"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 17.03.2025

Asians expect total US collapse by summer

You can read the full report here:


Lee Harris - Your energy field carries your soul memories & You were built for these times - 20.03.2025

Your energy field in this lifetime carries with it the records that are relevant. It is not necessarily that there are literal books scattered around the universe about your life.

They are very much attached to you, so you could see them as small cells of memory. Picture yourself as an enormous circle, an energy field. And you—your human body—are a very tiny figure in the middle. Imagine that your energy field is composed of all kinds of dots. There are dots all over your energy field, and there are certain dots that relate to soul memories—memories from other lifetimes that you are either going to retrieve or heal in this lifetime.

- From Conversations with the Z's: Book 3: Part 4—a Portal Members' exclusive. Join The Portal and receive these conversations with your membership.


Some of you are saying things just got very real on the planet. From our perspective, we would say things have been getting very real for a very long time. But this is the first, biggest, most overt third dimensional demonstration of things getting real energetically on your planet than you have had in two decades. And two decades ago, the consciousness on the planet was not the same. So breathe.

You were built for these times. You were built to remember that this story has all played out before. We will say that again. This story has all played out before. But this time the circumstances are different. You are coming to the end of Earth Karma. That does not mean Earth itself is going away. But you are coming to the end of the karmic cycles on Earth that have kept so many of you enslaved. And you will see, between now and 2050, an extraordinary axis shift on this planet.

- From The Activation of Planetary Awakening: 2020-2030 MP3

Alex Myles - Equinox - higher frequency energy portal - 20.03.2025

The equinox serves as a bridge between the past and the future, bringing the last six months into sharp focus. It is a time of completion, truth, and karmic release, where unresolved emotions, old wounds, and buried memories resurface.

The weight of what remains unhealed becomes impossible to ignore, intensifying emotions and urging final closure before the next cycle begins. It acts as an energetic checkpoint, exposing patterns, attachments, and habits that no longer align.

The energy surrounding this shift highlights what has served its purpose, what must be released, and what still requires healing before moving forward.

The equinox brings a heightened awareness of relationships, choices, and past experiences that shaped the last cycle. Emotions intensify, sometimes arriving in sudden waves of grief, longing, nostalgia, relief, or even unexpected joy. There is a deep pull to examine what was left unsaid, undone, or avoided, offering a final opportunity to address what still lingers.

Old relationships, unresolved conflicts, and significant moments from the last six months resurface, either through dreams, sudden thoughts, or real-life encounters.

The equinox creates a portal for closure, allowing people, experiences, or emotions to reappear so that they can be understood, healed, or released for good.

Some may feel the urge to reconnect and make amends, while others will finally gain the clarity to walk away without looking back.

For many, this is a time of emotional detox—letting go of attachments, releasing painful memories, and recognizing where healing is still needed.

Some will experience deep waves of sadness or fatigue as the body processes stored emotions, while others will feel lighter, as if a burden has been lifted.
Because the equinox signals a recalibration of energy, the body may react in noticeable ways.
Many experience:

Fatigue and heaviness, as the body processes emotional weight and energetic shifts.
Sleep disturbances, waking between 2 AM and 4 AM, as the subconscious releases old energy and integrates new insights.

Tension in the neck, shoulders, and lower back, reflecting where emotional burdens have been carried.

Headaches or dizziness, as the energetic body adjusts to higher frequencies.

Fluctuations in appetite, either craving grounding foods or feeling drawn to cleansing and detoxing.

Some people will feel the urge to move, rearrange their space, clean out clutter, or detach from anything that feels energetically heavy.

The body instinctively wants to align with the shift, urging the removal of stagnant energy in both the physical and emotional environment.

Time does not feel linear during the equinox. Some moments feel stretched, heavy, and reflective, while others move rapidly, bringing quick shifts, sudden decisions, and new revelations.

There is an increased awareness of signs, synchronicities, and intuitive messages, guiding people toward necessary changes.

Many will experience déjà vu, a deep sense of knowing, or even visions of possible futures as their awareness expands beyond the present moment.

Answers that once felt elusive suddenly become clear. The next steps reveal themselves, but only after the final pieces of the past are fully acknowledged and released.
The equinox brings an undeniable urge to purge, reset, and redefine priorities.

This may manifest as:
The need to declutter, reorganize, or remove old belongings that no longer hold meaning.
Cutting ties with toxic relationships, outdated commitments, or limiting beliefs.
A deep craving for solitude, reflection, or time spent in nature to integrate these changes.
The equinox portal is a moment of truth, showing what is unresolved and what is ready to shift. The experiences, emotions, and insights that emerge during this time serve as a guide for the next six months, offering clarity on what has been learned and what still needs attention.
The past six months have led to this moment—a choice to hold on or to fully embrace what is next. The equinox clears the path for new beginnings, deeper alignment, and a reality that reflects the lessons, growth, and wisdom gained.
As one cycle ends, another opens, offering the freedom to step forward unburdened, renewed, and ready.

