purpose is not to bring negativity, but more understanding about the situation so that we can resolve it.

Everybody is targeted and despite the incredible stupidity of the dark forces to do such things, they unfortunately also have a certain kind of intelligence and strategy to plan long term manipulation of all individuals and relationships. They have recorded all our past lives on plasma/etheric plane, using the implants, and they have studied us, they know what we have been doing so they understand our weaknesses and dreams to a certain degree. They know which psychological button to press and when. I strongly invite everybody to remain very aware of their own psychological make-up and to regularly take the most honest and objective self-analysis that you can.

Some of the main things they try to dissuade people from doing on a daily basis :

- Joining and promoting group meditations
- Keeping an individual, positive, disciplined spiritual practice
- Keeping a healthier lifestyle (productive use of time, releasing addictions, connecting with nature, eating healthier, etc)
- Keeping relationships harmonious with mutual respect of free will, forgiving
- Making positive life changes (moving towards healthier relationships, occupations, better living standards, etc)
- Burying Cintamani stones
- Anything else that effectively creates progress towards liberation

So, if you have experienced resistance and difficulty to do these types of things, to find the inner motivation and opportunities for them, you can be sure, and please remember, that this is mostly not your own personal natural process, but instead an external manipulation.

Some tips to help cancel these manipulations and go back to our own natural process :

- Remain aware that this is common and daily practice on this planet, most likely until the Event
- Give yourself some time regularly to stop all your activities and your opinions for a few moments, and reflect honestly on what you are doing and what is going on in your life, as objectively as you can.
- Ask yourself, are you really doing the right thing, the most beneficial thing you can do, in line with your core ethics ? 
- Use Free Will, remember we can actually make a choice about absolutely anything that is happening in our lives, internally and externally. Making those choices according to what we really want, what we really know in our heart is the right thing to do, for justice, for peace, for the good of all, and then having a discipline to keep our actions in alignment with these choices on a daily basis.
(and remembering to absolutely respect the Free Will of others in every single moment)

Free Will is the main antidote to this situation. Humanity has been unfortunately incredibly lacking in the use of Free Will, letting themselves be swayed individually and collectively in whatever direction the dark pushes towards.

Free Will is the source spark of all creation

Imagine yourself to be a God or Goddess sitting on a cloud in the sky, able to manifest absolutely anything instantly. How will you do that ? With you will. 
This scenario is pretty much what is happening, the only difference is that in the lower planes of creation, especially the physical plane, the steps of the manifestation process are a little more complex.

The very basic principle of manifestation is that everything is created at the highest, less dense, spiritual plane first. And then it comes down in density through each of the planes described here :

Each of these 7 planes have 7 sub-planes. Each of these 49 planes are states of matter. The spirit world where our soul and spirit reside is simply a more dense state of matter. The physical world is the 3 lines at bottom of picture above (dense, liquid, gas). Above that is plasma, etheric, astral/emotional, mental, etc. Our emotions and thoughts are as factual as the physical world, they are made of matter also, simply less dense matter.

In the same way that the solid, liquid and gas are merged with each other and interacting inside our physical body, also our plasma, etheric, astral, mental and higher bodies are inter-connected just the same.

So why are most people on this planet not connecting with their soul and higher self properly ?

The main obstacle on this planet is in the plasma membrane (in picture above is the dotted line above gaseous). Plasma itself is natural and exists throughout the universe without causing harm. However on this planet it is loaded with anomaly accumulated in the yaldabaoth entity (that entity only exists on the plasma plane). Every communication and exchange between the physical world and all the other worlds has to cross the plasma plane, and the anomaly greatly interferes with this process. This is what creates for most people this seeming isolation and separation between the physical world and all the non-physical worlds. However when the plasma is not anomalous, it can serve as a conduit to connect the physical with the non-physical worlds.

Another main separation is the other dotted line in the picture above, in the middle of the mental plane. That membrane is in a way similar to plasma, and separates the planes below it which are the planes of personality that are subject to duality, and the planes above it that are pure Light and pure Oneness.
As you can see in the picture, the pineal and pituitary in the physical body have a direct connection that crosses both plasma and mental membranes and allows the physical body to connect directly with the higher mental plane which is a gateway to the higher planes and therefore the soul and higher self. This is one of the main ways to establish connection.

Also in the picture above you can see our Will is high up in the spiritual planes. Verily it is the source spark of creation, it starts the manifestation process and defines its direction. After that, we simply maintain that decision strong and clear, and bring it down through each plane, through our thoughts, emotions, etc, and finally in the physical actions. This is exactly how Cobra has defined simply the manifestation process in 3 steps :


1) Decision/Will
2) Invocation (thoughts, emotions etc, for example a visualization)
3) Physical actions.

This exactly outlines the process of bringing matter from high spiritual planes down through each plane into the physical world. This is how everything that exists was created. By using this process with dedication we can manifest anything.
Another way to describe this is that our spirit and soul are anchors of Free Will and Divine Will, and they send the impulse and message for it. Our job down here is to hear the message and align our personality with it, until personality and higher self merge. 

Let's keep our Will affirmed as strongly and regularly as we can, choosing how we want our life to be, according to what we know in our heart to be the right thing, for ethics, justice, peace, well-being for all.

Victory of the Light

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