"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

GaiaPortal "Gaia is reborn" - 31.01.2020

Spartans retire from heavy works.
Supporters of Light embrace the climbers.
Angels enter.
Gaia is reborn.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Deconstructions happen.
Karma enters in zone.
Dungeons are illuminated by Goddesses.
Mystical artifacts are projected.
Prosperity Island entering in Stellar Realignment.
Subdivisions coming to an end.
Inner Realms stand out.
Divine Warnings continue.
Deep pains must be observed.
Attention The Slavery Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 86% (not countdwn).
The Slavery Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 86% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention, *The Pirate Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 72% (not countdown).
*The Pirate Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 79% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention, *The Gypsy Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 80% (not countdown).
*The Gypsy Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 88% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 01.27.2020

January 27, 2020Khazarian mob using virus fear porn in desperate attempt to keep control over its 200-plus “nation states”

You can read the full report on the following sites:

Please use your own discernment!

Cobra Situation Update - End Time Madness - 29.01.2020

As we are now right before the dawn of the new Golden Age, a strong purification must occur before we as a planet can enter the Light. This purification is called the end time madness.

The end time madness is happening individually, with many people freaking out and showing dysfunctional behavior, but also globally. 

Since they know now that their end is inevitable, the Cabal wants to destroy the surface human population in the process of their own downfall.

They attempted that in December last year by triggering the financial collapse through the repo market, and that did not work, they tried that in early January through escalation with Iran, that did not work, they tried to engineer a false flag in Virginia, that did not work, so what is left?

A global pandemic scare.

2019-nCoV is an advanced ethnic bioweapon that targets mostly Asian population:

The current epidemic is a result of covert biological warfare that goes on between China and USA.

Chinese long term military strategy against USA is based on bioweapons to a great degree:

The Chinese agents have stolen the coronavirus from Canadian lab:

And upgraded it into a bioweapon at the lab in Wuhan:

Then a USA agent, previously infiltrated into the Wuhan lab, and involved in the development of the virus, stole a sample of coronavirus and spread it into the Wuhan seafood and animal market. From then on the virus was spreading with geometric progression that can really look scary:

It is interesting to note here that Peter Salama, a renowned epidemiologist that worked for WHO and a board member of GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, died on January 23rd:

The Pleiadians are working tirelessly to stop the epidemic. On Friday, January 24th, they have developed the first Stardust nanopowder to erase the virus and have spread it towards the surface of the planet from their ships stationed in Low Earth Orbit. The virus has reacted to the nanodust and mutated into a slightly less lethal and slightly more transmissible form.

Learning from the reaction of the virus, the Pleiadians have developed a more advanced version of Stardust and applied it on Monday and Tuesday (January 27th and 28th).

As as result of this, the virus is not spreading anymore with geometric progression as it was until now, and appears to be slowing down:

The Light forces are expecting that the spread of infection will even out in a week or two, with less and less new cases reported after that.

After enough attempts, the Pleiadians will be able to completely hack the virus and stop it from spreading, exactly in the same way they stopped the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918:

The viruses can only spread effectively when they receive support from the dark forces on the plasma plane.

Also, all remaining Chimera plasma spiders are extremely starved and on the brink of extinction, and now they are rushing to Wuhan and other cities with high number of infections to feed off fear and suffering.

This is a perfect trap for them, as the Light Forces can clear them much more effectively when they all gathered in such a small space and are not evenly spread around the surface of the planet anymore.

The Light Forces are now intensively clearing all the infection-supporting plasma and all plasma Chimera spiders and with this rate of purification, all plasma Chimera beings will be gone in a week or two, with only physical Chimera in US Space Command and DARPA remaining.

The Light Forces are asking everybody that feels so guided to support this clearing process by visualizing violet flame purifying all virus-supporting plasma and all plasma Chimera spiders.

People can also help stopping the coronavirus epidemic with the following meditation:

It is very important to stay calm and not give into fear. To put things into perspective, over 80,000 people died from common flu in 2018 in United States alone, and nobody seems to worry:

And 650,000 people worldwide:

For an average human being, the risk of getting this coronavirus is very low and will most likely remain low:

The best advice for anybody would be to threat this epidemic the same way as the common flu. This will take out the most of the fear.