Alexander Quinn - 2025 March Equinox (Saturn and Neptune) & next 24 hours to be very wild - 20.03.2025

Dear all,

For the sensitives out there who feel energy in the body, today is going to feel very intense. Approximately 12 hours ago, the phantom energetic particles began arriving. However, as of a few minutes ago, the main part of the wave hit Gaia.

Some will have woken up suddenly and been unable to get back to sleep. Others will not sleep at all. Some may experience tight chests and racing hearts, while others will feel euphoric elation. Those still in the equinox void, recalibrating, may suffer from bouts of depression and waves of sadness today. Some will experience fluctuations of both.

Science has not yet detected this energetic wave hitting Earth, but it’s a big one. Today (Friday), some people might feel as if they’ve been hit by an energetic train. It’s going to be one of those energetically wild but highly synchronostic weekends.

Your relationship with food and taste might also feel strange over the weekend, cravings may shift, certain foods might not appeal to you, or you may feel the need to eat differently than usual.

Have your ears started ringing yet as the tone dials up and up? Don’t be concerned if you woke up today with a headache and nausea, it will pass. Try to move your body today to help the energy flow through. I expect the next 24 hours to be very wild.

Much love,


2025 March Equinox (Saturn and Neptune)

The March 2025 equinox (today, March 20th) is a gateway for transformation and carries a very special energy this year, linked to Saturn and Neptune, which I will discuss in a moment.

From a metaphysical perspective, equinoxes are cosmic alignment points where the balance of day and night symbolizes the harmonization of dualities (light and dark, conscious and subconscious). If you’re interested in this concept, Carl Jung writes about its psychological effects in an incredible way. However, the equinox is also a time when the gravitational field of the Earth lowers, potentially amplifying ascension symptoms even more! So, except for the unexpected, you may feel a mixture of wired and tired at the same time. A temporary increase in unusual and mysterious energetic shifts within the body and mind is likely to occur.

Equinoxes also represent moments of pause and voids. It can sometimes seem as though there is a temporary stillness in manifestations just before something new begins. This void may create a feeling of emptiness or an unfulfilled longing, but this space ultimately allows for vibrational shifts to realign. This phase is only temporary so be patient lightworkers. Every year, this moment ushers in Aries season, a time of bold initiative, new beginnings, and forward momentum. The symbolism is particularly potent for lightworkers. As the Sun exits Pisces (the last sign of the zodiac) and crosses into Aries (the first sign), it resets the zodiac wheel, beginning a new 12-sign cycle of cosmic energy.

However, the 2025 equinox carries extra weight because major planets are also shifting. Saturn and Neptune are moving into Aries, signaling the closure of old cycles and the birth of a new astrological era of transformation that will have the following collective effects: Saturn in Aries: A New Chapter in Leadership and Responsibility

Saturn (structure, discipline, karma) enters Aries for the first time since 1996. Aries, ruled by Mars, is about courage, action, and individual willpower.
Collectively, Saturn in Aries brings a shift in leadership styles, personal accountability, and new challenges in self-identity.

We may see a greater focus on self-reliance, direct action, and innovation, but also power struggles around authority and independence.

On a global level, this could manifest as new policies around personal freedom, stricter rules around individuality, and a rise in self-starters and trailblazers.

During this period, cosmic influences encourage all zodiac signs to take initiative, assert their intentions, and step into a fresh chapter. However, balancing Aries’ fiery energy with patience is crucial, otherwise, you may feel overwhelmed. For example, if Mercury or other planets are retrograde near the equinox (which it is this year), the pace of change may be tempered, urging reflection alongside action.

On a galactic level, this equinox will activate a Galactic Activation Portal, triggering days and even weeks of intensified cosmic energy as Earth aligns with galactic harmonics. This creates a moment when a surge of galactic energy flows in, supporting a leap in consciousness and an upgrade in planetary vibration. During this time, lightworkers may begin channeling or spontaneously speaking Light Language for the first time, an indication of profound energy shifts occurring across the planet. This can be a powerful period for spiritual downloads, heightened intuition, and multidimensional awareness. From a scientific perspective, we know that around the equinoxes, the Earth's magnetic field aligns in a way that allows more solar wind particles to interact with our atmosphere, leading to heightened geomagnetic activity, also known as the equinox effect. With these heightened energies, it is essential to prioritize rest, hydration, and self-care around this time. Use your energy economically.

Much Love

Natalia Alba - The Equinox brings a New Light - 20.03.2025

Beloved Ones,

The Equinox brings a New Light, a New Divine Order in the Earth's templars, and Fabrics that facilitate the migration of the 3D Earth's timelines into 5th-dimensional ones. The relocation of the earth's timelines and many manipulated structures that are being restored is an arduous planetary work that many of you as sonic stabilizers are now involved in.

