Judith Kusel - The End of the Old Movies and the Old Actors’ Roles - 30.01.2023
Jason Estes Update - It´s important to celebrate - 29.01.2023

Celia Fenn - The 2/2 Portal and the Aquarius Water Bearer & Comet Macholz - 30.01.2023
A QUICK NOTE #1983 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Ashtar(s) reprogram Solar Waves for soft hits" - 29.01.2023
A QUICK NOTE #1982 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Integrated revolutions in progress" - 28.01.2023
Natalia Alba - 2/2 Portal - 27.01.2023
Jason Estes update - Matter Circuit Dates - 27.01.2023

Cosmicgateway - Soul Walks-In Upgrades - 26.01.2023

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 23.01.2023
Cobra - The Goddess Equator - 25.01.2023
Judith Kusel - "The Fires of Intense and Far-Reaching Changes - 24.01.2023
Celia FEnn - Aquarius the Water Bearer and the Activation of the Aqua Heart : The 2/2 Portal - 24.01.2023
Jason Estes Update - officially begun to fly - we reached 1,3m data points - 23.01.2023

Blog News - 22.01.2023
Someone or rather something (AI algorithm) found my blog and within a week the 3rd blog post is no longer available. They reasoned that those posts violate Blogger's Community Guidelines...they started with an old Fulford´s newsletter (2019), after they had problem with a Meditation invitation and yesterday an article about the Schumann chart and energies get blocked.
My blog and the community here are small compared to the others and I tried to stay "under the radar", but the digital hand of censorship reached here too... let's say this year it will be 6 years since I started my blog and so far peace has reigned here till this year, while the other sites was attacked hard by the iron fists of censorship.
It came unexpectedly, but as long as those articles that can help a lot of people are not deleted, I'm not worried. One of the goals of my blog was to preserve and share articles that can help someone on their way, because I know what it's like when you have thousands of questions and your mind is constantly thinking "something is wrong with me".
As you may have noticed, most of the shared articles deal with energies and not much with "outside" happenings. The reason for this is very simple - I can feel the energies, but I don't have "intelligence" or galactic - or any other connection to be able to defend my point of view authentically - therefore, there is a lot of information circulating on the net about what is happening in the background and what will happen and they are mostly contradictory, so I don't go into it until I have insight or certain information about it. Of course, some articles what I share shake the bar, even I am a sceptic, because let's face it, we have been made to believe quite a lot and not happened and I have adopted an attitude - I believe when I see or feel and know it. And the other is that I don't fall for dates and certain events announced by the truther or spiritual community. Good things happen when they are meant to happen. We can do something about it - first we have to start with ourselves, then in our environment and so on, depending on the individual.
The only information I had last year was that there would be no physical - visible positive change. I was stubborn, I didn't want to believe it - faith dies last - but my higher self was right - again lol . Recently, I had a couple of deja vu - downloads - but I don't know if it was personal or public - it will become clear later :)
What I noticed is that censorship does not affect everyone equally. For example, I stopped using YouTube because of the copyright strike, which can cause my entire channel to be deleted...but e.g. I could not upload the same music, while other channels could, I got copyright strike and the video get deleted but the other channel not. Also, people have been suspicious as to why they haven't deleted my channel yet... simply because I lay low until the warning expired - I'm not a kisser of the dark side lol...I´m not active there and I still got some warnings and some video get deleted. Would be good if the music industry start to produce harmonious frequency music again - the people´s mind would be much healthier.
That's all at the moment...if by chance someone wanted to read that x or y article, I'm sorry, but it's not my fault - may this censorship and cancel culture will disappear one day....then we know the truth and the light won :)
Have a nice day
Jennifer Hoffman - Happy Chinese New Year - 21.01.2023
Celia Fenn - Sun into Aquarius and New Moon in Aquarius - 21.01.2023
Judith Kusel - all is going to start happening at once - 21.01.2023
Jason Estes Update - begun to feel the pull back before we begin to fly - 19.01.2023