We match levels of our own Consciousness incrementally, by aligning to, sustaining frequencies of those CONSCIOUSNESS LEVELS. This is by each one’s own Soul design and own moment to. There is no trying or forcing (of the mind), it just happens TO YOU, FROM YOU, and is PRE-DESIGNED, before you entered this life form. It is Before and Beyond…the linear MIND PROCESSOR that can dominate the human, until the brain ‘marries’ the Heart (as explained a few years ago on this wall). As we each increase our VIBRATION and increase our OSCILLATION (spin) of our cellular body, we become a higher and higher FREQUENCY.
Vibration PLUS Spin, denotes ALL frequencies. In every ONE and every THING. FREQUENCY denotes CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL(s).
The film from many years ago, called ‘LUCY’ has several similarities in terms of what happens to us at a certain STAGE, as we integrate MORE and MORE Consciousness. As we each become higher and HIGHER, ENERGETIC FREQUENCY, we reach a point where DATA CONSTANTLY STREAMS, from Consciousness TO (I emphasise TO) the Mind Processor. The mind is the processor… of ANY data, be that 3D, 4D or higher LIGHT LAYERS. Data Streaming is not about the MIND having it’s own programmed thoughts and ideas (3D and 4D frequency consciousness). What I refer to is Consciousness STREAMING INTO the mind processor as the mind TAKES a back seat to RECEIVE it (where the programmed mind isn’t operating or controlling thoughts or IMAGES). Higher frequency BEING allows us to unpackage and open constant LIGHT CODES. Those unpackaged LIGHT CODES contain LIGHT DATA, that the BRAIN receives and then processes the DATA. All light contains innate INTELLIGENCE. Every single particle of LIGHT. You open (unpackage) this data as you MATCH the frequency of the LIGHT to be unpackaged. Living this way, we are not in BELIEF (separation). We are in AWARENESS. BEING the EXPERIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS (direct data, unseparated). At this stage, we begin to MERGE into all NATURE outside of us, where we begin to become ONE. A part of one tapestry, of energy…as Consciousness.
It can be hard to keep up with a constant data stream of Higher frequencies of LIGHT DATA. Physically impossible to write or record ALL data streaming into you. At such high frequency, of FAST and CONSTANT pace, the MIND personality (lol) can question what to do with all the data streaming into it. If this is happening to you, to just allow and trust the STREAM. Allow its FLOW into you. You are becoming vaster Consciousness.Try not to let the MIND and it’s PERSONALITY OVERLAY interfere with it’s MIND questions of what to do with it all. It will come. You WILL know. At exactly perfect timing.
Everyone is at different stages, yet we are all advancing to what could be described as a CRESCENDO or CONVERGENCE, TOGETHER yet we are all at different alternating frequencies, stages, and STATES. Remember we are witnessing and experiencing Multi-Dimensionality.
As examples of humanities experiences in these last remaining weeks before 21 AND 22 DECEMBER 2022:
1] Some will still be oblivious to SHADOW aspects of self. Where self shadow remains unseen. This can be seen where judgement remains, of all or ANY outside of them.
2] Some will face, glaringly or painfully so, for clearing, SHADOW reflections of self, which is JUST to be seen, acknowledged, accepted, and loved. We are all, EVERY FREQUENCY. So to see and accept all aspects of self, allows the being to BECOME ready, to TRANSCEND out of the field of polarity. It’s a Stage of ascension.
3] Some have, are or will go through a type of ‘Living Death’ (Stage of ascension) during these remaining weeks. It’s a particular Stage to go through at their right timing. We go through many ‘living releases and surrenders’ at many stages. Yet this one I refer to is a Living FINAL death retaining the body physical. And can be confused with other previous ‘living death’ Stages.
4] Others, who have ascended through Stages 1 to 3 above in previous years, experience INCREASED RISE to 21 and 22 December via their SUSTAINED level of BLISS/COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. This is a level of consciousness that varies daily yet is a variance between HAPPY, BLISS and ECSTASY frequencies. Frequency at this stage is at WILL. And Consciousness amplification IS at speed due to SUSTAINED high frequencies. Heading to Solstice they are BEING and experiencing OUTSIDE of what we Label 3D and 4D illusions. They live in a higher frequency state, yet still have a living body, where they just bare witness to the ILLUSIONS of 3d and 4d. Supporting from their OWN FIELD, outside of the 3D and 4D Games. They may be laying foundations in 5d. Yet others with physical vessel in 5d, may be focusing (7d to 9d) on the further amplifying of ENERGY FREQUENCIES, in their continued expansion, further embodiment and experience, beyond 5d frequency bandwidth.
5] Others, for now, will not be experiencing conscious awareness of junctures 1-4 outlined above. Each have their own journey, soul choices, parts to play, and also their ‘future’ perfectly designed timings. Many many more will awaken. Often times, awakened beings can JUDGE these Souls. When what’s in front of the one judging, is to see their own judgement, to clear JUDGEMENT.
I was given this particular data only yesterday…To expect ‘people’ in the illusions of 3d and 4d, to CHANGE CHARACTER. To explain: you may know someone close in your world, or it may be someone on the public world stage. You will have experienced them, YOUR WAY, via YOUR OWN perception. Unique to you. They have played a ROLE to you, for you…But to expect certain people in your illusion, to ADOPT a DIFFERENT character yet retain the same body. I guess at human personality level, this would be interpreted as someone changing how they speak, think, act. What a hoot!

So you see, no one, is having your OWN experience…There is ONLY YOU, having your experience, storyline, beliefs, behaviours, reactions, self realisations, aha moments, based on a SHARED DESIGN we all follow. ONLY YOU find your own answers. They come at right timing from WITHIN YOU. Where your OWN dreamtime is guiding YOU increasingly. And will INCREASE for all as we go. Pay attention to Dreamtime…as we go!!! It is YOU that receive your OWN INTERNAL data and revelations. TRUST in your OWN WAY home.
Whatever your experience in these weeks ahead up to 21 and 22 December 2022, you are being LOVED and SUPPORTED through every day and every moment. There is a stage when you TRULY KNOW this. To feel that support, to know it is with you, for you, felt and known, needs ONLY YOU to choose your HEART. Drop into it. FEEL. For your own Heart’s Connection and your OWN choice to emanate Thy Love, opens you, continuously, to the One Infinite.
With Love,
Amanda Lorence
30 November 2022