Sonic stabilizers is a term my Guides use to define those stabilizers working with the earth's sonic pillars in certain key locations that can only be accessed through the power of sound and the knowledge of how to work with these Illumined Frequencies. Many of you have the ability and the DNA-specific coding, to listen to sounds the rest cannot, as part of your mission, following the sound of the earth, calling you where you need to be of assistance next.

Sonic stabilizers are key to anchoring the harmonics that are now being descended into planet Earth, which needs to be realigned to the new earth's frequency. Many of you are assisted by highly evolved beings such as the Arcturians and the Hathors, to work with sound, so you can be attuned to this subtle but powerful frequency and shift the discordant non-benevolent created sounds that interfere with the many connections our planet has with many other dimensions, restoring its openings and portals.

There are three main locations on our planet whose sound can be strongly felt by those who visit them, feeling the difference in the air, the atmosphere, and sound, as when we go to these locations, we are literally outside of our current time-space zone, whether we are sonic stabilizers or not.

These main locations, although there are other "minor" ones, acting as sonic supporters, are Uluru in Australia, Easter Island in Chile, and the Hill of Tara in Ireland. As I said there are others such as Montserrat, Barcelona, and many other important locations around Earth.

There are other fifth-dimensional spaces on the earth, however, their function is totally different than the one these locations fulfill. the main purpose of these location is not only to retrieve communication to other interdimensional worlds but to anchor illumined frequencies from the God Wolrds that only these spaces are prepared to anchor.

These locations act as sound extensors, allowing this unique sound frequency to be extended into other areas that are preparing themselves to become fifth-dimensional spaces. Sound as you know is the origin of Creation, within it mathematical, to name them as such, codes are embedded within sound, containing the instructions required for the space to shift its time-space coordinates, as well as many other anomalies it may have.
As always, nothing is more special than anything else within Creation, for all have a unique and precise function.

Those of you who are awakening to your sonic stabilizing mission may have sensations in your ears that are not uncomfortable I must say, as if so this can be then the result of other issues, but that can be challenging sometimes. These sensations are the consequence of the non-physical opening that your ear's portals are experiencing at this time, getting adjusted to sounds they have never heard before, and to frequencies they do not know yet how to decode.
The more soul aligned that you are to the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions, and the more you focus on knowing yourself, your body, and your unique abilities, supporting your body and living from your Heart, the easier will be for you to receive more clarity about your mission and how to accomplish it, for no one can tell you the details but your soul and Unified Self.

All of you have a precious, unique, and equal role within Creation. I was just guided today to talk about this important role for this time as we move towards the Equinox.
All of you are Divine harmonic channels working for the betterment of the planet in the way you are guided, and that is enough. You are always more than enough for you come from God, and God is infinitely perfect in Her-His decisions and in all She-He creates.
God makes no mistakes, you are perfect, and so is your unique role, for there is nothing imperfect in God's Creations, only in our human delusive mind.
Therefore love, honor, and respect yourselves unconditionally and your unique Divine Purpose, Beloveds.
Thank you for your unique contribution to assist All in this transitional year.
May you always feel your strength, wisdom, and power.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: deepdiverq

Celia Fenn - Spring/Fall Equinox - 20th March 2025

20th March : Spring/Fall Equinox

This is the BIG day.
The change of seasons from Winter to Spring in the North and from Summer to Autumn in the South.
The day and Night are of equal length as the Earth comes intro balance for its onward journey towards the Solstices in June.
This was always a Sacred time for our ancestors, and so it is for us!
At this point between to two eclipses, we are receiving powerful downloads of codes for the New Earth.
This is my new mantra for the coming period: Simplify, Slow Down and Enjoy!
In a time that seems so complex, allowing yourself to simplify the flows of energy in your life will create clarity and focus that will create abundance.
Slowing down is essential as we move to Higher Consciousness. Higher Dimensional consciousness always requires that we slow down in the physical, as in the practice of meditation and the Alpha and Theta brain waves.
In this state we can enjoy life and what we are creating. It is time to release the idea that it will all soon be wonderful and focus on what is wonderful today! Life is a miracle and we can create miracles every day with Love and Gratitude.
Have a wonderful Equinox everyone!
And don't forget the ANGEL WINGS webinar on Sunday where we will launch the ANGEL WINGS movement on Earth to welcome the return of Angelic Consciousness!

Judith Kusel - We have entered a massive stargate - 20.03.2025

We have entered a massive stargate through which we cannot move or gain full entry, until we have truly left behind all the baggage of the Old Earth lifetimes and this one.

For some it may seems like they are in massive turbulence, like when in a plane, only amplified. This will be experienced in all world matters and literally churn up, scatter, shake up, and shake out , all which has been ever miscreated by the collective, including ourselves.