You can check the current state of the epidemic here:

And here:

When this epidemic scare subsides, the Cabal has another trick up their sleeves:

Even that will not work, as the Light Forces are already working on the solution.

The Blue Dawn is coming:

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Old impulses are discontinued.
Crossings of ideas are strengthened.
Marine fraternize.
Gods of Eden reborn.
MiD juggling are discontinued.
Special Harvests start.
Magnetic Island security alert! Sentries present reorganize.
Wise men comfort themselves.
True Loves are reborn.
Neva Grid: Construction/Forming started >>>> 77% (not countdown).
Cycles close and new ones are reborn in multiplans.
Magic understanders expand.
Neva Grid: Pillars anchoring in progress: 2/7 44% (not countdown).
Attention Aquarius/Yaís, The Prince of the Seas! Specific Supports of immediate Buddha Columns. PVSE triad. 100% (not countdown). Next >>> Reverberation.
Arkharariha base completely breached. Discontinuations in progress: 83% (not coundown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Old artifacts blockages happen.
Viral patterns dissolving.
Purges by CVirus take place. Evidenced mental routines enlightenment.
Equalities happen.
Heavenly Chants continue to be heard.
Accelerators are applauded.
Authorized entries are seem. Risk Impact: zero
Attention *The Gypsy Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 77% (not countdown).
*The Gypsy Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 86% (not countdown. The Light Celebrates!
P1: Alumi1 Projector pointed. Maximum brightness achieved: Support/Enlightenment started: 100% (not countdown).
Z Field Plasma – recognized. Removal suction started: 35% (not countdown).
Ancestral Fire kindled.
Rebirths happen.
Attention Vanula, The Source of Potions! *RejuvD in its primary anchorage. Started: 80% (not countdown).
Attention Vanula, The Source of Potions! *RejuvD  BOOSTED>>>>> 82% (not countdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Judi Satori - Understanding the New Energies

Understand the New Energies...what is happening to us RIGHT NOW?

We have now entered a powerful new chapter of our Ascension upgrade story. There was a marked shift of energy last week on the 20th of January. ... Remember, it's all good and positive, even if at times it does not feel this way!

We are ALL at different stages in this IMMEDIATE ADAPTATION to the new energy streaming to Earth so far this year. It is a process of our bodies, energy circuitry and minds first ADJUSTING to, then ACCOMMODATING and then gradually INTEGRATING to become ONE with the new Ascension energy frequencies.

There are three distinct stages...

1. ADJUSTMENT...a contraction of energy...possible physical and/or emotional discomfort, release of sadness, irritation, anger and other states of being that no longer serve YOU and ARE YOU...the TRUTH OF YOUR SOUL.

2. ACCOMMODATION AND RECALIBRATION...changes going on in body, mind and soul self. You might experience energy surges, heat, tingling in the body, bloating caused by energy adaptation, which might make you feel very irritable and crave sugar, or carbohydrates and feel exhausted. Sleep more, eat more plant-based and green foods, drink more water with liquid chlorophyll added, detoxify the body with nettle tea for blood cleansing, liver and colon cleansing, walk in nature. Try not to worry about your health. I have been through this process and it is not lasting!

3. INTEGRATION...The gear box of your KA, YOUR BODY, will shift into a higher gear. You will know when this happens as you will have more energy, feel more relaxed and joyful, life will flow better and synchronicities will just magically seem to occur. You have TEMPORARILY ARRIVED AT A NEW PLACE. However, for all of 2020 and for the next 13 years accelerated upgrade of who we know ourselves to be as HUMAN BEINGS will CONTINUE. We are only at the beginning of this incredible journey of transformation.

I will write more about the current Ascension changes in my FEBRUARY ASCENSION LIBRARY NEWSLETTER. All library members, as well as everyone on my mailing list, will receive this information. To join the library, or access the FREE EXPLORE section visit http://rfr.bz/fadueu

Love and blessings, Judy.

Original Post: FaceBook


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Metatronic Angel anchorin in PVSE. Special harmonization in progress...
Negative ones distort themselves.
Lower realms are subdivided.
Divine archetypes continue mirroring each other.
New lines are seen.
Old kings bow.
Tremors are seen. Harmonizers are sent.
Abrupt breakouts shake Crystal Master. Harmonizations being initiated.
Dangerous etherics are removed.
Queen H in appropriate discontinuation of ether performances. "Advisors" observe.
Portal 2020 being opened. Proper separations started. T3/T4/T5 >>> 29% (not countdown).
Attention Hebah Mystics! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 19% (not countdown).
*Hebah Mystics: Line Enlightenment in progress: 19% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Attention The Romanian Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 9% (not countdown).
The Romanian Line: Line Enlightenment in progress: 8% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Multidimensional Gates expand.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Coronavirus and what can be behind

As you've noticed, the news is full of coronavirus reports. Every day more and more sick and dead people and spread to other continents as the USA, Japan, Europe, etc. A lot of people started to blame the Chinese people "because they eat everything that moves" and here it is much more and they don't see the People behind the tragedy. 

First, this virus is a man-made one like the H1N1, SARS or the Zyka virus and so on. The Cabal does everything which makes our world into chaos, reduces the population and distracts people from the real issue. In previous, they start to make war (USA-Iran) and WW3 but their attempt was failed, they made the climate hysteria, overflood Europa with migrants, mass shootings, mass violence demonstrations, government changes, etc. and of course, after that, the epidemic could not be left out of their repertoire like in the previous years and all of failed like this will be. One thing we know, what the media pushes and repeats and all over the news - then it has to do with the deep state/cabal because they control the media. They like to make fear and divide people! And what they do right now is to create fear, they already secretly produce the antidotes, later sell it - make the people really sick while they earn a bunch of money and while this happens nobody cares about the other things that are behind the curtain. At the moment the USA bankruptcy and all the global financial system which is literally dying. 

One interesting thing what I would like to mention when last time we were in town at the red light a white van stopped by our side with a logo - Umbrella corporation...while it started to become big news this virus thing. What a big synchronicity! If somebody does not knows then check out the Resident Evil movie. And also now have a premiere for a new epidemic series on Netflix...

Illuminati Cards back in time...

Also, the new Fulford newsletter starts with it: "The Khazarian mob is fighting for its life and stoking pandemic fear porn in a desperate attempt to keep its control grid over humanity, multiple sources say. This is happening because they cannot meet a payments deadline (temporarily extended into February) for the United States of America Corporation... it is highly unlikely the “Coronavirus” outbreak in China was a naturally occurring event. There are many signs this pandemic was planned in advance in an attempt to extort money from China for the U.S. Corporation...There was a systematic attack on all Internet sites that provide news suppressed by the corporate propaganda media.
It looks like they had a rehearsal on October 18, 2019, when a huge exercise was held in the U.S. simulating a pandemic and the resulting economic collapse. The sponsors of this event were the World Economic Forum (Davos), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins University.  In other words, Cabal Central.  Then just as the World Economic Forum was having its annual meeting in Davos on January 21-24, 2020, a real pandemic broke out and was given saturation publicity."

You should also know that China´s media and governments always censor their news and information, so take it with a pinch of salt and our western news overdramatizing it too. 
Also, The prepare of change writers digging a bit into this virus so they find out, that the father of this Virus is the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and virus didn’t originate in China but it is a C.I.A and this virus is originally the SARS Virus.

Here you can check out, read and download the documents - https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/6b/c3/21/a62eb55a0e678c/US7220852.pdf

So it is a biological weapon or just a hoax? Time will tell, but this you should know...The Anglo-Saxon Mission " there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, "China will catch a cold". Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened."
The nuclear attacks did not happen thanks to the Galactics and other light organizations and also will not be allowed.

So until we do not know more, the first and most important - DONT FEAR, when you are in fear, you give a lot of energy for this, you stress out your body, your energy resonance dropdown, your immune system reduce and you easily catch any kind of virus, illnesses, physically and mentally too.

What you can DO:
Wash your hands frequently, always carry with you alcoholic tissue, use facemask if you feel to do so, if you are in public places don´t touch your mouth, eat healthy with vitamins, especially high dose Vitamine C, ginger, Grapefruit drops, all in all, boost your immune system, watch less news, do quality sleep, and don´t stress.

And if you want, you can participate in mass meditations every 4 hours. Here you can read all of the info what you need to know:


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
New lines light up for cures.
Revolutions are applauded.
Hysterics are not heard.
Announced karma begins.
New paradigms are established.
Metatronic Order is based on PVSE. Special Angel “pulled” by Neva.
PRENOLI++ - - - - S2! <O>>>>> Eleven. S2
Deep cures being started. Enhanced PVSE support. The Light Celebrates!
Arkharariha base completely breached. Discontinuations in progress: 82% (non-regressive).
*URítmoCaD in SINGLE CALL PULSE >>> 74% (not countdown).
“Stop” >>>>> 100%  (not countdown) <<<<<.
*Detox Protocol delivered. Reverberation at 96% (not countdown).
Old noises are not heard.
Green Angel mirroring continue.
Temporarily, end of transmission.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
PRENOLI++ - - - S2! <O>>>>> Eleven.
Larger structures are visualized.
Water Visionaries expand fields.
Nodes merge and expand.
Paradigms of old pain come to dissolution.
Queen H shuddered in new visualizations.
Quantum patterns expand.
Missionary Ancestors arrive.
Attention PVSE and the Related* SPELLS+++ in ANCHORAGES and SPECIFIC REVERBERATIONS: 59% (not countdown).
*MIRV Program: Complete updates in progress. 56% (not countdown).
Alliance +++: Anchoring and Expansion. 44% (not countdown).
Numbers deliver “wake up” codes.
2020 = 4 = 22 = LC Recreations and Manifest Truths.
Unreal "loves" dissolve.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

GaiaPortal "Gaia Feminines enwomb the awakening" 25.01.2020

Fellerites of Light combine with the Oxygens to enhance the Hue-being expansion.
Stoic Presences support the changes.
Foremen of the Highlands lead the way.
Gaia Feminines enwomb the awakening.


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Line changes take place! High degrees evident! The Light Celebrates!
Idini expanders installed on Magnetic Island! Attention Cranus! Orchestra Started for Waves…
Attention Héreluz, The Guardian of Ages! Immediate calls for bubble fusions.
Amateurs are sidelined!
Calls from Green Angels are heard.
Divine Dives are exponential!
Queen H discontinued. “Amputations” happen in multiplans.
Divine arrows are fired for harmonization.
Dreams Island (in the Glossary seek for NEW ISLANDS) being mapped. Projectors pointed and supporting. >>> 2% (not countdown).
TSF (AFE): Special Projector support at  92% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
TSF (AFE) Package in reverb! Reverberation at 98% (not countdown).
Special Projector for Knights of the Order in anchoring! 92% (not countdown).
Special Projector for Knights of the Order in reverberation! 76% (not countdown).
Ancestral Samples expand Panorama.
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Alex Myles - New Moon in Aquarius

So far January has been a chaotic and highly challenging month for many of us. Fortunately, as this New Moon rises much of the highly charged intense energy that has been reverberating since the solar eclipse on December 26th will finally start to settle down.

The supercharged energy that generated between the December eclipse and the January 10th lunar eclipse is simmering and we are now entering the “eye of the storm” phase where all begins to feels calm and settled, and where major aspects of our lives click into place and begin to make sense.

This New Moon is in the sign of Aquarius and will impact all zodiac signs, but particularly those with Aquarius in their chart.

Aquarius is known as for being a game-changer, bringing regeneration, plot twists, transformation, breakthroughs and progress, so expect emotional, mental, spiritual or even physical shifts and changes over the next few days, and continuing on until the next New Moon on February 23rd.

Aquarius can come across as quite aloof and detached when it comes to emotions, feelings and connections, preferring independence, freedom and autonomy over their lives. This means we may notice we feel quite rebellious and find ourselves yearning for space, wanting to break free from outdated traditions or tear down dynamics that have felt confining, limiting or controlling. We may suddenly feel bored with normality and want to detangle from anything that feels too restricting or repressive, preferring to walk our own unique path, regardless how that looks to others.

Under Aquarius’ influence we will be seeing with clarity for the first time in weeks, seeing straight through illusions, masks and filters. This gives us the ability to disengage or distance ourselves from anyone or anything that creates pain, disharmony or disturbs our peace.

Instead of being triggered to irrationally and emotionally react, our mind will be crystal clear and we will feel grounded and in control, and we will either say nothing, very little or respond with calmness, courage and conviction.

The current of this New Moon calls on us to internalize love for a change and to find comfort, warmth and familiarity in romancing and loving ourselves. It is highly recommended to start new self-care rituals and to unapologetically take time for vital self-love, self-nourishment and self-care.

Aquarius is the “water bearer”, which means this New Moon will bring in a cleansing, renewing and recharging energy. The refreshing lunar energy will likely cause us to awaken on this New Moon feeling refreshed and rebirth, as though the New Year has only just begun, and the intensity of the past few weeks has suddenly dissipated.

Aquarius is associated with time, through Saturn, one of it’s rulers, so don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel as though you’ve entered a new age, started a new era or that time suddenly appears to be going far slower or quicker than normal.

It is also possible to be feeling highly nostalgic with wishful thinking about the future during this lunation, due to reoccurring thoughts about the past, future premonitions and vivid dreams about significant current issues, as the past, present and future blur into one.

We may feel impatient for our future dreams and desires to actualise, and that we want changes to happen instantly, and under this Aquarius moon absolutely anything is possible, so be certain that what you wish for is what you actually want and need. If we are being made to wait a little longer, perceive it as just a lesson in remaining present and enjoying every stage of the journey, especially if we are right at the start of planning stages.

Everything will fruition exactly when it is ready, and in the meantime there may be a lot of soul alignment that needs to occur to ensure we are fully prepared to receive the full blessings held within the intentions we are setting.

Connections from the past may reappear either so that healing and reunions can occur, or so a repeating lesson can finally be learned and closed.

Old energy, old lessons and old structures and patterns will all most definitely be clearing out, as the old lunar cycle closes, a new cycle starts and a brand new chapter begins.

It is imperative to work with this energy by clearing space for new possibilities and experiences, especially as during this Moon phase it is likely that significant soul-deep connections could arrive, that end up holding a prominent place in our future.

If we have been trying to manifest a new direction in life, starting a new career, moving house, quitting bad habits, or completely starting over, now is most definitely the time to put in the work, faith and dedication to make it happen. Particularly as Mercury Retrograde (notorious for not being a good time for new projects/new starts/major change) is only a few weeks away. Therefore, make use of this strong and revitalising energy by putting plans into action and committing to making those necessary, long-awaited and long-desired changes become a reality.

The energy we hold at this start of this New Moon sets the tone for the entire lunar month, so, if possible, attune with Aquarius’ mentally strong energy force and begin this cycle with optimistic high vibrational thoughts and feelings. If there have been challenges and set-backs recently, attempt to pull away from overanalzing, ruminating or overthinking. Try to alter perception and focus all attention on manifesting the intentions you are setting during this New Moon.

Moon phases always cause a shift in energy, however this is one that will cause a shake up on all levels, so we will feel emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically altered as the days pass by.

We are ultimately responsible for the direction in which our energy shifts, whether up, down or sideways, so it is vital to remain consciously aware of who, what and where our thoughts are trailing off to.

New Moons are the beginning of a brand new cycle and chapter, so it is imperative to set the stage now for how we want the rest of the lunar month to play out. Keep the mind firmly fixed on the seeds you are planting, and hold the visualisation and feeling of exactly how you want them to bloom and grow.

This major reset and reboot may feel unsettling at times, but as soon as the New Moon has passed all discordant energies will recalibrate and inner and outer peace will reside and life will finally start falling into perfect place.

To integrate this powerful cleansing and rejuvenating energy and to ensure a harmonious New Moon, drink plenty of filtered water, rest where possible, take a saltwater bath, play soothing music (binaural beats) and light candles, incense or burn sage. Also, try to detach from technology, spend some time outdoors with nature, indulge in comforting pastimes or carry out a New Moon ritual alone or with your favourite person/people.

New Moon Ritual

New moons are all about new beginnings, and there is no better time to make drastic change than during this moon phase.

On a New Moon we are being taught vital lessons about letting go of the old to clear space for the new. This often happens through losing things we once felt were important to us. This could mean people may end relationships with us or we might cut ties, we may either temporarily or permanently misplace items that had sentimental or financial value, or we may lose data due to technology malfunctioning, such as laptops or phones breaking, being stolen, or the information just seemingly “disappearing.”

Much of this will feel highly frustrating and even emotionally difficult to accept, although it is a major sign that we need to work hard at letting go of our attachment to whatever doesn’t exist in the present moment.

Letting go is vital for soul growth, as when we attempt to hold on we remain stuck in old energy and struggle to move onward and create new experiences, relationships, and opportunities. Often, we don’t realise that we are holding on, as our emotions become trapped within our subconscious, so the universe sends us sharp lessons (like losing things!) to awaken us so we recognise we are not fully living in the present moment due to our attachment to the past.

The fastest and easiest way to spiritually awaken is not through learning various concepts, philosophies, and ancient practices—it is simply through the acceptance that all we really have is this present moment, and anything in the past or future is no longer or not yet part of our true reality here on Earth. So much of our pain and suffering is due to either anxiety over what’s already happened or fear of what we might encounter in the future, and we waste so much energy conjuring up scenarios and reminiscing about what isn’t actually here in the now.

We often don’t realise the amount of energy expended when we contain so much of our past and live in anticipation of what the future holds—or how disempowering it is. When we learn to let go with grace and gratitude, we instantly discover that we not only feel freer and lighter, but we also let go of pain and suffering, which gives us an incredible amount of energy to focus on manifesting a beautiful existence in the present moment.

To let anything go, we must surrender to what is. Surrendering is the most powerfully healing and transformational thing we can do—and sometimes it is our only option, as whether we like it or not, not everything or everyone is meant to be in our lives.

The most beneficial way to align with a new moon, is to spend plenty of time in solitude for much needed introspection, and to meditate as often as possible before, during, and after the new moon to connect with source energy and receive much needed insights, wisdom, and guidance from this transformational celestial event.

All we need is a bowl of water, a floating candle, and sage or incense to burn. Fill the bowl with water, if possible from the ocean or lake, or pink Himalayan salt or natural sea salt added to tap water.

If it is not possible to go outdoors this ritual can be performed indoors, just be cautious with the paper and floating candle :)

Find a spot outdoors—if possible by the lake, ocean, or in a forest —and sit cross-legged with a straight spine and head slightly lowered. (If this isn’t comfortable, choose any seated or supine position.) Hands can be placed in front of the chest, palms lightly together, and thumbs and little fingers touching one another. Breathe deeply to calm the mind.

Place the bowl on the ground and light the floating candle in the bowl. If you have healing crystals, these can also be placed in the water to enhance the effects of the ritual.

Write on a piece of paper anything you wish to release. It can be a word, a sentence, or entire paragraphs full of detail—whatever feels necessary to purge at the time.

Read aloud what has been written, and then immerse the piece of paper in the water to cleanse and transform the energy relating to the memories.

The flame from the floating candle is a purifier and neutralises any negativity emanating from the note; it also symbolises our intention to let go of any pain attached to it.

Next, inhale deeply through the nose, feeling the belly area expand; hold for approximately five seconds. On the inhale, notice the chest expanding slightly. This allows the heart chakra to open. While we are pausing, the energy stored in our lungs rejuvenates and recharges our circulatory system. We can then exhale slowly through the mouth before pausing for a few seconds and repeating the breathing exercise.

Deep breathing allows the flow of energy (prana) to move around the body and helps relieve tension surrounding the heart area. Each inhaled breath signifies the manifestation of new beginnings, and each exhaled breath signifies endings or releasing.

Continue to deeply inhale and exhale, and allow all thoughts in the mind to float around for a few moments. Notice which thought repeats continuously and focus attention briefly on it.

For a few moments, acknowledge the feelings attached to the thought and envisage gently blowing them away. Continue this process with other thoughts niggling at the mind. Allow them a few moments, and then release by taking focused attention away from them.

Next envisage your heart radiating with love, and repeat a powerful affirmation, such as: “With love, gratitude, and tenderness, I now let go of…” Or: “I release the past and have total acceptance for this moment.”

Meditation is about remaining as much in the present moment as possible. When we are present, there is little suffering. Whenever we feel our mind casting back or projecting forward, it is important to gently bring it back to the here and now.

As we continue meditating, we will release anxiety and any painful emotions accompanying our thoughts. We can meditate for a few minutes or longer depending on how we feel. The more often we meditate, the more effective the practice will be.

Burning sage at the end of the meditation cleanses any negative energy and positively charges the atmosphere with. We can ground our energy by drinking a glass of water with a few sprinkles of pink Himalayan salt in it, and keeping the awareness that we’re safely supported by the earth below.

Once we have completed the meditation, we can transfer our empowering thinking into our daily lives by remembering that thoughts can become repetitive. The more we think about something, the more that thought and the emotions attached to it linger. When we think positive thoughts, we experience “feel good” emotions. The opposite is also true. We have the power to change how we feel by remaining aware and in control of our thoughts.

Many of us may have felt emotionally depleted and challenged by the struggles we have endured during 2019 and at the beginning of 2020. With this Aquarius New Moon we are now ready to release them and walk into the next chapter wiser, lighter, freer, open and ready for incredible new possibilities, opportunities and experiences.

Original article: FaceBook

The first New Moon for 2020

The first New Moon of 2020 is coming into Aquarius on January 24th, 2020.
Regardless of the sign, you were born in, this New Moon in Aquarius is giving us the perfect blank canvas for starting to paint our greatest masterpiece to date. New moons open energy portals that allow us to set our intentions as we reenergize and refocus on what we truly want. This New Moon is showering us in an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. This is a time for rebellion as we set out to walk our won true life´s path without apology and without hesitation.

Celia Fenn - Aquarious Gate

Ladies...and gents....don't forget to pick up your crowns as you strut through the Aquarius Gate with confidence and power!
The Queen and King are entering the Kingdom of the New Earth!
As we move towards the 2/2 gate under the powerful frequencies of Formalhaut and Regulus, we are certainly feeling the increasing energies and the shifts between "normal" brain wave patterns and the higher Alpha and Theta patterns that are activating.
As we evolve to become Fully Multi-dimensional, we are also evolving to be able to modulate our brain wave frequencies depending on the frequency grid in which we find ourselves.
This is how we enter into the Golden Age of Peace at the Aquarius Gate. When we are in Alpha state we are in that peaceful state of meditation, and when we are in Theta state we are almost in a trance like dream state.
Recently, you may have found yourself tired and sleepy, just wanting to rest, or sit and stare into space, or forgetting things or words you would normally know. This is when you have shifted into another brain wave pattern at a higher frequency and your brain is not working in linear narrative mode any more. You may feel disconnected and lost, grasping for meaning.....
Don't worry, you are not losing it, your brain and body are simply being realigned to be able to carry multiple brain wave patterns in your multi-dimensional state.
Just make sure your Crown is on straight before you pass through the Aquarius Gate!

Original Post: FaceBook

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 01.20.2020

Rothschilds kicked out of Russia and Japan as world revolution unfolds

You can read the full report on the following sites:

Please use your own discernment


P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Recentralizations happen with mastery.
Divine Pairing takes place.
Divine Globalization is orchestrated.
Deva Realms merge together.
Divider spaces are removed.
Reconnectors- are discontinued.
Spaces for Divine Creations are offered.
Divine reunions occur in multiplans.
Spectators of New Waves arrive.
Risks of new losses are nillified.
Missionary facilities are seen.
Conflict removals occur.
Survival desires expand in Love.
Vices are cut by Transcendental Superior.
Temporarily, end of transmission.