To some it may seem as if they have been pushed over the edge and into the ineffable void. For some it will be that they find their wings and allow themselves to be guided into and through the stargate, even as they all pulled deeper into the vortex energy in the next weeks, months, years, yet now discovering ever greater marvels as they fly. Indeed they find it exhilirating, and are filled with love and joy.

Some will spread those wings, but then find themselves heckled at take off by those who wish to keep them bound.

I am reminded here of visiting a Raptor centre in the Drakensberg where there was a magnificent black eagle. As this eagle took off and gained height, a few crows were doing their best to bring him down, heckling him, even trying to get on his back. But then the eagle shook them off, flew higher and then found a heated air telluric current and it simply became the air beneath his wings where no crows could reach him!
Remember this!

Clear your energy fields, let go completely, spread those wings, and allow the greatest moments of a new life and new experiences to unfold, even as the universal telluric energy becomes the wind beneath your wings and embrace new life beginning, with love and joy!
There is so much to discover in this stargate, more than you can even dream of right now, and all filled with so much goodness, love and blessings.

Photo: All credit to the Source

Pam Gregory - Short news - 20.03.2025

We will see many more protests by ordinary people against the authorities. This is linked to Pluto in Aquarius. Here is another in Turkey, with people protesting against the arrest of the rival to President Erdogan:

The Euclid space telescope has in its first 'data drop' captured 26 million galaxies, some as far off as 10.5 billion light years. I've mentioned several times that in these paradigm-shattering times of Pluto in Aquarius, we are likely to go much deeper into space and get a greater understanding of our cosmos. Pluto has only been fully in Aquarius since last November and is already delivering. Much more to come on this topic, I have no doubt:

Natalia Alba - We are entering into the Equinox's stabilizing passage - 19.03.2025

Beloved Ones,

We are entering into the Equinox's stabilizing passage. Energies that are helping us rehabilitate our DNA, as we continue embodying more Solar plasmatic transmissions, removing false programs and galactic anomalies, and embracing our sovereignty.

Frequencies that are too assisting in the many planetary body changes that are occurring at this time in the fabrics of time and space, as we continue shifting timelines, moving into a new time-space quantic field, as the reconstruction of our earth's fabrics continues and we step more into our new harmonic fifth-dimensional space.

For many of us, this is a time of profound harmonization wherever we are guided to assist. A time for us to be centered in our Hearts, as there are many anomalies in the collective Mind that can make us fall into illusory timelines and other distractions.

Many of us are passing through a challenging time, stabilizing in our familiar, close circles, which is too our main mission when we are guided, together with our templar/grid/fabrics work. As long as you remain within divine love, all that occurs will be embraced with joy and gratitude, as we feel with every challenge-opportunity, we are growing in love, wisdom, and power.

Stabilizers, New Earth's Anchors, Grid workers, Earth's Keepers, and Timelines's Shifters, be prepared for the acceleration that is coming with the Aries eclipse, for we are going to be constantly anchoring, decoding, recalibrating, stabilizing, and bridging the restored grids and earth's spaces with the fifth dimensional ones.

The animal kingdom also requires assistance as they continue transfiguring into illumined beings. Like us, they are too passing through this process and our main task is to support them and give them shelter and care.

The geomagnetic storms that on March 14th hit our planet, together with the eclipse's frequencies, caused lots of changes in our earth's magnetic field. Plasmatic transmissions that are meant to help us in the human transformation we are choosing to trigger at this time, activating our light bodies and preparing us for physical ascension.

This is a quiet time as the many retrogrades confirm, for those of you who resonate with these periods. A time for us to focus on the recalibration and stabilization of our nervous system, fascia, and Atlas bone, as Guides recently shared. The three of them are key to helping us integrate and decode/stabilize all the codes we are processing at this time.

My Guides recommend as well to decrease the amount of time we spend with devices such as computers, and phones, and even disconnect wi-fi for long periods, if we can. These waves often interfere with our personal field and our integration process, as they create many disturbances in ways we are not yet aware.

Focus instead on aligning heart and brain, distilling lower energies, thoughts, feelings, and other influences that impede you from being who you are and remaining in the purity of your Being.

Above all, choose to be the compassionate being that you are, in all situations, with all beings, and forms of consciousness, for it is there where we show our self-mastery.

Choosing to co-create with the current energies and decreeing our purpose in working with them, is also pivotal, for the energies do not do anything on their own, if we do not give them permission, and consciously choose to align with them, as we are respected within Creation, and treated by benevolent energies and beings, as sovereign free beings, and we need to set the intention with what Forces we wish to align to.

May you choose to align with the Forces of Love, Light, Truth, and Unity.
May everything you do be a reflection of the purity in your Heart and the love you hold for All.
Have a blessed Equinox Beloveds!

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba